The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 996: Fellow fellow, open the door! (Second update, please subscribe!)

One day in late March, Francois, Duke of Winford and the peak powerhouse of the Holy Realm, got up early.

The heavy snow outside the tent made Francois very irritated. Thinking of this, Ryan's father-in-law not only regretted his way of rushing the army to march, but Francois, who was used to fighting in Britannia, really didn't expect it. When you encounter this kind of strange weather, first of all, the temperature suddenly rises, the ground melts and becomes extremely muddy, and logistics becomes intermittent.

Then came the sudden cooling and heavy sleet. The severe cold and extremely harsh environment caused the southern Brittany army, which was accustomed to the warm and humid environment, to suffer from serious acclimatization. Some people became ill, and some were prescribed small medicines. Well, many soldiers would rather sit around the fire all day than move.

Logistics were delayed in arriving, and due to insufficient judgment on the cold, the army did not prepare strong alcohol to keep out the cold. François found himself in a dilemma. Although his army had not completely lost its combat effectiveness, it was also demoralized and low in fighting spirit. .

After getting up and washing his face, Francois ate something casually. He patrolled the camp for a while, his brows always furrowed.

The army was stationed in the forest, and soldiers gathered around the fire in small groups to warm themselves up. The knights were devouring their food, and many people were arranging horse feed for the war horses and pack horses. Francois frowned after observing it for a moment. Not good enough, which makes the horse lose weight.

Of course, Francois still has a very strong prestige. Everyone also knows his strength, glorious deeds and his identity as the father-in-law of His Majesty Ryan. When they saw him appearing, everyone said hello: "My Duke, good morning!"

"Madam, a new day has begun."

"Your Majesty the Duke! Have a nice day."

"Hehehe~" Francois stroked his long goatee elegantly. He smiled at a group of soldiers huddled together to warm themselves by the fire: "Soldiers, how is the food?"



"Not very good, my Duke." These free civilian soldiers also responded casually. François, like Sulia, had no airs about these free civilians and was willing to interact with ordinary soldiers and talk to them more.

"It will get better, there will be bread, and there will be milk." Francois learned a sentence from Ryan to deal with these soldiers, and then the old Duke continued to ask: "Are you still warm when you sleep at night? ?”

This received a relatively unanimous response from everyone. Thanks to Beria's advice and intelligence, the Brittanian army all prepared very warm double-layered winter coats. Although the soldiers were very cold, some were frostbitten. , but basically there is no such thing as freezing to death.

The army still maintains discipline, and chivalry is still in effect.

But Francois really couldn't laugh. As soon as the old Duke turned around, the expression on his face became very serious. He said to the attendant beside him: "Where is Gerold? Find him quickly and return him." There's that Semyon...what's going on."

"Semyon Alexandrovich Rumyantsev." The attendant added that this Mrs. Kisler was once an officer of the Hussars near Oerengrad, fled into the Oster Territory, and After surviving the Battle of Wolfenburg, I heard that the chivalrous Brittanians were actually willing to continue the Northern Expedition to regain Kisler. Although they still had some doubts, many Mrs. Kisler took the initiative to join the Knight Kingdom. team, Semyon Alexandrovich Rumyantsev volunteered to serve as guide for Francois's Second Army.

"Oh yes, Rumyantsev, Kislev's name is really hard to remember." Francois nodded.

The old Duke did not plan to march today. He returned to the big tent and looked at the map with a sad expression on his face.

Francois knew that he was a little aggressive, but as a knight commander who had experienced hundreds of battles and had seen many battles, he was famous for having defeated the Great Holy Grail of the Undead Archman Heinrich Kemmler twice, Francois How could he be a military idiot?

He has his own reasons for this choice.

The first is that he was indeed a little eager to prove himself. As a reserve force, he and his army missed several epic victories, including the Battle of the Pain Swamp, the great Battle of the Three Kings, and the subsequent Battle of Herzig and the Battle of Wolfen. This made Francois realize that he was a bit covered up by the "back wave", so he was eager to win the battle so that everyone would know that he did not fight until the end of the war to take credit.

The second is that after some rash advances, Francois once thought about whether to stop for a while and wait for reinforcements and logistics, but military information quickly reached him. The First Army of Laun on the west side was at Lowitz Castle. Several Norscan warbands were defeated nearby, and Berhemond's Third Army to his east also defeated a remnant of Nurgle's army in the ruins of Kaganov's town.

In other words, Francois's two wings were very safe, which gave his father-in-law enough confidence to continue the advance, and also made him more eager to win the battle.

However, my father-in-law still underestimated the extreme weather in Kislev. Marshal Winter's power caused his army, which had an overstretched supply line, to suffer a lot.

"Never attack Kislev in winter."

——The summary of the Imperial people and Mrs. Keesler after experiencing hundreds of years of territorial war before the Great Holy War.

Now Francois found himself in a dilemma. If he retreated, his prestige would be damaged and it would appear that he had made no achievements in this great expedition. If he advanced, it would be difficult and even in danger of destruction.

The father-in-law looked at the map and thought for a long time. He was so scheming that he frantically thought about any possible direction.

