The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1003, where did the money go? (Second update please vote!)

The Tsarina's court, or Kislev's government-in-exile, is now located in Bekafen, the capital of Ostermark. Due to the short time, the empire's military supply is still in a normal state for the time being, and the White Guards are still maintaining The organization of the army.

It has to be said that the newly formed Romanov Guards are somewhat impressive. These soldiers were personally selected by the tsarina. The selection criteria were naturally their height, appearance and military appearance. The salary of this 5,000-strong army was determined by The personal wealth of the Empress and the wealth of the Tsarist family were supplied, and the equipment was purchased from the Empire Nuer. The old President Krupp of the Krupp Chamber of Commerce, who was the general logistics director of Motkin's invasion of the Empire, was in charge of it. Katalin I obtained a batch of Nuer standard equipment from Emilia and Old Krupp with low-price mortgages and half-buying, half-giving.

Of course, Emilia is not a great philanthropist, and the Holy Mother takes advantage of others. Ryan's little maid is mainly based on two considerations. The first is to arm this group of Mrs. Keesler to at least deal with and involve part of the Chaos army. Reduce the pressure and losses on the empire's side.

Secondly, it was also because the main force of Chaos was defeated so quickly that no one thought that Motkin would suddenly commit suicide. This resulted in a large number of weapons, equipment and military supplies produced by a large number of factories in Nuer and the Krupp Chamber of Commerce, but they were not used and the inventory was reduced. The backlog has become a big problem. Now it can be regarded as a clearance sale. Reduce inventory and make small profits but quick turnover.

Emilia is not good at military affairs, but she is recognized as a master in domestic affairs and diplomacy. On the one hand, she has had a mercenary career for a long time, and is familiar with all kinds of society and the hardships of the lower class. On the other hand, she also follows Ryan I learned a lot from Lidya Su, especially Lidya Su’s extremely skilled court tactics and Ryan’s endless whimsical ideas and political and diplomatic skills.

From the appearance alone, the Romanov Guards look very good now. They are all tall and have neat faces. They are also wearing exquisite standard equipment produced by Nur. Katalin saw these when she came out of her private residence. The guards looked like they were on duty, and I couldn't help but feel some comfort in my heart.

Knight King Ryan is protected by his loyal and powerful Old Guard, and I also have my Old Guard!

I will prove that my old guard is no worse than his old guard!

At this time, important members of the State Duma also gathered outside. There were quite a few of them. Here are a few of the most important names. They are:

The current Chief Chamberlain of Kislev, Petrov-Panov.

The current Generalissimo Kislev and Commander-in-Chief of the White Guard Denikin.

The current Marshal Kislev, Commander-in-Chief of the Romanov Guards Semyonov.

The current finance minister, Demilov.

The current general is General Kislev, the White Guard’s general munitions chief and chief of general logistics, Bagramyan.

After the group arrived, they waited outside for a while and did not rush in. When the chief palace minister Petrov saw that almost all the important people had arrived, he laughed a few times and said: "It's almost time, Your Majesty. It should be ready."

"We were asked to come here today to discuss matters. It should be to prepare for the Northern Expedition and regain the lost territory." Marshal Denikin was very proud at this time. He was wearing a military uniform and a military coat. The Grand Marshal smiled and said: "I want to come. , that’s it.”

"It may also be the news from Erengrad." Semyonov's expression was not good-looking: "Did you see Arakcheev's embarrassed look? Maybe something happened to Erengrad."

"But I heard that someone secretly revealed the matter of the White Guards' consolation meals!" Demilov's face turned ugly. He deliberately turned his attention to the Minister of Logistics, Bagramyan: "Well, maybe women As soon as the Tsar was happy, he took care of us and promoted that little bastard who told the story to take our place, don't you think so, General Bagramyan?"

"Huh!" General Bagramyan recalled Demilov's previous arrangements. After receiving the order and allocation from the Tsarina, Finance Minister Demilov did not dare to neglect and immediately sent 300 gold ducats to him personally. In his hand, he said seriously: "Now the money is for you! Hurry up and make better food for the army, and don't let anything happen again!"

In the end, something happened, and Bagramyan tried his best to handle it. He used his budget of 300 gold ducats to the limit, and even went to negotiate the price with the merchants of Bekafen himself to purchase goods to ensure that the supplies were delivered on time and in sufficient quantity. At the White Guard logistics, something happened in the end: "I don't know what happened, but for any expenditure, I have evidence here and I didn't get a penny!"

"Oh, our general is really good at doing things. It seems that he is ready to be promoted to marshal!" Demirov said without getting the answer he wanted.

