The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1014, the upcoming three-way encirclement

In May 2515 of the Imperial Calendar, in the New World, Lustria, the Isthmus of Lustria, Costantiniya (formerly the Predator Port), the luxurious stables of the Ember Legion (elf warhorse only).

The first heir to the Kingdom of Britannia and the Duchy of Winford, the eldest son of Duke Francois and the biological brother of Queen Sulia, Julius Cumani-Antry-de- Wingford got up.

This expeditionary knight is now the commander of the Chasseurs of the Ash Legion, responsible for commanding most of the cavalry of the Ash Legion. He himself has made great achievements in battle. In the rainforest of Lustria, which is full of dangers and mysteries, Julius Relying on his incomparable bravery, perseverance, and tenacious style, as well as his excellent command and tactical abilities on the battlefield, he earned the title "Julius the Holy War Knight" that everyone recognized.

Similarly, Fulgrim also took great care of this relative. He took him with him to participate in several war opportunities. He also talked to him in peacetime and taught him his rich knowledge and experience, but he had not yet agreed to Julius joining him. Phoenix Guards, Fulgrim's reason for this was "it's not yet time" (actually Fulgrim no longer had the gene seed in his hands).

This made Julius very depressed.

However, more depressing things are yet to come.

Originally, Julius thought to himself that he had made so many contributions and accomplished so many feats. The number of Skaven warlords and engineering warlocks who died in his own hands alone could be counted on one hand, plus many greenskins. Shaman and undead pirate captain, when there is no war, they should be assigned to a more important position, right?

No, when he returned from the external battle, Ryan's brother-in-law worked as a groom in the Ashes Legion, responsible for serving those grumpy and extremely proud pure-blood elf war horses.

After Julius's efforts, the two pure-blooded elf war horses that Fulgan obtained from the Arab King Master finally managed to give birth to several foals (Julius had to help from behind during mating). Push hard), and what's even more terrible is that from then on, the pure-blood elf warhorse family identified Julius and only asked him to serve him. The other grooms were chased away as soon as they entered the stable. A hoof, a hoof from a pure-blood elf war horse is not pleasant. Although a proud pure-blood elf war horse will not directly kick someone to death like a wild horse without IQ and unable to control its strength, being kicked like this is really unpleasant.

A pure-blooded elf war horse would kick someone so painfully that they wouldn't be kicked to death on the spot or become disabled.

So in the end, after much back and forth, Fulgrim continued to ask Julius to be the groom, and Julius had no choice but to agree.

After getting up, washing up and having breakfast, Julius once again put on a pair of stain-resistant groom's clothes, carried two buckets of water and fresh milk, and went into the stable to work.

Several pure-blood elven horses neighed excitedly when they saw Julius coming in. They came over to lick his face and rub his neck, and began to enjoy breakfast. Two of the pure-blood elven horses even came up to them. He placed his hoof in front of Julius.

Hey, breeder, it's time to fix my horse's hooves!

Although Julius felt helpless, the Holy War Knight had always been a very dedicated person. He immediately expressed his understanding, then took the iron pliers and removed the fine iron horseshoe from the hoof of the pure-blood elf war horse, and then the iron pliers It was thrown to the ground, and a small iron hook was skillfully held in Julius's hand. His movements were very quick to help the war horse quickly clean up a lot of mud, weeds and attachments accumulated inside the horse's hooves.

"Eh~~~" The war horse neighed excitedly. It felt so good to have its hooves cleaned!

After cleaning the horse's hooves, Julius's forehead was already sweating, but he kept moving. The small iron hook was thrown to the ground again, and the iron pliers were picked up again. This time Julius would All the blackened and aged cuticles on the horse's hooves were cut off with iron pliers, and then a small brush was taken out to brush them again, and a brand new horseshoe was taken out and nailed to the horse.

"咴咴咴~" After changing a round of horseshoes, the pure-blood elf war horses all screamed happily. Julius' SPA was still more comfortable.

It was already ten o'clock in the morning when he finished this round of work. Julius was so hot that he was sweating. His brother-in-law had just sat down to rest for a while when he noticed a person standing outside the stable.

"I have to say, Yuri, you are already a qualified groom." Fulgan, who had just returned from Hesiota, smiled meaningfully and said to his brother-in-law: "I announce that I will award you the annual award of the Ashes Legion. The title of advanced groom."

