The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 986, ends here

The Chaos army at the city gate was finally defeated, but the human coalition also suffered nearly 10,000 casualties.

Now, the Chaos army faces a two-sided battle.

Ryan looked at the Brittanian knights and serfs who died at the gate of Wolfen City in silence, leaving a sigh.

Marshal Rick Heilberg signaled the army to continue advancing. Now the entire Wolfenburg is still burning, and most of the city has been reduced to smoking charcoal. Ryan led the Holy Grail Knights to charge in person, and the torrent of steel finally had its effect. The place of martial arts.

The Chaos army that attacked Wolfenburg certainly won an astonishing result in this battle, but it also suffered huge losses. The main force of 120,000 plus a small number of Beastman retinues and Chaos Cult participants are now also Only about 86,000 people remained.

After fighting hard for more than ten hours, Araloth and Agrim-Ironfist finally received reinforcements. Araloth's gray-clad team only had a dozen wood elves left, and the Ax of Grimnir group 85% of the dwarf butchers were killed in the battle. The Butcher King even thought that he had not left the battlefield yet: "No! I don't plan to rest yet! Why do you let me rest! I tell you, after I die, I will There’s plenty of time to rest!”

"But you must rest now!" Marshal Rick Heilberg looked at the scene in front of him. The old marshal couldn't help but shed tears. He pulled out his rune tooth "The Hater", and the runes on the sword were Sparkling: "Butcher King of Kaderin, in the name of the descendants of Charlemagne, I agree that you dwarves have fulfilled your covenant and fulfilled your obligations. Now, it is our imperial people's turn to solve the problem."

The imperial army marched into position under the orders of Marshal Rick, and the Brittanian cavalry also regrouped under the leadership of Bohemond and Lawn. Knight King Ryan and Lake God Witch Morgiana stood together , surrounding the king were twelve Holy Grail guards and the entire Old Guard. These solemn veterans of hundreds of battles lined up in the neatest rows, standing still, waiting for the king's order.

With Ryan's nod, the Brittanian army also began to attack.

"We will suffer a lot from attacking us like this, Ryan." Morgiana held the potion Holy Grail in her hand. The Lake God Witch frowned lightly. Morgiana looked at the vast army of chaos covering the entire city, and she asked Ryan : "Your brother doesn't seem to be a wise man."

"He has his persistence, and I have mine. For the sake of my father, I will help him once." Ryan said lightly. The knight nodded to the two Dukes, Lawn and Birhemond, indicating that they could start. .

"You seem to be angry?" Morgiana can feel the changes in Ryan's mood. After all, the two have been together for a long time, and Morgiana can already see Ryan's mood swings from many small places and actions.

"I won't be angry with a beast in a cage." Ryan shook his head, but the face of the King of Knights was full of depression: "I just feel sorry for my soldiers. They should not have to endure such a situation." Huge casualties, but...this is chivalry, and I feel like I'm in a prisoner's dilemma now, and no matter what I do, it's wrong."

"I will support you," Morgiana said softly.

"I know." Ryan observed the battle situation closely. What the King of Knights can do now is to use his command to reduce the number of casualties to the army.

Imperius wanted to join the fight, but Ryan reached out and touched the griffon's head to tell him to calm down.

The King of Knights began to understand why Leman Russ was so unpopular among the Primarchs.

Is it really Leman Russ's role as a tool in the hands of the Emperor and his sword that is truly disgusting?

Actually no, because everyone knows that it is the emperor's intention. Since it is the emperor's intention, it is not a matter of hating him. According to the older term, this is called carrying out an errand under the emperor's imperial decree.

What the Primarchs really disliked was Leman Russ's domineering attitude and his small personal use of the power given by the Emperor when doing things.

He brings his personal likes and dislikes to the power he exercises.

Leman Russ would never feel that he had done something wrong, no.

Can everyone find trouble for him because of this behavior afterwards? No, it's simple, because it was the Emperor's intention to send Leman Russ, and no matter what Russ chose, he could represent the Emperor.

Very subtle.

Now, the Chaos army and the human army were fighting in formation on the ruins of the ruined city of Wolfenburg. The newly added human force quickly broke through the outer defenses of the Chaos army. The Chaos army fell into a somewhat embarrassing situation. There are still more than 20,000 imperial defenders guarding the fort. The inner fort is also a solid fortress built with granite and obsidian. It will take time for the Chaos army to capture such a strong city.

