The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1029, The end of the Spider God has arrived!

Imperial calendar year 2515, July, Drakwald Black Forest, a place where sunlight cannot reach.

Even in midsummer, the Drakwald Forest in Middenland is still covered by terrible tree shade and thick fog. The sun cannot be seen there all day long. It is shrouded in darkness and thick fog. It is an absolute restricted area of ​​life, and the sun has never touched it. On the cold ground, all color seems to have been drained from the soil. Bone piles and giant spider nests are scattered all over this decayed land.

But just today, a large group of uninvited guests were welcomed here.

Knight King Ryan stood on a small slope in the dense forest. The mist surrounding him could not block his sun-like glory and power. Ryan's eyes were fixed on the front. The original form of the Gray Knight gene sneered, and the gorgeous Under the king's robe and white gold cape, there is his majestic figure.

"I have made countless enemies, but I have defeated them all."

The King of Knights exhaled lightly, waving his pride and recalling his glorious past.

"Beneath the swamps and corruption, they once said that Mousilon would never be recovered!"

The lightning attack on the Spire Palace, the battle against the Tzeentch demonic army, the battle in the Landuin Cemetery, the peak championship showdown between Kurona and the viper Mashubad, until Alfred blew open the city wall with a torch, and after three hundred years, Musi Long recovered again.

"In the land of Greenskins and Skaven, they say that the Eight Peaks will never return to the arms of the Dwarves!"

The initial battle at the Giant's Tower, the siege of Junkubao, the Iron Rock Cavalry battle, the whole army's bloody battle at Valaya's Gate, the glorious decisive battle at Titan's Gate, the final battle to regain the Eight Peaks Mountain, the green-skinned warlord Skarsnik and the headhunter Kui Ke has been crowned one after another, announcing that after nearly three thousand years, Bafeng Mountain has once again returned to the rule of the Angland clan, and the Mountain Kingdom will surely be revived again!

"In the land of dark forests and ice, they say the Beastmen and Chaos can never be truly defeated!"

The Battle of Chantillon defeated the World Walker Army, the Battle of the Swamp of Pain defeated the main force of the Beastmen, the Operation Bagration Formation killed Aisling, the High King of Norsca, the Battle of Three Kings, one king killed two kings, Herzig's The Legion of Slaanesh was defeated in the Battle of Wolfen, the main army of Chaos was defeated in the Battle of Wolfen, and Erengrad was recovered by the March Storm.

"Now? Now they have nothing to say!" Ryan shouted towards his army with pride: "They fear me as they fear the power of thunder and storm. I am Ryan Malcador! I am the king!"

The cheers came one after another.

Firelight splashed and ashes drifted. Under the dense canopy of Dracovald Black Forest, the greenskin army of Black Pit was retreating.

They screamed in terror and fled. The Orcs trembled and retreated one after another. The goblins were rolling around on their hands and knees on the forest land covered with spider silk. The Brittanian army surged from all directions. Come, the tricolor flag and the lion national flag are fluttering in the windless forest.

The knights dismounted and were on foot, chasing the Orcs, knocking them to the ground with their shields, and piercing the orcs' chests with their long swords. The musketeers kept talking, and the dense rain of bullets harvested the greenskin deserters.

Thick smoke was billowing, and the cannons were firing. The eight legs of the Anaconari Queen Spider twitched and fell over the entire forest. It let out a series of desperate screams in a cold and desperate manner. Several cannon marks were left on its body. The wound, two legs were blown off, and green blood flowed down in streams. It screamed for the greenskins to save it. However, the greenskin army at this time had no choice but to collapse. When they saw the three people in front of them, The sword emblems in the color flags and iris books have long lost the courage to fight, and even the most powerful wild orcs have their legs trembling.

Many greenskins recalled the fear of Middenstanger being dominated by those bearskin hats and tin cans a few months ago.

Crying and whining, the greenskins collapsed as soon as they engaged in battle. It is unimaginable that this once caused countless troubles to the Midden Territory and burned down a large number of outposts, strongholds, villages, and fortresses along the way. Black pit and green skin.

What makes them so fragile and vulnerable?

The closest greenskins cried, fleeing into the forest like scattered insects under torches. Panic spread like a virus throughout the greenskin tribe. Fear sets in, and spiders and their forest-dwelling masters retreat into tree trunks, hollow trees, and mud dens until they are completely hidden. Even the spiders that lingered at the edge of the clearing turned and fled.

"Victory! Victory! Victory!"

"Long live the lady! Long live the King! Long live Britannia!"

Large groups of Brittanian troops lit torches, held their weapons high, and proudly looked at the spoils of this encounter - the giant spider of the Queen Anaconari that fell to the ground and lost the ability to resist. It was an unstoppable behemoth and a symbol of the power of the Black Pit Greenskins, but now, it's just a dying loser!

