The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1006, I’m afraid the Tsar no longer has the ability to force anything.

April 30, 2515 in the Imperial Calendar, in the urban area of ​​Erengrad.

Emperor Karl-Franz's special envoy, Count Clemens von Metternich, the imperial ambassador to Britannia, and the chief observer for the northern war temporarily appointed by Emperor Karl-Franz. Led by the musketry dragoons of the Old Guard, they rode into the city.

The square in Erlengrad was filled with Brittanian troops. The knights formed several square formations on both sides. Two battalions of the Old Guard and the Holy Grail Knights were located in the center, followed by a dozen serf infantry. Corps square.

The deputy marshal of the Old Guards, Nicolas Davout, was shimmering with the light from the fairy in the lake, and his eyes were as bright as lightning.

"Everyone! Get ready~"


The Old Guards and Infantry Regiments saluted together, followed by the knights led by the Holy Grail Knights.

Metternich was very well-dressed. Judging from the width of the shoulders and waist of the dress coat, you can tell that his silk dress was tailor-made. His thick and naturally curly short hair was neatly trimmed. He was in Davout. The leader calmly observed the Brittanian army that came to welcome him.

The more he observed, the uglier Metternich's expression became.

All bearded, all veterans! Well-equipped and full of murderous intent! And morale is extremely high!

Taking a closer look, the Imperial Ambassador found that most of the soldiers were around the age of twenty-five or six, which was the prime age for service! And these soldiers are only a small part of the Knight King's army. As we all know, Ryan's army recruitment this time is only at the level of fifty households for an expedition, which has almost no feeling for Britannia.

Damn Bretons! They will become a huge threat to the empire in the future!

Metternich has always been a big imperialist at heart. To put it simply, he wishes that all the countries in the old world except the empire would perish. Now he has to admit in his heart that Knight King Ryan and his army It will become the biggest obstacle for the empire to become the hegemon of the old world.

At the same time, many citizens of Erlengrad came out to watch. The city was in dire need, but people's faces were full of hope.

"It can be said that the citizens of Erengrad are becoming more and more fond of their new Duma and the new Grand Duke Vladimir." Nicholas Davout considered and smiled at Count Metternich: "This It would be a great thing to re-establish order in Kislev.”

"A good thing?" Metternich said coldly: "Grand Duke? Who gave it to him? Was it him, or His Majesty the Knight King Ryan? Was it with the permission of His Majesty Katalin? Can this kind of title be counted? ?”

"This is the choice of the people of Erlengrad." Davout was choked by this sentence and was speechless. He was a soldier after all. After thinking for a while, he could only say this: "We can only respect it. "

"Can a referendum represent public opinion?" Metternich sneered a few times: "I am very doubtful now, how much of your so-called chivalry in Britannia is left?"

Davout's face was very ugly. As a Holy Grail Old Guard and the deputy commander of the Old Guard, he felt that he had been insulted and questioned, so he did not intend to speak properly: "Your Excellency Metternich, I miss you. You must not know, right?"

"What do you know?" Metternich had a vague premonition in his heart.

"Her Majesty the Tsarina was defeated. Just upstream from Fortenhav, the 50,000 White Guards suffered more than 33,000 casualties." Davout also sneered: "Now, we can say that there is not an inch of Kislev's land. It is under her actual control, Your Excellency Metternich, the people need heroes, what do you think?"

"I won't tell you, I want to see His Majesty Ryan!" Sure enough, the imperial envoy's face changed drastically, and he wanted to rush in to where the Knight King's tent was.

The two old guards standing guard immediately lowered their halberds and crossed their arms: "Your Majesty and the Dukes are having a meeting!"

"Please wait outside, Lord Metternich." Davout's attitude also became tougher: "Wait a moment, and I will receive you as soon as possible after His Majesty finishes the meeting."

"...Okay." The imperial ambassador could only agree. Davout quickly gave the old guard at the door a wink, and the guard immediately understood: "Your Majesty is in a meeting and cannot go in! Please wait a moment, Your Excellency."

"Who is making so much noise outside?" A graceful voice full of elegance and a Nuer accent came from the side: "Oh, is it Metternich? Karl is actually willing to send you to such a bitter and cold place?"

"Metternich has met the respected and beloved Baroness here!" Metternich dared to put on airs in front of Davout. He dared to say that it was because his status as the imperial ambassador determined that he must not show any weakness or show any signs of weakness. It was a flattering move, but facing Dame Emmanuel, this guy could only kneel down and salute: "I brought the blessings and greetings of Emperor Karl-Franz. Is everything okay with your Excellency, Baroness?"

"Okay, I feel very good." Speaking of this, Ryan's little maid couldn't help but smile: "Come in and talk."

"Yes!" Metternich's arrogant look made Davout couldn't help but laugh. After thinking about it, he decided to go to the big tent in person.

