The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1019, I have a dream (second update!)

When Harlan Sanders, the general political commissar of the Ash Legion, led the fresh troops of the two legions to the southern city wall, the Skaven had been killed and retreated. Fulgrim personally led the Phoenix Guard to block the gap. These passed by the Lizards. The super-soldiers transformed from the Human Hatchery showed their power and no Skaven could escape from them.

"Lev! Take your people to the east wall immediately to strengthen the defense!" Fulgrim's body was now covered with rainwater and Skaven flesh and blood. He shouted at the general political commissar of the Ash Legion: "Quick! Leave this to us!"

"Yes!" Harlan Sanders didn't think much. He immediately led the soldiers and rushed towards the golden gate.

At this time, the situation at the Golden Gate was already very bad, and the battle situation was becoming more critical every minute.

The originally ferocious sound of artillery fire was only left with scattered sparks. Countless Chaos warriors climbed onto the tower and started a fierce battle with the defenders. The human soldiers fought against the evil of Chaos with endless courage, but most of their endings were... Under the swords and axes of these powerful enemies, they turned into pieces of flesh and blood that filled the sky.

The Chaos Warriors were ecstatic and roaring. Their voices were like the music of hell. The evil torrent of black heavy armor continued to advance, and the chaotic drum beats sounded one after another on the golden gate. Each time it meant that there was a section of the city wall. fall.

Every order made the defenders more desperate.

"All the first regiment of the Fifth Army have been killed!"

"Put in all the reserves of the Third Regiment!"

"We need support!"

"The Sixth Army has no reserves!"

"We're out of bullets!"

"You don't have bullets but you still have swords!"

"For the Legion Commander, for the Ashes Legion!!!"

Wave after wave of defenders swarmed up and fought bloody battles with the Chaos Warriors who rushed up to the tower.

At half past six in the morning, a large group of Chaos troops climbed onto the tower and threw the defenders off the tower.

At 7:15, the defenders fought back and the Chaos army was forced to withdraw from the tower.

At 8:35, the Chaos army returned. They once captured the golden gate and tried to open the city gate.

At 8:50, General Pedro of the Phoenix Guard gathered all the reserves, including hundreds of musketeers who had run out of bullets, and recaptured the Golden Gate with a wave of desperate charges!

When Harlan Sanders arrived with fresh troops, the situation was already extremely bad.

"How long can we hold on?" the general political commissar shouted towards Pedro.

"Half an hour at most!" Pedro was covered in blood: "Harlan, take your people and block it!"

"How long do you need us to hold on?"

"Hold on as long as you can!"

"Okay! Soldiers, for the legion commander, for Kostantiniya!"

War cries for Erson, for Charlemagne, for the lady, for Mirmedia and for Fulgrim spread throughout the city, and the newly arrived troops advanced in neat lines, trying to drive the enemy off the city wall.

However, the number of the World Destroyer's army was simply too great. According to Harlan Sanders's estimation, the other party invested at least 45,000 people to attack the Golden Gate! The defenders had less than 10,000 people!

As the Chosen Warriors of Chaos and the Shadow Warriors of the Dark Elf entered the battle, the two legions of Harlan Sanders began to be unable to hold on. Few defenders could match these powerful Chosen Warriors or spend hundreds of years. The superb warriors who had perfected their war skills were killed in droves, and their broken limbs were scattered all over the small city wall.

A dark elf Kane assassin, Maurice Crooked Blade, climbed onto the city wall. He skillfully danced among the sword, shield and halberd formations of the human defenders. The standard equipment forged from the workshops and smithies were like It was torn apart like branches.

Harlan Sanders clenched the sword and blunderbuss in both hands. He gasped for air and observed everything.

The lines are getting thinner.

The enemy was getting closer and closer. Sandoz saw the Chosen Warriors of Chaos pulling the poor mortals out of the shield wall and tearing them into two pieces with their bare hands. He saw the Dark Elf's ballistae blowing the defenders into the sky. He saw that Kane's assassins danced among the halberdiers, soldiers having their throats slit at every movement.

