The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 987, let’s reconcile! (5100 words long chapter!)

PS: A big chapter of 5100 words!

The Chaos Dragon Strescu - The Great One never realized that this war would end in such a hasty and such a bull-headed and climactic way!

That's it? That's it? ! Did Mortkin get into Nurgle's brain and give it to him?

The Great One spread his wings angrily, and the Chaos Dragon breathed its blazing breath towards the ground of Wolfenburg.

And there is the position of the Old Guards. These veterans of hundreds of battles are lined up in the most orderly queues. They don't say a word or make a sound, they just look firmly at the forward and observe the movements nearby. , saw the Chaos Demonic Dragon flying towards here, they were as steely as not wavering at all, not afraid of the dragon's power, they just dispersed automatically.

Strescu's rage never ceases, and the dragon cannot accept this outcome.

For the giant dragons, they once ruled the world. They were once the overlords of the world. Even after the ancient sages came and the dragons lost their majesty, the powerful dragons still had the ability to change the entire battlefield situation.

However, the difficulties faced by the dragons are not limited to these. Because the ancient saints changed the orbit of the planet, the dragons are no longer adaptable to the current climate of the mortal world. Most of the dragons have begun to enter sleep mode, but a small number of dragons still remain. Greedy for wealth and power, he stayed in the outside world and became the target of hunting and enslaving mortals... and was also hunted by mortals.

Of course, although the dragon is very resistant, it will also be corrupted by Chaos. The first-generation dragon Kalrosi once led the elven army to resist the invasion of Chaos. The Great Demon of Tzeentch allowed Kalrosi to kill him but let the corruption and Chaos destroy him. The wind penetrated deep into the dragon's body, and Kallosi could not control himself from going crazy. From then on, he became the first Chaos Demon Dragon. Since then, Chaos Demon Dragons have been born continuously. These dragons never feel that they have fallen and fallen to Chaos. I have always felt that I have a cooperative relationship with Chaos. Perhaps falling into Chaos means hopelessness for mortals, but Chaos Dragons do have capital. They are not easily controlled and have a certain degree of autonomy.

Just like Strescu, the dragon's breath of destruction poured down and dyed the sky in a rainbow of colors.

But the knight army was not unprepared. The holy witch Aurora roared and ordered the supreme ice elemental lord Clay Hill. This elemental lord who was thirty or forty meters tall forced Aurora to sign on the spot. After making an agreement to sacrifice more than fifty portions of gingerbread, one hundred portions of reindeer meat and three hundred bottles of vodka to him, Aurora readily agreed after seeing Ryan nod.

So Kressir called for an ice storm that stretched thousands of meters, which greatly changed the battlefield situation. The Chaos army was shrouded in terrifying ice and snow, and the fire in Wolfen City was extinguished by the supreme ice lord. Chaos Hell The cannon was frozen, and the Chaos Dwarves' proud instrument could not be activated.

"Marshal Winter is here! Marshal Winter is here to support us! Long live Marshal Winter!" The Old Guards were protected by Kressir, and the soldiers cheered. The giant ice wall blocked the Chaos Dragon. Dragon's Breath, Strascu's face changed slightly when faced with the giant fist wielded by the Ice Supreme Lord. It immediately flapped its wings and dodged to the side.

This flash, slowing down, gave the Nur armored army, which was already ready to attack, an opportunity. More than two hundred armor-piercing explosive projectiles produced by Veronica's magic workshop were loaded into the best long-barreled firecrackers in the old world. Within a few seconds, under the command of commander Jubal Fokker, the Nur Iron Armored Army opened dozens of wounds on the Chaos Dragon with just one salvo. Strescu became even more crazy under the pain, and it raised its head. At first, it became more and more violent, spreading its wings and flying towards the position of the Nur Iron Armored Army.

"I am Strescu - the great one, I am the destroyer of destiny, unstoppable and irresistible, I am great..."

"For Tal!"

