The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 951, Our team faces the sun

Here in Middenstanger, the greenskins have begun to fight with the Middenlord army.

Veronica's great spell has caused terrible casualties to the greenskins. The battlefield is full of greenskin corpses. Under the attack of Veronica's most powerful fire spell - Doomsday Judgment, Meteors and fire engulfed everything. Chancellor Gloria's super-large spell caused the imperial army to burst into thundering cheers, and also successfully covered the sudden advance of the Midden-led army from the Teutonic Guards and the Ulric Sword Legion. Retreat quickly.

Veronica and her coven needed some time to rest, so they retreated temporarily.

But this was not enough to defeat the greenskin army. In fact, such a terrible spell only cost the greenskins more than 8,000 casualties, and the Spider King Snagra-Spirit had more than 60,000 greenskin troops at his disposal. Following its order, the remaining greenskins still moved forward bravely. Fanaticism and waaagh are always the best ways to boost the morale of the wild orcs. As for the Goblins? It doesn't matter, the spiders will secrete a kind of hallucinogenic slime, and the goblin shamans will also search for and pick out a special mushroom in the dark dark forest of Drakwald. This mushroom will also be made with Potions with strong hallucinogenic effects were distributed to Goblin Spider Riders.

Therefore, the morale of the green-skinned army was not affected, and they quickly rushed towards the defense line of Midenland's army under the order of the Spider King.

Midden led the army to face the enemy in a diagonal formation according to the predetermined tactics. After the Teutonic Guards and the Ulric Sword Legion successfully withdrew into the army formation, the halberdiers and spearmen quickly stepped forward and formed a very tight formation. , the imperial captain and the imperial officers gave orders, and Marshal Heinrich of Middenheim galloped in the military formation on a horse, shouting orders.

Although the equipment of the Midden Territory is not as well-equipped and heroic as the armies of the Reik Territory or Nuer in the south of the empire, and it is not as good as the rich Aiwei Territory that can have a large number of free people with their own equipment, the Midden Territory People are barbaric and warlike, and the soldiers know very well that war is an eternal theme in this black forest, and they are willing to die to defend their homeland.

The greenskin army began to charge.

The first ones who rushed to the front were the goblins, especially the thin goblin cavalry and the goblins. These scumbag cannon fodder soldiers seemed to be here to send them, but in fact they were indeed so. The troops who ascended the throne were ordered to prohibit shooting and archery, because musket bullets and arrows had to be used in more useful places.




The first ones to rush over were the farts. These little chic little creatures looked real. Most of them were wrapped in rags and held sticks or sticks made of wood in their hands. Some of them didn’t even have sticks. They made loud noises. With a strange cry, he jumped up on the spot one or two meters away from the imperial army's formation, wanting to show some of his strength.

The army led by Miden looked at them with contempt. The halberdiers tore them into pieces with just two swings of the halberd tip, and the flying flesh was torn apart in groups. The farts didn't make any waves.

Followed by hundreds of goblin spider riders, they rushed towards the Midden leader along a short slope in the sun. Each goblin rode a black pit spider. These spiders were about half a meter long. High, one meter wide, with no cover and lack of formation. The disorganized charge made Marshal Heinrich realize that this was not a real threat. He ordered the artillery to concentrate on attacking the enemy forces behind, and then ordered the archers and crossbowmen to move forward. forward.

The goblin spider riders rushed blindly, turning their limbs wildly, staring with eyes, and shouting the slogans of the spider god. The imperial crossbowmen and archers easily harvested these fragile cavalry, even if there were a few A goblin who slipped through the net was also pierced and chopped to pieces by the spears and halberds of the military formation.

"Waaagh~ah!" When a larger Goblin Spider Rider rushed in front of Leader Miden, he found that he was the only one left. Not only was he not afraid, but he was even more excited, because his brain had been smoked by the hallucinogenic drug. With only the emotion of waaagh, it rushed blindly, turned its limbs crazily, and stared straight into its eyes. It continuously avoided the siege of several spears, but because it failed to control the spider well, it hit a horse-rejecting fence and was trapped by it. It was pierced by the sharp spikes and squirming in pain. The Imperial swordsmen mercifully rushed forward to make up for it and drained its blood.

This is how the first wave of offensive ended.

"It's not difficult to solve," Heinrich-Todbringer whispered: "The real challenge lies behind."

Marshal Middenheim rode a war horse through the line. According to Ryan's request, this time they formed a diagonal formation in front of Middenstanger. It seemed that this formation had begun to have an effect, and the greenskins quickly You will find that you have to invest much more troops than you imagined to pose a threat to the human front, but humans also have to take risks, and the diagonal formation also has its own drawbacks. The marshal pulled the reins, and the weak sunlight shone on him. The Musketeers were still waiting for their chance.

The first wave of offensive was quickly followed by the second wave of offensive. Now thousands of wild orcs are advancing rapidly under the command of their warlord Grote. These wild orcs often have only a piece of crotch cloth on their bodies and hold a The most primitive weapons, they continue to pour out from the edges of forests and hills. These greenskins have brought disaster to the old world for more than five thousand years. Long before Charlemagne, the greenskins have taken root in the world. They are like slimy fungi that can be cleaned up but never eradicated.

