The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1015, the original bodies are all the same

"My predictions are not very sharp."

In Fulgrim's villa, the phantom of Sanguinius said to Fulgrim: "So I can't give you the answer. It seems that something has obscured my prophecy ability. I once predicted Russ and Ryan. There will be a big battle with the Eternal God’s Chosen, but the result will not match up.”

"That's the one." Fulgrim pointed toward the sky: "Evil Moon Mosrib, a giant satellite made purely of chaotic dimension stones. It obscures the ability to predict. You must know that before the Evil Moon appeared, those ancient The servants of the Holy One are omniscient, but now their ability to predict has become very weak. The Demon Toads in the Moon City have tried many methods to try to solve this problem, but none of them succeeded, and every time they only let a large number of dimensional stones Falling to the ground has basically achieved nothing except benefiting the Skaven. The evil moon has obscured most of the prophecy ability, and I'm afraid it has also affected you, brother."

"Really?" Sanguinius's shadow nodded slowly, and he took a step sideways, with a very regretful expression on his face: "I have been thinking about how to help you, you are all working hard, and you all have your own things to do. Doing it, but all I can do is watch, and it makes me miserable.”

"You will soon have a chance to show off your skills, Sanguinius. I heard from Magnus that Baal is being besieged by the Leviathan swarm." Fulgrim smiled: "Your excellence Chapter Master, Dante is gathering all your descendants to defend the Hades system."

"I know, Mephiston told me everything through dreams." Sanguinius nodded: "I have helped him solve a little problem of his, and I believe that when I return, I will definitely solve the problem of Black Fury. Stop talking about that, talk about your plan, Fulgrim, if you can't survive this battle, then everything will be over, and Baal's matter will be out of the question. The oppression in this world is too powerful, and I can hardly use it. Any psychic power.”

"What plans can I have?" Fulgrim continued to look at the map: "Look, Sanguinius, the army of Vashna the Destroyer will come from the north. The number is unknown, but there must be thirty or forty thousand, Lizard We can count on how long people can delay us, but we cannot rely on it. In addition to those coming from the north, the undead pirates coming from the east and the Skaven army coming from the south are both difficult problems. We must use all our strength to meet the enemy every step of the way. This time it was still surrounded on three sides.”

"I heard your plan. Your plan is to send out a separate army first and destroy one road first. No matter which road the enemy comes from, you will only go one way? Right?" Sanguinius looked at the map, and the Blood Angel gene The Primarch's soul is now close to being completely freed from the curse of Chaos, which makes him feel a lot more relaxed: "If I'm not mistaken, your plan should be the Skaven, right?"

"Oh, you know me quite well." Fulgan nodded slightly: "The Skaven are easy to destroy. The decapitation tactics and the Skaven are very easy to defeat. I only need to personally lead the Phoenix Guards at the critical moment."

"But have you ever thought about whether the Skaven will fight against them?" Sanguinius shook his head and smiled: "What if you pounce and the effect is not good?"

"With the help of the Snake God Chosen and the skinks, I can quickly detect the whereabouts of the Skaven." Fulgrim said it was impossible: "We can't miss it."

"I'm not talking about defeating the enemy." Sanguinius shook his head: "Let's assume that you did successfully seize the Skaven's flaw and defeated the Skaven in a battle. Is that useful? You want to do it One problem is clear, that is, you are not flexible at all. Kostantiniya is here. I dare say that as long as your main force moves, the other two groups will attack at the same time. At least the undead pirates on the sea will appear immediately. The defenders without the main defense will definitely fail. During the defense of Terra, why didn't Dorn plan to attack Petrabo or you first?"

"Then we can only be beaten passively?" Fulgrim frowned. When he heard Sanguinius say this, he really realized a huge problem, that is, he was inflexible.

Your city is here, how can you use flexible tactics with enemies hiding underground, wandering legions and pirates at sea? And the other party will definitely be able to understand the movements of the Ashes Army.

"Rely on this city for defense and face siege from three sides at the same time. When you find a fighter plane, immediately let your lizard allies appear and lead your Phoenix Guards to fight." Sanguinius pointed at Costantini Yeah: "Forcing the opponent to wait for work and look for opportunities under the threat of your solid fortifications and artillery. A three-sided siege cannot be coordinated and closely coordinated. There is no Guilliman or Jonson commanding the opposite side."

"You are Sanguinius, are you sure you are not Dorne or Pertrabo?" Fulgrim raised his head and couldn't help but smile: "This is not like the angel I know."

