The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1018, bloody battle at the Golden Gate

The city walls of Kostantiniya are tall and extremely defensive. Fulgrim has been ordering the reinforcement of the city walls since he became the master here. He also received the help of the lizard people. The city walls are very strong and have a large number of fortifications, including The double-layered city wall and a large number of artillery battlements also include many windows that can be used for design and a moat.

Now, this place has become the focus of the attack by the army besieging the city. Chaos, dark elves, ratmen, and undead pirates have taken turns to attack, constantly launching extremely fierce offensives towards the Golden Gate.

The people responsible for the defense of the Golden Gate are former Imperial General Weidenfeller and former Kislev Marshal Yegorov. These two generals have been arguing for a long time whether they should give priority to fighting outside the city, but here At this moment, they are firmly united.

Guarding the front were the soldiers from Kislev and the Empire. They were brave and tenacious. The artillerymen, musketeers, and crossbowmen poured out dense artillery fire and barrages on the city wall. They now had to face It is the Chaos army of Vashnar the Destroyer.

The first wave to rush up was the barbarian warriors, barbarian warriors, and chaos warriors from the north. These crazy and brutal warriors were tired of the endless march. They rushed to the city and used brass hooks and siege ladders to climb up. city ​​wall.

Facing these enemies who lacked sufficient siege weapons, the defenders seemed to be at ease. General Weidenfeller strode back and forth on the city wall wearing full plate armor. He yelled and scolded the soldiers loudly, asking them to move faster. , dozens of great swordsmen moved together, and they swung their great swords one after another, cutting all the enemies who climbed onto the tower into two pieces.

The closest distance between the two armies was only three hundred meters, and both sides could clearly hear the sounds coming from the opposite side. They were the collision of metal, the neighing of war horses, the prayers of the Chaos army before charging, and the roar of artillery.

General Weidenfeller led dozens of great swordsmen around to put out the fire. One after another, the Chaos Warriors climbed onto the city wall. The rows of Halberdier squads and Sword and Shield squads were powerless against the Chaos Warriors' heavy armor. There must be Only the great swordsman's sword could penetrate the armor. The musketeers at the crenellations kept firing bullets, and the artillery fired one after another.

At the same time, the Skaven artillery position occupying the Arrowhead Bastion outside the city also began to attack fiercely. The plague trebuchets and dimensional lightning cannons of the Skaven bombarded the city wall, and the deadly poisonous mist and explosions blew away a piece every time. There are battlements and several soldiers, and more soldiers are united together, preparing to deal with powerful enemies.

General Weidenfeller didn't know how many enemies there were outside the city. He could only see the black troops one after another. The purple, cyan, and black ones were either dark elves or the army of chaos. The green tsunami was as majestic as the ocean and it was Ska. The army of ratmen finally appeared from the north in a steady stream, attacking on both land and water. It was obviously Luthor Harken and his undead pirate army.

General Weidenfeller, as a Reikland noble, had never encountered so many enemies, so powerful, and so numerous. The most enemies he faced in the empire were just the beasts in the Reikwald Forest. The human tribe and some scattered Goblins and Orcs, plus some bandits and Chaos cultists, only once in his life went north to Nordland to fight the northern barbarians, and because of the successful ambush and Karl The emperor personally led the battle and the battle went smoothly. General Weidenfeller had always thought that mortals could solve problems by relying on steel, gunpowder, and faith.

until today.

Weidenfeller had to admit that he was scared, he was afraid, and he flinched. The imperial general could not help but tremble when faced with the extremely terrifying scene in front of him, and he could hardly hold his sword.

If there was no way out, Weidenfeller would really want to escape.

The fear of the former Imperial General almost weakened the defense system until Captain Fulgrim personally came to the city wall. The personal appearance of the Legion Commander made the soldiers burst out with endless courage and confidence. The Phoenix Guards slashed and killed all the Chaos troops who rushed to the city wall. Especially Fulgrim, the original body truly showed his power. He drew out the Spear of Sotek, and the power of lightning and storm instantly penetrated the two-hundred-meter-long front, and then exploded a diameter of 100 meters in the Chaos Army Formation. The thirty-five-meter-long pit killed nearly five hundred people in one blow!

The armies of Vashna's Worldbreakers were temporarily driven back, although their defenses were crumbling.

However, Fulgrim was unable to stay too long on the west wall. He immediately led his people to the south wall, where the various instruments and beasts of the Skaven army launched a fierce attack on the garrisoned Kislev army. The Skaven were so numerous that in the first hour thousands of slaverats and hundreds of clanrats fell beneath the city walls, the musketeers beating their rifle barrels hot and the crossbowmen's quivers. Constantly being emptied and filled, wave after wave of warpstone barrage bombardments not only destroyed the morale of the defenders, but also destroyed their lives and spirits.