After thinking for a while, Jarrod finally came in from the outside. Winford's paladin's shoulders, cloak, helmet and robe were all covered with snow. He took off his helmet and said with a frosty face: "Duke, the situation is not good!"

"I asked someone to call you, why did you come now?" Francois turned around with some displeasure. Sulia's long platinum hair was obviously inherited from Francois, and her father-in-law's deep sea-blue eyes were Full of wisdom: "What happened?"

"It's an epidemic, my Duke. The disease has spread in the army. Some people have caught colds, some have severe fevers, and some have typhoid and measles. Fear is spreading in the army." Jerod said anxiously: "We Measures must be taken immediately.”

"Isolate all the sick people first, damn it!" The father-in-law was so angry that he slapped the table.

Gerald was ordered to leave. Francois suppressed his anger and tried not to vent his anger on the attendants and others. He reached out and took out a bottle of wine from the suitcase, only to find that the wine had frozen. Li cursed at the lady and had to find another suitcase.

There was a special "Gray Goose" vodka sent by Beria. The white liquid in the glass bottle was crystal clear. After a sip of the strong drink, the feeling of exploding and burning in his chest made Francois feel much better. The Duke immediately ordered the small amount of vodka prepared by Beria to be distributed to the soldiers and knights to keep out the cold.

After a while, when Francois was still thinking about when the patrols would bring back the news, a Mrs. Keesler was brought into the big tent. He was a strong man with a beard and a head. Wearing a dog-skin hat and a thick double winter coat: "My Duke!"

"Ru... Rumyantsev?" François thought for a moment before remembering this man's name. The Duke said concisely: "I won't say more. To put it simply, we are in trouble."

"Yes, my Duke." The former wing cavalry officer bowed: "And I am here to solve the problem."

"Are you capable of solving our current problems?!" Francois immediately turned around. Even though he was as calm and steady as François, he couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard the news: "Really?"

"I may not be able to solve all the problems, but I found our Kislev contact mark in a hidden camp deep in the forest." The former wing cavalry officer said respectfully: "There is also Kislev in the forest. The survivors hid and formed several very hidden camps. Maybe they can help us."

"How can it help us?" Francois asked.

“There are wise daughters among them who can help us deal with the threat of disease, and they also have some excellent scouts and hunters who can help us move better in the forest. Maybe they also have some supplies that can unlock our It is an urgent matter." Rumyantsev said sincerely: "My Duke, it is not that easy to solve the threat of Chaos, we must unite."

A wise daughter?

Francois thought for a moment and made a quick decision.

"Purchase two pieces of goods! Bring enough gold coins, I will personally ask for their help!"

Two hours later, in the snow-covered coniferous forest, more than twenty knights from the Quinaris Champion Knights Brotherhood, under the personal leadership of Francois, arrived at the depths of an almost impassable dense forest. .

Behind the two dozen knights were two large carts of gifts.

The atmosphere was very quiet, with only the sound of heavy snow falling from the sky falling to the ground. The wind blew through the coniferous forest, and strange screams were heard. The knights were very nervous, and many reached out to hold the hilt of their swords.

The guide Rumyantsev carefully identified several carvings carved in hidden locations. After confirming them again and again, he shouted in one direction.


No one responded.

Rumyantsev thought for a moment and then shouted: "Здравствуйте?"

After a long time, finally an archer wearing a white full-body burqa appeared from a snowfield: "Ктотытакой?"

Rumyantsev exchanged a few words with the archer.

It ended with the archer saying "Hello", and more archers appeared in the woodland.

The hidden camp door was exposed, and two musketeers pointed their guns at the group of people.

"Fellow, open the door quickly! We are the Brittanian army! We are here to liberate the occupied areas and drive out the Chaos army!" Francois first expressed his friendship, and the father-in-law continued: "I won't take any of your needles or threads. I’ve even given you gifts!”

"Bretonians?!" These Mrs. Keesler looked at each other in confusion, but slowly put down the bows and arrows in their hands. These people had heard about the Bretons. If it was the Empire, If someone comes, they will tell them to go away, but the Kingdom of Knights has always prided itself on chivalry and virtue, so they might actually do this.

"Don't you remember our assistance to Erengrad?" Francois then shouted: "We are here just to help you regain territory from Chaos, but we are in trouble and need you. Can you let us in with your help?"

"I reveal in the name of Esun that what they said is true. The Brittanians really want to help us regain our land!" Rumyantsev also said: "I will give my life and Identity guarantee of former wing cavalry squad leader!”

Everyone in the forest camp discussed it for a long time, and finally, the door was opened.

François and his party entered the camp under the surveillance of several Ksar warriors and a group of Kislev militiamen. There were about two to three hundred people in the camp. They obviously lacked enough clothing and nutrition, but their will was still there. tenacious.

A Kislev nobleman appeared in front of Francois. He was obviously a priest of the bear god Esun. He had a wide forehead, beady eyes, a big nose, thin lips, a very serious expression and a tough attitude. Holding a battle ax and riding a giant bear.

"Hello, Your Excellency the Holy Grail from Brittania, I am Vladimir, Vladimir Vladimirovich, an Esun priest, former member of the Erengrad Duma and former Eren The first deputy mayor of Grad is now the leader of this camp.”

"What are you doing?"

Second update, please vote for me!

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