The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1007, quarreling with each other

PS: This chapter is stuck, a bit late, sorry.

After the meeting, Knight King Ryan came out of the big tent. He was not in a hurry to see Count Metternich, but asked Davout: "What kind of person is the Imperial Ambassador?"

"What kind of person?" Davout was stunned for a moment, and tried his best to speak in a fair and objective manner: "He is a well-dressed envoy with a Rick collar style, but his attitude is a little tough. I wonder if he is really Are you here to negotiate?"

"You will have a tough attitude if you have a guilty conscience. If you are confident, there is no need for it." Ryan smiled, took off his coat and handed it to Davout: "No need to trouble here, you go first, and look for Beria by the way. Ask him if things are settled."

"Yes." Davout took Ryan's coat, bowed in response, and then stepped back.

Just outside the tent, Ryan met Count Metternich: "Welcome, Lord Metternich, please don't be restrained. We Britannia and the Empire are strong allies and sincere friends. We used to watch each other together." For thousands of years, and in the future, we will continue to work together to resist foreign enemies, just like this time."

"Hello, Your Majesty the Knight King, I bring greetings from Emperor Franz, who congratulates you on your series of victories in Kislev." Although he regards Ryan as the empire's biggest threat and imaginary enemy, Count Metternich could only bow and bow respectfully: "I came here this time because I have some small things I want to discuss with you."

"Forget about etiquette. A person's strength depends on his heart and strength, not complicated etiquette." Ryan looked down at the imperial ambassador condescendingly: "Treat this place as your home, Count Metternich."

"I think that whether it is the Empire or Britannia, our home is not in the distant and cold Northland, or in the ruins." The Imperial Ambassador stood up straight, and he meant something: "You regard this place as your own. Are you home? But I remember that this has always been the territory of the Romanov Tsar family, right?"

Ryan smiled meaningfully: "The people of Erlengrad said this to me. They are grateful for our assistance and let us stay here as if they were their own home. They also said the same to Emmanoli. , Or, our Count Metternich thinks it’s Emmanuel and she’s mistaken?”

"Oh, no, I didn't mean that." Count Metternich was immediately deflated. He could only apologize quickly: "I'm sorry, I didn't know about this."

"Do you really don't know or you don't want to know?" Ryan smiled: "Forget it, how is Emperor Franz's health?"

"His Majesty the Emperor is in very good health, how about you?" Metternich could only follow the basic routine.

"Oh, I'm doing well too. So good that I want to continue going north to eliminate the remnants of Chaos!" The corner of Ryan's mouth curled up. He had already taken control of the initiative.

"Excellent wording, Your Majesty the Knight King." Knowing that he was passive, the Imperial Ambassador could only say: "Your Majesty is so easy to communicate with, and it is also easy for me to convey the two things His Majesty Karl-Franz sent me to inquire about this time. "

"Please ask, I will tell you everything." Ryan shrugged, and he stretched out his hand to motion for Metternich to sit down. The Imperial Ambassador and the King of Knights sat at the door of the hall of the big tent. The old guard served vodka and toast. leg of lamb.

"His Majesty the Emperor would like to ask you, do you follow the basic spirit of chivalry, respect the order of the old world, and respect and recognize the Romanov royal family's legal right to rule Kislev?" Count Metternich asked seriously. .

"Of course, of course we recognize that the Romanov royal family is the legal owner and legal ruler of Kislev." Ryan nodded without thinking. Although Ryan was a bit inflated, he was still very sensible on this point. As a feudal king, The representative figure and defender of the old world order, he can be said to have to recognize the legal authority of the Tsarist family over Kislev. This is determined by his status as the King of Knights. If he does not recognize it, it will mean He will be hostile and besieged by all the forces of order in the entire old world. The butt determines the head. It is impossible for Ryan to deny the legitimacy of his rule.

Hearing what Ryan said, the imperial ambassador's eyes flashed. He breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this would be much easier, so he then asked: "But I heard that Britannia, through some channels, To influence and interfere in Kislev’s internal affairs? For example, in the appointment of Grand Duke Erengrad? What I want to say is that this may be an invalid appointment.”

"This is the choice of the people of Erlengrad. How can it be said to be an invalid appointment? Isn't the Tsarist family the choice of the people?" Ryan asked directly and rudely: "We in Britannia have never interfered with the foundation Slev's internal affairs, but Erengrad always needs a new ruler, right? Everything is a spontaneous act on their part."

"Yes, in theory, that's the case, but I heard that very early on, you Britannia were going to support Lord Vladimir. Wouldn't it seem to be the unofficial decision to appoint the person? Where is the Bear God Priest?" Metternich continued to hold on to this question.

"I don't mean to say that he was appointed as the Grand Duke." Ryan said calmly: "I just want to say that the referendum process is reasonable and legal. As for you saying that it is good for porcelain and not for porcelain, I remember when Carl was electing the emperor. Aren’t they also canvassing for votes? Our King Richard of Britannia also expressed support for Karl’s election as emperor at that time, so according to you, Karl’s emperor does not count?”