In the big tent, Knight King Ryan, Lake God Witch Morgiana, Duke Berhemond, Duke Francois, Duke Laune, and Old Guard Commander Bertrand were sitting together for a meeting. Talleyrand stood behind Ryan and listened. Duke Hagen was injured and absent. Gerald stood in front of the map and explained everything.

"Just as His Majesty, His Excellency Berhemond and cousin (Francois) expected." Jerrod said with the battle report: "The Tsarina and her White Guards were destroyed in the upper reaches of Fortendorf. Sexual failure.”

"On the evening of April 20, her army was building a pontoon bridge on the other side of the Upper Tarabek River from Lachhof City in preparation for crossing the river. It has to be said that it took them a whole hour to build the pontoon bridge that we could build in an hour or two. At night, after the repairs were completed, it took the 20,000 White Guards most of the day to cross the river, and the forward troops were already at war with the Chaos army."

"The war started very smoothly at first. After all, the main force of Chaos had been wiped out in Erengrad, Bekafen and Wolfenburg, and the rest were just some miscellaneous soldiers. Although the White Guards themselves collapsed several times, they finally failed in Kaplan. With Tarin's personal command, magical help, and uh... the leadership of the Old Guard, the enemy army led by Zan'ek was driven out of the ruins of Lachhof. Victory was once very close to Katalin. "

"Old Guard?!" Bohemond looked strange, and the old Duke waved his hand: "I remember the Old Guard was standing guard outside the door, Gerald?"

The old Duke didn't say anything, but in his heart he was very envious of Ryan for having such a super powerful army that looked down on the world. His Red Dragon Guard was not strong enough yet.

"Well, I mean, Her Majesty Katalin has also formed an Old Guard to replace her lost Krim Guards. The soldiers are selected from the White Guard. The requirements are to be tall and handsome. The equipment is standard equipment obtained from Nuer." Jerrod said with some helplessness in his tone: "Okay, let's change the name, Romanov Guards."

"Continue, Jarrod, continue." Francois stretched out his hand to signal Jarrod to continue. Duke Winford glanced at his son-in-law and saw Ryan frowning at the map and thinking about something, while Moji beside him Anna simply looked like she was in a daze, so she had no choice but to say: "Go on."

"The White Guards who had already crossed the river were supposed to take advantage of the victory and pursue the remnants of Zan'ek. However, this army with insufficient training and broken military discipline disbanded on its own. The reason was that there were originally a large number of barbarian camps in Lachhof, and there were many plundered soldiers in them. With the loot and supplies, the White soldiers soon lost their formation and vigilance and began to loot.”

"At this moment, several barges loaded with heavy objects and explosive barrels suddenly came down the river from the upstream, instantly completely cutting off and destroying the White Guards' fragile pontoon! At this time, the White Guards were completely disconnected from the front and rear."

"The White Guards did not notice this at first, until a brand new Kurgan cavalry appeared from the forest and charged towards them. At the moment of close combat, the White Guards almost collapsed, while the army on the other side of the river was still there. At this time, they were still trying to repair the pontoon bridge, but they soon saw with their own eyes that the 20,000 troops that had crossed the river fell into chaos and were completely overwhelmed by Kurgan's cavalry. Zan'ek's army then regrouped and counterattacked, The White Guards on the north bank were in a bitter fight, while the White Guards on the south bank were demoralized and in chaos."

"General Bagramyan, who was in the rear at this time, managed to stabilize the situation and asked the soldiers to seize the time to repair the pontoon bridge. Hundreds of White Guards were forced into the water to complete the pontoon bridge. Most of them froze to death. At the same time, Romano Semyonov, the commander of the Guards, personally led the last Guards cavalry to launch a countercharge against the Kurgan cavalry. He himself was killed in the battle, and almost all the Guards cavalry were also killed."

"But this bought time for the White Guards on the other side to redeploy. At this time, the Romanov Guards showed amazing bravery and determination to block the charge of the Kurgan cavalry, although they themselves also lost more than half."

After hearing this, Ryan nodded repeatedly. The King of Knights thought for a while and said, "It seems that our Queen, Her Majesty, has learned something from me."

"However, everything ends here." Jerrod continued: "Just when the battle situation reached a stalemate, more than 300 Kurgan cavalry suddenly appeared on the south bank of the river. They secretly entered the Kurgan Khan's camp. The leader used a raft to cross the Upper Talabek River and appeared behind the White Guards on the south bank!"

"When the White Guards on the south bank saw the Kurgan cavalry appearing from behind, they mistakenly thought that a large group of Kurgan cavalry had successfully crossed over and were about to attack from both sides. They completely collapsed and fled in all directions. After seeing this scene, the White Guards on the north followed up. Collapse, the worst thing is that the Tsarina escaped first under the protection of the ice and snow guards. Once again, her magic created an ice bridge on the river, abandoning her people. Just after escaping, the ice bridge lost its magic. Sustain melts quickly.”

