The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1031, Medal Fever

In August 2515 of the Imperial Calendar, Marienburg was the commercial and trade center of the old world.

The Brittanian army of knights gradually approached Marienburg.

The situation was different at this time. The entire Marienburg was almost decorated with lights and decorations, using the most solemn etiquette and the highest standard of reception to welcome Ryan and his knightly army.

In the August season, although the temperature is still very hot, Westland is close to the sea and has many swamps, and the hottest period has passed, so the knight and the soldiers can still endure it. They lined up ten kilometers long The team is marching one after another, preparing to stop at Marienburg. On the one hand, it is to replenish logistical supplies and take a temporary rest. On the other hand, it is also...

The high elf noble Talleyrand was sweating profusely. He cursed the hot weather, and occasionally emphasized that this would not be the case in Ulthuan. The lame man sat in the awning of the carriage, looking depressed and sleepy. He couldn't sleep again and tilted his body, looking quite funny.

The lame man thought in his mind that if he had a chance, he would change his carriage into one with an air-conditioning system. Well, he would go ask the sorceress mother and daughter for help. It just so happened that he had accepted a lot of bribes from the empire this time. , an air-conditioning system, recharged by the Philosopher's Stone.

While the lame man was still thinking wildly, Knight King Ryan rode a grape and approached Talleyrand's carriage. With a smile on the king's face, he said meaningfully: "Talleyrand, I remember I asked you to pick a half-blood elf. War horses, weren’t you asked to pull the carriage?”

Talleyrand quickly sat upright. The high elf took out the silk scarf in his arms and wiped his sweat. He explained: "This is a good thing for me and my horse. Your Majesty, the proud mixed-blood elf war horse doesn't like to walk alone." The unclear cripple takes it as its master, and I don’t like to feel the heat under the sun that is completely different from Ulthuan.”

"Hehehe~" Ryan smiled, and pointed to the distance, where the members of the upper and lower houses of Marienburg were preparing for the triumphal ceremony of the knightly army and waiting under the scorching sun: "Then why are they willing to feel it under the sun? What about a completely different heat than Ulthuan?"

"That's because they are businessmen. Businessmen are driven by profit. They smell the smell of wealth. Our people are full of loot, and the businessmen can gain too much from selling the stolen goods." Talleyrand shook his head. Taking his cane: "Businessmen only do two things. The first is to seek to increase their wealth, and the second is to pursue greater profits. This is their nature. Of course, businessmen are also human beings, and they also have their own hobbies. with family."

Ryan was silent for a moment, and Talleyrand smiled simply when he saw this: "Your Majesty is a wise Majesty. It is impossible for you not to know this. This is not like your Majesty's problem. What happened to make you seek help from a lame man?" ? Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"This." Ryan placed a medal in front of Talleyrand. It was a first-class Grand Cross.

"Give it to me?!" Talleyrand jumped up immediately. He followed Ryan in countless battles along the way, and finally got a second-class Lion Medal!

"It's not for you, it's awarded to these businessmen by the Kingdom of Knights." Ryan handed the first-class golden Grand Cross to Talleyrand. The King of Knights smiled and said: "We have a major task for you. This is Sulia's." Letter."

"A letter from Madam?!" Talleyrand suddenly jumped up from his seat. The entire Knight Kingdom recognized that it was okay to offend King Ryan, but never offend Queen Surya! If he offends Ryan, he will deal with it impartially, but if he offends Queen Sulia, he will not necessarily deal with it.

Similarly, Ryan's subordinates often call Sulia "Madam", which is actually a special title, meaning that they have been following Ryan since before he was the Knight King.

"Long live Mrs. Sulia!"

——One of the war cries favored by the Old Guard and the knights of Lion

Of course, Talleyrand and Beria, who were essentially Ryan's personal ministers, also called her Madam to show their closeness and loyalty. Sulia didn't let everyone call her Madam.

"This task will be left to you, Talleyrand." Ryan said with a smile: "I know that you like to deal with money, and you are especially good at dealing with these businessmen and nobles, right?"

Talleyrand took Surya's letter and read it carefully. The high elf sighed and shook his head repeatedly with admiration on his face: "I want to say, Your Majesty, you have a genius wife. Why couldn’t I have thought of that?”