"???" Strescu felt a pain in his chest, and a black arrow penetrated into the body of the steam tank prototype Indomitable along the wound opened by it, and penetrated the flesh and blood, hitting the center In its heart, arrows with the power of nature burned with the flames of Taal, breaking through the tendons and piercing the atrium.

In the midst of the Old Guard formation, the commander of the Old Guard, the War Marshal of Britannia, the Baron of Nottingham, and the God of Tarr, Bertrand Tarr's eyes looked determined. He stood up straight and slowly spoke. Slowly lowering the Tal's bow, the Tal's Holy Emblem on his forehead shone brightly, and the hero stood proudly on the earth.

"No! No!!!" The Chaos Demonic Dragon ran around, covering its chest with its hands. After spinning back and forth in the air several times, it fell heavily into the ruins of Wolfenburg. After twitching several times, it was gone. Death.

"Well done! Bertrand, well done!" Knight King Ryan looked at Bertrand with approval.

"You are excellent, the leader of the Old Guard." Seeing this, Morgiana was not to be outdone. The Lake God Witch softly chanted a few sacred scriptures and poems. Bertrand suddenly felt a sign appearing on his neck. A brand new amulet that contains terrible power: "This is a blessing from the lady. It can protect you from curses and evil magic."

"Thank you very much!" Bertrand was somewhat proud of finding an opportunity to show off his talent. He lowered his head and accepted the compliments from Morgiana and Ryan.

With the death of the Chaos Dragon, the last resistance of the Chaos army in Wolfenburg came to an end.

The human army was already very tired and unable to catch up with the defeated Chaos army.

However, there were no cheers on the battlefield. The current situation of the entire city was too miserable. Needless to say, the miserable situation of the Oster people. As the last Chaos army left the sight, the mortals were helplessly cry.

There is no praise of victory, no grand celebration, no triumphal triumph, no joy in sharing the spoils, no glory and satisfaction after victory in the battle of the three kings.

Chaos passed through, and the whole world was filled with ruins.

Cities were destroyed, townspeople wailed, civilized factions or majestic buildings were burned to the ground, and exquisite and beautiful literature and art fell silent.

The army has repeatedly failed, the finances are stretched thin, beastmen are raging, the Chaos army is slaughtering all the way, the climate is getting colder, and plagues are breeding. The empire has to concentrate all its strength to resist foreign enemies. Its army is strong but weak, and its cities are in the ocean. But the isolated island relies on them to protect civilization. Motkin's anger burned the entire Oster Territory. All the imperial people can do is to use the fear-filled army under their own control and the increasingly precious wealth of the empire to To resist darkness and defend civilization.

When the last Aust troops opened the gates of Bull Castle, Emperor-elect Vamir von Zhukov looked at his city that had now become a large ruin. When he dropped his sword and knelt on the ground , when he couldn't help crying loudly and kept thanking the gods of the old world for their gifts and the timely arrival of reinforcements, even the Brittanians couldn't help showing a sad expression.

Over the years, the Kingdom of Brittania Knights has been winning and winning under the leadership of Knight King Ryan. One glorious victory after another, and the war dividends are higher than the last, almost making the Brittanians forget The taste of failure.

"This is not victory." The kingdom's regent Raun sheathed the sword of Kurona, and he said to Bohemond: "This is the aftermath of the disaster."

"The empire is so big, with vast territories and long borders. It is large and empty. Riots are everywhere in the territory, and the prosperous interior is actually weak." Duke Bohemond's face was solemn. As a direct descendant of Arthur, Saint One of the most powerful Holy Grails in Britannia, which has reached the peak of its domain and has half-stepped into the realm of demigods, the Red Dragon Duke kept shaking his head helplessly: "It's really riddled with holes. I've been thinking, Emperor Karl Franz Have you had a good night's sleep since taking the throne?"

"I don't know, but I can be sure that everyone will have a good sleep every day after His Majesty takes the throne for a few years." Duke Hagen had many injuries on his body. The most serious one was that his abdomen was punctured and his intestines were leaked. When he came out, Duke Gisoleaux was fine after emergency treatment, but he would have to recuperate for at least a few months.

