The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 995, March Storm

Faced with Emilia's request, Ryan could not refuse both emotionally and rationally.

A love letter you wrote yourself!

This was the drawback of the original love letter plan. The King of Knights used the love letter to remind the empire and called Emilia to come to the front line in person. The method with the lowest cost and without any loss of face was considered a brilliant stroke. Small tricks can do big things.

But there are problems with any method. Now that Emilia is talking about this matter and publicly responding to Ryan's love letter, the King of Knights cannot refuse from any angle.

Even if this was in a military camp.

Morgiana, the Lake God Witch, was very unhappy about this, which meant that Emilia would occupy most of Ryan's time: "Emilia, this is different from what we agreed at the beginning! Now Ryan is the only one with you and me for the time being. , you should discuss this matter with me."

"Do you know the slang of Wesenland? If a hen can't lay eggs, don't always dominate the nest, my dear Morgiana." Emilia said to Morgiana with dignity, she raised her head slightly , raised his chin, and smiled confidently: "There is still no movement after all this time. I think, Your Highness Morgiana, the nest should always be reserved for those who can lay eggs."

Hey Hey hey! Emilia, didn’t your words make everyone black except Lidya Su? Ryan's face was full of black lines.

Morgiana's face was even livid, and even the veins on her forehead popped out.

The inability to have a child with Ryan has always been a pain in the heart of the Lake God Witch. As we all know, although spell casters are not infertile, the probability of successful pregnancy has always been very low. Except for the ice witches who have secret medicine + secret skills, through Except for freezing and then using secret methods to ensure pregnancy, most spellcasters can only pray to the gods for good luck. Even the fairy in the lake cannot help their first choice in this matter.

It is really a small probability that Kalad can make Catherine pregnant and give birth to a boy.

"Do I think you are declaring war on me? Ms. Emmanuel von Lebwitz-Bernardino?!" Morgiana was furious, with a ferocious expression on her face: "I need someone explain."

"My explanation will only be given to Sister Sulia, not to you, Your Highness Morgiana." Emilia waved her hand with a smile, and she signaled that Ryan and her had just signed a new covenant: "If you want to destroy The hard-won peace between the Empire and Britannia, then come on, the Nur Armored Army and the Blackstone Guards are outside. Maybe this time we can see whether it is Ryan and his old guards who are more powerful, or me. How powerful is the Nur Iron Armored Army?"

Morgiana's face showed an expression of extreme anger, but the Lake God Witch knew that Emilia was confident. Her base was enough to challenge the Church of the Lake Fairy, and even the entire Kingdom of Knights, because she owned the only one in the entire old world. The industrialized giant city of Noor is completed!

love letter! It’s all that love letter!

I shouldn't have asked Ryan to write this love letter then!

The anger of the Lake God Witch was relieved until Ryan hugged her waist from behind and held her on his lap with a slight movement. Emilia looked at Ryan's warning eyes and did not pursue the victory, but stood up on her own initiative: " Then it’s settled, Ryan.”

After saying that, Amelia left.

"Lian, look at you, you don't care about your little maid!" Morgiana could only vent her anger at Ryan. She turned around and hugged Ryan's neck, obviously still angry: "Look at her... What a look!"

"Okay, okay, Morgiana~" Ryan gently picked up Morgiana and let her sit on his lap face to face. The King of Knights reached out and gently lifted the skirt of the Lake God Witch and let her The long legs wrapped in flesh-colored ultra-thin suspender stockings were exposed in the skirt, and then he said helplessly: "I don't know if you can see it, but when we talked about continuing the expedition, Marshal Nur Erstein You’re not really interested in waiting for someone else, are you?”

"This... seems to be." Morgiana didn't pay attention to this. The Lake God Witch had to pretend that she knew. She put her arms around Ryan's neck and pressed against Ryan's chest.

"The problem is very simple, that is, whether Nuer is an army or a businessman, it cannot be said that there is no interest in continuing to march into Kislev, but it is also limited." Ryan smiled bitterly: "The only way, the only effective way without compromising too much The best way is for me to convince Emilia that as long as the Imperial Lady, who is deeply loved by the Nuer people, is willing to come, we can get Nuer's help."

"Oh, then you really sacrificed a lot! Ryan~" Morgiana understood, and the Lake God Witch said sourly: "Our King of Knights?"

"Hahahaha~" Ryan laughed loudly when he heard this.

"Okay, Ryan." Morgiana stretched out her hand to hold Ryan's head and looked at him with her green eyes: "Feed me first, and then go accompany your Imperial Lady at night!"