"..." Julius has been following Fulgrim for a long time, and he is becoming more and more taciturn now (because after following Fulgrim for a long time, he feels that many of his ideas are childish and many of his actions are stupid), although he regards Fulgrim as a leader in his heart. , mentor and brother came to see it, Julius subconsciously exhaled a breath and just made a gesture, indicating that he could just say if he had anything to do.

"Why, not satisfied?" Fulgrim was still teasing his relatives. He smiled sincerely and showed his teeth. The handsome star-like eyes of the Emperor's Son were full of endless pride, wildness, and extraordinaryness. With such charm, even the sun of Lustria lost its light in Fulgrim's smile: "Or, if I give you a title, what do you think of 'Avoid Horse Plague'?"

Julius still can't look directly at Fulgen's bright smile. He always feels that his heart will speed up involuntarily and the blood circulation on his face will increase: "If you have anything to say, just tell me, Legion Commander."

"Hurry up and finish the matter here. I've brought you new news." Fulgen's expression became serious: "We will meet at my villa at noon."

Julius nodded.

There's a war again!

At noon, in Fulgan's seaside villa, all the senior leaders of the Ash Legion sat down to discuss the new war threat.

Attending the meeting were: Legion Commander Fulgen, Deputy Legion Commander and Phoenix Guard Captain Pirazzo, Chasseur Commander Julius, Chief Magical Advisor Golden Wizard, Chief Engineer Jerrick Grimm, Wood Elf Princess Carlo Na, General Political Commissar Harlan Sanders (formerly known as Lev Davidovich), former Estalia General Pedro, former Imperial General Weidenfeller, former Kislev Marshal Yegoro Husband, Felix the Iron, commander of the Cheka special forces of the Hussars, Hertwig, the master of the demon hunter, Harpy, the captain of the halfling expedition, and so on.

The Ash Legion now has 40,000 troops. Through his charm, strong personal ability, and prestige, Fulgrim has gathered these humans (?) from all over the world and firmly united them together.

However, what they are about to face now is a huge crisis.

"According to the information received from Mazda Moody, the leader of the lizard people in Hethiota, the Demon Toad Lord Mazda Moody, there are three evil armies approaching us rapidly." Fulgrim explained the situation to everyone, the Ash Legion The legion commander really felt troubled this time.

A huge map was hung behind Fulgrim. He pulled out a baton and pointed to the north: "In the north, a large group of Chaos troops are gathering and forming an army of tens of thousands. They come from The northern wasteland, but fought a bloody road in Nagaroth, until the dark elves reached a reconciliation with them - the dark elves made way for them to continue to attack us south, and these cunning dark elves also announced an alliance with Chaos , serving as the guide, scout and backbone of this legion, each dark elf was promised a hundred slaves."

"The leader of this wandering army is named Vashna - the World Destroyer. He rides a black dragon - Midnight Shadow. Their only goal is to burn the entire Lustria to ashes."

After everyone heard the news, they started to curse, cursing the dark elves and the Chaos army for their unlucky deaths. Jerick Grim, the great dwarf engineer of Haimen Pass, even went crazy after saying "Grimnir is here!" He spoke in dwarf language so fast that no one could understand what he was saying.

"The lizardmen promised to help us deal with this army, and the second army is our old opponent. That is Skok, the great warlord of the Skaven Plague Clan. After the last failure, it has returned." Fulgrim calmly continued to everyone: "They will come from the south and attack us. We don't know how many enemies there will be. The lizard people's snake god choose Tehenhuoyin promised to try his best to help us stop most of them." Skaven, however we still have to face a sizable army of Skaven, be prepared, the Skaven won't even take any prisoners."

"Why do bad things always appear together?" Pirazzo said with black humor: "Is my beard not shaped right today?"

"All mice deserve to die." Chief Political Commissar Lev stroked his beard: "I will use the New Orleans barbecue method I recently invented to roast these mice into dried mice."

"In addition to these two groups, I got news that there is another army that will also participate in this siege, and that is Luther Haken, the undead pirate king we have fought against before." Fulgan pointed directly to the ocean: "Obviously he is still Will try to recover the slate that was stolen from us."

"Very good, very good. Now, all our enemies are gathered together, let us solve all threats once and for all." Julius felt the blood surging throughout his body, and he couldn't wait.

