The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1017, boating on dry land

Mortarion, Lord of the Fourteenth Legion, the Daemon Primarch of Nurgle, the terrible Plaguebringer, the Lost Cursed.

He has always been willing to maintain his rule on a planet located in the Eye of Terror. He is the master of the Plague Star. He does not have much ambition and lacks the motivation to make progress. Compared to conquering the Star Sea, Mota Ryan preferred to stay in his own one-third of an acre of land, planting and enjoying his new father's depraved laughter amidst the buzzing of the filthy flies, the sound of the corrosive stream, and the sound of the rotting internal organs. He whispered, this was a kind of enjoyment for Mortarion - a home that belonged to and only belonged to him, and a father who truly cared about and loved him.

However, the disappearance of other demon primarchs one after another attracted the attention of the evil gods. In anger, the evil gods swore to find out the cause, while Mortarion was asked by Fat Grandpa Nurgle to stay well in the Fear. In the eyes.

Mortarion listened to Fat Grandpa's words very much at first, and he also felt that it was good for him to enjoy life this way.

But this kind of day did not last long, and soon Mortarion began to be tempted by Tzeentch's whispers.

The Lord of Change told Mortarion over and over again that Angron was defeated, Fulgrim was defeated, and Magnus was defeated, but they were all brave men and they all dared to face challenges. Only you, a coward, You loser, once again chose to escape, once again chose to obey, and once again chose to compromise. You are still the coward who fell in the poisonous gas on the top of Mount Barbarus. You can only wait for others to give you death or save you.

"I am not a coward!" Mortarion was able to ignore Tzeentch's whispers at first, but his tenacity of willpower could not be maintained for long. After whispering for a period of time, the angry demon primarch finally told Tzeentch , I am not a coward, and I will never be afraid of challenges.

Tzeentch was ecstatic and immediately told Mortarion something. The Four Gods of Chaos suddenly discovered clues about the missing Primarchs.

Mortarion immediately decided to personally lead several legions of Nurgle Daemons through the eternal giant warp storm to personally "recover" the missing Daemon Primarchs.

Other daemon primarchs, no!

I, Mortarion, can do it!

Our children of Nurgle are truly amazing! I really love Fat Grandpa Nurgle so much!

Unfortunately, this journey was not very wonderful. After several legions successfully passed through the eternal giant warp storm, only one Nurgle Daemon Legion and a team of Deathshrouds survived.

And coming to this world, Mortarion also felt that his strength was extremely suppressed. The group of Nurgle demons could only temporarily return to the subspace to conserve their strength and wait for Mortarion's attack. call.

The respirator exhaled a breath of mustard-colored stinking gas. Mortarion noticed that his descendant, Nurgle Vanguard and Plague Hive Master Typhons, had also successfully passed through the warp storm. Obviously, this guy had been severely damaged. He looked very weak, and even the color of the pustules and rotten bees on his body had dimmed a lot.

How much strength does this guy have left? Mortarion secretly wondered about Typhons's condition, but the Primarch knew that he would never show any concern or offer any help unless Typhons asked for help.

Taking the initiative to ask for help was impossible for Typhons, so the genetic father and his rebellious heir were destined to be in this awkward confrontation. In fact, the two were already on the verge of parting ways.

Sure enough, Typhons looked at his genetic father with contempt and disdain. Although he was very weak, he still left with several subordinates who were loyal to him.

Mortarion himself also began to prepare to move towards Costantiniya, where he would compete with Fulgrim, another demon primarch.

He will surely win!

…………I am the dividing line between the poisonous gas tank and the poisonous gas...

Vaishna-Destroyer is riding a black dragon and is approaching Kostantiniya from the air.

For this great warlord of the Dark Elf Sanctuary who already served the Four Gods of Chaos, this trip south was not a smooth one.

His original plan was to lead his invincible army and catch the City of the Sun by surprise, destroy and plunder this ancient lizard-men city, and then obtain rewards from the Four Gods of Chaos and peek into even more powerful and terrifying secrets.

However, after passing through Nagaros and entering the Isthmus of Lustria, he and his army had to repeatedly face harassment from Tiktato, the Lord of the Sky in the City of the Sun, and his flying brigade, which led to his The march took an extra week and there was no concealment or surprise. Then the evil god's oracle made Vashna the World Destroyer feel extremely angry. The evil god asked him and his army to give up attacking the City of the Sun and instead Attack Costantiniya, that human city.

When Vaishna's army of more than 40,000 people arrived on the outskirts of Kostantiniya, the army of Skaven Lord Skuk and Luther Haken's undead pirate army had not yet arrived. Vasna quickly judged There are at least 50,000 troops, 500 artillery pieces and thousands of cavalry in the city. The dark elf warlord loyal to Chaos immediately realized that the two fortresses outside the city were the large Golden Horn bastion located in the north of the city and The Arrowhead Bastion located in the west of the city must be conquered first, otherwise the siege will be very difficult.