"Only he did it, only he succeeded." More insights arose in Laun's heart, and the regent of the kingdom was greatly touched. The Kingdom of Knights is now in another golden age and heyday in hundreds of years, so Only Ryan can achieve the brilliant martial arts skills. Asking himself, Lawn has deduced more than once what he would do if he were the King of Knights.

What is certain is that Lawn is also determined to change the status quo. He can also imagine that he will also try to reform and try to change the decadent knight aristocrats who are crazy about oppressing and exploiting the serf class, trying to ease the increasing conflict between the knights, aristocrats and serfs. Sharply contradictory.

However, he knew that he could not be like Ryan, it was impossible, absolutely impossible.

When a mistake becomes a habit, it is difficult to change.

Over thousands of years, various systems have gradually been formed, and various rules and practices have also been formed. Some of these rules and conventions are good, and naturally some are bad, and most of them are bad. If it weren't for such huge external pressure, Lawn knew that the knights and nobles would have fallen into the cesspool long ago.

Some knights are stupid, some knights are greedy, and some knights are stupid and greedy.

Lawn can change, he can make corrections through the authority of the king, he can establish new laws, he can also go on a great expedition... If he is the King of Knights, he knows that he can do a lot of things, and maybe the Kingdom of Knights will become better. , will become brighter under his supervision, and will become stronger under his supervision.

This is how Richard ascended the throne and became the King of Knights with great ambition.

However, no one would cut off the ladder he used to climb to the attic. He could repair it, but he could not touch the foundation of the knightly aristocracy, because that was his basic base.

He can't have the power of Ryan to break through the entire system and turn decay into magic. He can't have the power to destroy everyone's jobs and replace them with a bigger and more beautiful one. He doesn't have the power of Ryan to move away. I made a new ladder on the spot and used it very smoothly. The old ladder had to beg Ryan to use it more, saying don't always use your new ladder. I can use it too.

While Raun was still thinking, the Brittanian army had begun to clean up the battlefield.

"Where is Oleg! Where is he?" On the battlefield, Leman Russ was looking for Oleg everywhere: "Oleg! Where are you? We won! Where have you been?"

There was no reply, just white smoke rising over the whole city, the sound of ashes, and heavy snow falling from the sky.

"Oleg! Where are you? We have an appointment! I will take you to the Tusk Fortress of Asaheim! I will tell you our history myself! I will let you tell those jokes to Bjorn, I will introduce Logan and the others to you, as well as Ragnar Blackmane! Now that we have won, where are you?" Leman Russ had already lost his composure, and the Wolf King shouted: "Come out quickly, even if it's Blood Claw (Recruits) shouldn’t make such nasty jokes!”

The answer to him was still silence. Leman Russ searched back and forth in the city. Soon the elector of Varmir and his second son Vasily von Zhukov also joined the search, as well as the only twenty remaining people. Six Bull Riders and seventy-three Oster Black Guards.

Thirty minutes later, Oleg's body was finally found.

This is an almost completely disfigured corpse. His face is completely invisible. Even his body has been burned beyond recognition in the fires throughout the city. Everyone is leaning on the golden bull knee pads on Oleg's greaves. and the broken sword of Ivan the Terrible in his hand, and finally recognized his identity.

Everyone was speechless.

Oleg von Zhukov, the first heir to the Elector and Grand Duke of Osterland, Baron Wolfen, conqueror of Norsk, and accomplished countless great feats, was buried here.

Elector Varmir silently accepted the fact that his beloved son had died, and the soldiers and nobles who had followed Oleg in the war for more than ten years could not help crying. He had brought unprecedented consequences to Oster. Glory, but also plunged the entire leader into disaster.

Leman Russ looked at his descendant and his student. The Space Wolf Primarch opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but nothing came out. He took two deep breaths, and finally spoke with a heavy His nasal voice said: "Well, at least you die like a man, Oleg, you have the guts!"

