The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1071, Astronomers and Entomologists

As Archaon led his army to the center of the Chaos Wastes to prepare for the coronation ceremony of the Everchosen, diplomatic activities on the Britannia side continued.

Just inside the Palace of Fontainebleau, the great nobles of Nour and the great nobles of Brittany were chatting happily.

On the Brittany side, the distinguished military figures headed by Duke Birhemond and Duke François, especially those who have been awarded the title of marshal, are proudly sharing their opinions and almost forever. Endless victories.

There will be more businessmen and great engineers on the Nuer side, but obviously the military nobles are also the protagonists, headed by Nuer Grand Marshal Erstein, Nuer Justice Theodore Bruckner, and A group of Nuer generals and most of the Nuer army's command system have come to Britannia. This not only makes people wonder whether the generals who stayed behind in Nuer will be able to deal with the trouble if an accident occurs.

As Lane's right-hand man and the general political commissar of the 1st Guards Lancers, Beria-Gulag was not so popular at the banquet. On the one hand, his temperament was too eerie, and on the other hand, he was not interested in the Nuer people. Generally speaking, the Kislev Maozi bloodline in the north is destined to be despised, and Beria does not have the charm, marshal status and illustrious military exploits of Marshal Rokossovsky, so he is naturally disliked by the Nuer people. Although the knights and nobles recognize Beria rarely communicated with him.

It's good. Beria didn't care much. He just stood in the corner and observed everything, eating silently and thinking about what he should do next. Things on Kislev's side have basically been solved. It's completely over, and Beria's presence is gradually diminishing.

As a bureaucrat, Beria knew very well what role he played in Ryan. He knew that he had to be able to avoid trouble, but he also needed to be able to make trouble. Only by making trouble could he make Ryan rely on and reuse him, and only by making trouble could he make Ryan rely on and reuse him. He has a chance to move up.

But how to do it?

While Beria was still thinking, the high elf Talleyrand, who was wearing a full set of fine clothes, with long hair parted in the middle, well-dressed, and holding a cane, had already dealt with a large circle of nobles. The lame man had obviously drunk. After several drinks, he came to Beria quite easily: "Can I rest here for a while? My Mr. General Political Commissar?"

"Whatever you want." Beria picked up a large handful from a large plate of macaroni with tongs, then added a lot of black pepper sauce, and then chose a glass of orange juice and a large piece of sirloin steak for himself. The general political commissar said to Ta He didn't have any particular favorable impressions of Talleyrand, and he didn't have much dislike. He quite liked talking to the high elves, but he was deeply disgusted by the high elves' style of hoarding wealth and accepting bribes. Deep down in his heart, Beria admitted that he was jealous of Talleyrand's ability to dance. , and was welcomed by everyone: "I just think you should prefer that kind of environment, Mr. Talleyrand."

"No one likes the same environment forever, Mr. Beria." Talleyrand looked at Beria's lake-green military uniform and the various medals he wore intentionally, and smiled playfully. The high elf glanced at his chest. Looking at the various medals in front of him, he found a seat and sat down. He very elegantly cut off the roast goose legs from a roast goose with a silver knife, and said with a smile: "Even if you like to be sociable, there will be times when you are tired. By the way, I want to talk to you too."

"What can we talk about?" Beria was unsure what Talleyrand wanted, but the Ugor accepted the challenge.

"Oh, your Majesty Assura, we have a lot to talk about, don't we?" Talleyrand turned his attention to the three people, Knight King Ryan, Queen Surya and Countess Emilia, who were in the center of the banquet: " Just like them, there is always something to talk about.”

There is no doubt that Beria and Talleyrand are both Lane's close ministers. These two guys have always had different opinions in front of Lane, but their personal relationship is okay in private. Beria put down his orange juice: "The scale of Noor's visit is really big. As many people are worried, if something happens to Wesenland or Nuer, can Nuer solve the problem by himself?"

"What problems can there be? What problems can there be?" Talleyrand thought for a moment and shook his head: "Beria, you are used to strongman politics. You may not be aware that Nuer and Wesen already have a high degree of autonomy. The city council and the local self-government army, they don’t need a supreme leader that much. Nuer is surrounded by Reikland to the north, Solland to the south, Iveyland to the east, and Breeze Castle in the Gray Mountains to the west. There is nothing special to worry about. of."

"Really?" Beria was not going to argue with Talleyrand on this point. The Ugor man continued: "I have always believed that this kind of parliamentary and autonomous system is not conducive to concentrating the power of the country."

