The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1072, Thank you, Taylor!

As the headquarters of the Ashes Army, Kostantiniya was almost half destroyed after the great war a few years ago. However, with the addition of new recruits and the dividends brought after this battle, the city was quickly rebuilt. This was also helped by the lizard people.

Because of this, after reconstruction, Kostantiniya has a distinct lizard-like architectural style. Fulgen built a large palace for himself. Most of the palace is still used as an opera house or exhibition hall. The opera house is The favorite place for Fulgen and the Phoenix Guards to stay, there are one or two performances almost every week. Fulgin himself has rewritten thousands of scripts just based on his memory, from the oldest Terran prehistoric era opera to Until the end of his Great Crusade, he collected only original copies on many planets, so the theater performances became the favorite of the residents of Costantiniya.

Needless to say, the exhibition hall is full of various tapestries, paintings, sculptures and trophies that record the glorious achievements of the Purple Phoenix and his Ash Legion. Among them, the most boastful trophy is the most inconspicuous in everyone's eyes. That is a The pistol corrupted by Nurgle, called the Light, was sealed by Fulgrim with a golden rune chain.

Just outside the exhibition hall is a large market where you can buy a selection of meat, wine, aquatic products, vegetables, fruits, pastries, cheese and honey, as well as luxury goods such as silk, jewelry, goldware, leather, glassware, and perfume. There are all kinds of goods here. In addition to humans, lizards and high elves trade here all day long, and occasionally dark elves or dwarves can be seen.

The furnishings of Fulgan's personal residence are also extremely luxurious. The living room used for external reception is luxurious and elegant. It is made of ivory, gold, pearls and gems, with a canopy on top. The back of the throne is decorated with a golden double-headed eagle that symbolizes the empire. A pattern of an eagle's talons bathed in fire. The throne is very wide and covered with cushions. It is a two-seater, but Fulgrim never sits on the left. There is only a book on the left, which reads "Book of Miracles 3.0" and is signed. The author is Lorgar Aurelion.

Many people are very interested in this person named Luo Jia, but most of them have not found this person. Only a few, such as the commander of the Chasseur Cavalry Regiment, Julius, have seen this person named Luo Jia. Others asked about Julius Si General just shook his head and told others that Luo Jia was the brother of Fulgan and Ryan, and his strength was similar to his own.

The inner room is where Fulgen lives. The marble floor is covered with exquisite brocade carpets embroidered with various floral patterns. Exquisite carved ivory and silver furniture decorate each room. The crystal stained glass makes the room look bright and soft.

Fulgan's office has three huge floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the stepped garden, but people outside cannot see inside under the magic of the Golden Mage.

The garden extends downwards, leading to the sparkling sea. It is dotted with winding tree-lined paths, flower-filled high platforms, marble fountains, and many pavilions and pavilions among the trees and flowers. There are also underground floors in the garden. Passage, from which Fulgrim can travel to the port terminal.

The wood elf princess Karona was lying on the soft sofa, covering herself with a blanket sheepishly. She looked at Fulgrim lovingly and felt that the past few years had been so enjoyable. Fulgrim was really too happy. She was so charming that Karona was so fascinated that she wished she could pester him every day. In fact, her father, Alalos, the lord of Tasien Woodland, had sent messages many times hoping that Karona would come back. After all, Alalos was in Vol. She was injured in the battle to defend Fen and needed her daughter's help, but Karona refused to go back no matter what. The wood elves advocated freedom and spontaneity, and Alalos could not force her.

"Do you need a lizard man's solar engine?" Fulgan closed his eyes and talked to Ryan more than 10,000 kilometers apart. He knew that such long-distance calls consume a lot of spiritual energy, so he said concisely: "What is it used for, and when is it needed?" ?”

Ryan told Fulgan his needs very briefly.

"It is almost impossible to convince the lizard people to hand over a complete solar engine to you. There are less than a hundred units left in the entire Lustria. Only Lord Kroc knows how to make it, and there is still a lack of raw materials. Rare metal." Fulgrim thought about it carefully. The Emperor's Son subconsciously wanted to reach out to the cup on the table, but found that there was no wine in the cup, so he reached out and waved it from the wine cabinet in the distance. The bottle of Bretagne Obiang wine flew directly into his hands.

"Is there nothing you can do if you have a good relationship with the lizard man?" Ryan was a little disappointed.

"It's not completely impossible." Fulgan thought for a while: "In the rebuilt golden city of Chacua and the awakening land of Huata, we have unearthed the sun engine that has been in disrepair. I can convince Lord Crocker Give us one, and I can repair it. I have tested it, and a intact solar engine can provide 1400-1500 horsepower, which can definitely meet the needs of that Land Cruiser... Speaking of which, you really Did you come up with the dry land boating thing?"

