The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1030, leftovers are also delicious food

The surface of this ancient holy relic is more decayed and collapsed than the ones Ryan has seen before. Its surface is covered with spider silk and there are traces of green skin blasphemy.

The stars, animals, mountains and totems on the disk were all blurred by the green skin's blasphemy. They were replaced by some spider symbols, green skin tattoo patterns, and many scrapes scraped out with various blunt and sharp tools. Chips and cracks.

It was very dark inside the cave. Ryan stretched out his hand, and white-gold flames enveloped his hand. Then the Gray Knight's Primarch lit up the entire cave with his spiritual energy.

A stench also followed, and the smell of spider and green-skinned feces filled the entire cave with a disgusting emotion that made one couldn't help but want to exit. Ryan immediately raised his hand to summon lightning and flames, destroying everything. .

Standing in front of the disc in honor of the Ancient Saint's ruins, Ryan fell into a long silence. He carefully observed everything about the Ancient Saint's ruins, and it seemed that he did not intend to take action immediately.

The King of Knights must first calm down his heart. If he wants to fully release his spiritual energy, he must remain calm. Otherwise, he may contaminate or even destroy this ruins. He is no longer the ordinary knight of the kingdom more than 20 years ago. He is a psyker, and his psychic powers are now extremely powerful, enough to detonate this place.

"It's a very strange power. Have you discovered that there are relics of the ancient sages here?" When Ryan was silent, a white-gold divine light appeared behind him, and the fairy in the lake flashed out of the bright light. Out: "No wonder you want to attack the black pit on your way back to the army. Can you let me see what this is?"

"Wait." Ryan stretched out his hand to stop the Lake Fairy. The King of Knights turned his head and looked at his goddess: "Let me observe carefully first, how to open it, otherwise the entire black pit may be sucked into the subspace."

"I remember you once opened similar ruins." The fairy in the lake nodded slightly. The goddess said that she listens to her husband. Today she is wearing a set of Xuesui's dreamy white tiered princess knee-length skirt. The neckline is low-cut and the two thin The shoulder straps could not hide her skin that was as bright as white jade. The fabric on her chest was stretched tightly, showing that the goddess and Sulia had a strong career line. Below was a long and narrow skirt, which pressed out In addition to the goddess’s touching waistline and plump full moon, her slender and straight calves and pink feet, she did not wear stockings today, but went barefoot directly. She not only has the sacred and inviolable nobility and coolness of the goddess, but also has a touch of charm. and liveliness in private.

"It's not the same." Ryan stretched out his hand to peel off the cobwebs and various green-skinned garbage on the surface of the ancient holy ruins. However, the broken surface and bizarre tattoos still made it difficult for Ryan to identify many symbols. He lay on the ancient holy ruins and carefully He looked up and said: "I need a moment, ma'am."

"Do you need some time to open it, or do you need some time to contact your father, the Lord of Mankind?" The fairy in the lake opened the small folding fan in her hand. She wanted to find a place to sit down but found it dirty everywhere, so she simply let it go. Floating in the air, the goddess said a little sourly: "There was so much energy in the ruins underground in Marienburg. If I could get some of it, maybe the elves would have four main gods now!"

"You're lying, Lilith." Ryan said with a smile while trying to erase the green skin tattoo mark: "You alone cannot absorb and use the energy of these ancient saints, and most of it will be wasted by you. And you don’t have the ability to process and decompose the knowledge of the ancient saints. In the end, just like the Spider God, you just rely on instinct to scrape off scraps, but most of the real energy is lost."

"What a stingy man." The fairy in the lake closed the folding fan and tapped Ryan on the head: "Then I'm going to see you here groping around on the altar of the ancient saint like an idiot?"

"Is the request made by Lao En your instruction, madam?" Ryan said that he could do two things at once. He compared the extremely incomplete rune symbols and ancient holy texts and asked strangely: "This It’s not like it was his own idea.”

On the day when the victory squad was announced, Raun came to him and proposed to hand over the principality to Ryan to govern, and he wanted to stay in Erengrad. This really surprised Ryan, because normally, no one would do such a thing. Strange things that cost one's own core interests are the same even for the Holy Grail Knights. The Holy Grail Knights are indeed of high moral character, but that just means that Ryan can safely leave things to them without worrying about favoritism and fraud, not that they themselves will do it. Pay whatever it takes for Ryan's ideas.

Lawn then carefully stated his thoughts, and then Ryan understood that what Lawn was transferring was the governance of the Principality of Connet.

What does it mean? Lawn still retains his ducal manor and his private domain, as well as several of his ancestral castles and properties with property rights, and what he transfers is his management rights as a duke over the entire principality. Simply Locally speaking, starting from today, Ryan will be able to directly issue orders to the nobles under his command, and he can also directly appoint local governors to manage all the nobles in the principality, and have the power of legislation, justice and administration. Lawn will still lead the The Duke's position is still nominally the master of the principality, but in fact the governing power is completely in the hands of Ryan.

