The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1002, Phoenix King’s Dessert

In the next three days, relying on the support of Knight King Ryan, the acting mayor of Erlengrad, Vladimir, did not face any opponent who could fight in the referendum. He won 87% of the votes. After a wild victory, he was successfully appointed as the Grand Duke of Ehrengrad and the mayor of Ehrengrad.

With his hand pressed on the Kislev Code, Vladimir was sworn in as Grand Duke of Erengrad on the stage. He said to everyone: "Give me twenty years and give you a miracle Kislev."

This is basically equivalent to being a lifelong consul.

The first thing Vladimir did after taking office was to rebuild the bureaucracy with the assistance of Ryan. All the previous old Duma members and the surviving bureaucrats of Erlengrad, Vladimir Mill refused to recognize any of them. He announced that he would reorganize the entire bureaucracy. Taking advantage of this opportunity, a large number of low-level technocrats, petty officers, and citizens who were previously depressed and had no chance to show themselves were promoted and selected to form a new organization. Duma, the originally bloated and slow palace became clean and efficient again. There were fewer people, but the efficiency increased. And the old bureaucrats Vladimir did not embarrass them, and the qualified and capable ones were inspected. After that, the officials were reinstated and others were retired.

The second thing was to reorganize the Shilawik Group, announcing the national policy of horse racing and enclosing land, and at the same time cracking down hard on the "mountain doctrine" in the military. With the help of Ryan, the entire Shilawik Group was reintegrated, and those who dared to Officers and Boyer who had the courage to fight and showed loyalty and bravery in the Battle of Erengrad and Operation Bagration were promoted to important positions, while incompetent officers were passed on.

The Boyes danced the "Kesa Dance" excitedly, good times are coming!

The third thing is to formally sign a loan agreement and a free trade agreement with the Kingdom of Knights and Nuer. The contract document was signed under the witness of three gods: the bear god Esun, the goddess of justice Valenna and the fairy of the lake.

After such rectification, the whole city suddenly felt like it had a completely new atmosphere.

At the same time, the cleanup of the remaining chaotic forces in Groward Forest is also continuing. Originally fighting in the forest, Nur's Imperial General and Marshal Erstein arranged a very detailed artillery support plan for this purpose, and prepared In order to prepare for dealing with powerful enemies, the Old Guards and the Nur Armored Army were also ready for battle.

However, the cleaning activities went very smoothly, and the human coalition basically encountered no decent resistance. As the Chaos forces were gradually removed from the vicinity of Erlengrad, and the weather finally showed signs of warming, Ryan began to prepare for the withdrawal. .

That day, in the afternoon at Erengrad, Lane and Talleyrand walked together and strolled.

The King of Knights complained casually: "I'm always tired of dealing with bureaucrats, and I'm even more tired of the series of things after the war, but I know that wars are often not simple, and often the most important thing is the arrangements after the war."

Ryan knows very well that war is a continuation of politics. Just look at the comparison between Caesar and Napoleon.

In terms of military command and tactical battle capabilities alone, Caesar is definitely not as good as Napoleon. He actually made a lot of mistakes in the Gallic War and the subsequent Roman Civil War, while Napoleon never had any major problems with tactics and battlefield command. , but the endings of the two people are different.

Because every war Caesar won for Rome allowed him to make a fortune in wealth, diplomacy or politics. Relying on political means and very powerful diplomatic means, he eventually ruled the entire Rome, and the Emperor kept winning. , but due to his inflated personal ambitions and insufficient diplomatic skills, he had fewer and fewer friends and more and more enemies. His First French Empire gradually turned into a public enemy of the European continent, with one country fighting against a continent.

"Hehehe~" Talleyrand was leaning on a cane. Erlengrad was a little warmer in April, but the ground was still very frozen and hard. The lame man walked slowly. He knew that Ryan had slowed down because of him: " Your Majesty, the bureaucracy is indeed very annoying, but this is the best way of governance that an ordered society has concluded after thousands of years of exploration. What else should we do? Enfeoffment of the nobility? Or tribal slavery? Or return to fists and wildness? ? If you really want to say this, the rule of the undead is nothing but dead people. They are all tools. There is no exploitation, no oppression, and it is democracy and freedom in the true sense."

"Hahahaha!" Ryan was directly amused by Talleyrand. If the King of Knights thought about it carefully, it was true that Nagash, the Lord of the Dead, was simply a beacon of freedom and democracy! Because he alone controls all the undead and the people rule.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I want to say that you are really a capable person." Talleyrand took the opportunity to say, the lame man leaning on crutches: "You know how to control your desires, you understand where the limits of your kingdom are, and you are very capable. Know how to deal with bureaucracy. You have the power to smash it and rebuild it. You are like the sun, and I, Talleyrand, am your loyal servant. You are responsible for warming the earth, and I am responsible for praising the sun!"

After saying that, Talleyrand put down his crutch and made a "Y" movement. Not only did it not have any sense of sacredness, but it looked very funny.