The King of Knights' order was cruel and ruthless. Ryan raised a hand and stretched out a finger. His voice echoed in the black forest: "Burn it!"

"Yeah yeah yeah!"

"Burn it!"

"Long live the king!"

Pieces of torches were thrown onto the Queen's giant spider like meteors. As the flames burned, the once arrogant giant spider could only watch the flames devour itself.

Then, turned into ashes.

Duke Berhemond and Duke François led the army to continue to advance, and beside Ryan, wearing bearskin hats and holding weapons in both hands, the fully armed Old Guards lined up neatly and marched forward. , the faces of every Old Guard were shrouded in divine light. They had won again. Some Old Guards even felt that this level of victory could no longer make them feel intoxicated, but it was still worth it. A proud victory, now they will create glory once again under the leadership of King Ryan!

The black bearskin hat, the tricolor flag held high, and the Queen Spider that was burned into an empty shell in the fire seemed to be announcing the end of the thousand-year glorious history of the Black Pit Green Skin!

Just because they met the best knight kingdom, just because they met that man, the great knight king Ryan Malcador!

At this moment, there is only less than five kilometers left from the sacred place of green skins and spiders, where the main shrine of the Spider God is located.

One day later, deep in the big black pit.

This was once the holy land of greenskins in the past, but now it has become a ruin.

Smoke, flames, guns, and despair enveloped the Greenskins of Black Pit. Their past glory has long gone. Humans are coming to kill them. The shrimps are coming for revenge. They are ruthless and extremely powerful.

It was so powerful that the greenskins were unable to fight, and they had no courage to fight. Wherever they passed, there was only massacre.

The new Spider King and the chosen one of the Spider God, Greb-Big Claw, is leading the last group of goblin spider riders to rush around. There are armies of tin cans everywhere. Greb-Big Claw Try to find a way to the great shrine of the Spider God in the Black Pit. There, it will be able to inspire the last and most powerful power of the Spider God and use the power of the evil moon to defeat these Britannia. Xiami!

At this time, a team of Jinbei cans stopped in front of it!

The leader is the direct bloodline descendant of the Red Dragon Duke, the first generation of Knight King Arthur, and a strong man who is close to the demigod at the peak of the Holy Realm, Duke Birhemond! The old Duke was delighted to see the hunter. He raised the giant red dragon scepter in his hand, pointed at Grebe, and laughed: "That's it! My brothers, the Spider King is here. There is no need for a beast like him. What are you talking about about chivalry? Let’s go shoulder to shoulder!”

The Holy Grail Knights of the Brotherhood of the Red Dragon Knights shouted together: "For the lady and the king, for Britannia!"

Greb, the Spider King, also showed a bit of cowardice in his fury. He babbled: "For the sake of the Black Pit, for the God of Spiders, boys, come to me!"

As the Spider Riders rush to fend off the Grail Knights, Greb immediately begins chanting a mysterious incantation.

Between the dark and deep woods and canyons, the evil moon became more and more dazzling. Green light shrouded the entire battlefield, and then a very large spider phantom appeared in the evil moon. It was made of pure moonlight.

The Brittanian army was frightened by the giant spider shadow. The soldiers couldn't help but retreat. After all, no one would dare to directly challenge an existence they didn't understand. The Spider King then pointed pointedly at the human shrimps surrounding him: "Xia Mi is dying, kids, follow in the footsteps of the Spider God and rush for me!"

The curse of the evil moon was very powerful at the beginning. The first Brittanian soldiers who encountered the spiritual spider were burned to pieces in the green flames, leaving only a pile of debris and goblins wearing black armor. The shaman laughed playfully, praising the spider god.

However, soon, a crisp shout sounded from the other side of the battlefield: "Light of the Lake God!"

The pure light of the Lake Fairy broke the curse of the evil moon. The Lake God Witch Morgiana led the Lake God Prophet Group to join the battlefield. These Lake God Prophets, who were generally respected by soldiers and knights, collectively chanted divine magic. Platinum The green light of the Lake God immediately overwhelmed the green cursed light of the evil moon. The two divine powers collided together, causing the sky in the black pit to burst and cracks in the space to explode.

Which one is better, the power of the Spider God or the power of the Lake Fairy?

The answer is self-evident. After being hit by such a violent divine power, the shadow of the Spider God twisted and dissipated in the air until it completely disappeared.

In the center of the battlefield, there is a duel between Duke Bohemond and the new Spider King. The combat power of Greb-Big Claw is far inferior to that of the previous Spider King Snagra-Spit, and its weapons cannot break it. Duke Birhemond's dwarf master-level full-body rune plate armor could only seek a sense of presence by tearing off the old Duke's robe.