"Sulia's idea is very good, but it must be controlled within certain limits." Ryan's expression became serious: "After much thought, you are the only one suitable."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, leave it to me!" Talleyrand immediately became excited and bowed quickly: "I will assure you that I am the most suitable candidate, that is... Your Majesty, I need a certain degree of autonomy, and A little flexibility.”

"Flexibility? Like you took a gift of two carriages from Metternich?" Ryan nodded slightly and said meaningfully.

"But I can get you two hundred carriages from the negotiating table, Your Majesty." Talleyrand said respectfully: "Leave it to me. I know how to deal with this group of businessmen, but... Your Majesty, the highest can be Do you want to receive the Grand Cross of Gold, First Class?"

"The Supreme Lady's Medal and the Holy Grail Medal cannot be awarded casually." Ryan shook his head.

"I see."

…………I am the dividing line that I understand…………

Three days later, Marienburg held the grandest banquet in the city council. Although Knight King Ryan did not attend due to excuses, all the Britannian knights and nobles except him attended the banquet.

However, what really made the whole Marienburg excited was at the banquet. As the Grand Duke of Marienburg, Schulz proudly displayed his Order of Britannia in public!

Archduke Schulz of Marienburg, the King of the Knights of Britannia, personally awarded two golden Grand Cross medals, the Swamp of Pain Memorial Medal, and the Battle of the Three Kings commemorative medal to thank Schulz for his service to the knights during this great expedition. The huge contribution made by Dao Army’s logistics!

At the same time, Casanova, the president of the League of Gentlemen, was personally received by Knight King Ryan and awarded a golden Grand Cross and two medals!

When they appeared at the banquet with medals on their chests, all the members of the upper and lower parliaments of Marienburg stared wide-eyed.

ah! It's a medal, this light, this style, so dazzling!

etc! Isn’t it said that the medal of Britannia is the hardest to get? Do you have to personally participate in the war and have achieved military exploits to receive awards? How come Archduke Schulz and Viscount Casanova did not participate in this Great Expedition and were also awarded the title? !

So they can get it, why can't we?

The minds of the merchants immediately started to get excited. They were jealous and asked around, how did they get this Order of Britannia?

This time, Mrs. Keesler and the Imperial people who participated in the fight against the Chaos invasion also received medals from Britannia. Nour's nobles and soldiers who participated in this war all wore medals during the event, among which When the Imperial Baroness Emilia appeared at Noor's celebration banquet with her belly held out and the Special Holy Grail Medal on her chest, she instantly detonated the whole place.

At the banquet, the Nuer nobles looked at their baroness's shining medal with the power of the Lady of the Lake and showed envy and hatred. At the celebration banquet, everyone was proud to have the medal of Britannia. Shame on you for not getting a medal.

The wind soon spread from Nuer to the entire empire.

For a time, the entire upper class of the empire was proud to own the exquisite Breton Order.

Although the merchants in Marienburg, who have never donated money or participated in the war, do not say it with their mouths, they are very envious of the countless military exploits and glorious victories of the Knight Kingdom over the years. In addition to a large amount of wealth and income, there are more It is a sense of identity that comes from the upper class and the aristocratic core circle. This so-called sense of identity makes big businessmen flock to it. Now that Schultz and Casanova have received medals, how can this not make big businessmen flock to it? Emotionally?

The medal of Britannia, I really want it!

Medal, how can I get it?

Soon, a piece of gossip began to spread in Marienburg.

The benevolent and great Knight King is willing to share his glorious victory and great glory with everyone in the old world! He is willing to share the exploits of the Great Expedition with everyone!

Ladies and gentlemen of Marienburg, here’s your chance!

Now, you can also become a victorious member of this Chaos invasion and sing the praises of Britannia's great achievements. Now you can also proudly declare that you are also a part of the fight against Chaos!

All it takes is a generous donation to support our chivalric war and sponsor our force of arms!

Donate and get a medal!

The quantity is limited, first come first served, don't miss this opportunity, it will never come again.

"Enjoy the victory with the Knights of the Holy Grail and the Old Guard, citizens of Marienburg!" Talleyrand, dressed in fine clothes, talked at one noble gathering after another and in various major venues in Marienburg: " Because it is always a good day to buy!”

Like a spark falling into the entire pyre, Marienburg was instantly ignited.

