The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 998, horse racing and enclosure

When Francois's army entered Erengrad, Ryan and Emilia's central army also arrived at the ruins of Zorn City on the south bank of the Linsk River where there had been a fierce battle before.

The long cloak of the King of Knights swept through the snow, leaving the whole land with an extremely unsettling scene. There were corpses everywhere on the snowfield. Francois's army had no time to bury the corpses and cremate them. This was the end. The most important thing the 10,000-strong Guards did during the Northern Expedition was to bury and cremate various corpses, and to pray for the Lake God witches led by Morgiana to drive away corruption.

"Come! Come! Hurry up! Move faster!" Bertrand, the commander-in-chief of the Old Guard, ordered the two great swordsmen of the Old Guard to move faster. The carriage of the Imperial Dame broke down in the muddy swamp, and the wheels One was lost, and now the four Blackstone Guards were carrying Emilia's luxury carriage together, and the Old Guards were putting the wheels back on in the dirt.

"Francois has entered Erlengrad?" Emilia was wearing a Nurgoth crimson silk suspender dress today, with a thick winter white fox fur windbreaker on top. Wearing a black and gold velvet cloak, the heraldic pattern of the golden crown and scales on a black background shines brightly.

Emilia is not as tall as Sulia, but her proportions are still very well-proportioned. Since returning to Nuer, she has spent a lot of energy on shaping her body. Her slender white legs under the long skirt are wrapped in thickened black velvet. Inside the pantyhose, stepping on the black suede short boots, the slightly raised arch of the foot and the slender and petite stocking ankle form a graceful arc, and the sexy and petite white toes are pressed together, looking smart and dignified.

"Well, yes." Ryan handed the battle report to Emilia, which contained Francois's report on the process of these wars.

Emilia glanced at it for a few times. In fact, the Imperial Baroness was not very good at military affairs, but she certainly could not show weakness in front of Ryan: "The fight was very good, now the Kislev border, at least the upper reaches of Erengrad The Chaos army has been wiped out."

Ryan just smiled when he heard this. The King of Knights was familiar with Emilia. While he watched the two old guards working hard to install the wheels of the carriage, he motioned for Emilia to continue.

"It's just a bit conservative. Francois had two chances to completely wipe out Hal-Eternal Eye's army." As expected, Emilia still had something to say, and the Imperial Baroness took the battle report: "The first time When he was chasing in the forest, he retreated in the face of the demon army. The second time was the battle of the Linsk River. Faced with the Tzeentch army, which had less than 1,000 people left in order to cross the 6,000-strong river, Francois could obviously lead the knights in pursuit himself, but he gave up again, which was too conservative."

Ryan still smiled and said nothing.

Emilia suddenly felt that her intelligence was being despised. The Imperial Baroness stamped her feet and splashed a large amount of snowflakes. She said softly: "This style of play is too conservative. It always leaves a little tail at the end. He This is to preserve strength!”

"Those who are good at fighting have no great achievements." After Ryan looked at Emilia for a minute, the Knight King said: "Do you believe it, if I replace Francois with Commander Berhemond, the Red Dragon The Duke will definitely be able to annihilate the remnants of the Eye of Eternity and kill the Chosen of Tzeentch himself?"

"Then why don't you..." Amelia asked incomprehensively.

"But if we do this, we will lose more than 2,000 people!" Ryan gently hit Emilia on the head with the military report. The King of Knights shook his head: "This is why I agree with Francois' sudden decision." I understand him for the reasons before. He fights smoothly. Although the fight is not good-looking, he can win. Although the enemy escapes a little, he suffers few casualties. We are fighting thousands of miles away from the border, and the main force of Chaos has already After being wiped out, are we fighting the army? We are fighting logistics and backup!"

Emilia suddenly stopped talking.

"The vast snowfield, a piece of rotten land, and the cold winter. In this environment, as long as it is not handled properly, the loss of non-combat casualties will be much greater than the loss of combat casualties." Ryan continued, the King of Knights clasping his hands behind his back, his dark blue Looking at the white snowfield, he sighed: "Otherwise, how could the Chaos army be so difficult to deal with? If I really intend to solve the battle quickly, then the Guards we formed should be the vanguard, and I will go out to fight and eliminate it myself. It’s the remnants of Chaos.”

"But if this is the case, how much will we lose to the Guards we have worked so hard to cultivate? These soldiers are all trained and selected one by one!"

After Ryan finished speaking, everyone nearby nodded with sincerity.