Not contrary to Fulgen's expectations for this battle, Vashner immediately ordered an attack on the large bastion and the Arrowhead bastion in the Golden Horn at the same time!

Five Dark Elf legions and three Chaos legions immediately launched an attack on the two bastions.

Responsible for the defense of the Golden Horn Bastion are the Mage Arabijin and the Wood Elf Princess Karona. The defenders have the most powerful magic help and powerful long-range firepower. Relying on well-organized defensive battles and solid city defenses, the Golden Horn The large bastion of Horn Bay repelled six charges from three Chaos legions within five hours, forcing Vaishner to order a retreat and readjust tactics.

However, the defense forces of the Arrowhead Bastion located in the west of the city are the Estalia Army and the surrendered Imperial Army. These two armies rely on strict discipline and military formations to fight against powerful enemies. In this fierce offensive and defensive battle, the Arrowhead Army The bastion changed hands many times, and both sides suffered heavy losses. Reinforcements from the World Destroyer Army and reinforcements from the Ash Legion continued, so that the bastion formed a purgatory after repeated changes of hands, until the bastion outside the city The important Fulgrim ordered that Arrowhead Bastion must be defended.

However, after several hours of hard fighting, in the evening, the Skaven army led by Plague Lord Skook arrived, although the other party had to leave half of its troops behind and was delayed for a long time in order to get rid of the pursuit of the Serpent Legion. , but the news that the Skaven army appeared in the south forced Fulgrim to order the abandonment of the Arrow Bastion and retreat to Kostantiniya.

On just the first day of the Battle of Kostantiniya, the Destroyer army lost more than 4,000 people.

The Ashes Army lost more than 6,000 people.

It seemed that the evil coalition had won the victory, but as the commander of the coalition, Vashna-World Destroyer discovered a problem.

There were few prisoners.

This shows that this group of mortals has a very strong will to resist and is determined to fight to the end. Looking at Kostantiniya's reinforced city wall and the defenders' artillery, Vaishna ordered a temporary halt to the attack.

The scale of the Skaven army is simply like locusts. Underneath the extremely large number are large groups of slave rats and clan rats that are plagued by the disease. Lord Skuk does not care about the life and death of these cannon fodder, plague monks and plague priests. They quickly occupied the Arrowhead Bastion and deployed various war machines of the Skry family and monsters of the Mord family.

Vashner also used his big weapon - the Chaos Hell Cannon. More than a dozen cannons were deployed on the ruins of the Arrowhead Bastion. These terrible weapons could spit out shells with the power of Chaos. Kostantiniya was very It was soon covered by the flames of the Chaos Hell Cannon.

However, Fulgrim launched a fierce counterattack at the same time, leaving a secret passage underground in the Arrowhead Bastion.

All was according to the plans of the Primarch, the Emperor's Children.

In the early morning of this day, the surprise attack began.

Fulgrim personally led the Phoenix Guards to attack from the secret passage. The commander of the Ash Legion appeared on the artillery position of the World Destroyer army in the dark night. He used all his strength to kill several Chaos Hell Cannons and dozens of soldiers with a single swing of his sword. Chaos dwarves, a whole shield wall composed of Chaos Warriors, and an entire section of the city wall flew into the sky. Fulgrim's sword tore apart the dark clouds of chaos covering the sky. He came all the way and killed anyone who dared to challenge him. The Chaos Champion and Dark Elf Lord then withdrew into the tunnel and blew up the secret passage before Vashner could react, leaving only the destroyed artillery positions, Chaos Hell Cannons that were all smashed into twisted scrap metal, and dead and wounded. The exhausted Chaos Dwarves.

This ferocious counterattack made Vaishna realize the difficulty of this war. The enemy was very powerful, and the fighting was orderly and morale was high.

He decided to wait for Luther Harkon's undead pirate army to arrive before continuing his attack.

Since then, the first round of testing by both sides has ended, and each has retreated to prepare for the next round of war.

Late the next night, in Kostantiniya's base camp, Fulgen discussed the next battle plan with the commanders.

"The enemy surrounded us. After the Arrowhead Bastion fell, their fierce artillery fire almost engulfed the city wall. We currently have no good way to solve this problem and can only continue to repair the city wall." Jerrick, who is in charge of the city defense project -Gram Engineer Grimm said: "We have too few helicopters and can only attack limited targets."