"He died like a warrior." At this moment, Knight King Ryan and Marshal Rick Heilberg approached. Ryan frowned and said to Leman Russ: "Brother, this is not your fault."

"If it's not my fault, why the fuck is it your fault!!!" Leman Russ punched back and punched Ryan directly in the face. His iron fist broke through the sound barrier and shattered the falling snowflakes: "enough!"

"Not enough." Ryan reached out to catch Ruth's fist. The Wolf King didn't use any force. The Knight King said coldly: "Now, are you satisfied? Is this the result you want?"

"I will compensate you for your losses!" Leman Russ roared condescendingly towards Ryan: "I gained a lot of wealth in the Far East, and I will give it all to you! All of it! Consider it compensation! Now get out! I If you need some quiet time alone, get out!"

"You are the one who should get out! Leman Russ! I don't want your compensation! Give me the lives of our soldiers!" Ryan directly pulled out the Nemesis and put it on Leman Russ's throat. The King of Knights opened his mouth. Open, there seemed to be fire burning in his eyes: "More than two thousand soldiers died in the battle, and more than five thousand were injured! Does it feel good to have your brother put a weapon on your throat? You just use the spear that your father gave you. Are you here to kill brothers? Then why didn’t you kill Horus in the first place?!”

After being yelled at like this, Leman Russ seemed to wake up a little. The Wolf King roared twice in pain, stretched out his hand to push the Nemesis away from his throat: "Are you teaching me to do things? Boy? Who do you think you are?"

Ryan laughed angrily.

Yes, this is Leman Russ.

To the Emperor, he was a good tool and an obedient son; to the Space Wolves, he was an approachable and good king, an affable and good Primarch, and a good and righteous leader.

But for his colleagues and brothers, Leman Russ and his Space Wolves were not so happy.

not at all.

"That's enough!" Elector Varmir finally spoke. At this time, the elector could not hide his sadness, and big tears fell on the plate armor on his chest: "I beg you, Stop arguing, okay? Please show some respect to a father who lost his own child, okay?"

The argument stopped then.

Sorting out the ruins of Wolfenburg was an extremely long task. Lane left it to Lawn and Helberg to arrange. He originally wanted to take a nap, but he only rested for three hours before dawn. Ryan got up early and sat blankly on the steps in front of Bull Castle.

Not far away, a farewell ceremony for Oleg's body was going on. The Oster people managed to stuff a ball of roasted rotten meat named Oleg into their clothes, and then put an iron mask on the face of the body. Finally it formed the shape of a person.

A purple thistle, the symbol of Osterland and the flower of the province, was placed on the chest of the body, and the priest was praying.

Ryan was not from the Empire and had nothing to do with Oleg, so he did not participate. He just sat there and watched.

This battle was not considered a success. The urgent march came, but the people who should be saved were not saved, and the tasks that should be completed were not completed. On the contrary, the losses were not small. If it were not for the rescue of the Dwarf Butcher King, Aralos and the last 20,000 Austrians from Bull Castle. The Sturt garrison has achieved some results, and it's time for Ryan to apologize to everyone.

"The Eternal God of Chaos Chosen originally wanted to fight to death." Leman Russ slowly walked to Ryan's side. The Wolf King sat down and said in a low and painful voice: "He wanted to use a An epic duel to bring everything to an end."

"But he soon discovered that no matter what he did, he would still please the Four Gods of Chaos." Ryan nodded slowly. The King of Knights watched the flames being ignited, and Oleg's body was gradually surrounded by flames: "His battle with us It is something that the Four Gods of Chaos love to see, and whether he wins or loses, it is all within the Evil God's expectation, so he simply decided to commit suicide. This is the only choice that will make the Four Gods angry and surprised."

"Let's reconcile." Leman Russ stretched out his hand towards Ryan: "It's my fault, I'm sorry."

"This doesn't look like you, brother." Ryan frowned, what was the Wolf King doing?

"Because my father asked me to apologize to you." Ruth's voice was sincere: "So, I apologize to you and let's reconcile!"

Ryan: "…………"

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