The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 999, The Great Empire (Celebrating the 1,000th chapter update!)

"Back then, when the high elves were still the elven empire, the alliance between the elves and the dwarves was so powerful."

In the winter night of Erengrad, Talleyrand dressed as a nobleman walked with Ryan. The lame man smiled at Ryan: "At that time, the Elf Empire came to the old world, and it was still the horse of the Elf Empire's ambassador to the Dwarf Mountain Kingdom. Luckith arrived first with his army, and they soon discovered that there were many places in the Old World suitable for colonization and reproduction.”

"I know this." Ryan nodded. In fact, up to now, all the big cities in the entire old world are basically built on the ruins of the colonial cities of the Elf Empire.

Just like Rome in Ryan's previous life, after the decline of Western Rome, a bunch of barbarians such as the Ostrogothic Kingdom, the Visigothic Kingdom, the Frankish Kingdom, the Lombard Kingdom, the Kingdom of England, etc. rose up on the ruins of Rome, and then called themselves orthodox Rome. , several major human kingdoms were basically built on the ruins of the Elf Empire. If the Empire is a hybrid born of the Elf Empire and the Dwarf Mountain Kingdom, then Britannia is more like the illegitimate child of the Elf Empire.

Anyway, now we are all in Rome and can sing ceddin deden together.

Enter the customs, enter the customs!

"Your Majesty knows, that will be easy." Talleyrand chuckled twice: "At that time, the Elf Empire decided to colonize the old world. They soon discovered that there were vacant lands everywhere, rich, and no Master, dwarves like to live in mountains and hills. Except for a few scattered supply stations in the plains and forests, large areas of unowned land are all empty."

"There are so many ownerless lands waiting to be developed, and so many rich lands and resources waiting for their owners. The Phoenix King of the Elf Empire at that time, Beo-Channar, discussed it in the court for a period of time, in order to stimulate the enthusiasm of all elves to the greatest extent. With enthusiasm and subjective initiative, the Phoenix King announced the national policy of 'horse racing and enclosure'."

"Any elf noble or elf merchant, as long as they are qualified, can apply to the Phoenix King's court to colonize the old world. There is so much land in the old world that any elf knight only needs to ride a horse and run along the territory he wants. Once he proves his ability to hold this place, he can officially get the land deed issued by the Phoenix King’s court.”

Ryan vaguely understood.

Seeing the change in Ryan's face, Talleyrand continued with a smile: "The great age of exploration and the golden age have begun. Countless elves with dreams left Ulthuan and embarked on a journey to colonize all over the world. And Bei His Majesty O-Channer even personally visited various places around the world. The furthest trip was to the Eternal Peak to meet with the then High King Snorri Whitebeard. Your Majesty, do you know how glorious the Elf Empire was at that time? All over the world. Wealth was pouring into Ulthuan. With exponential economic growth, ultra-high fertility rates, massive increases in income, and ultra-low unemployment, people felt at the time that Ulthuan would usher in permanent prosperity."

"Your Majesty, I am not giving this example to say that horse racing is completely applicable to Kislev, but it has great reference significance and is also an important means for us to win over the backbone of this country, those boys and generals." Lielang struck while the iron was hot.

"I understand." Ryan nodded slowly. The King of Knights understood what Talleyrand meant: "You mean, let's encourage the local Mr. Boyer of Kislev and the officers who have troops in their hands to go to Erengela. They are encircling the land outside the city of De, and as long as they can wipe out the remaining forces of chaos, they will directly entrust the land?"

"Why not?" Talleyrand stretched his head in front of Ryan. The lame man leaned on a cane and nodded repeatedly like a chicken sucking rice: "Let them solve the problem on their own. Whoever defeats it will own the land. These Can you guys not work hard? This is the fastest way to actually occupy uninhabited areas and newly conquered areas."

"But wouldn't this easily lead to the privatization of the military and serious land annexation?" Ryan still had doubts, and the Knight King was thinking about the pros and cons: "A large number of civilians will become tenants and serfs, and at the same time, many armies will gradually If it evolves into the generals’ private army, isn’t that what it means to be a warlord?”