"Okay, don't embarrass Hov." Petrov waved his hand to indicate that the matter was over: "Everyone, thanks to Esun's blessing, the main force of Chaos has been destroyed, and Erengrad is also with the Brittanians and The empire recovered with the help of the imperial people, but now that something like this has happened, His Majesty the Tsar will definitely not be in a better mood. As for the food, if you can, please do your best and don’t cause any more trouble. You guys Do you think so?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Peter is right!"

"Let's get this over with now. Let's think of other solutions later."

Everyone began to enter the venue one after another, and only Bagramyan was left behind. The logistics minister snorted coldly. He wondered if he should consider resigning. If this continues, even if he is not thrown out by the female tsar, he will take the blame. Even if he is arrested and dealt with, he will be hated to death.

Relatively silent, they entered the hall one after another and everyone sat down. Katalin had been waiting for a long time.

The room was lit with fine ambergris, the fire was made of the highest grade silver carbon, and many of the furniture were recently made of fine cherry wood.

Katalin took out a small piece of paper and threw it on the table. The Tsarina was so angry that she shouted at everyone, especially General Bagramyan: "Hov! Look at you, you are all What did you do?! Why did I clearly allocate 800 ducats to you! But the comfort food only had this little thing! Let me tell you, if you can't give a reasonable explanation today, then go to Yezhov and report it! "

All eyes were focused on General Bagramyan. The logistics minister calmly took out several documents from his body and signaled his attendants to hand them to the tsarina: "Your Majesty, this is the purchase list. It contains all the purchase unit prices and total purchases, and please allow me to correct Your Majesty's mistake. I did not receive 800 ducats, I only received 300 ducats."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone in the conference room became ugly.

"300?! Why only 300? Where did the remaining 500 go?!" Katalin took the document and read it and confirmed that Bagramyan was not corrupt. The tsarina became even more angry: "Demilov! Get out of here!" Come out! Didn’t I give you 800 ducats? Why did you only take out 300?"

After hearing the question, Finance Minister Demilov had no choice but to step out. He slowly bowed to Katalin, and then said calmly: "Your Majesty, I have done my best to give General Bagramyan 300." Ah, the kingdom’s financial expenditure is huge. Many matters have been stopped waiting for money. Finally, we have some money. We must solve some of it. Debt and expenses are constantly in deficit. It is difficult for me, the Minister of Finance, to handle it! Your Majesty, please understand me. difficulties."

After hearing these words, Katalin's face softened a little. The tsarina thought that Demilov had been her minister of finance for more than ten years, and he had always been loyal, especially loyal, and her tone became better: "Okay. , today’s meeting is about this matter, I don’t mean to embarrass you, if you have any difficulties, you can mention it and make it clear, where did the other 500 ducats go?”

"The other 500 ducats are like this, of which 300 ducats are used to pay and compensate the arrears of the chartered ships to the shipyard in Bekafen, in order to transport supplies and military equipment from the rear." De Milov first told where the first money went.

"But we have never seen a cargo ship here in the logistics department!" Baghramyan risked his life. The logistics minister shouted: "We organized our own manpower to transport them all! Your Majesty, in order to transport the materials, there were hundreds of civilians transporting them. I’ll die from exhaustion or even starve to death! How can it be possible to rent a few boats for 300 ducats?”

"Wait, I haven't finished talking yet." Demilov sneered for a while and added: "We did rent a boat and did transport supplies, but the boat encountered magic when it reached the Talabek River. Here Aren't there Chaos armies in the river section? The ships encountered some troubles. Two ships caught fire and one capsized. They had to go by land instead. As for the excessive expenses, compensation and material losses must also be included in it. Well, this is the first payment. The creditor is hot on his heels, so I have no choice but to give it first. Otherwise, if we break our promise and cause a dispute, it’s just a small matter. If we hurt Her Majesty Katalin’s holy name, it’s a big deal! "

Seeing that Katalin didn't speak anymore, Chief Minister Petrov took the initiative and said: "Then, this matter has been made clear. Don't do this next time. Transportation difficulties and troubles are all force majeure. However, The money is still used in the right way. I also have to self-examine here for not making it clear. Do you think this is right? Three drinks as a penalty!"

After saying that, Petrov drank three glasses of vodka in a row.

Logistics Minister Bagramyan was speechless for a moment. After hearing this, Katalin thought to herself that Demirov was indeed loyal to protect the Lord. Did she blame him wrongly? She waved her hand impatiently, indicating to continue: "What about the second money? Where did the other 200 gold ducats go?"

"There are also expenses for the renovation of His Majesty's palace and the arrears for palace expenses." Demilov forced a smile and said in a good voice: "Your Majesty visited Bekafen in the south. Ruanshi is indeed a wise king, how can we, the ministers, not do things with care?"