Fulgan immediately ordered the engineering master Jerrick to lead the dwarf artillery regiment to allocate enough firepower to shoot at the Skaven artillery. Cannons, mortars, and trebuchets opened fire at the same time, and the iron dragon hand cannons on the city wall spit out The long fire dragon, each flame can engulf dozens of slave rats, the stinky smell of barbecue and the sound of boiling oil are constantly heard, and the reinforced shotgun can make more than a dozen slave rats fall down every time it is fired. wall and set off a burst of fierce cheers.

However, it didn't help. God knows how many slave ratmen Lord Skook had under his command. During the nearly two-hour battle, the slave rats continued to attack the city wall. The professional soldiers could still persist, but the conscripts had begun to tire and fear. Fu The appearance of Root was very timely. The original body immediately ordered the rotation of part of the army, and at the same time personally controlled the dwarf heavy cannon. In the eyes of everyone, the cannon controlled by Fulgrim hit all three shots, directly destroying two warpstone lightning cannons and one. The Gate Plague trebuchet detonated the cheers on the city wall, causing the Skaven to be completely defeated and had to reorganize their offensive. Lord Skook was displeased and ordered a temporary halt to the attack.

But before Fulgrim could rearrange the battle order, news of another crisis came from the North Wall!

The army of the undead pirate king Luther Harken has climbed onto the north wall! The undead battleships sailing from the dry land launched the most violent artillery bombardment against the northern wall!

Three Bess Queen cannons were specially transported by Luther Haken and hundreds of artillery pieces, large and small, were fired at the same time!

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

With a deafening roar, cannonballs roared towards the city wall of Kostantiniya!

The city wall was shattered by the shells of the Queen Bess Cannon! The sound of the explosion and the collapse of the city wall made the ground tremble. Part of the weak city wall was blown down on the spot. The undead pirates' artillery fire and flying scraps of iron penetrated the flesh and armor of the defenders on the city wall, and destroyed their lives like Harvested like straw.

Kostantinye was crumbling under the gunfire. The buildings in the city caught fire and collapsed under siege from three sides and shrouded in artillery fire. People fled in fear and collapsed.

A tidal wave of undead pirates immediately poured into the city along several collapsed walls!

Fulgan's heart almost shrank when he saw this scene in front of him. He was worried about whether the northern city wall would be breached and immediately led people towards the northern wall!

However, at this moment the hero stood up. The commander of the Chasseurs, his brother-in-law Julius, who was waiting in the city, raised his lance: "Soldiers! Why are we fighting?"

"Fight to protect our home!"

"Soldiers, what are we fighting for?"

"Fight for our glory!"

"Soldiers, let us show our determination to evil together, and be generous in justice today!" Julius pointed his spear at the undead pirates who rushed in from the gap in the city wall: "When the mission calls us, hunter Where are the cavalry?”

"The Chasseur is here!"

"The Chasseur is here!"

"Defend glory, defend justice, for lady and virtue, for the Legion of Ashes!"

The Chasseurs rushed out of the city, forming several torrents of steel rolling in along the streets. Spears were like a forest, and scimitars were like rain. Under the command of Julius, the Chasseurs were divided into three groups, and they just rushed into the city. The undead pirates inside attacked head-on. Almost in an instant, these undead pirates who relied on instinct and Luther Haken's control turned into bones and debris flying in the sky under the iron hooves of the hunting cavalry. .

Julius personally charged forward. Ryan's uncle had never been so angry. His spear penetrated several undead pirates, deck gunners, and finally broke after penetrating a zombie. The commander of the hunting cavalry immediately drew out He took off the divine sword at his waist - the knight killed the dead demon and beheaded it on the spot with his bare hands.

In the vast sea of ​​​​the undead, under the protection of dozens of deep-sea guards, an undead pirate commander was commanding the follow-up troops to continue the attack. He faced the charge of the cavalry head-on, and the two hunters were shot in succession with two rounds of fire guns in his hands. The cavalrymen blasted open blood holes in their chests and heads, then took out their scimitars. With a flash of sparks, a dragoon's breastplate was cut open on the spot, and he was knocked off his horse. Then, with a simple little spell, a group of chasseurs were blown to pieces. This group of chasseurs was quickly engulfed by the undead.

When Julius saw this scene, he rushed straight towards the undead pirate commander. The undead pirate commander foolishly believed that his scimitar could withstand the knight's long sword. However, the power of the fairy in the lake was the nemesis of the undead. As Julius Lius raised the knight's sword high in the air, and the radiance of the moon and the power of the sun's flames belonging to the goddess erupted from the blade. All the sight of the undead was swallowed up by the dazzling light.

So bright, so dazzling!

This is its last consciousness.

The commander of the hunting cavalry cut the commander in half with one sword, and the divine power on the sword evaporated the skeleton. He raised his sword and continued to attack. Julius knew that the cavalry could not stop.

The undead pirates who rushed into the city were quickly wiped out. Even those who slipped through the net were eliminated immediately. Julius even rushed all the way out of the city. Vaishna World Destroyer immediately ordered two legions of Dark Elf Cold Lizards. The Dread Knights attacked together, and the cavalry brigades of both sides retreated after a tentative confrontation. The Cold Lizard Dread Knights suffered heavy losses, but the Chasseur Cavalry Corps also suffered heavy casualties.