As long as I donate, I can also get the medal of Britannia. As long as I donate generously, I can also proudly say that I am a member of the fight against Chaos!

Ah, the medal.

The city was boiling. Nobles, businessmen, citizens, artists and major trade unions all came forward to pester Talleyrand, who was responsible for this: "We are willing to donate, we need medals, Mr. Talleyrand. "

Nobles, businessmen, trade union presidents, and artists held bags filled with gold coins in their hands, surrounding Talleyrand. There were hundreds of them, and more people came after receiving the news. .

The whole venue was in chaos, and Talleyrand had to ask the guards outside to come in to maintain order. At the same time, he simply stood on the table, leaning on his cane and shouting.

"The Battle of the Wound Marsh commemorative medal costs 10 gold marks each, the Battle of the Three Kings commemorative medal costs 15 gold marks each, the Battle of Herzig costs 10 gold marks, there are also the Wolfen Battle medal and the March Storm medal. They are all priced at 8 gold marks each, and the quantity is limited. Please register your name and address after your donation, and we will deliver the goods to your door in person."

"I want them all, three, no, five of each medal!"

"Buy, buy, buy, if you don't buy, you are not a human being!"

"From today on, I can also proudly declare that I am the guardian of the old world."

“It’s so beautiful, I love it so much!”

"We want medals, but where are the medals? Mr. Talleyrand, how do you count medals?" a noble lady screamed. She was the wife of a big merchant, holding a handful of gold coins of gods (1 gold coin of gods) in her hand. =1000 gold marks or gold crowns): "I have lots of money! I just want medals, medals!"

"The Medal of the Fleur de France, third class, costs 50 gold marks per person, and is limited to 300 pieces. The Medal of the Lion, the second class, costs 200 gold marks per person, and is limited to 200 pieces. The Grand Cross of Gold, the first class, costs 500 gold marks per person, and is limited to 100 pieces." Talleyrand kept beckoning everyone to be quiet: "Ladies and gentlemen, be quiet. Please line up to register. Each person can get at most one of the three medals for each person. We will engrave ladies and gentlemen on the back of the medal. Your names, and I will issue you with commemorative and honorary certificates!”

"Me, me, I want to register my whole family!"

"Mr. Talleyrand, the quantity is too small, not enough for us to share."

"We need more, more!"

The scene was very chaotic for a time, and people from outside kept pushing in, filling the entire venue to capacity.

History refers to this period as the "Medal Mania" period, when everyone was proud to wear the medal of Britannia.

This is what Lidya Su proposed in her letter, sell medals!

Of course, these medals are commemorative and honorary editions. They are still somewhat different in shape and pattern from the medals actually awarded to the army. They do not enjoy the same privileges and perks as the real Breton Military Medal. It is purely a piece of medal. A beautiful toy that still drives people crazy.

And more people are constantly asking how to get higher-level medals.

Talleyrand let slip a little bit about this, saying that if there is a similar great expedition next time, and someone can generously donate and fully help the chivalry army, perhaps the Knight King Ryan will consider it.

Things are rare and valuable, and the limited edition medals were sold out. Everyone went home disappointed, and most people did not get the first- and second-class medals they wanted. Talleyrand took the opportunity to accept bribes and trade on the black market. They were sold one by one. At the highest level, a first-class Golden Cross medal could be worth 2,500 gold marks, but it was still priceless and unmarketable.

Many people even went directly to decorated knights, nobles and Brittanian soldiers to buy them with large sums of money. Everyone was proud of medals and medals. The largest merchant, a big merchant, wore nearly forty medals when he attended the banquet. The medals and various medals, covering all types of Britannian military medals except the highest Order of the Lady of the Lake and the Extraordinary Order of the Holy Grail, were instantly legendary.

In this way, during the week that the army stayed in Marienburg, the economy and atmosphere of the entire Marienburg reached its peak. Countless trophies and stolen goods were sold in Marienburg, and batches of merchants entered the military camp to trade with the army. Amidst the disputes over price and debate over the quality of the goods, most of the loot was sold off, and everyone made a lot of money.

When the Chivalry Army arrived near its national border at the end of August and was greeted by the Brittanian border troops led by Marshal Roland Marshall, Lane received a detailed bill from Talleyrand.

A total of more than 215,600 gold coins were raised by selling medals this time.

It’s so easy to make money!

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