"Don't worry, I know what battles can be won and what battles cannot be won." Sanguinius couldn't help laughing: "If you have the Emperor's Sons Legion during the Great Crusade, and the Guard Auxiliary, then I have no problem with you just dividing into three battle groups to fight the enemy in three directions, but these people you have now... Marshal Fu, if there really is a fight, you must always be on the front line to stabilize morale. Mortals are very Brave, but also vulnerable.”

"I understand." Fulgrim nodded heavily: "I will let people strengthen the defenses. This place, Kostantiniya, will become the tomb of Chaos, Dark Elves, Rats and Undead."

After the plan was made, Fulgrim found Sanguinius staring at him. He felt a little weird: "What's wrong?"

"I'm thinking, I hope you don't care about my suggestions." Sanguinius nodded slightly: "I must admit that my suggestions carry my own opinions and positions, and your ability to accept them does not necessarily mean that my suggestions are It’s reasonable, maybe because of my face.”

"Maybe, maybe not, but what does it matter?" Fulgrim was amused by Sanguinius. The Primarch of the Emperor's Son took out a bottle of wine from the refrigerator (specially made by the Golden Mage) and gave it to his own goblet. Filling a cup: "The ending is that I accepted your suggestion. In fact, I also hope to protect my people and protect you at the same time. If this is my pursuit? Perfect."

"No, any small contradiction will eventually lead to a disaster." Sanguinius shook his head: "You have gotten along with Horus, and I have also gotten along with Horus. I think we both understand that even in war, In the days before Shuai fell, we were all aware of certain things, am I right?"

"You mean, the matter about Malcador?" Fulgan put down his glass: "Indeed, everyone has felt that after Malcador established the Supreme Lords Council, the conflicts between the two sides became deeper and deeper. Horus more than once Terra and Malcador quarreled, with the former believing that this disgusting bureaucracy only hindered and harmed his grand plans. It was an insult and contempt, and either the Primarch deserved a seat on the Council, or this thing should be cancelled. "

"And Malcador believes that all power comes from the gift of the emperor. Whether it is the Supreme Lords Council or the original bodies, everyone is the father's tool. Tools should not have their own thoughts and thinking. Two brothers So...well, I can't even remember their names..." Sanguinius nodded: "Actually, we all understand that even without Chaos corruption, the relationship between Horus and his father is destined to have cracks. A person may be indifferent to the pain of losing his father, but it is absolutely impossible to be indifferent to the hatred of losing his property. Horus felt that he was his father's successor, and he could already do his own thing. The position of Warmaster satisfied him, but it also made him He breeds more ideas.”

"So what do you want to say?" Fulgan frowned: "I understand this. This is an irreconcilable contradiction. It is said that Malcador is deliberately irritating the original bodies and plans to select the unreliable ones."

"We are all the same, Fulgrim, our original body is the same. We are all very arrogant in our hearts. We have powerful souls and invincible bodies, and each of us has a special ability that is destined to be different in our thinking and personality. , and the different perspectives of looking at the problem." Sanguinius said with a smile: "Many primarchs are willing to accept opinions on the surface, but deep down they still stubbornly believe that their choice is right."

"Yes, it's true." Fulgen sneered: "Not many, but a few. We don't like to listen to other people's opinions. Some people don't even bother to pretend. You know who I'm talking about."

"But I don't want to guess." Sanguinius shook his head: "I have thought a lot during this period, and I want to understand one thing. Do you know why Guilliman asked me to be the emperor of the Second Empire?"

"Because everyone likes you." Fulgrim said without thinking. Sanguinius could even see a hint of jealousy on his expression. Fulgrim himself was also very popular, but most of the originals thought he was too flashy and coquettish. .

"No, or at least not entirely." Sanguinius shook his head: "Guilliman has long asked his heirs to study politics, literature and art. He has even planned how to arrange the Ultramarines after the Great Crusade. Do you think he is very similar to his father's arrangement for our future? He asked me to be the emperor and Jonson to be the war commander, just like his father asked Malcador to be the first regent and Horus to be Like the Warmaster?"

Fulgrim was horrified! The mind of the Emperor's Son Primarch instantly deduced countless possibilities!

Could it be? !

"It's not that bad." Sanguinius had already seen what Fulgrim was thinking, and the Blood Angel Primarch smiled freely: "You can think of it, can't I? If Guilliman really has a conspiracy or ambition , how could I reluctantly agree?"