"Well, that's not what I meant." Count Metternich was a little embarrassed, but he just emphasized: "But you have to get an official appointment from Her Majesty Katalin, right?"

"Ha!" Ryan sneered a few times: "I think Her Majesty Katalin no longer has the ability to force anything. She just lost most of her army and suffered another defeat. In fact, what happened to Erengrad just now After a mutiny, the Guards here originally wanted to respect the emperor and punish corrupt ministers, but after receiving the news that His Majesty the Tsar had once again escaped from the battlefield, they were disappointed, very disappointed, very, very disappointed."

"What if the empire supports the Tsarina to return to Ehrengrad?" Metternich said equally firmly: "We can help her solve the rebellion in Ehrengrad."

"Empire? Which empire, the one in the south?" Ryan smiled and said: "Can you represent the empire? I remember that such major diplomatic decisions must be passed by the Imperial Parliament at a meeting, right? Moreover, we all promised not to interfere with Erlen Grad’s internal affairs? What to do with Erengrad? It is the people of Erengrad’s own choice. By doing this, wouldn’t the empire violate its original promise?”

"When the time comes, we Brittania will have to get involved." Ryan echoed: "I don't think Karl will do this. I can guarantee that I know him."

The imperial ambassador suddenly turned pale. He opened his mouth and found that he could no longer say anything to refute. He could only continue to say forcefully: "What if Her Majesty Katalin solves the problem herself?"

"I said that I will not interfere in Kislev's internal affairs. How they decide is their own business." Ryan repeated again. The King of Knights slowly leaned back and smiled: "Of course I want to I would like to advise, I can't stop the empire from continuing to invest money into that bottomless pit, but you'd better weigh it carefully. How much money and materials have you invested in it? How much effect has it had? Not only can you not make her recognize the reality, but also It will give her the illusion that 'I can still deliver', and this won't solve any problems. I think the empire's treasury is already empty at this time, right?"

"..." Metternich was silent for a long time, and the imperial ambassador finally sighed: "To tell you the truth, Your Majesty, we are almost at the end of our rope. The treasury, arsenal, and gunpowder magazine are all empty. You must not blame us for not being able to continue. We have provided you with logistics, but the emperor is still having a headache on how to deal with the payment of pensions and salaries in the next few months."

"I still have some funds in hand. If Carl needs it, we can purchase military supplies." Ryan was very generous again at this time. The King of Knights knew that Carl Franz's Reikland would become rich and prosperous in only one or two years. , he can immediately relax.

The continuous wars have made the empire struggle like a prisoner hanging on the gallows. Most of the time, the rope is loose enough to breathe, but once the rope is tightened, the empire has to use all its strength to keep itself alive. Go down, all of them.

"I always respect the Romanov family's legal right to rule this land, and I promise in the name of lady." Ryan stood up, and the King of Knights noticed Talleyrand coming in from the outside: "What's the matter, Talleyrand?"

"Your Majesty, there is an urgent report from Britannia, Mrs. Sulia, she...she..."

"What happened to her?!" Ryan's face changed drastically after hearing the news.

Talleyrand glanced at Metternich deliberately, and the imperial ambassador immediately stood up and left: "Then I won't disturb you, Your Majesty."

When the imperial ambassador went out, Talleyrand took out the letter, and the lame man laughed: "Mrs. Surya personally led an army of 20,000 people to defeat the army of Ulfric the Wanderer at the port of Andai, and the Norscans were killed. There were more than 4,000 people, and we suffered more than 600 casualties. With a great victory, Ulfric's Worldwalker Legion has withdrawn from the Old World and returned to Norsca."

"Beautiful! Sulia never disappoints me." Ryan took the military report, looked at it a few times, and couldn't help but smile: "It's just that this kind of squatting style is not very good, but fortunately it is very practical."

Ulfric was looking for opportunities on the outer coast of Britannia, but he really found a flaw. Port Andai, a port in the north of the Principality of Le-Angoulan, was captured by Ulfric. , just when the Norscans were proud, Ulfric was too careless and the victory slipped through his fingers.

His army did not take the opportunity to go deep into the interior of Britannia because of this successful invasion. Instead, they looted and enjoyed themselves wildly in this port, which led to them being besieged on the swampy coast by the army of Britannian knights. , and then Queen Surya personally led the army to the front line.

Surya's style of play was as shameless as Francois's, which was to surround the group of barbarians without taking the initiative to attack. The swamp restricted the performance of the cavalry, but it also restricted the movement of the barbarians. Ulfric now discovered He and his army were trapped in the port and were unable to break through the siege. Soon, the barbarians lost a large number of battles due to hunger and disease. After the siege for three weeks and failed to break through repeatedly, Ulfric's army finally defeated them despite their low food requirements. It collapsed due to a long period of food shortage and retreated to the sea. Then with the news of Mortkin's defeat, the morale of the World Walker Army collapsed and they all retreated to Norska.