"Hahaha." Talleyrand's flattery made Ryan couldn't help laughing. After a series of military victories and political and economic gains, the King of Knights couldn't help but feel a little inflated. He was already thinking about how to hold a celebration meeting when he went back. After listening to Talleyrand's rainbow fart, Ryan couldn't help laughing and said: "Talleyrand, you should say these words to Fenuba, or to the Tyrion in your mouth." said the lord."

"Your Majesty, your suggestion is too harsh for me." Talleyrand smiled helplessly: "I can make a difference in the old world because of opportunities and good luck, but in Ulthuan, I am just a Little man, Lord Tyrion has never lacked people who can talk, but what he wants is a warrior who can fight and charge. Do you think I look like a warrior? As for His Majesty Fenubar, it is really not good to be by his side. A good idea. There are some things that I don’t want to say. As you know, Your Majesty, apart from the fact that I come from a humble background and am destined to have a hard time getting opportunities, I also don’t like that kind of environment. I don’t like it very much. It has been rigid and decayed for thousands of years. .”

"Why?" Ryan became interested now, and the King of Knights motioned Talleyrand to say more: "Speaking of which, I don't know anything about how Finuba runs his court."


Talleyrand tapped his cane on the frozen ground a few times: "Let me tell you two jokes, Your Majesty, classic jokes in the Assur court."

"The first joke. As we all know, Phoenix King Fenuba likes Brittanian desserts, almond meringues. He especially likes to eat them. So when the trade with the old world was re-established, when the foreign activity area began to have When the Bretons appeared, Finuba commanded his courtiers, saying that they desired such desserts, and arranged for them to be brought.”

"The person responsible for this matter is my distant relative, Minister Charles. When he heard about this matter, he took it very seriously. After a few days of investigation, Minister Charles reported three volumes with a total length of twelve feet. Parchment "Draft for Comments on the Management Measures for the Introduction of New Desserts to the Phoenix King's Palace."

"His Majesty Fenuba attaches great importance to it. He looked at the parchment. The specific content is simple. Since you want to eat almond meringues, then the palace must import raw materials, hire chefs, and create a set of cooking utensils. At the same time, it must also specially To set up a brand new kitchen, the final calculation would cost an additional 900 gold Sovlins a year (the current exchange rate is about 6,000 Breton gold crowns), and then 150 gold Sovlins per year for maintenance. Please ask His Majesty the Phoenix King to approve the funding."

"His Majesty Finuba is not willing to pay so much money. He said that the marzipan on the market can be purchased for three pieces for one silver coin. Why has the price increased at least two hundred times at his place?"

"Our clever Phoenix King immediately said that I know that the Britannia dessert shop in the foreign activity area sells it. One silver coin can buy three or four yuan. You can just go there and place an order."

"Minister Charles didn't dare to neglect, and immediately went to the dessert shop. The next day, Charles replied to the Phoenix King, saying that Britannia Dessert Shop no longer makes this kind of dessert, and the matter was dismissed. "

Ryan sneered a few times. Just as the King of Knights was about to speak, Talleyrand stretched out his hand to signal Ryan to listen to him: "The second joke, one day, Lord Tigris came back from the old world, and he brought some of the empire's The Thuringian honey-glazed charcoal-grilled sausages were brought to Finuba for tasting. However, this move was blocked by the courtiers in every possible way. The courtiers’ reason was simple. Who knew if there was such a special food? Question, what if the Witch King and Witch Queen poisoned it? Even if it wasn’t poisoned, what if Fenuba had eaten it and had a bad stomach?”

"Even if you don't have a bad stomach, if His Majesty the Phoenix King likes it very much and suddenly wants to eat it one day, where can the palace find such sausages on a temporary basis? Wouldn't we be accused of being unfavorable in doing things?"

"Everyone was trying to mess up the matter, but Lord Tyrion finally decided to donate this Thuringian sausage. As expected, Fenuba liked to eat it. Even if the court ministers held grudges, they couldn't take advantage of the Tai brothers. Well, I can only tell Finuba that this piece of Thuringian sausage is worth 1 gold Sovlin. If His Majesty likes it, they can buy some to prepare. When Finuba heard that it was so expensive, he not only felt a little sorry, but also never tried again in the future. I haven’t eaten it.”

After Talleyrand finished speaking, he looked at Ryan with a half-smile: "What do you think?"

"I understand." Ryan laughed loudly: "Safety is the most important thing. I think the reaction of most people after hearing this incident is probably to criticize the serious corruption in the Phoenix King's palace, but this is not the case, Finuba Having traveled to the old world, doesn't he know the prices of goods in the old world? But he can't help it, because he wants to be safe, the palace ministers and chamberlains want to be safe, and the high elves in Ulthuan also need the Phoenix King to be 'safe'."

After saying that, the King of Knights took two steps forward, his smile gradually disappeared, and his face became colder: "Therefore, a 'system' must be added to ensure safety, ensure that the pots are divided, and there must be no mistakes from the preparation of ingredients to the final serving. Wrong, I think Fenubar’s court would love for the Phoenix King to eat the same thing for every meal every day of the year, right?”