"He likes to be behind the scenes. What he likes is to be the controller of a huge and sophisticated bureaucracy parasitic on his father's empire, not the master of the empire." Fulgrim understood, and he drank the goblet in one gulp. Ji: "He likes to dominate everything behind the scenes. He doesn't care so much about glory and status. He prefers to enjoy the happiness of having everything under control while avoiding responsibility and infamy. Hey, he's an old bureaucrat."

"This cannot be blamed on Guilliman." Sanguinius tried to reach out and play with a down satin robe that Fulgrim hung in the room. It was embroidered by the wood elf princess Karona, but he was in the spiritual state. We can only give up: "This is human nature. Everyone wants to have more power and make it easier to do things. Everyone will subconsciously test the boundaries of their power."

"So Horus will try again and again. As long as his father does not stop him, he will keep trying. Therefore, his fall is destined. It is possible that Chaos showed him a possible future scene." Fulgrim finally understood. He understood Sanguinius's painstaking efforts, and he laughed to himself: "Why am I not the same? This ultimately led to my fall. Brother, thank you, I understand what you mean."

"So I like Surya very much, very much." Sanguinius looked at the various collections in Fulgrim's villa again. Fulgrim immediately showed him his ukulele and composed the music with pride. Lustria ditty, Blood Angel continued: "You must have noticed that during the time before going to Ulthuan, our little brother Ryan and his wife Surya were having a conflict, right?"

"It's just that Sulia went to find her father and wanted to go to Ulthuan together." Fulgan nodded: "As you said, on the surface, this matter is that Sulia crossed over to Ryan and went to find his father, which caused a conflict between the couple. But in essence, it is a husband and wife struggle for power. As Ryan's queen, Sulia wants to know where the boundaries of her power are, while Ryan cannot tolerate Sulia's power breakthrough with the help of her father, and the two sides have a conflict. "

"The top of the pyramid of power is very narrow, very narrow." Sanguinius nodded: "Even though my father's empire is so big, even my father, Malcador, and Horus can't squeeze into the top of the pyramid. Ryan's The same applies to the Kingdom of Knights. After the Lady of the Lake actually voluntarily withdraws from the core of power, only the King of Knights and the Queen appear to be extremely crowded."

Fulgrim remembered that he wanted to compete with Guilliman for the regency of the Empire. For a moment, he didn't even know how to ask Sanguinius to support him in becoming regent - the situation was too low, and he felt guilty.

"In the beginning, it was Ryan who forced Surya to give in." Seeing Fulgrim silent, Sanguinius continued: "Lyan's strength was destined to force Surya to give in. She is also a mature power animal. But if this is the case, both parties will always have a thorn in the relationship between the two people. Not only will they not return to the past, but they will start to drift apart. You know, the top of the tower is too narrow."

After saying that, Sanguinius spread his wings again and pointed to the ceiling, and a smile appeared on the face of the original body that carried the astonishing beauty: "However, our little brother and his wife did not disappoint me, just in Lothern In the chocolate workshop in the interracial activity area, Ryan and Sulia, a couple who once subconsciously competed for the peak of power, each took a step back. Ryan admitted that he had done wrong, that he was selfish in power, and that he should not be A sensitive hedgehog, his love should not be reserved only for himself and his throne, and Sulia showed her love even more. She just wanted to better help Ryan achieve his goals and ideals. The two of them each took a step back, leaving behind endless light and future. From then on, their love finally reached perfection, and Sulia finally got my blessing and recognition."

"..." Fulgan was silent: "I know what you are talking about, brother, I understand everything."

"There is an end to conspiracy, brother. Compared with power, status, and glory, there are always some more precious things worthy of our pursuit and love, no matter how much it costs." Sanguinius showed a smile as bright as the sun , a heart-warming smile: "The heart of justice cannot be annihilated. For the future we believe in and the people we love, the courage and faith shown by human beings allow us to survive. I always believe that together with my father, we can bring joy to the entire universe." Come justice, order and justice.”

"Sulia and Ryan moved me through this action. I felt true and selfless love from them." Sanguinius then smiled and said: "Love, courage and justice are just like my decision to face the Dutch. When I was Ruth, I was willing to pay for everything I loved without asking for anything in return, even if the cost was tears, sweat, blood or even life, I had no regrets."

"Because in this dark and cold universe, I always believe."

"Humanity needs heroes!"

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