"Very good, very good. My wife surprises me again. She is always so talented." Ryan sent the message back to Talleyrand and said with a smile: "It's just a bit conservative. If it were me, Nosca We must have lost more than four thousand people.”

"This is a good habit, Your Majesty. When you take risks on the front line, you need a stable leader at the rear." Talleyrand looked outside: "Is he, the Imperial Ambassador, satisfied?"

"Not very satisfied, but there is no other choice." Ryan also looked outside, and the King of Knights gradually put away his smile: "I always have a feeling, Talleyrand, our honeymoon period with Emperor Karl is over. "

"Mortals always repeat the same mistakes, Your Majesty." Talleyrand nodded slightly and tapped the ground a few times with his crutch: "For ordinary people, sharing hardships and joys, but for countries, Let us share the joys and sorrows together."

"Where is the public's support?" Ryan asked casually.

"The hearts of the people are with you." Talleyrand said with a smile: "I have asked everyone to spread the news of the Tsarina's defeat to the entire Erengrad. I have specially arranged a soldier in every few streets to inform all Erengrad. The citizens of Germany 'explained' the battle and let them see how the Czarina tormented the White Guards until they were almost completely annihilated. In this way, after a little comparison, the citizens will naturally know who is the most reliable."

After a while, Davout came in from outside, and the deputy commander of the old Guards came to report: "Your Majesty, I have been looking for Beria for a long time, but I have not found it."

"Not a single member of the Romanov family has been found?" Ryan was a little surprised: "Even if it's a member of a collateral family!"

"Not a single branch of the branch, Your Majesty, either died in the battle of Zedevka, or died of starvation or exhaustion while fleeing south. The only few branches were brought by Katalin. It is said that she died in the army during the Battle of Fortandov-Lachhof. According to Beria's investigation, the Tsarina herself is most likely the last descendant of the Romanov family. ” Davout was a little embarrassed: “Captain Beria said he tried his best.”

"Yes, he tried his best. I don't blame him." Ryan sighed. Our King of Knights really doesn't want to have direct contact with the Czarina, but it seems that there is no other way at the moment.

However, the King of Knights' super personal ability prevented him from being depressed for a long time. Ryan immediately said to Talleyrand: "Very good, now let us act separately. You go to negotiate with Count Metternich. Just follow our instructions." The result of the previous discussion, Talleyrand, you know what is appropriate."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. I have drafted a seamless treaty." Talleyrand took out a piece of parchment from his arms and handed it to Ryan: "Just follow the above."

Ryan took the parchment, glanced at it for a few times and frowned: "I don't remember that we discussed the promise to allow Katalin to rebuild the army. Even if there are only 500 guards, how can we provide it to Karl? -What about Emperor Franz’s low-interest loan?”

"Your Majesty, to maintain peace, we must maintain a balance and a balance of power." Talleyrand said playfully: "We have already gained enough from Erengrad, and coupled with the trade of Dulong City, this will make The human countries in the old world all list us as imaginary enemies. I promise that I am considering the interests of the Knight Kingdom. The Tsar is still the Tsar after all. Even if she no longer has land, her family's legal principles still have value...a little value. .”

"Maybe, I think I have spent too much time in the land of Kislev." Ryan handed the parchment back to Talleyrand: "You are right, just follow the above discussion. , and about trade and loans in Dulong City."

"François and Birhemond will be responsible for the next war, while Morgiana and I will go to Dulong City in person to negotiate with the dwarf king of Dulong City, Torgaard Crimson One!"

Deep in his heart, Talleyrand couldn't help but feel pleased that this was the master he wanted to serve, a superhuman warrior, a military wizard like Lord Tyrion, a master of internal affairs, and a diplomat like the Archmage Teclis. , and at the same time, I am still awake deep in my mind, knowing what to do and what not to do, and I will understand immediately after a little reminder.

Ten minutes later, Talleyrand came out of the military camp and found Metternich: "Your Majesty asked me to come and discuss the next thing with you."

"It's actually you? Talleyrand, I remember you are just the ambassador to Nur." Metternich was a little surprised.

"I am now the foreign minister in his cabinet. You must thank me, Metternich. It was I who persuaded your majesty not to annex Oerengrad. It was also I who persuaded him to provide low-interest loans to your emperor." Talleyrand He forced a smile and narrowed his eyes: "Thank me."

"I am grateful." Metternich breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the two people had known each other for a long time: "Emperor Karl-Franz thanks you for your efforts. You will not be short of anything, I promise. "

"And I just want...peace~"

"We will be at peace."

"No, Metternich, you have to understand that it is us Britannia who chose peace!" Talleyrand said with a sinister smile: "Now, let's find a place to sit. How about a halfling food group? We can have a nice meal there.”

After saying that, the lame man walked towards another place, while the imperial ambassador stood there with a very ugly look on his face.

He had a feeling that this lame man might be more difficult to deal with than the King of Knights, because the King of Knights still had to deal with some legal principles and knightly ethics.

But this cripple doesn't need anything.

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