He and the last of his troops were surrounded.

The soldiers were fleeing. Harlan Sanders tried to stop the soldiers, but he soon discovered that this was wishful thinking. Most of these soldiers were conscripted conscripts and militiamen. They were able to persist for more than a day before they began to collapse. It was considered a success. Well done, Sanders couldn't bring himself to scold them, he just silently reloaded his musket.

Memories kept flashing through my mind.

The former Chief Minister of the Kislev Palace named Lev-Davidovich was born in a wealthy Boye aristocratic family in the city of Kislev. When he was young, he entered the Esun Church to study. Although his grades were excellent, Lev I have always scorned things like gods.

There has never been a savior, nor does we rely on gods. If we want to revitalize the decadent Ice and Snow Kingdom, we can only rely on ourselves!

For this reason, the nobleman's son made various bizarre remarks more than once and was exiled. However, in the end the Red Tsar Boris recognized his views and hired him as the chief minister of the tsarist court. Lev got the opportunity to show off his talents. Together with Red Tsar Boris, he rebuilt Kislev's army and abolished the previously backward systems of "centurions", "thousands" and "ten thousand captains", and replaced and rebuilt the country's army with the imperial military rank system. Organized and equipped with advanced equipment, that was the pinnacle of his personal reputation.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. Red Tsar Boris died in the Troll Kingdom at the end of the Great Purge. The new Tsarina Katalin mostly denied and stagnated towards her father's reforms. Lev knew why, Bing The Witch Sisters and the traditional Boye nobles began to counterattack.

Fortunately, Katalin still had some love at first, so he was expelled temporarily. When he arrived in Sartusa, he relied on the support of a group of pirates and worked as a dog-headed military counselor for them. Lev's grief was greater than his heartbreak. Just let it go until you get old.

It wasn't until the arrival of Knight King Ryan, until he came to the new world, until he was appreciated by Commander Fulgan, that the aging old man finally won the opportunity to show off his talents again. These few years have been the best time in his life. In the happiest years, he didn't care about being Fulgrim's tool, nor did he care about being used by Fulgrim to guide those soldiers with conservative and backward concepts. He just wanted to realize his wish by serving Fulgrim.

He has a dream.

He dreams that one day, human beings can put aside their past differences and contradictions and move towards prosperity together.

He dreamed that one day, Master Boyer's son would be able to receive education on an equal footing with the sons of lowly serfs.

He dreamed that one day, all human beings in the world could unite and say no to the noble nobles and bureaucrats who were born to be noble.

He dreams that one day, the flowers of freedom, democracy, justice and justice will bloom on the mountains!

However, today, the political commissar who changed his name to Harlan Sanders knows very well that his dream may not be realized.

He was too old and too tired.

He saw that the Imperial General Weidenfeller died in battle. This battlefield veteran from Reikland had his arm cut off by a Chaos Chosen One, stepped on the ground, and was penetrated downwards by the Chaos Warrior who raised his giant sword with both hands. His chest trembled twice, and Weidenfeller stopped moving.

He saw that his close comrade-in-arms, Marshal Yegorov, had his head embedded in the exploded armor fragments, and his blood spurted out like a fountain. His decades-old comrade-in-arms was beheaded like this, and he died with his eyes open.

He saw the generals who had followed him to Lustria being killed one by one.

Until the Chaos God's Chosen Warriors came to him and cut off his long sword with an axe. Harlan Sanders fired his last shot at the Chosen One, which shattered into a white mark on the Chosen One's helmet.

Legion commander, I leave my dream to you.

On this morning, the general political commissar of the Ashes Legion and the former chief court minister of Kislev died at the Golden Gate.

When Fulgrim led the Phoenix Guards and arrived again, the Golden Gate had already been lost, and all the defenders were basically dead and wounded. In the defense battle of the Golden Gate, the Ashes Army suffered losses of more than 8,000 people.