The bodies of the wild greenskins are engraved with many ancient patterns and tattoos. They are holding battle axes, big sticks or machetes. The bodies of these wild orcs exude a strong stench, which is a combination of bad breath, body odor, feces odor and The disgusting smell combined with the unique odor of green skin made the Midden leaders who had eaten a big fat meal in the morning want to vomit when they smell it. The strong stench that forced in had already affected the imperial army, and now At that time, the leader of Midden finally received the order to fire.

"First column, fire!"

The musketeers strode forward. They lined up in a long queue. After taking aim, a row of muskets spit out tongues of fire at the wild orcs, unfolding a curtain of flash and tear. The wild orcs were shot one after another. , they staggered, relying on the protection of wildness and Goge power to forcibly support their bodies and refused to fall, but the wild orcs rushing up behind them unceremoniously pushed over or even chopped down the guy blocking their way to the ground. , just like the charred corpses on the battlefield that were burned by the Doomsday Judgment, the greenskins are fearless!


The approaching greenskins did not frighten the Midden leaders. This seemed to them to be a common occurrence. After frantically reloading, the musketeers pulled the triggers again, and the tongues of fire erupted with thunderous roars. The smell of black powder overcame the body odor of the greenskins. The wild orcs could not rely on the protection of their tattoos and the rags on their bodies to withstand the power of the muskets. They were quickly knocked to the ground by rows of muskets.

On the battlefield, artillery roared, cannons, mortars and Hellstorm rocket launchers fired at once. Dozens of wild orcs were hit by the shells and explosions and turned into bloody wrecks. Even the most powerful Goge Shelter was unable to defend against this. Orderly firepower, one wave after another, the wild orcs and goblin spider riders were blown to pieces without distinction. Green-skinned fragments were scattered all over the battlefield. A man wearing animal skins and multiple humans The wild green-skinned warlord with a huge skull was hit directly in the throat by a fist-sized cannonball. Its head flew out directly, and its body shook for a while. The strong inertia of the charge brought its headless body down.

"Go up! Go up, all of you!" The Spider King immediately realized that its army had not fulfilled its instructions well. While relying on hallucinogens to maintain morale and combat effectiveness, the Spider King also lost its sanity. Nagra can only communicate with the giant spiders in Spider language himself.

The Giant Spider Anaknare appeared on the stage. This huge giant spider carried more than a dozen goblins. They rolled forward under the command of the Spider King, and right in the middle of these giant beasts, more Wild orcs poured into the battlefield.

"These greenskins must have gone to the Nuer Gunnery Academy to secretly learn the Nuer army's infantry-tank coordinated advance tactics." Marshal Heinrich scolded: "But we are not bad at all, Captain Dugan, you are a bastard." Where are the new artillery pieces?”

"Here it comes!" The dwarf engineer Dugan Tiehan puffed out his belly. His Black Powder Brotherhood has now expanded to one or two hundred dwarves. They signaled that the new artillery can be put into use.

This is a brand new cannon with a boiler device. Its thick barrel and the new runes on it all show that this cannon is unique. The dwarf gunners are debugging the new turbine device, many valves and pipelines. Trembling under the test of the gunners.

"Get ready...!" Dugan-Tiehan ordered loudly. The engineers were hurriedly manipulating the air pump and gears to readjust the position of the flame cannon. At the same time, they were still rotating the valves and nozzles to stabilize the pressure inside. Then they stood At the command of the chief engineer on the main pedal, a dwarf apprentice jerked the lever, unleashing the weapon's power.

The flame cannons placed high up spit out a stream of heat hundreds of meters long. The burning light oil and kerosene drew an arc, pouring like a furious rainstorm onto the enemy's head, and the flames splashed across the battlefield like waves. , the fuel mixture erupted into a burst of dazzling fire between the adjacent goblins and orcs, igniting their bodies, and the flames roasted their flesh. The burned greenskins let out miserable screams and rolled in pain on the ground. The screams of terror and the excited cheers of the dwarves echoed on the battlefield.

"Burn them! Burn them to death! Grimnir is on top!" Dugan Iron Man shouted excitedly: "Aim at the giant spider!"

Unfortunately, the giant spider Anakinari is extremely intolerant to heat. When the giant spider is burned by the flames, its long legs begin to tremble, and the goblins it carries are either burned to ashes or jump off. The giant spider ran for its life. The Anaconari giant spider, which was extremely afraid of fire, was either burned into a ball of bubbling charcoal by the flames, or it retreated desperately in panic.

In one charge, the greenskins lost six giant spiders, and Spider King Snagra's heart was bleeding. This was a very rare scene for the greenskins, but they could only continue at this time.