"Anyway, I am the commander-in-chief in name only, and the power of command lies with you. You can command however you like, and I have never hindered you." Emilia was still merciless, but the Imperial Baroness obviously accepted Ryan's statement. , the eyes of the former little maid were full of little stars. Even though she was already the mother of two children, she still admired Ryan like the little maid before: "What's next? Are we going to enter Erlengrad like this? Announce that we are Will the city be rebuilt?"

"We must enter the city." Ryan thought for a moment and then said: "It's almost the same. Rokossovsky's army and Beria's Ugor army are almost reaching Norden."

"As for how to arrange things for Erengrad, let's wait until we enter the city." Ryan glanced at the endless snowfield again and sighed inwardly.

Ryan's original plan was to clear out the surrounding area after occupying Erengrad, but now it seems that it is almost impossible to do so.

He knew that he must not repeat the mistakes of Napoleon's attack on Russia. In the previous life, the first French Empire, which was at its peak, prepared a total of 620,000 people to conquer Russia.

In the end, when he withdrew from the ice and snow with more than 20,000 remaining troops, he lost a total of nearly 500,000 troops, 250,000 horses, and 1,000 cannons. The more than 20,000 Guardsmen fought for the rear. Thousands of people.

Nahuang won every battle during the process of entering the country and retreating, but still ended up like this. Ryan was deeply warned.

The problems faced by Ryan now are much simpler than those faced by Nahuang.

Mrs. Keesler felt that the Knight Kingdom was here to help them regain their homeland. Lane received a lot of support and love from Mrs. Keesler. As long as Lane himself did not tear up his own personality, Mrs. Keesler would worship him and support him. .

But the winter in Kislev is really terrible, and the news coming from everywhere shows that he and his army are exhausted.

Logistical problems are becoming more and more serious. The empire is no longer able to provide Ryan with military supplies to continue fighting. The supply lines are getting longer and longer and pass through occupied areas.

Solve the problem as soon as possible!

Four days later, Ryan personally led the Guards Corps into the ruins of Erengrad.

Seeing that the originally huge bronze city gate had collapsed, all the streets, temples, residential areas, factories and ports and docks had all turned into ruins. Erengrad, which had been glorious for thousands of years, could not escape its misfortune. The barbarians robbed it. Looted and destroyed everything of value.

However, at this time, tens of thousands of Mrs. Keesler had gathered in the city. They were hiding everywhere. Mrs. Keesler, who was hiding in the Groward forest and mountains, rushed back after receiving the news from Francois. Within the city, they lined up to pay their highest respect to Ryan!

"Chivalrous Knight King, it was you and your army who regained our homeland for us!" An old man from Kislev came up and offered fresh Leba and salt to Ryan: "Please use it."

"Thank you." Ryan reached out to take it and enjoyed a little personally. Then he raised his hand, and the whole city burst into thunderous cheers, and people shouted the knight king's unparalleled and prestigious name.

That evening, Frost House Hotel, former Erengrad Shilavik headquarters.

The skeleton of the burned Frost House was still there, and Francois slightly repaired it so that it would not leak in all directions.

Everyone in the room sat down and celebrated another victory. Francois raised Snow Goose Vodka and said to Ryan: "Your Majesty, what are you going to do next? Do we want to clean up all the remaining Chaos soldiers around Erengrad?" ?”

"If possible, I would like to do this." Ryan said helplessly: "But the situation does not allow it."

The King of Knights took out another letter from Emperor Karl-Franz.

The empire's logistics could no longer hold up. The Kaiser apologized in the letter and stated that Lane's decision to march into Kislev was an unplanned matter. It was impossible for the emperor to convince the Imperial Council or the Lord Reik Grand Council to continue to serve the knight army. The Northern Expedition provides supplies, and within a month at most, logistical supplies will be completely interrupted. By then, if Lane plans to fight in Kislev, he must find his own way to raise food.

Everyone's faces turned ugly after hearing this. Although Erengrad was recovered, there were still Chaos remnants and barbarian raiders everywhere. If they wanted to clear them out, it would be a battle that would take several months or even two or three years. long and frequent security battles.

"So we have to evacuate?" Francois was very unhappy, and the father-in-law directly spread his hands: "Very good, you have also seen the situation in Erlengrad now. It is a ruin. If we evacuate, this place will be like It’s undefended, Ryan, do you really think you can defend this place with Mrs. Keesler alone?”

"Two things." Ryan said calmly: "The first thing is that in a few days, Rokossovsky's Kislev Army, including Beria's Ugor Army, will arrive here. Then we will discuss with them the issue of garrisoning troops."