The World Destroyer army suffered as many as 12,000 casualties in order to break through the Golden Gate.

Now, Vaishna-World Destroyer himself rode up on his black dragon mount, Midnight Shadow. He waved the great sword in his hand, signaling the Chosen Warriors of Chaos and the Slaanesh Raiders of the Dark Elves to come forward.

However, the gate of the Golden Gate is very hard, and a large number of siege weapons cannot open the gate. Even though the gate has seriously collapsed, the last few defenders cut off the ropes resolutely, causing the gate to be completely destroyed. Sealed.

This immediately made the World Destroyer Uncle Wa feel very shameless. He ordered the black dragon under him to attack. Under the blessing of the power of chaos, the black dragon's whole body flashed with black light. With a flick of its tail, the solid city gate finally It was blasted open and a door collapsed.

Legion after legion continued to attack until Fulgrim arrived with the Phoenix Guards.

Vashner knew how powerful Fulgrim was, and the cunning dark elf warlord immediately let the black dragon fly into the air. The first group of Chaos Chosen and a group of Slaanesh Raiders were instantly informed that Sanders and Wei Enraged by the deaths of Denfeller and Egorov, Fulgrim slaughtered them all, and the Emperor's Son Primarch swore that he would make the besieging army pay for it.

The first counterattack of the Phoenix Guards and the Ember Legion soon encountered obstacles. Several legions of Cold Lizard Dread Knights and five Storm Rats advanced together. The deadly warpstone flames and charging advances made Fulgrim personally lead the first wave of counterattacks. The army suffered a lot of casualties.

It was still Julius's Chasseur Corps that came out to face the Storm Rats and the large group of Cold Lizard Dread Knights. The two sides fought fiercely at the city gate so that Fulgrim's First Army could cover the retreat of most of the wounded. The brother-in-law and Fulgrim glanced at them, and then his soldiers rushed into the cold lizard fear knight group at one go, and speared several dark elves under the cold lizards.

"It's a good day to die!" The Chasseurs swept past like a furious storm, leaving dead bodies everywhere.

With great courage, bathed in the light of the Lake Fairy, and wielding the Immortal Sword, Julius won the respect of the Dark Elves and Chaos Warriors through a crazy charge. They recognized Julius as A respectable warrior, many dark elves even thought of capturing him alive.

Later, Fulgrim rejoined the battlefield after escorting the wounded, and the two worked together to take back the Golden Gate again!

Vashner was so angry that he ordered the entire army to press forward. The dense army of Chaos and the Dark Elf army pressed forward. Even a few War Hydras had been released, but they were still repelled by Fulgrim and his Phoenix Guards who stood firm. !

However, at this moment, Fulgan learned the most fatal news.

The southern city wall was lost. The commander in charge of guarding the southern city wall, the founder of Kislevcheka, Felix the Iron, was snatched away by the Skaven while he was personally directing the defense and reorganizing the army for reinforcements and counterattacks. The team was hit by a warpstone bullet, and Felix, who was fatally wounded, ordered the Cheka to tie him to his horse with a rope and keep him still to boost the morale of the army.

"It's a good day to die!" Iron Felix covered the bleeding wound and said coldly and ruthlessly: "If I can't return to my hometown, then let me be buried here. This is the fate of a warrior."

"Yes!" The Chekas put him on the horse again in tears and tied him up with ropes.

Before he could finish this, a shot of the Warpstone Lightning Cannon blew Felix and several Chekas into pieces. This tough guy died on the battlefield without leaving any last words.

The remaining defenders of the southern city wall were still resisting tenaciously, and it was obvious that both sides had suffered heavy losses. However, Lord Skok immediately ordered the entire line to press forward. Under the attack of Skaven war monsters, Skaven artillery, Skaven storm rats, clan rats, Under the collective attack of the Plague Monk troops, the southern city wall finally fell.