"In the name of lady, suffer death! Dirty green bastard!" Duke Bohemond picked up the red dragon scepter, drew a violent arc, and directly smashed the head of the big spider under Grebe's seat. At the bottom, the skull of the big spider was smashed into pieces. The beast tried to fight back before dying, but how could the Red Dragon Duke give it another chance? The second blow ended everything.

The Spider King was so angry that he immediately took out a venomous god-given spear from under his body and threw it towards Duke Bohemond the moment the big spider fell. Duke Bohemond immediately understood this. Seeing the power of a spear, he calmly changed his hand to the red dragon scepter, rolled it up with his dragon skin cloak, and then put it on top of his shield.

"Cang~" The god-given spear was blocked by the god-given shield soaked and washed in the holy water blessed by the Fairy of the Lake. The Red Dragon Duke reached out his hand and broke the spear in contempt. Then the Sword in the Stone was unsheathed and the blade pierced through it. The feathered mask of the Spider King penetrates its head.

The Spider King Greb-Big Claw was killed. When all the remaining greenskins and spiders saw this scene, their morale finally collapsed and they fled in all directions, abandoning this thousand-year holy land of greenskins.

"Victory! Victory!" Duke Berhemond proudly picked up the Spider King's head with his sword: "We are victorious!"

The loud cheers of the Brittanians resounded in the great black pit.

"In the name of lady, I declare that the robbery has begun! Everything in the black pit and green skin belongs to us!" Knight King Ryan proudly announced: "Soldiers and knights, take away the valuable things you see. Take everything, leave nothing behind!”

"Ahhh! Long live the king!"

The looting began.

The statue of the Spider God was toppled, and every green-skinned den and spider lair was opened. The hungry and ferocious Brittanian army poured into the black pit like a tide. They robbed everything they saw. Kill the skin.

The wealth accumulated by the Black Pit Greenskins for thousands of years, including everything captured in the thousand-year war with the Imperials, has now become the spoils of the Brittanians. Gold and gems have been removed from Brother Mao's eyes, nose, mouth, After digging out the navel, large pieces of enamel silver were put into bags by the knights. The serf soldiers scrambled to peel off the thick spider silk in search of trophies, while the more knowledgeable free people were looking for spiders everywhere. The nests often contain the finest spider silk and silk pulp accumulated by the Black Pit Spiders. These are the finest raw materials for making clothes and robes! And it can also be used to make high-end spider silk stockings!

"Bertrand, you go and grab it too." Ryan, who was standing on a high place, said to the Old Guards: "The Spider King's palace is right there. Take whatever you have, but the innermost cave is I'm careful, no one is allowed to come in."

"Yes!" The Old Guards were also ordered to move out. The great swordsman of the Old Guards who rushed to the front opened the door of the Spider King's palace with a sword, and then these elite soldiers also started their own journey to make a fortune.

What rich harvest did this raid bring to the Bretons?

Because Lane made the Brittanians "silently make a fortune", no one knows the specific total wealth, but it can be found out based on sporadic records.

After looting the Black Pit and finally burning it to ashes with fire, an Old Guard sergeant, Great Swordsman Bogost, briefly recorded his gains in his diary.

"As I left the dark pit, I did a little inventory of my backpack and bags."

"The items inside include several pieces of hard bread, two bottles of honey, three packages of biscuits, a package of brown sugar, a package of refined salt, two bottles of imperial beer, a piece of Sinian silk embroidered with golden dragons and phoenixes, and several pieces with A gold dog head as big as a fist, a small bag of various gems, three green leather enamel ornaments, a green leather gold mask cut in half, and a large bag full of coins, gold crowns, gold marks, gold Ducats, silver shillings, even Tyrell and Estalia coins, so many that I can’t keep track of them.”

"In addition, my military uniform and luggage cart also contained a large number of things, including several women's silk skirts, five long trench coats made of wolf skin, and four black pit green leather engraved silver and platinum Spider statues, each weighing several kilograms, three snuff bottles obtained from Kislev, and the spittoon of Tsarina Katarin, inlaid with seven diamonds, obtained from the black market in Erengrad All kinds of jewelry, all made of white marble. I washed them several times. Two satin shirts, one from a former Kislev female noble. She traded this satin vest with me for a pig leg. , a rib and two pounds of bread, as well as a small bottle of honey and a bottle of wine."

"I also have a big mink cloak draped over my shoulders. Inside the cloak are two bags of fine black pit spider silk and silk paste. It shouldn't be a problem to exchange these for the silk stockings that my mother-in-law has been thinking about all day long. Oh, There is also a row of small lacquerware from the Far East that was seized in the Spider King’s palace, and I hope to sell it for a good price.”

And just as the knightly army was looting crazily, Ryan also came to the deepest part of the black pit.

as expected! There is a legendary ancient holy ruin inside!

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