"If this is the case, our 40,000 people may not be enough to defend Kostantiniya." Master Jin is not optimistic about this battle: "If the opponent attacks at the same time, we will inevitably divide into three lines of defense. Then, Our 40,000 troops will be dispersed in large numbers, and facing a three-pronged attack at the same time will also subject our defense line to the most severe test."

"Yes, that's right." Fulgen nodded lightly: "Therefore, we must have a plan."

"Legion Commander, what wonderful plan do you have? Tell Habib, Habib wants to hear it!" The halfling jumped up and down excitedly: "Can you tell Habib?"

"There are no concrete plans yet, I only have a few rough ideas." Forgan shook his head: "But Karim is right, we can't sit in Kostantiniya and wait for the three armies to come. My opinion Yes, we must act in advance.”

"Operation? You mean, Army Commander, let's deal with the enemies along the way first?" General Political Commissar Harlan Sanders looked at the map carefully: "But if we send troops in advance, how can we ensure the defense of Kostantiniya? ?”

"It depends on the speed of the three armies and some of our methods." Forgan focused on the map: "It seems that the three parties have reached an agreement to jointly launch an attack, but assuming that our small army and the lizards We can make allies and temporarily help us hold down some of the enemies, so we can focus our energy first and solve the problem along the way."

"How we choose our enemies will be the key to our victory." Fulgen suddenly laughed: "Choose your enemies!"

Upon seeing this, everyone immediately began to discuss who should be dealt with first. Most of them thought of Chaos or the Undead Pirates. It seemed that everyone was troubled by the Skaven plague.

"Don't make a decision in a hurry now." Forgan shook his head: "We still have time. What we should do now is to collect more information. The existing information is too little."

After arranging for everyone to send out manpower to strengthen the investigation, start to strengthen the outer fortifications of the stronghold and prepare for war, everyone temporarily dismissed the meeting.

The wood elf princess Karona seemed to want to stay. After everyone left one after another, she stayed in Fulgan's villa as if she had something to say. However, Fulgan smiled and shook his head: "No, at least not now, I have something else to do. Karona, you first take people to the south to conduct reconnaissance, meet with the Serpent God Legion of Sotigo God Chosen Tehenhoin, and learn about the movements of the Skaven."

"Okay." Karona also knew that now was not the time to be willful. She snorted aggrievedly and stepped out.

Fulgrim was the only one left in the villa. The Primarch of the Emperor's Son stood there looking at the map without saying a word.

Fulgrim knew very well that the situation he was facing was very serious.

The deal between the Emperor and the Toad did not include the protection of Sanguinius... The Lizardmen would only assist in this battle and would not fight to the death for the survival of Kostantiniya. The real battle must be ashes. The Legion resisted.

What's worse is that Fulgen has a vague feeling in his heart, that is, outside of these three forces, there must be a group of enemies that are hidden deeper. They are secretly leading everything, but Fulgen is in the light, and they are secretly. This Fulgen was doomed to be passive.

How to first concentrate our forces to gain an advantage? How to turn passivity into initiative?

Fulgrim frowned because he still had too little information on hand.

At this moment, golden light lit up in the room, a pair of holy wings spread out, pointing straight to the ceiling, and the golden virtual image of Sanguinius was revealed. He looked at his brother with a smile: "You seem to be troubled. , Brother, I may have to apologize to you because I caused you trouble."

"It's not your problem, Sanguinius." Fulgrim then noticed that the Sunfire Talisman hanging on his waist lit up. Seeing Sanguinius's smile, Fulgrim forced out a smile: "This is It’s destined, if it doesn’t come now, it will come sooner or later.”

"It's really amazing that you can manage these chaotic people with different races and cultural beliefs." Sanguinius's expression was sincere and sincere: "At least I can't do it. It was Guilliman who was managing these in the first place."

"It's actually not difficult." Fulgrim shook his head slightly: "It just requires some skills. Just wait, Sanguinius, and I will celebrate your resurrection with the most beautiful battle."

However, it was Sanguinius's turn to shake his head: "Don't think about solving the problem by fighting a beautiful and perfect battle. Brother, you have to be prepared for this battle to be very difficult. I have a hunch that it will be very difficult. Are you ready to take the Ashes Army to fight for your life?"

"Premonition?" Fulgen's heart suddenly moved: "What premonition? Can you explain everything clearly? Brother?"

"I saw a blurry image. In the image, he was dueling with you..."


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