"The second thing is to gather as many nearby Kislev refugees as possible. Within two weeks, immediately start the referendum process to establish the Grand Duchy of Oerengrad and rebuild the Duma."

"So, who will be the Grand Duke?" Francois then asked: "First of all, it will definitely not be us Brittanians. No Mrs. Keesler will accept it. No matter how we help them, it will not be good for them." It is said that we are all outsiders, but if we let a local from Kislev take over, what will happen if we are out of control?"

"We did not intend to control this city politically." Ryan shook his head: "We only provided military protection and obtained sufficient economic benefits. In any case, Erengrad is Kislev's land. Taryn has legal principles. Any attempt to make the Grand Duchy of Erengrad a vassal state or even merge it into Britannia will definitely be fiercely opposed by Mrs. Keesler and even the Imperial people. This will break the balance. move."

Francois nodded slightly when he heard this, and his father-in-law thought that Ryan no longer needed to remind him.

"So, to put it simply, we need such a person." Ryan continued: "He must have the determination to revive Kislev, he must have sufficient command and internal affairs capabilities, and he must be willing to reach an agreement with us. For a deal, we will provide him with part of the army to help defend the city and not interfere with his administration, and he must ensure that our economic interests are not lost and can withstand the pressure of the female tsar. Within a week, we must find such a partner. , and then we helped him publicize it so that he could successfully become the Grand Duke in the referendum."

Cooperative partner? Francois's eyes lit up, and he suddenly heard the name of Vladimir, the Esun priest. He was tough, capable of commanding, had outstanding personal bravery, was extremely disappointed with the female tsar, and also had great personal prestige.

He still remembered the sayings of Priest Esun.

"Forgiving the barbarians is what God does. The only thing we have to do is send them to meet their own evil gods!"

"I will never forgive the damn Yankee under any circumstances. If I meet a Yankee in the toilet, I will drown him in the cesspool!"

"What about Rokossovsky's Kislev army?" Emilia asked. The Imperial Baroness was not good at military affairs, but she immediately realized that this was a huge hidden danger in administration: "It's not easy for you. You put so much effort into rescuing them, and then just let them go?”

"That's definitely impossible." Ryan smiled: "I will restructure this army."

"Reform?" Morgiana became interested.

"They will have a new name, the Erlengrad Guards!" Ryan smiled: "As for my Guards, there will also be a new organization, the Royal Brittanian First Guards Gun Cavalry! I will give them a new flag with red and white stripes."

"You mean to select the elite from this army and recruit them into our army to establish a new organization?" Francois understood: "Very good!"

"Restructuring and reorganization can ensure that we will not lose control of this army." Ryan nodded. After finishing these words, the Knight King finally said a little tiredly: "The question now is, after our main force leaves, how can we slow down?" Slowly drive out the barbarian tribes and barbarians in the snowfields, wilderness, and forests from the land near Erengrad? If we rely on us to support everything from the mainland, even the kingdom's finances will be dragged down."

Everyone was silent. This was indeed a very troublesome issue.

After a small meeting, Emilia told Ryan that she was going to have a small meeting with Nuer's generals, and Morgiana was also going to perform a prayer ceremony to expel corruption. Ryan was alone in the House of Frost. Take a post-dinner walk outside the hotel.

He is still thinking about how to use all his power to the maximum extent to ensure that after he leaves, this land can gradually be separated from the influence of Chaos and barbarians. The north of the old world needs a barrier and buffer zone.

After walking a few steps, a familiar footsteps accompanied by the sound of a cane sounded from the side. The high-spirited lame man limped closer with a cane: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, are you having troubles and do you need my help? "

"Talleyrand, is there anything you can do to help me?" Ryan looked at the lame man and couldn't help but smile: "I heard that military strategy is not your strong point."

"Yes, Your Majesty, I have never been good at military affairs. To be honest, the wind and snow here make me uncomfortable." Talleyrand also forced a smile. He was so cold that he shivered in the snowy night: " But if you trust me, I think I can still provide you with some suggestions. I guess you must be worried that if you stay, the long security war will drag down your army and your finances. If you leave, , then it might be difficult for Mrs. Keesler to expel the remnants of Chaos entrenched nearby by her own strength?"

"Yes, Talleyrand, do you have any good suggestions?" Ryan nodded.

"I have an immature suggestion, Your Majesty." Talleyrand shook his head: "Have you ever heard racing?"

"Horse racing?"

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