"Oh, my Majesty Lane, Boyer was originally a local warlord!" Talleyrand said with "heartbroken": "Put away your compassion, my Majesty, these people are not your people at all. , no matter how good you are to them, in their eyes you are at most a good friend, but essentially you are still an outsider! You must understand, what do we need? We only need these idiots to temporarily block Chaos so that the old world can have peace. A sufficient reaction time is already a great achievement! You don't care about land annexation and privatization of soldiers. It's none of our business. What we want is for these idiots to go up and die! Only the land belongs to them, and these Only the Boyes are really willing to die to protect their homeland and country!"

Ryan smiled.

The King of Knights smiled happily and helplessly. When Talleyrand said this, he was simply enlightened.

Ryan found that he was still limited by his inherent thinking.

For the Celestial Dynasty in the previous life, it seemed that centralization of power and unification had become absolute political correctness. People had an extreme desire and demand for centralization of power. It was best for the court to manage everything, and it was best for personnel, financial power, and military power to be one. They will not let go, everything is firmly in the hands of the monarch, and at the same time, they must work hard to expand the territory, preferably to build a super empire spanning Europe and Asia.

Is it possible?

It can be said that before productivity and transportation and communication capabilities can keep up, it will be difficult for a large feudal empire that exceeds the threshold to maintain centralized power for a long time. Why? Because as time goes by, problems will arise sooner or later in the central court. It may be due to political turmoil, the decline in prestige caused by frequent changes in the throne and the inability to convince the public. It may be due to the depletion of central finances caused by land annexation, which leads to the weakening of administrative capabilities. , it may also be due to the loss of the central military's strength and suppression power caused by major military defeats, such as the failure to suppress peasant uprisings and the failure of foreign wars.

What to do at this time? If the empire does not want to be fragmented, the court must decentralize power to the localities and let the local governments solve their own problems. This may not be able to save the empire from decline, but it can slow down the decline and prolong the life of the empire.

For example, the Eastern Han Dynasty in Lane's previous life finally resolved the Yellow Turban Rebellion by fully delegating power to local governments. For example, the Tang Dynasty gradually turned to the Jiedushi system after the military system of the Wu and Zhou dynasties completely collapsed, and the Jiedushi system was once again entrusted to control most of the local administrative, financial and military power. In the prosperous and glorious times, for example, in the later period of the Qing Dynasty, he chose to cooperate with local Han bureaucrats and landowners to put out the rebellion.

Do you really think the ancients were all idiots? Don’t they understand that this kind of decentralization will lead to the loss of power and the transformation of local warlords?

It was just an act of desperation.

(In order to avoid the appearance of gangsters, it is emphasized that this is a dynastic perspective. The peasant uprising naturally has its justice and rationality)

This is different from appointing bureaucrats. The huge military pressure will naturally make other ideas appear in the bureaucrats' minds. This land is not mine, so why should I govern it seriously? Why should I fight to the death? Shouldn’t I continue to be an official in the new dynasty? Even if you can't take the responsibility, why not run away and shirk the blame?

All we can rely on is a little bit of moral sense from reading. It is undeniable that there are many bureaucrats with integrity, and they are also praiseworthy, but they cannot fundamentally solve the problem.

Not to mention that the military pressure in this world is so great. Ryan knows deeply that if the Brittanian army is to fight a long security war and chaotic hide-and-seek in the ice and snow thousands of miles away, the Kingdom of Knights must be defeated. You must know that Mrs. Keesler is not as wealthy as Lord Baylor of Bafeng Mountain. If you have money and food, as long as you are responsible for fighting the war!

"But, if this is the case, if Boyer and the generals are attracted by Catalin's differentiation... Talleyrand, you also said that for Kislev, I, Ryan, will always be an outsider." The King of Knights asked the last question Doubt: "Will Katalin finally come to snatch the fruits of our victory?"

"Hey~" Talleyrand smiled sinisterly: "Your Majesty, this question is very simple. Everyone knows that the main force of Chaos has been lost. The next war is not so much about strategy, tactics and the elite level of the army. Talking about funds and support, as long as you join forces with Dame Emilia and firmly block this group of Mr. Boyer in terms of logistics and supplies, they can even recruit 100,000, 200,000, Three hundred thousand people, what's there to be afraid of? Aren't they just a bunch of corpses that starved to death and froze to death in the wild? Katalin is trying to win over her? Can she get money and food? Besides, the Boyes are self-sufficient, who do they think they are? Are you going to be a dog? Who will the boyars choose, the powerful Knight King of Britannia or the downtrodden Czarina?"