Even so, Ryan is still extremely surprised by Lawn's determination. This will be an epoch-making step! Although not complete, the bureaucratization of the nobility and the valorization of the nobility would greatly advance the pace of Lane's centralization. He could hardly understand why Lawn would make this choice.

"It's not my order." The fairy in the lake shook her head slightly, and the goddess's face only sighed: "This is Lao En's own idea. He told me when he was praying. He said that his personal gains and losses are not related to the rise and fall of his family. It’s not important. What’s important is that you are the only one, Ryan. You have achieved the great renaissance of Britannia. You have accomplished what Lawn could not do. After this war, he became more aware of the relationship between him and you. Gap, he said he wanted to stay and help you in Erengrad, he wanted to create his own glory, he said he wanted to make Britannia great again."

"...Laun is a very good Holy Grail Knight. If it weren't for me, he would be a fair and enlightened Knight King." Ryan was silent for a while after hearing this, and then whispered: "It's a pity that the throne There is only one, and madam, you also know that I am the son of the Lord of Humanity after all, and he and I...cannot compare, and this is the only reason why he lost to me."

"Yes, so I encouraged him to do this." The goddess nodded slightly: "Laun was ecstatic after receiving my approval. He opened the shackles of his soul. I had a premonition that he would not be far away from entering the holy realm."

The cave became quiet again. Ryan carefully matched a rune that meant the thunder arrow of changing dimensions and the death sickle of harvesting the world. He stopped talking. When the fairy in the lake saw Ryan and stopped talking, she had to take the initiative to challenge him. The topic came up: "Also, you just let Emilia go back to Nuer? You are not at all competent as a father."

After arriving in Herzig, the human coalition disbanded. Emilia left Nur Grand Marshal Erstein and part of the army to assist the northern part of the empire in maintaining law and order. She returned to Nur while pregnant, and she and Ryan Say goodbye.

"Emilia? She obviously gave birth to a child for fun." Ryan complained: "In fact, Amelia is a completely independent person. She wants to have another child just for fun. Her facilities there It’s complete, everything is complete, and it has the best education, medical care, and security. It doesn’t require my help or intervention in everything. Why should I force a pregnant woman to take her with me? She can live a good life alone.”

"...It seems to be the truth." The fairy in the lake looked at Ryan with squinting eyes. The goddess stretched out her green-white jade finger and gently pointed out her god's mark in the void, and then continued: "But I always feel that , you don’t seem to care about Emilia’s children, you rarely see them, only three or five times a year, he doesn’t seem to be your child, as a father, you are a bit cruel.”

"Little Frederic is my son, but he is not Britannia's child!" Ryan said helplessly: "I rarely contact little Frederic. On the one hand, it is because I am busy and have many chores to do. , usually it is little Frederic who comes to me, but the more important reason is that the nobles of Nour cannot tolerate that their first heir is a man who has received a traditional Breton knight education and has a knighthood. I have a Taoist outlook on things and consider myself a Brittanian in my heart, so the Nuer nobles have always been very opposed to little Frederic having too much contact with me and the Kingdom of Knights, and this request is indeed not too much. Neither Emilia nor Emilia are good and cannot object.”

The fairy in the lake suddenly realized, yes! It was a helpless decision for Noor to tolerate little Frederic becoming Emilia's first heir, because Emilia did not have any close relatives, and at that time there was only one child, Frederic. Ke is the strongest claimant, and the Nuer nobles can only hold their noses and admit it, but they absolutely cannot give in on other matters.

When Ryan saw that the goddess understood, he smiled and stopped talking, because he also recognized this.

Just like in his previous life, there were also a group of "Jingli", "Jingri", "Jinghan" and "Jingfa". These people appeared to be from their own country, but in fact they were spiritual people in their own hearts. Shameful, proud of being a foreigner, Ryan has always believed that unless he has reached the desperate situation of selling his children, being hungry, cold, and naked, just to survive as a dog in exchange for a stutter, such a person is very shameful.

There is also a group of people who are typical yellow-skinned but white-hearted people, including many public intellectuals and Chinese-Americans, or simply white-skinned and white-hearted. They just set up a personal profile and open the wealth password and start making a lot of money, or they are sarcastic and keen on being the leader. , let’s not talk about it anymore.

In fact, Ryan himself had received doubts about this. After all, he was not a native of Brittany. In the end, he was recognized through his victories and marrying Sulia.

"Okay, what about the child in Amelia's belly?" The Lake Fairy concealed her error in judgment with some guilt. She said casually: "You must have figured out whether it is a boy or a girl, right? What name do you plan to give it? ?”

"It's a girl. Amelia prepared several names for me to choose from, and I chose one." Ryan didn't look back.