However, at this most critical moment, the Chaos army lost its command. The Eternal Chosen Black Iron Motkin stood among his personal guards, the Crimson Reapers. He did not issue a single order, and without the Eternal Chosen's Under unified command, the Chaos army began to fall into a situation of fighting independently.

So what is Motkin doing?

The Eternal God's Chosen stood there, neither sad nor happy. He could feel that since he killed Oleg, powerful power was singing in his veins, and endless chaotic energy was echoing in his body, coming from The power and whispers of the warp entered his limbs and bones. Mortkin felt that his body was continuing to change. The four gods of Chaos were satisfied with his contribution. Their destruction of Wolfenburg and Mortkin's role in this He expressed his appreciation for his great contribution in the battle, and the Four Gods of Chaos were willing to give him more power to continue.

More importantly, Motkin could feel that with his efforts, the barrier between the realm of chaos and the real world had become brittle, and he felt something new in his consciousness.

He felt that at the end of the world, in the distant Kurgan, countless Chaos tribes and hundreds of thousands of followers were gathering under the command of another powerful Chaos Eternal God Chosen. The strength of the Chaos Eternal God Chosen was even stronger than He needs to be strong, his army is at its peak, and his will is unstoppable.

His name, his name is...

"Archaon." As if instinctively, Mortkin read out the name of another Eternal Chosen One.

You are the beginning of the end.

The four gods of chaos said so.

"You are just the beginning of the end, you are the beginning of all great plans, and he is the one who ends everything."

"Now, continue to fight, to defeat them, use the power we give you to destroy everything, as well as the White Wolf City Middenheim, the Eye of the Forest Talabheim, the Knight Capital Kurona, the Empire In the heart of Brunswick and the important southern towns of Nuer and Motkin, you still have many missions to complete."

"Go kill Knight King Ryan, Marshal Rick Helberg, Lake God Witch Morgiana, and every human hero, elite, and the wild wolf. Continue your great plan and continue fighting. This is the mission given to you by the gods, and it is also the price you must pay, you are destined."

The whispers of the evil god kept ringing in Motkin's ears, but the Eternal Chosen remained motionless.

The battle lasted for an hour. Without Motkin's command, the Chaos army was forced to fight on both sides. They were defeated and retreated, moving closer to Motkin.

Finally, Leman Russ defeated the Eternal Dancer of Slaanesh after a hard battle.

Finally, the Knights of Reik, led by Helberg, broke through the Norscans' impenetrable shield wall.

Finally, a volley from the Nur Armored Army knocked the entire team of Chaos Knights off their horses.

Finally, under the personal leadership of Duke Bohemond, each Chaos Chapter was divided and annihilated by the knights.

But the war situation is still unfavorable to the human coalition. Ryan even estimates that if he wants to annihilate the entire Chaos army, he must be prepared to suffer more than half of his own army's casualties.

At this time, Motkin finally made a move. The Eternal Chosen stretched out and put down the black iron battle axe. He took off his double-headed pointed helmet.

Under the helmet is an unshaven face. Although this face has begun to mutate in some places, the outline can be generally seen. Motkin is a vicissitudes of middle-aged man with a white beard. The face has typical Norscan features, with deep eye sockets, a thin nose and a weathered face.

Leman Russ was rushing back and forth among the Chaos Demons. He saw Motkin's face. The Wolf King was extremely angry: "Motkin! You will pay a terrible price for what you have done! Get ready. Accept my judgment!"

Ruth's words seemed to turn on a switch.

"I have no way!" Motkin's voice was like thunder, and the Eternal Chosen roared hysterically: "I have no way! That's my hometown! Those are my people and relatives!!! "

"I can't help it! I don't want to kill! But I have no way!" Motkin shouted at everyone on the battlefield: "I want revenge! Don't I know what will happen if I make a deal with the evil god? ?! But I can’t help it!”

"Isn't it just death? Isn't it just being played by the evil god?" Motkin's vicissitudes of life twisted into a ball, his left eyelid drooped, and he spat out streams of white smoke from his mouth, shouting at the top of his lungs: "The entire northern wasteland , am I the only one chosen by the Chaos Gods?! Am I the only one whose hometown and relatives were destroyed by Oleg and you guys from the South?"