"On the north bank, thousands of defeated soldiers could only rush to the only pontoon bridge in panic in an attempt to retreat. Hundreds of people were trampled to death, and more soldiers jumped into the water and tried to wade across the river. However, that was There was a large amount of ice floating in the river, so there was no doubt that they were dead. In the chaos, the White Guards forgot to destroy the newly repaired pontoon bridge, which directly led to the Kurgan cavalry and Zan Ek's Chaos army being able to directly cross the river to pursue them."

"The brutal massacre lasted for a day and a night. After the Kurgan cavalry and Zan'ek's army plundered the White Guards camp on the south bank, they pursued the White Guards for more than ten kilometers until they approached Fortanhav. The imperial defenders came out to meet them. They stopped the pursuit and retreated. After the war, the numbers were counted. It was found that the White Guards suffered more than 33,000 casualties, leaving only more than 16,000 people left. Katalin's Romanov Guards lost more than 4,000 people, and the entire second regiment was wiped out. , there were only 60 people left in the third regiment, and the corpse of Mrs. Kesler was all over the road for more than ten kilometers. The Chaos army Zan'ike lost more than 3,000 people, while the Kurgan cavalry was said to have lost more than 100 people. Now all the Chaos armies have withdrawn."

"That's it." After Jerrod finished speaking a long sentence, he couldn't help but take a breath and picked up the cup to drink water.

Everyone in the big tent looked at me and I looked at you, and they all sighed helplessly. Everyone looked at Ryan, waiting for the King of Knights to speak.

"Actually, this battle went without too many problems." Ryan thought for a while, and the King of Knights clenched his fists on the table and sighed: "The real reason for the failure was the absolute low quality of her army. In fact, if If it were me, this battle should not be fought at all, and when there is a huge gap in quality, we should try to avoid contact with the enemy."

"Then what should we do now? The White Guards have been basically wiped out. After such a failure, this army is no longer useful." Bochmond still considered the problem from a military perspective as always: "An army can fail, but It cannot suffer such a devastating failure when it is first formed.”

Francois considered the issue from the perspective of internal affairs: "Your Majesty, do you still plan to continue to help Kislev regain his homeland? I think the current situation is enough. The army has begun to tire, and many people are eager to return home. "

Lawn, the regent of the kingdom, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Your Majesty, what should we do with Marshal Rokossovsky? Do we need to pay him?"

Ryan pondered over the problem, and the King of Knights shook his head at first: "Kislev's homeland cannot be recovered for the time being. Our current troops are insufficient, but I plan to restore the northern border of Erengrad. At least, we must open up trade with Dulong City. !”

"Dulong City!" Everyone in the big tent originally didn't want to continue fighting, but when they heard the words Dulong City and trade, everyone, even Bochmond, couldn't help but feel excited, and Dulong City Dragon City's trade profits are too huge.

"So, do we want the empire to get involved? Your old little maid?" Francois couldn't help but speak. My father-in-law is the most sensitive to interests: "This is such a big piece of cake!"

"Can we Britannia eat it ourselves?" When Ryan heard Francois's words, he knew that his father-in-law meant to eat it all. The Knight King simply complained: "There must be enough channels for re-export trade. Without Nuer, we can’t digest such a large share ourselves, so we still have to let the empire join in.”

Everyone couldn't help but nod. Indeed, there were 100,000 dwarves in Dulong City. Such a large trade share was indeed difficult to swallow. So the most ideal partner for cooperation with the empire was Emilia. The arms products produced by Nuer had always been cloth. The Retanians liked it the most. Although the price was slightly more expensive, the quality was really top-notch. Emilia ordered that every craftsman must engrave his name on the weapons produced, and anyone who had any problems would be responsible.

To whom is it not earned? It's better to let Nuer earn it.

"So, what should we do about Rokossovsky?" Lawn then asked: "Do we really have to spend 2,000 gold crowns to buy his death row status as the Tsarina said?"

"2000?" Ryan sneered a few times, and he stretched out his hand to compare a number: "500, no more, and told her that if she wants money, she must first issue a statement to reveal the nationality of Constantine, and we can Help him get Breton citizenship.”

"This condition is a bit harsh..." Jerrod couldn't help but say.

"It's a bit harsh." A terrible chill appeared on Ryan's face, and the King of Knights stood up: "But I think, I am afraid that the Tsar no longer has the ability to force anything. Incompetent people, we have clearly given her She didn’t cherish the opportunity to continue being czar, and now Erengrad doesn’t need a puppet anymore.”

Everyone in the big tent couldn't help laughing. Yes, after Katalin spent her last bit of money to death, she was already a little girl who could be dressed up by anyone.

"Okay, let's stop here for today's meeting."

"Let me go see the envoy of Emperor Karl-Franz and see what he plans to talk to me about."

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