"Yes, you are right." Talleyrand shouted, and the expression of the high elf was indescribably playful and interesting: "But my Mr. Beria, don't you understand? The dictatorship determines the upper limit, and the enfeoffment decision At the lower limit, allowing parliament and local autonomy may not be able to reverse everything, but it is not too bad. Furthermore, if you think about it, Noor has been running smoothly for nearly twenty years without their duke, and then wait until Emmanuel The Lord is back, but what about us in Britannia? Assuming that His Majesty the Knight King... including Her Majesty the Queen is out together, how long can the entire kingdom run smoothly? A year at most, no more."

"But he succeeded." Beria said in a muffled voice.

"Yes, your Majesty succeeded. Your Majesty is the greatest." Talleyrand shrugged indifferently: "But do you know that the reason why your Majesty is so great is precisely because he is your Majesty and your Majesty is him. Try someone else? Who? If you dare to do this, John I and John II are proof, no one can be like him, no one."

Beria frowned inwardly after hearing this. Listening to Talleyrand's words, it seemed that the high elf didn't take anything seriously about King Ryan?

This was not an easy thing to say. Beria thought about it and said with a serious expression: "For me, there is no two days in the sky, and there is only one sun, Your Majesty! I will always be loyal to Your Majesty, and other things are not within my scope of consideration!"

Talleyrand let out a long sigh. The high elf first looked at Beria from head to toe, and then he smiled and raised the corners of his mouth to the limit: "You see, this is the reason, Beria Sir, as I said, as long as His Majesty is here, the entire kingdom will not have any problems and will be united."

Beria suddenly understood, but before he could say more, Talleyrand continued: "His Majesty's prestige is amazing, and his ability is among the best in the world. This is the basis for him to be able to do many things smoothly, but there are too many things. They are all tied to him personally, such as the abolition of noble privileges, such as the governor-general system. These things are all implemented by His Majesty's will. If Your Majesty... you know, the old nobles and the descendants of those nobles who have lost their privileges There will be an extremely strong counterattack and reckoning. Losing the title of nobility if no knight is born within three generations, controlling judicial power through local circuit courts, and the governor-general system, etc., will no longer be implemented, and will even be destroyed in retaliation. "

"But he is your Majesty." Beria insisted: "He is our king, he can do it."

"Yes, it is precisely because he is our king and His Majesty that I, Talleyrand, will follow him willingly." Talleyrand smiled. He looked at Ryan talking and joking with Surya, and the King of Knights secretly Dropping a few drops of lemon juice into Sulia's wine glass made the queen angry. The lame man smiled heartily: "I am just a jester. The jester's duty is to tell the king that he is not omnipotent and that he is not what he imagined." The earth is so powerful. Kingship has no eternity. When His Majesty is blinded by vanity and pride, I am responsible for reminding him that you are an independent minister. The good news is that it seems difficult for Your Majesty to be blinded by arrogance. At the same time, his life is long. There’s almost no end in sight.”

Talleyrand's words made Beria slightly relax his brows. Even though he was unwilling to admit it, the Ugor people still knew that what Talleyrand said was true.

"What about in Ulthuan?" Belial put down the silver knife and fork, and the Ugor tried not to sound too curious: "The Phoenix King doesn't need a jester?"

"Yes, the Phoenix King does not need jesters. On the contrary, Lord Tyrion needs them very much, but he cannot tolerate jesters. This is why I, Talleyrand, am destined to be unable to succeed in Ulthuan." Talleyrand Lang nodded slowly, and the high elf sighed: "The elf princes of the high elf crowded the entire administrative center. They resisted change and the power of change. Rigidity and conservatism filled the entire Phoenix Court. Any slight change would cause Their fierce opposition does not mean that no one has a long-term vision, nor does it mean that no one wants to take action against the ongoing recession, but the answer is - the bill cannot pass."

"Hey, as long as the cakes of those noble families and elf princes are touched, various factions will immediately unite to oppose. Everyone only focuses on the immediate interests. Many people can't do anything, but they can let the Phoenix King or the War Lord It cannot be done, so any policy must be passed through negotiation, marriage, inducement or even the threat of force."

"Any policy is time-sensitive, and proposals that take decades to finally pass are long past their prime." Talleyrand sneered for a while: "How can we do good politics with these insects?"

"So this is the flaw of the enfeoffment and the republic. Although it is not too bad no matter how you deal with it, it is still declining slowly on the whole." Beria thoughtfully said: "Dictatorship may bring the country to its peak, or it may Will it lead to the abyss?”

"It's a pity that Lord Tyrion can neither bring Ulthuan to its peak, nor has he the opportunity to bring Ulthuan into the abyss." Talleyrand said meaningfully: "So I came to the old world."

"You seem to have ignored the Phoenix King?"

"Finubar is at the Phoenix Court."

The two were silent for a while, and then Beria spoke: "I think we need to do something, Talleyrand, I have a proposal."