"You still judge me? I tell you! I tell you all Nan! In this world, no one can order me, and no one can judge me! Not even the Four Gods of Chaos!!!"

No way!



Motkin's voice echoed throughout the ruins of Wolfenburg, and his voice spread throughout the Central Mountains and the Shadow Forest: "Nan! I declare that the grudges between me, Motkin, and you are settled! I know , everything has a price! Let Wolfenburg comfort my hometown! I can never go back there again, and my legend is over."

"I want to choose to die like a normal person. My will is my own. I want to leave, although it may be too late now. Maybe I can't go to the hall of my ancestors."

"But I, Mortkin, am not anyone's plaything, nor will I be anyone's servant! No one can order me! Judge me! Damn you the four gods of Chaos! Damn you Khorne, Tzeentch, and Narna Slaanesh!" The Eternal Chosen laughed, and two turbid tears flowed down his face: "Take a good look, look at this city, Nannies, what are you protecting?"

"In Kislev! I massacred two million people. In the Empire, I massacred three million people!" Motkin continued to laugh wildly. He stretched out his hand and held his black iron battle ax: " Take a good look at the ruins of this city and see what you are protecting?!"

The words of the Eternal God's Chosen shocked everyone present. Ryan frowned. He silently took out the Nemesis and held it in his hand. Motkin's sin was so serious that the Knight King was determined to win today no matter what the price. He must be killed here.

However, what happened in the next scene shocked everyone again.

"Isn't it just death? Isn't it just that the soul will fall into darkness forever? I will give it back to Oleg, and I will give it back to you!!! But you remember, no one in this world has the right to order me, no one has the right Judge me!!!”

After the words fell, the black iron battle ax was swung, and the hot ax blade passed around Motkin's neck, and blood flashed.

He raised his strong arms, removed his head from his neck, and held it in the air.

Blood spilled all over the floor.

Motkin paid his debt by pointing his head at everyone, and he felt like he never owed anyone any more.

At the end of his consciousness, a picture flashed through Motkin's mind. It was the face of another Eternal Chosen One. He was looking for the last Chaos Artifact, heading towards his destined path.

Archaon, that's all for me, Mortkin.

Suicide ends a life of deep pain.

It's up to you to complete the future.

Mortkin's behavior shocked even the four Chaos Gods, not to mention everyone on the battlefield. The loyal Crimson Reapers realized it was too late, and every Chaos Chosen couldn't help but shout. Howling in sorrow, these angry red harvesters charge into the battlefield, killing all creatures that stand in the way to the king, and then form a circular shield wall.

Mortkin's epic revenge story ended here. After losing the Eternal Chosen, the Chaos army collapsed instantly. More than 80,000 Chaos troops saw their leader commit suicide. They were first shocked and then angry, and finally the army gradually collapsed into tribes. , warbands and warbands, a small number of loyal Chaos troops still resisted tenaciously, but most of the Chaos troops had realized that defeat was coming, and they fled one after another.

Although there are only 30,000 Chaos troops still resisting, although Ryan and Leman Russ personally go into battle to kill the enemy, although more than 20 Holy Grail knights and thousands of cavalry are led by Morgiana and Duke Berhemond. Sweeping away the Chaos army like a violent wind, although a volley from the Nur Ironclad Army severely damaged the Chaos Demon Dragon Strescu-The Great, and was finally killed by Bertrand with a black arrow, although the Reik Guards and Blackstone Guards Slicing through the armor of every Chaos Warrior.

The human coalition still fought hard on the ruins of Wolfenburg for a full nine hours. After paying nearly 20,000 casualties, they completely wiped out the Chaos army.

When another night fell, the flames of Wolfenburg finally went out.

All the Crimson Reapers reunited around Mortkin's body, and they fought off everyone who tried to get close to the body of their beloved king, until Leman Russ arrived and Llane himself charged, leaving them with casualties, all the way to Aurora The Supreme Lord of the Ice Element was summoned to freeze them all. Finally, Morgiana personally released the potion Holy Grail Comet and blasted their shield wall. These loyal warriors refused to leave the king even one step.

In the end, the entire Crimson Reaper Legion of the Four Gods' Chosen Warriors was reduced to ashes along with Mortkin, and the location of the King of the North's tomb was the last place he conquered in his life.

The battle is over.

Not like the Battle of the Three Kings.

After the victory in the Battle of Wolfen, there was no celebration party or cheers.

It's just that it's over.

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