"Have we not destroyed all the Chaos Hell Cannons of the World Destroyer Army?" Julius also knew that the current situation was very serious. The commander of the Chasseurs was even a little anxious: "Why does the enemy still have such ferocious siege firepower?" ?”

"Because there are still Skaven." Pedro said helplessly: "Every day, the number of Skaven is increasing, and a steady stream of war machines are being transported into the periphery of the city. We have to face it every day. For more firepower, the city now has about 550 guns for defense, but the Skaven have concentrated at least 370 guns to lay siege to a single point."

"Let me get out of the city!" Julius said firmly: "Let my Chasseurs destroy the enemy's artillery!"

"Then you are going to die, Yuri!" Fulgrim spoke, and the Primarch of the Emperor's Son shook his head: "Going out of the city to fight at this time is tantamount to seeking death. The quality of our army is not as good as that of the World Destroyer, and our The city wall is now our most powerful support."

Everyone was silent. The exploratory confrontation at the Arrowhead Bastion made the defenders extremely troublesome. With the help of bastions, city wall artillery and a large number of defenses, the Ash Legion still suffered more casualties.

"The other party is waiting." Master Jin spoke at this time. Arabi's Sultan judged the situation and shook his head one after another: "The other party is obviously waiting for something to appear before launching an attack together."

"That's right, so be prepared." Fulgan took a look, and now Costantiniya has fallen into the sea of ​​World Destroyer Dark Elf + Chaos Army and Skaven: "Strengthen the alert, we must persist .”


Everyone dispersed, leaving Fulgen alone in the base camp thinking about the situation of the battle.

The room was filled with golden light, and the shadow of Sanguinius walked out from behind Fulgrim. The angel also frowned: "The situation is very bad, my brother."

"I know." Fulgrim nodded slightly. The quality of the World Destroyer army far exceeded Fulgrim's expectations.

There are all Chaos Warriors and Chaos Knights, including a large group of Chosen Ones armed with heavy weapons. At the same time, the Dark Elves have also sent a huge number of reinforcements, including Slaanesh Reapers, Shadow Legions and even several legions of Cold Lizard Dread Knights. All joined the war, including several war hydras and a black dragon!

Such a high-quality army was overwhelming for the Ash Legion to fight against, even if Fulgrim led the Phoenix Guards to successfully launch a powerful counterattack.

Mortal power has its limits after all.

what to do? Fulgrim was thinking about how to use the existing power at hand to break the situation.

However, just when Fulgrim was formulating several counterattack plans, the wood elf princess Karona suddenly walked in from outside.

"No! Karona, not now!" Fulgan said without hesitation.

"What's not working?" Karona stamped her feet anxiously: "Forgan, it's not good! Come over and see, the undead army has appeared on our north bank!"

"The army of the undead would have appeared from there." Fulgan raised his head: "I have sent troops to guard the Golden Horn. As long as the Golden Horn is not lost..."

"Oh, I don't know what to tell you, come here quickly!" Karona pulled Fulgen's sleeve and walked out.

Fifteen minutes later, Fulgan and others climbed onto the northern wall of Costantiniya. The scene before them made the defenders speechless in surprise.

On the west side of the Golden Horn Bastion, several undead battleships are advancing on land.

More than a dozen undead legions composed of hundreds or thousands of undead pirates are acting together. They use endless strength and untired bodies to pave a road several kilometers long using logs!

The huge undead battleship is rolling over the logs dragged by countless undead, bypassing the Golden Horn bastion, sailing on dry land, and preparing to directly attack the northern city wall of Kostantiniya.

The undead pirate king Luther-Harken stands proudly on the bow of his flagship ship, waving his scimitar, and his revenge is coming!

"Dry land...sailing?!" Fulgan was dazed for a moment when he saw the scene in front of him. Ryan's words vaguely appeared in his mind, but he immediately realized that this would be a fatal blow to the morale of the defenders. ! The undead pirates successfully opened a gap in Kostantiniya's city defense line by bypassing the Golden Horn!

Sure enough, the morale of the defenders was instantly hit hard after seeing this scene. Former Imperial General Weidenfeller became anxious: "Legion Commander, we cannot withstand the siege from three sides. There are less than 2,000 defenders on the northern wall."

"I know!" Fulgan said angrily: "Send two regiments of soldiers here to deal with the attack of the undead pirates!"

"Legion Commander, where are our lizardmen allies? And where are the high elves? Will they come to help us?" General Weidenfeller panicked: "Legion Commander? Where are your brothers? Where are their reinforcements? ?”

Everyone looked at Fulgen.

"Now, the most effective line of defense is courage, faith and justice." Fulgen took a deep breath: "All the citizens in the entire city are looking at you, as well as the gods. Don't let them be shamed!"

"The real war belonging to our Ash Legion is about to begin now!"

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