"Say, I will consider it." Talleyrand nodded.

"It is said that the Little Eternal Queen will come to the old world and plan to negotiate with the dwarves?" Beria's eyes were filled with ambition.

"What do you mean?" Talleyrand's eyes lit up.

"How about you pull the strings and I make the arrangements?"


On the other side of the banquet, she was dressed up, wearing a black palace dress with floral silk, peach, pink and raindrops. She had her hair like a waterfall of bright gold tied behind her head, and her beautiful long legs were covered with shiny black pearls. Knight Queen Surya, who wore silky satin pantyhose with a T-crotch and camellia patterned milky white bow and pearl pointed high heels, took Ryan's arm and smiled at her husband: "Look at those two Beria and Talleyrand. The guys are sitting together, maybe they are planning something!”

"I understand them, they are just there for business." Ryan didn't take it seriously. The King of Knights was confident that he could control these two close ministers. He smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Madam, if the Emmanoli-class land battle cruiser cannot solve the power problem It seems that we can’t go into battle.”

"Noor is only at this level." Emilia is wearing a classic hip-hugging skirt with marigold crowns and flame carvings, a baroness laurel on her head, and ultra-thin jacquard polka-dot fluorescent pantyhose wrapped around her beautiful legs. Holding Ryan's other arm unconvinced, the Imperial Lady's face had a very unnatural blush. She whispered in Ryan's ear: "Don't you have a way? I remember you do."

"Ryan can't guarantee that it will be solved, Emilia." Sulia smiled coquettishly and covered her mouth. The female knight's sea-blue eyes stared at the little maid: "You Nuer didn't have the conditions to achieve it, so don't do it so easily. I fully agree."

"Lian's standards are too high!" Emilia felt her legs become weak when she smelled Ryan's breath. The little maid couldn't help but remember that she was picked up from behind by Ryan last night and spat out to the boundless starry sky outside the window. The little tongue and hands make a "V" sign, which represents the strange expression when he is completely victorious.

Of course, there was also the embarrassing situation the next morning when Frederick kept asking himself whether he slept comfortably with his father last night. Emilia was embarrassed and annoyed and picked up her son and spanked him. As a result, the naughty boy had a strong body. It's amazing, he didn't feel any pain at all, but Amelia's hand was sore and painful, and she was so angry that she kicked her son away.

On the contrary, Frederick understood his mother very well. During this time, his son tried not to disturb Emilia and Ryan when they were alone. He and Devon Hill led a group of second-generation knight nobles and military nobles to hunt and hold competitions. A pure-blood elf war horse was forcibly taken away from Ryan's royal stables to express that it was time for dad to give me a gift, and Ryan had no choice but to give it to him.

The three of them found an empty lounge and sat down together. Ryan hugged the relatively petite Emilia from behind, let her sit on his lap, and stretched out his hand to touch the sacred and inviolable stockings legs of the Imperial Baroness. After wiping herself off, she asked Sulia, who was sitting next to her and leaning on her shoulder: "What has the lady been doing recently? She hasn't appeared for a long time."

"Madam is busy using her divine power and your spiritual energy to build a large barrier, preparing to defend the land of Britannia." Sulia gently kicked off her high heels and sat with her legs bent, putting on her delicate The silk feet were given to Ryan to play with. The Queen was often very relaxed when interacting with Ryan in private. She said softly: "My lady is basically finished."

Emilia had turned into a puddle of mud, and the countess didn't even want to say anything except to squeeze Ryan's big hand, and she was so comfortable that she snorted.

"Like this." Ryan once again turned his attention to the east. He could feel the huge changes in the east, but due to the interference of the great guardian and the maelstrom, his sensing ability was limited, so in the end he left it alone.

"The time in Lustria is daytime now, right?" Sulia looked at the night sky outside the window. The Knight Queen looked at Emilia who was slumped in Ryan's arms and said with a smile: "Now that you have decided, let's seize the time. .”

"Yeah!" Ryan closed his eyes after hearing this.

The powerful surge of psychic power like a tsunami tore a rift in the mortal world and the subspace, and a psychic communication spanning tens of thousands of kilometers was established.

"wei, brother Fu, zaima?"

Humid and distant Lustria, the capital of the Ash Legion, Kostantiniya.

The Primarch of the Emperor's Son, Commander of the Ash Legion, and Purple Phoenix Fulgen had veins popping out on his head. He gently put down the wood elf princess Karona's strong, plump and slender legs wrapped in flesh-colored garter stockings, and pulled Karona placed her on the soft sofa, motioned for her to rest for a while, tidied her clothes, and then connected the psychic call.

Fulgan's tone was obviously a little unhappy.

"buzai, cmn!"

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