"Uh!" Ryan's mouth was blocked and his waist was clamped.

It seems that in the next period of time, our Knight King will have to deal with new enemies.

…………I am the dividing line of being well fed…………

The lion crossed Oost, and the war horse galloped to the snow country.

Old World, late March, Empire border, occupied area of ​​Kislev.

Artillery fire roared and thunder and lightning exploded.

Amidst the sound of horse hooves, in the ruins of Zeping Town, a group of barbarian marauders and Chaos warriors were fleeing in despair. Everyone was injured, and they all had expressions of extreme fear on their faces.

"Nanke! The nanny is coming!"

"Help! God, please have mercy on us!"

"no no!"

The Chaos army is collapsing. Under the fierce attack of the human army, these arrogant Chaos troops who originally followed Motekin south are like pugs with their backbones broken, being crushed into pieces by the advancing steel torrent.

The great swordsmen from Nuer wielded the two-handed swords produced by the arsenal, splitting the armor of the Chaos warriors into pieces. The knights' lances penetrated the bodies of the barbarian marauders, and the iron hooves of the war horses shattered The fragile shield wall of the Norscans.

No mercy, no virtue, just massacre.

The Chaos army here was temporarily composed of three Norscan warbands and two Kurgan warbands. They would not have collapsed in the face of the sudden attack. However, as several armies entered the battlefield, they were frightened.

These barbarians were frightened.

They saw the personal coat of arms of Knight King Ryan and the tricolor symbolizing the Old Guard.

Outside the town, in the middle of the snow-covered wilderness, the Old Guards, wearing winter lake-green double-layered coats and bearskin hats, formed several of the strictest solid squares and stood motionless. On their right side were the Nur Iron Armored Army Formation and the Blackstone Guard Corps, which were equally grand and majestic.

In addition to these two armies, there are two elite knight legions led by Morgiana and the twelve Holy Grail guards, as well as three elite infantry regiments of Nuer and the personal champion Xi of Nuer's Justice and Imperial Lady. Several troops of the Knights of Nur, led by Odo Bruckner, were deployed on the flanks.

The combined Breton and Noor artillery regiments were firing.

This is an army of 10,000 people composed of the Brittanian Guards and the Nuer Guards. It is personally commanded by Ryan and Emilia. Their strength no longer needs to be proven. It is almost impossible for the Old World to win in a short time. This kind of ultra-high-quality and combat-effective army of ten thousand people has been pieced together within.

Knight King Ryan and Imperial Lady Emilia, who were fully dressed in military uniforms, each held a monocular telescope and looked at the battlefield.

"My dear, it seems that your friend no longer wants to fight." Emilia put down the monocular. The Imperial Countess' face was rosy and shiny, her voice was full of tenderness, and her words were particularly gentle and pleasant. , she felt the heat in her lower abdomen, and the newly upgraded high-level spiritual patterns were full of power, which made her feel very comfortable.

"My friend?" Ryan also put down the monocular. Our King of Knights, Ferus, was still a little confused: "Who are you referring to, Emilia?"

"That champion of Slaanesh! I think all he can think about now is escape." Emilia said with a smile.

"..." Ryan rolled his eyes at his little maid and continued to observe the battle situation.

This level of fighting makes Ryan not even interested in sending out the Old Guard and going into battle himself, and it is completely unnecessary.

The remaining defeated armies of Chaos are being routed on a large scale, and a champion of Slaanesh at the head is screaming and ordering the chariot to run faster, faster!

Run away!

"Bang!" The musketeers from Nur hit the Slaanesh champion in the back with a volley, punching a smoking hole in his shoulder. A stream of purple blood spurted out and fell on the snow. In the ground.

However, the champion of Slaanesh could indeed run, and he ran regardless of the terrain. The human soldiers could not catch up, and the heavily armored knights were inconvenient to move in the ruins. The champion of Slaanesh actually ran away with a small group of lust knights.

"It's better to let the champion run away. Slaanesh is a fickle thing that can adapt to the wind!" Ryan put down his telescope again: "But it doesn't matter. In an hour, the border town of Zeping will become the center of Operation March Storm." Another synonym for victory!”

The human army continued to advance, and soon, all the remnants of Chaos were killed or driven out of the ruins of the town. The mutated skull flag, mammoth flag, and eight-pointed star flag that symbolized Norsca were thrown down from the ruins of the city gate. , the Lion flag from Brittany, the fleur-de-lis flag and Noor's black gold Libra Lion flag were erected on it. The soldiers cheered for another victory and sang the praises of Ryan, Emmanuel and Morgiana. name.