"Stability is above all else, Your Majesty." Talleyrand nodded with satisfaction, and the lame man said slowly: "The more important something is, the more it must be 'systematized' and 'institutionalized' to ensure safety and no responsibility if something goes wrong."

"In this way, we can explain the dessert incident, because the Phoenix King's court doesn't want Fenuba to eat our Brittanian desserts at all, but this kind of thing cannot be explained clearly, so we just have a 'sky-priced dessert', Let Fenuba retreat before the difficulties, and the Phoenix King retreated as expected, but what if Finuba really wants to bite the bullet and attack hard? That doesn't matter, 900 gold sovereigns, 150 gold sovereigns per year, this is a big sum The money is enough to provide enough benefits to everyone in the palace, so it is certainly worth taking a little risk. Even if someone goes to check, it will be monolithic and there will be no problem at all." Talleyrand nodded, his A truly sincere smile appeared on his face: "I like to communicate with His Majesty very much, because it is easy. Very few people will take risks and do things that harm their own interests. This is the nature of mortals, although it may be good for the country."

"In the same way, we can also explain why dessert shops no longer make that kind of dessert." Ryan touched his chin: "The price of desserts sold outside is very low, but the risk is very high. Ready-made desserts bought in pieces are easily stolen by dark elves. Leaving aside poisoning, even if it is done, there is no benefit or credit at all. This is a typical matter with huge risks and extremely low returns, so these palace attendants and ministers would rather solve the problem directly from the source and say hello to this person. Stop building a shop, just cut it across the board and be done with it.”

"When you understand all this, you will understand why His Majesty Fenuba knows everything, but can only accept it all, because His Majesty Fenuba understands one truth, whether he wants to be 'safe' or 'loyal' ? His Majesty the Phoenix King does not have enough confidence in his own abilities, and he is even less likely to change his entire palace. As for why, you know, he also wants his own 'security'."

"I understand. So, Talleyrand, why are you telling me all this?" Ryan nodded slowly, and his mind couldn't help but recall the dull expression and empty eyes of Kodak on the throne.

Miserable, Fenuba, miserable.

As a result, the existence of the Tai brothers became Fenuba's foreign aid, giving him a little power and space to breathe the fresh air outside? !

"What I want to say is, Your Majesty, the bureaucracy is a strange thing. It is slow to respond, but it has terrible mobilization power and strong execution power. If you kick its ass today, it may take a year or two to Say 'Wow, it hurts', and it will take another year or two before you start to try to counterattack 'Try this', but you can't ignore it, because once it counterattacks, it will be extremely vicious and violent! It will not be complete." Talleyrand was silent. After a while, he said: "Just like we all know that Her Majesty Katalin's diplomatic skills are acceptable, but her domestic and military skills are a mess, but no one has ever thought about why she is like this? Huh? Idiot? She is a saint. Strong."

"The answer is that its roots lie in her father, the Red Tsar Boris. The Red Tsar's powerful reforms and centralization of power have touched the 'desserts' of too many people, including local Boyes, the Ice Witch Sisterhood, and others. Including the chamberlains and the Duma.”

"Everyone knows that the Red Tsar Boris is very powerful and cannot be deceived, but they can deceive Katalin together. The Red Tsar leads troops to fight outside all year round and neglects to educate Katalin. Katalin herself She grew up surrounded by this group of people, and she was completely unaware of the root cause of the problem."

"Everyone also knows that Boris's military legacy is very rich. The powerful army he left to his daughter is difficult to defeat, but they can allow the new tsar to exile and arrest them justifiably."

"Hey!" Ryan sighed, he completely understood.

"Katalin must make the Northern Expedition! And she and her army are hopelessly defeated!"

…………I am the dividing line of dessert…………

And just when Ryan completely understood the problem under Talleyrand's explanation, Bekafen, Kislev's temporary palace, and Katalin's private bedroom.

Holding the parchment brought by the Tsar's envoy, Katalin's face turned pale and she slammed the parchment on the table.

The requirements made by the people in Erengrad were very harsh. The Erengrad Shilavik group headed by Vladimir made very excessive demands. Katalin understood after just a quick glance. If she agreed to these Conditions, then she can only be a puppet in Erengrad.

But if she doesn't agree to these conditions, then Erengrad will be de facto independent!

Katalin tore the parchments to pieces in a rage!

"Somebody come!"

"Here!" A Romanov Guardsman walked in from outside.

"Call all the Dumas, generals, and boyars to a meeting immediately!"


The Tsarina took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down, because before that, there was one more thing to solve.

3,000 gold ducats and 5,000 silver ducats from the empire's Aust were added to her hands. Feeling the pain of the White Guards' battle, Katalin immediately allocated 800 gold ducats to the current finance minister De Milov, asked to improve the food of the White Army.

However, just today, she received a small note sent in by a White Army logistics quartermaster who went through great troubles and asked the guards to send it in.

When the quartermaster received the goods, the comfort meal given to the White Guards was only half a bottle of imperial beer, a bowl of buckwheat porridge with minced meat and a piece of barley bread. The total value was less than 120 gold ducats!

Where did the money go? ! Katalin was furious, and she suddenly realized that maybe she had been fooled for a long time!

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