Julius's bravery impressed the Chaos army.

The northern wall was defended, and the defenders immediately repaired the wall and strengthened the defense. The wizards chanted spells and tore open scrolls. New solid walls quickly rose on the ground. They were not as strong as the previous ones, but they were enough for the time being.

At the same time, the Saint Sophia and other Ash Legion warships parked in the dock also fired artillery fire. The cunning Luther Haken immediately realized that he could not defeat such a terrifying force by his own strength when he saw Fulgrim appear on the north wall. The enemy decided to retreat.

As Luther Haken's flagship was hit by the obsidian cannon of the Saint Sophia, billowing smoke exploded. The defenders in the city suddenly shouted excitedly. At the same time, the victory won on land and sea gave the defenders hope. The confidence of victory, for a moment, the glory, courage, and faith seemed to have overshadowed the besieging enemies.

But soon, the defenders in the city discovered that they had less than twenty minutes to rest before the three armies came back.

After this continued for several hours, the exhausted Kostantiniya defenders found that the enemy was still attacking the city wall continuously. Several giant siege towers had been set up on the Golden Gate. Hundreds of barbarian warriors and Chaos The warriors climbed to the top of the city, and it was not until Fulgrim himself arrived with the Phoenix Guard that they were slaughtered. The siege towers were destroyed one after another, but Fulgrim had no time to consolidate the fruits of victory and had to immediately rush to the southern city wall. There, Si The Skaven of Cavan have used the carcasses of slave rats to build siege ladders.

Another few hours of fierce attack, the siege army's offensive lasted from morning, to noon, to evening, and into the night. The enemy seemed to have endless troops, and the attackers did not retreat, even if the losses were compared to the defenders. To say it was even bigger, the dwarves' iron dragon hand cannons overheated and became paralyzed, the barrels of the cannons burned red, the musketeers numbly loaded bullets, and section after section of the city wall was caught in the flames of war.

Dusk fell and the siege of the city continued.

At this time, the Skaven tunnel was nearly completed, and dozens of warpstone bombs were filling the bottom of the city wall.

The huge explosion meant that several gaps in the southern city wall were blown down. Fulgen had to immediately rush to support the defenders with Julius's Chasseur Corps. The fierce hand-to-hand combat caused Keesler to defend the southern city wall one after another. The husband's army fell among the collapsed rubble. The heroic Mrs. Keesler used her body to turn into bricks and soil to block the gap in the city wall.

Former Kislev Marshal Yegorov angrily ordered the army to reorganize and launch a counterattack. He constantly patrolled the front line to boost morale, ringing bells, trumpets, explosions, cries, roars, and praising the horned rat. The sounds of yesyes and the war cries of the defenders echoed like thunder across the battlefield.

"Today is the day for generous righteousness, soldiers, for Kostantiniya! For the legion commander and the Ash Legion!" Yegorov galloped on the city wall on his horse. Under his order, he retreated due to panic. The soldiers gradually regrouped and returned to their posts.

A warpstone lightning cannon hit not far from the location of former Kislev Marshal Yegorov, blowing three Kislev soldiers to pieces, and several fragments of shattered breastplates burst out. , embedded deeply into Yegorov's head, permanently stopping his command.

Without the commander in chief, the defense of the southern city wall instantly fell into chaos.

At this moment, Nurgle Vanguard and Hive Lord Typhons, who was fighting and ambushing outside the city, immediately realized that this was an excellent opportunity! A chance to break through the defenses and dedicate the entire city to Fat Grandpa Nurgle!

Typhons almost without thinking asked Mortarion, who was watching the battle further away, to immediately lead the Nurgle Demon Legion and a small group of Deathshrouds to make a circuitous route and attack the city from the southern wall.

However, this request was flatly rejected by Mortarion.

"This is not the right time, and you have no right to order me, Typhons!"

So after ten minutes, Fulgrim and the Phoenix Guards arrived and slaughtered all the Skaven who rushed into the city. Fulgrim raised the Spear of Sotek, and the snake god's storm enveloped the entire battlefield. Thousands of people were killed. The Skaven and hundreds of Plague Monks were reduced to debris in the Serpent Storm, and the rest fled in panic.

The besieging army missed an extremely favorable opportunity to break through the city's defenses.

But the war continues.

When the red sun appeared in the east of the city, the Chaos Evil God was singing freely. After the sun had just risen, it brought poor hope, and was immediately engulfed by dark clouds. The entire Kostantiniya was plunged into heavy rain, and the bloody battle continued. continue.

After a brief pause, the World Destroyer army launched a new round of attack towards the Golden Gate.

In the muddy bloody swamp, on top of thousands of corpses, two entire legions of Chaos Warriors and Chaos Chosen launched a new attack!

The battle is getting more and more intense.

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