However, there was no particular joy on Ryan's face. He just ordered the Old Guard to clean up the ruins of the entire city.

Although it is already late March, the further north you go, the colder the climate becomes. White snow falls in the sky, and the temperature is close to minus five to minus ten degrees again.

The terrible winter is not leaving Kislev so easily. According to some refugees who volunteered to become guides, Kislev will not gradually lift the ice until May.

To make matters worse, as the Northern Expedition army left Wolfenburg and headed north into the occupied areas, the logistics supply problem suddenly became serious. The empire's logistics supplies began to decrease, and there was almost no on-site supplies in the occupied areas of Osterland. , let alone plundering, the Northern Expeditionary Army often had to stop on the spot to wait for supplies to arrive, and sometimes even had to retreat.

Similarly, despite having prepared winter coats and heating equipment in advance, the Brittanians and Nuer people living in a warm and humid climate were really frozen. The morale of the soldiers declined, and many people publicly Complaining about the damn weather and damn Kisler, some people also said weird things, saying why should we help Mrs. Kisler regain the country?

Fortunately, many Kislev refugees volunteered to serve as guides. Many Kislev refugees even took the initiative to join the logistics team and the ranks of civilian workers after hearing about it. Many of them did it to make a living, but many more People believe that the knight King Lane, who is unparalleled in virtue and chivalry, really wants to help Mrs. Keesler! It is really for the reconstruction and revival of Kislev!

This is the power of personality, and why the Kingdom of Knights has spent thousands of years building this personality is so important.

However, there are still many problems, and Zeping Town is just an inconspicuous town in the occupied area. What's more terrible is that this is an area that should have been cleaned.

Camped near the town under the protection of the Old Guards, the Nur Armored Army, and the Blackstone Guards.

In the big tent, everyone gathered together to discuss the military situation.

Now the Northern Expedition army was divided into several parts. Faced with the scattered remnants of Chaos, Ryan also divided his troops so that the army could fully clean up the enemies in the border area between northern Oster and Kislev.

The army is divided into these groups:

The Guards, commanded by Ryan and Emilia themselves, numbered 10,000 people.

Lawn's first army consisted of about 10,000 men.

Francois's Second Army, about fifteen thousand men.

Berhemond's third army consisted of about 12,000 men.

Erstein's Imperial Nuer Army, approximately 7,000 strong.

"We can still encounter such a large-scale Chaos army in the rear, which shows that there is a problem with Lawn and Francois's clearing in this direction." Ryan looked at the map: "Also, François Sova's army penetrated too deep into the snowfield."

"The Duke may be a little anxious to prove himself." Bertrand has become even harder since he was awarded the highest Order of the Lady of the Lake: "His Excellency the Duke is also eager to go deep into the snowfields to find the surviving villages in the forests and mountains. Shelter, there should be some survivors there.”

"I know this." Ryan sighed. The King of Knights noticed that Francois's army was showing a sudden advance and had arrived near the former castle of Kislev called Zorn: "I'm afraid Yes, will he encounter the main force of the remnant Chaos army led by Hal, the Eye of Eternity, the chosen god of Tzeentch!"

I have to say that Ryan's crow's mouth was quite accurate.

The frontier of Kislev was indeed an unsuitable place for a campaign.

The upper reaches of Erengrad, the south of Zorn City, the Mien Forest, an area 80 kilometers away from Zeping Town.

When Francois's army arrived here, his army unfortunately encountered an inexplicable rise in temperature. The temperature hovered around freezing. A terrible sleet turned the roads in the area into muddy swamps. His Second Army was therefore Difficulty moving.

The supply convoy and the follow-up troops were stuck in the mud and were unable to move. There were serious logistics problems. He and his troops had to stay in the forest and wait for the logistics supplies to arrive.

Neither knights nor soldiers liked marching to Kislev. It was poor, cold, had no loot to plunder, and was far away from home. This caused many soldiers to desert, and Britannia, who was originally strong, The war horses also lost a lot of fat or suffered frostbite due to the severe cold environment.

Under the heavy rain (and snow), Francois had to send out several patrol teams to try to find better camping areas inside the forest.

However, what they encountered was a relatively large remnant army of Chaos led by Hal, the Eye of Eternity, the chosen god of Tzeentch, and they encountered them at the edge of the forest.

The two patrols were quickly annihilated, and Hal-Eye of Eternity captured two alive and learned the location of Francois's Second Army.

The Chosen of Tzeentch reacted very quickly. He immediately ordered to assemble the remaining Chaos troops as much as possible, preparing to rush towards the demoralized Francois army quickly.

It seems that an encounter is approaching.

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