The Skaven's attack seemed unstoppable. Although he felt extremely painful about this, Fulgrim could only order a retreat and retreat to the fortresses and defense lines in the city to prepare for street fighting.

How to retreat is an extremely sophisticated military skill. Even a strong army like the Ashes Legion seemed at a loss when faced with the military pressure of the West City Gate and South City Wall being lost at the same time. The soldiers were in chaos, and the battle line seemed to be facing a complete crisis. Collapsed, Fulgrim had to focus all his energy on reorganizing the army!

At this time, even worse news came. Although the Golden Horn Bastion was still standing, the army of undead pirates sailing on dry land had breached the northern city wall!

All three lines of city walls have been lost!

Kostantiniya is in chaos and it looks like Fulgrim and his Ashes are going to fail!

At this time, the Lord of the Hive and Nurgle Vanguard Typhons, who was paying close attention to the battle situation, once again asked his genetic father Mortarion to immediately lead the Deathshroud Squad and two Nurgle Demon Legions to join the battle!

Mortarion refused again, and the Death Guard Primarch spat out yellow-green gas angrily: "I said, Typhons has no right to order me! I will not go into battle! I understand my father and Fulgrim That guy, if the other side is prepared, then who will deal with the new enemy?! I am fighting at least six Terran subspace navigation distances from the Eye of Terror, who will ensure my safety?"

Mortarion once again refused Typhons's request for an immediate attack, which made Typhons so angry that he almost exploded. The demon prince cursed on the spot that his genetic father was a purebred idiot and mentally retarded. If If it weren't for the fact that he didn't have a few Nurgle demons to control, he would have already gone into battle himself!

The besieging army once again missed the perfect opportunity to completely defeat the city defense and trample the entire Kostantiniya under its feet due to Mortarion's refusal!

Under Fulgrim's personal rearguard and astonishing combat effectiveness, the city's defenders immediately joined the street fighting, although more than half of them had been killed or injured. Several lines of defense in the city played a role in defeating the Destroyer army, the Skaven army, and Lu's army. The undead army of Ser-Hakon was barely repulsed!

And at this critical moment, Master Jin, who was trapped in the Golden Horn Bastion, personally led the Yenicherry Army to attack! Wearing full-body plate armor, red robes, capes, caps, and white turbans, these Arabi elites were unstoppable. Especially the cavalry troops even smashed the left wing and back of the undead pirate army in one fell swoop. Even Luther Haken himself The Fire Elemental Supreme Lord summoned by the Golden Mage was injured with a hammer and almost killed instantly. The Undead Pirate King was forced to ask for reinforcements from Vashner.

While the World Destroyer Vashna cursed the undead pirates for being useless, he had to send most of the Cold Lizard Dread Knights and Slaanesh Raiders to support Luthor Harkon, and then barely managed to kill the Yenicheri Legion. He retreated back to the Golden Horn bastion.

Although Master Jin's plan failed, this move bought time for the guards of Kostantiniya, and the defenses in the city were re-established. Although more than half of the casualties had been lost, Fulgan's previous emergency plan after the city wall fell was The plan was executed perfectly, and the defenders were still capable of fighting.

On the contrary, the number of besieging armies that could enter the city to fight was limited, and they soon discovered that the army could not spread out within the city.

The brutal street fighting began, an extremely bloody war of attrition.

In the afternoon, the downpour stopped, the sky began to clear, and the sun was in the sky, dispelling the haze.

A harsh and violent lizard roar came from the depths of the forest, and this roar echoed around the entire Kostantiniya!

"???" The besieging army was instantly shocked by the roar, and they subconsciously searched for the source of the roar.

The second roar penetrated the eardrums of the Chaos Warriors. The earth was shaking, the mountains were trembling, and the ancient power was exploding in the Lustria rainforest!

The huge figure of Tyrannosaurus Quimok strolled out of the rainforest, and on top of it was the last guardian Kuga!

Reinforcements from City of the Sun have arrived!

The second update has been updated, please vote for me!

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