"what name?"

"Echidna, Bronya, Rita and Peclim, Kailu or Zeppelin respectively." Ryan complained: "I said these names are too complicated, and what the hell is Zeppelin, so I ended up choosing Rita."

"Rita... I said, Ryan, how come your little maid is so productive?" Speaking of this matter, the goddess became unhappy again: "You are not happy with Sulia or me or Morgiana. I don’t have that kind of motivation! I must have the motivation to get pregnant!”

"..." Ryan rolled his eyes. He was really too lazy to pay attention to the goddess. Emilia is much easier to deal with than you. Basically, within an hour and a half, the cat fell asleep in his arms very contentedly. Well, why should I spend so much energy...

Ryan said nothing more, because the ancient holy ruins were finally opened.

Pure cosmic energy surged out from the ruins, and the fairy in the lake was excited and squeezed directly to Ryan's side.

However, Ryan was very disappointed. Most of the energy inside had been lost. The greenskins' brutal and brute force destruction caused the energy stored in this device to gradually disperse over two to three thousand years, forming a black pit like this. The green-skin holy land and the forcibly created secondary god such as the Spider God, the energy inside has been largely lost, and even the little bit left is polluted, glowing with a strange green color.

At the same time, the Emperor's Holy Word also came to Ryan's mind.

"You handle it yourself."

"The green skins are really disgusting. They didn't even leave any leftovers for us." Ryan sighed helplessly: "Forget it, there is still a little left, let us share it."

"Okay!" The fairy in the lake obviously couldn't wait. The goddess immediately stretched out her hand to guide a large green energy of the ancient saint to herself. Ryan was so scared that he stopped her quickly: "Lilith! What are you doing?!"

"I'm preparing to absorb energy as you said!" The fairy in the lake looked puzzled: "Didn't you ask me to share it with you?"

"This is corrupted energy that has been contaminated by the venom of the Green Skin and Spider God, and contains a large amount of ancient saint knowledge. How can you absorb it directly!" Ryan was really angry this time. The Gray Knight's Primarch He yelled at the goddess: "Do you want to become the green-skinned goddess Li or the spider goddess? Take the knights to Waaagh with you? Or do you plan to be brainwashed by the knowledge of the ancient saints and become a lunatic all day long? Only a tool to carry out big plans? Lilith!"

The goddess was stunned by Ryan's yelling. This was the first time Ryan yelled at her. She was angry and shocked at first, and then became angry.

Could it be that as a goddess, I can't resolve these corruptions and impurities?

But seeing Ryan's angry expression, the goddess was stunned for a while, and there was a hint of sweetness in her heart. She put down her hand and said softly: "Then what do you think we should do?"

"Let me purify it first." Ryan said decisively: "I will purify the pollution of the green skin and spider god. You ask Morgiana to come in. After I absorb and purify this energy, I will distribute it to you."

Just kidding, if Lilith sucked this energy and suddenly said "It's just the master's mission." or "Brother Shaohao!", how could Ryan accept it?

Any possibility must be eliminated from the source! The will of the God of Pure Love cannot be violated!

"Then...Okay." The Lake Fairy could only agree. She slowly walked outside. Before leaving, she suddenly turned back and threw herself into Ryan's arms like a baby swallow. She couldn't help but said softly. : "Then you have to be careful yourself, Ryan."

"No problem, leave it to me."

.........I am the dividing line, leave it to me......

Two full days later.

Ryan took the Lake God Witch Morgiana, who had successfully reached the peak of the Holy Realm, and the Lake Fairy Lilith, whose divine power had greatly increased and was only half a step away from the realm of the Lord God, walked out of the cave and announced that they would continue the pace of the master and the army. Then we continued to move forward, approaching Westland.

Ryan was walking in the middle of the military formation on Putao feeling refreshed. He had gained a part of the power of the ancient saint and became stronger. He was not far from the demigod realm of his brothers.

The King of Knights took out a small sealed shrine from his arms, which contained a little bit of the original cosmic energy of the ancient saints he had left behind. Although it was not much, it should be enough to help Teresa get rid of the shackles of her bloodline and break through the holy realm.

At the same time, Ryan couldn't help but keep snickering, showing his teeth.


She couldn't run away anymore.

Just inside the luxurious carriage carriage behind Ryan.

The fairy in the lake covered her belly in shame and annoyance, and slapped the carpet with her hands in anger.

She hid again and again, but in the end she didn't escape this time. While she was immersed in digesting the energy of the Ancient Saint, Ryan took the opportunity to use the cosmic energy of the Ancient Saint to imprint a complete spiritual pattern on her lower abdomen!

The goddess knows very well what it means to be branded with a spiritual pattern. Although she is mentally prepared, she must at least make some conditions and give her some special treatment!

"Ryan! You plotted against me!!!"

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