Everyone nodded. Seeing this, Demilov became more relaxed and continued: "His Majesty's court has tried its best to be frugal, but some banquets have to be held and some pomps have to be arranged, otherwise it will be detrimental to me, Kesler. My husband's national prestige has harmed the reputation of His Majesty the Tsar. In normal times, everyone tries their best to support us. No one dares to hurt His Majesty. Therefore, we discussed and made the soldiers a little hard, and took out 200 gold coins. Carter, subsidize His Majesty’s expenses. These are expenses within the palace. Your Majesty has detailed accounts to check, don’t you think so, Marshal Semyonov?”

"Exactly." The commander of the Romanov Guards took a step forward. He stared at Bagramyan: "I can testify, and our old guards can also testify. Your Majesty, I want to say something for Minister Demilov. Why is it that whoever does more suffers more?! Can those soldiers understand our difficulties? It is not easy to understand His Majesty, but they just make noises and make noises there all day long! What a bunch of naughty people! Itchy beast!”

Demirov had red eyes and wiped away tears, looking really aggrieved.

These bastards! It was clearly because of these people... The Minister of Logistics, General Bagramyan, was livid, but he could not defend himself at all, because any defense at this time would be directed at His Majesty the Tsar. Katalin was not a good-tempered person. The original contract There are countless prisoners in Katarin Prison who dare to directly accuse Katalin!

Sure enough, Katalin's face softened even more. It seemed that these ministers were still loyal enough, but the information exchange was not smooth. After hearing this, the Czarina took out a small note and raised the last question: "So, is there anyone? Can you explain why the total value of the final food was only 120 gold ducats?”

Before Bagramyan could speak, Denikin took the initiative and said: "When purchasing ingredients for the army, we always have to be safe and secure. What we purchase are all good ingredients, good wine, and good meat. It's just that the soldiers are uneducated. Understand, they are all calculated according to the market prices in the countryside, so it seems that there are fewer items and the prices are more expensive, which is normal."

"Local grain prices are very high. If you want to buy grain, you have to transport it from other places. It's winter and chaos along the way. Some losses are normal." Petrov also said: "Baghramyan is responsible for this matter. , I also have a responsibility. Generally speaking, it is good for someone to ask questions. It shows that we are doing things clearly and there is a reason for where the money goes."

After considering the opinions of the Dumas, the Tsarina thought that it seemed that the scoundrels were still of low quality and greedy. She was not grateful at all for the consequences of their hard work! Forget about this kind of comfort food from now on.

Although she was still a little strange about a few details, Katalin thought to herself, why was it that nothing was done in the end, and only 15% of the 800 gold ducats actually arrived? The rest was all gone?

But the tsarina reluctantly accepted these statements, and had no intention of wasting any more time. She finally said: "I also want to remind you, don't let this happen again next time, always be tidy and do things with heart. It’s only fair to sympathize with the soldiers’ hard work and ensure fair rewards and punishments.”

"Yes!" Everyone knelt down and the matter was over.

General Bagramyan felt his heart bleeding. He closed his eyes and knocked his head on the luxurious carpet from Ulthuan. His voice trembled: "Your Majesty... Holy Ming!"

"Okay, let's discuss the Northern Expedition now!" Katalin gestured to discuss the next topic.

Northern Expedition!

"Your Majesty is different from Catalina." Talleyrand said with a smile: "The bureaucrats all know who you are. Your Majesty is the hero and will not be dizzy by the bureaucrats' talk. Three drinks of fine wine was enough to stop the matter. In addition, His Majesty judged people accurately, hired people appropriately, had his own sources of information, and had the completely independent supervision of Her Majesty Morgiana. The bureaucrats did not dare to make small moves at all. Of course, the most important thing is, His Majesty has the full support of the military, and your powerful military is very loyal, very, very loyal, which is rare and scares the bureaucracy."

"Very rare?" Ryan became interested.

"From ancient times to the present, rulers have often faced a dilemma. People who are capable cannot be loyal, and loyal people often lack ability." Talleyrand nodded: "After weighing the pros and cons, the instincts of rulers are I prefer loyal people. Although most of these people are incompetent, this makes them feel at ease. Only you, my knight king, can control a large group of capable people through endless victories and super domestic and diplomatic abilities. Their capable subordinates convinced them."

"Including you? Talleyrand?" Ryan glanced at the lame man.

"Your Majesty has shown your great power and won my loyalty." Talleyrand bowed with a smile: "Of course, it would be better if you could give me an elf horse to travel with me~"

"Hahahaha! Okay, when you return to Britannia, you take my message to Sulia's stable and pick out a mixed elf war horse to give to you. It can be regarded as a reward for you!" Ryan laughed. , he nodded in agreement: "Before that, go to the military camp and pick a good horse for transportation."

"I can't thank you enough!" Talleyrand immediately bowed and thanked him, and the lame man's mouth curled up.

The plan goes through!

Second update, please vote for me!

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