Similarly, the flame cannon's pressurization has a time limit. After the heat is overloaded and the fuel is exhausted, the dwarf engineers are forced to close the valve to dissipate heat and refuel. The wild orcs take the opportunity to join the spider riders, and then they crash into The defenders of Middenland. Most of the Middenland soldiers maintained their formation at first. The greenskins fighting blindly rushed into the erected halberd bushes. However, every collision caused the defenders to retreat. , until gaps in the formation began to appear, the halberd handle snapped, the arms were shattered, the legs lost their footing in the mud, the phalanx began to twist, and blood flowed everywhere.

"The preliminaries are over! Sons of Ulric!" At this time, Great Ulric Emil and Flag Officer von Tugenheim joined the battlefield: "The real battle will begin now! For Ulric, for Mi Denheim!”

"For Ulric, for Middenheim!"

The tragic battlefield on the western front shows the heroic scenes of the battle between Midden's army and the greenskin army, while on the eastern front, the beastman army has just joined the battlefield.

Among the more than a dozen screaming shamans and twenty-odd beastmen or beast kings or bulls of doom stood the beastman supreme beast king Gotwo-the Cruel One, who was also commanding an army of more than 80,000 beastmen into the battlefield. Then I got the news that the greenskins were already at war with humans.

"No...wrong...the greenskins should not...attack at this time! Only by uniting...can!" Gotwo roared angrily. It had spent its whole life in war. It had already fought with The greenskins made an appointment to attack at the same time, but at this moment the greenskins are already fighting with the human army?

"Leader... we... attack?" the doomsday bull named Clowen Blackhorn asked.

"Kill... kill all the humans, and the greenskins..." Zandro, the four-armed bull demon - Death Road roared.

Gotwal's anger never ends, and it only feels that its own power erupts like a volcano. The greenskins did not launch an attack at the same time as agreed, causing Gotwal's plan to be broken. At this time, the beastman army was unable to dismount because of the Dark God's The will has been very clear. Gotwal must deal with this human army, otherwise it will definitely offend the God of Darkness and the Eternal Chosen. It has no other choice but to move forward, and it can only move forward.

Then, the beastman army rolled in. Under the leadership of dozens of razor beast chariots, dozens of inferior horned beasts, horned beasts, and centaur battle groups were at the forefront, followed by more than a dozen horned beast battle groups and Several tauren warbands are located in the center, flanked by large hordes of harpies and chaos spawn warbands.

At the last and most central position of the battle formation were the three most elite troops of the Beastmen.

The first is the legendary "Drakvald Destroyer" Archhorn Chapter. This chapter is all personally selected by Gotwal. It is composed of the strongest and most bloodthirsty Archhorns. It is its personal guard. These The big horned beasts are not only very strong but also highly disciplined. In battle, their teams are much more organized than their quarrelsome little brothers. They all suppress their violent tendencies and wait for Gotwal's orders.

The second one is the Blood Bull Chapter, which consists of more than 300 strong minotaurs, all of them holding giant axes. In the past hundred years, they have caused dozens of massacres in Drakwald. , in their view, human towns are just large storage warehouses of flesh and blood. Few beast kings can quell the rage of these monsters who spend their days in bloodthirsty hunger. Only Gotwo can do it. Now the Blood Bull The Chapter longed for new food to calm their rage.

The third branch is the Thunderstorm Chapter. This warband is composed of dragon demons. When the forked thunderbolt shines in the night sky and the dull thunder roars on the earth, the northerners say that the dragon demons will appear in the World's Edge Mountains at this time. Fighting each other at the peak, when Chaos comes, the wind of Chaos brings the whispers of the evil god. Chaos will grant them eternal life, but the price is to become the servants of Chaos and fight for Chaos forever. These people with human faces and dragon bodies are more powerful than others. The Centaurs, stronger and more ferocious native creatures who will do anything to fulfill...or evade their duty, join Gotwo's ranks and fight for the Dark God's revelation.

An army of more than 80,000 people came overwhelmingly. The earth was trembling and groaning in pain under the filth of the beastmen. The trees were cracked, burning, or growing twisted tumors. The animals were bleeding, dying suddenly, or mutating. Join the Beastmen as crimson, purple, and blue fire roars in the sky, the Greatest Evil crawls from its lair to answer Gotwal's call, and the Dark Gods roar in victory.

However, just as the beastman army was still entering the fighting position, the White Wolf Knights led by Boris and Axel were rolling in, shouting the name of Ulric.

"White Wolf Knight!" Boris raised his Elector's Holy Sword, his body exuding divine brilliance. Even the chaos, corruption and darkness brought by the beastmen could not cover up the light of the Rune Fang: "Our time has come !”

"Urik gave me the fangs of the wolf, Urik gave me the claws of the wolf, Urik gave me the ambition of the wolf, and we will bring judgment to Yurik's enemies from the wolf god!"

"For Middenheim, for Ulric!"

The White Wolf Knights formed a silver arrow, and under the leadership of Boris Todbringer and Axel Weisenberg, they rushed into the center of the storm like silver meteors.

"Move towards the sun!" The infantrymen then moved forward under the command of drumbeats and bugles.

The battle in Middenstanger is getting more and more intense.

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