"Wonderful, wonderful!" Ryan couldn't help but pat his thigh: "Very good! This is the arrangement!"

"Let Mrs. Kiesler be the Grand Duke of Erengrad! And we Brittanians will be the Chancellor of Finance and General Quartermaster of Logistics!"

"Also, Talleyrand, you don't need to continue to serve as ambassador abroad in Nuer." Ryan patted Talleyrand on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Come back to my palace, I will appoint you as my diplomat." General manager, annual salary is four hundred gold crowns!"

"Yes... yes!!!" The lame man couldn't control himself with excitement and knelt down directly in front of Ryan. The high elf's whole body was trembling with excitement.


The plan goes through!

…………I have become the dividing line…………

A week later, the Kislev Army led by Marshal Rokossovsky and the Ugor Army led by Beria arrived at Oerengrad. At the same time, the Berhemond Army, the Raun Army, and the Nuer Empire Army had already arrived. Arriving there, we began to clean up the remaining forces of Chaos on the outskirts of the city.

Frost House, the base camp of the Northern Expeditionary Army.

Here, Ryan met Marshal Kislev, who is now famous throughout the old world for his "Operation Bagration". He has a handsome appearance, a strong and tall body, and the difference from the ordinary Mrs. Kisler is that he has no Other Maozi are so rough and fierce, but they appear a little "delicate" and restrained.

"Marshal Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky, hello." Ryan and Emilia sat on the main seats, one on the left and one on the right. The knight looked at the somewhat restrained Roman. Shuai said: "I heard that you are living a good life in Kurona?"

Luo Shuai smiled awkwardly. The marshal had only stayed in Curona for two weeks, and he immediately got into a heated relationship with Eva Greene de Glasgow, a noble Brittanian singer. It is said that the two of them Have decided to get married.

Of course, what no one knows is that this Miss Eva Green is the "Swallow" arranged by Beria under Sulia's instruction.

"He doesn't like gold? It doesn't matter. He likes women. Women like gems and gold. It's that simple."

——Instructions from Belia-Gulag

Ryan and Luo Shuai talked for a while, and Rokossovsky only made two demands. The first was that the issue of benefits and pensions for disabled veterans must be resolved, and the second was that it must ensure that Erengera would not be annexed. Virtue.

Lane agreed in principle to Rokosshuai's request, but made it clear that it was limited to the Oerengrad Guards that participated in Operation Bagration and accepted Lane's adaptation and command. Rokossovsky also agreed.

"What about yourself? What do you do about yourself?" After talking about the government affairs, Ryan picked up the hot coffee and smiled: "Constantine, let me call you that, what do you do about yourself? I remember Are you still a death row prisoner?"

"Me? I don't know, but in any case, I am Mrs. Keesler, and I will not betray my motherland." Luo Shuai himself was also very embarrassed. He reluctantly smiled and said: "Your Majesty can arrange the soldiers, I have I’m satisfied, but if I can’t, please allow me to find a place in Kurona to live in seclusion for the rest of my life, so that I won’t cause trouble between the two countries.”

"It's a waste of your talent to spend the rest of your life." Ryan said with a smile: "I intend to invite you to serve as the commander-in-chief of the 1st Royal Lancers Regiment that I am about to establish. I wonder if you are interested?"

"I..." Luo Shuai was stunned for a moment, then hesitated.

But at this moment, Talleyrand suddenly came in on crutches. The high elf gasped and trembled with cold: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, he is here, he is indeed here!"

"Who's here?" Ryan raised his head.

"The Tsarina's envoy is here! He thanks us for our help and announces that he will take over the entire Erengrad in the name of the Tsar!"

"Sure enough, it's here!" Ryan was calm and calm, he knew that Katalin would definitely come to snatch the fruits of victory!

The show is about to begin!

Updated, second update please vote for me!

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