"Oh? Brother can also repair engines? I thought only Brother Petrabo and Brother Vulcan knew this." Ryan's voice was full of interest: "I didn't expect you, Brother Fulgan, to know this too?"

I suspect you are despising me, you stinky brother! Fulgen, who had already been ruined by his good deeds, had veins popping out on his head.

There was nothing much going on today. He just spent the night with Karona last night. If nothing happened in the morning, Karona changed into a dress that was said to be popular in the old world and came in to ask for sex. The wood elf princess was very clinging to him, and for Fulgrim , Karona, who has the blood of a god, has a hot, wild appearance, and a tall and fit body, is indeed a good bed partner. At least it is relatively strong and not easy to break or fall apart. It is expected to have a relatively long lifespan, so Fulgen only half-recommends it. Now, he is not particularly obsessed with doing those things, but he is not completely uninterested like many of his brothers. In this regard, he is a bit like the White Scars Primarch Jaghatai-Khan, either with or without.

But it was very unpleasant to have things planned half way, so Fulgan's tone began to become dangerous: "Oh? Are you doubting me? Brother, let me tell you, if there is an STC that can be used in this world, I can use it. Use a hammer to knock out an Emperor's Baneblade, but don't forget, I am a miner, there is nothing technically I don't understand."

You also know that you are a miner? If you didn't tell me, I would have thought you were born in Clamsburg or Bourbon! Ryan complained in his heart, perfect, noble, highbrow.

"What are you going to do specifically? Brother, please make a condition." After a moment of silence, long-distance psychic communication consumes a lot of energy, so Ryan couldn't help but show off his cards directly.

"I need an elite knight force, preferably expeditionary knights." Fulgan thought for a moment, and first made his own conditions: "In addition, I will import 10 million from you at normal prices. Kilograms of grain.”

"Yes, I will persuade the lady to send an expeditionary knight force of thirty people, plus a five hundred knight retinue and a reinforced battalion of free folk infantry to Lustria and hand them over to you as commander. It will be considered as training." Ryan did not Too much hesitation: "I have a lot of food here, a lot, a lot. I started to build several giant grain reserves five years ago. I should mobilize it."

"Thank you, Taylor!"

"You're welcome, Shafrin!"

The end is getting closer and closer, and Lane has consciously begun to reserve food on a large scale. The major dukes and governors have also obediently obeyed Lane's orders and established large-scale reserve warehouses. However, Lane has not nailed it. If the Dukes see When the price of grain is high, they will take the opportunity to sell some. The Dukes and the King of Knights agree to advance and retreat on the price of grain. Although Duke Ford and Duke Theodoric are somewhat dissatisfied with this, no one dares to resist Ryan's plan. Decide.

In addition to the food reserves of the knights and nobles, the most astonishing thing is the reserves of the Church of the Lady of the Lake. The tithe of the Church of the Lady of the Lake is a tax in kind. According to what Morgiana said last time, the Church of the Lady of the Lake has been stocking up for many years. There are more than 100 million kilograms of grain. Recently, some old grain has been released for sale and charity, and there are still about 80 million kilograms.

"This is just my condition." Fulgan added: "As for the lizard people's conditions, I will discuss it with Lord Mazda Moody. You wait a moment."


After hanging up the psychic communication, Ryan suddenly lost his temper completely. The King of Knights picked up Amelia and placed her next to him, squeezing Sulia's beautiful feet wrapped in black pearlescent silky satin pantyhose with both hands. He smiled bitterly and said, "It's a bit difficult. Brother Fulgen wants a team of expeditionary knights and an infantry battalion."

"The matter of the expedition knights is not difficult to solve." Sulia was stunned for a moment, and the knight queen nodded: "In recent years, a large number of kingdom knights in the country have planned to put down all their secular titles and start the Holy Grail expedition. I told the lady to arrange one The mission of the collective Holy Grail expedition is no problem. As for food, this year’s food harvest is still good. Although 10 million kilograms is relatively large, it is not impossible to adjust the export slightly. Besides, it’s not like Brother Fulgen won’t give it to us. money."

"That's what I say, but it's still so troublesome!" Ryan grimaced, and he couldn't help but fall back: "Why can't brother Fulgen get me one for free?"

"It's best to get one for me!" Emilia's eyes lit up instantly when she heard this. Nur's mistress didn't know much about technology, but she was interested in the high-precision things of Maybach's chief engineer. Speaking of which, she still knows a lot of basic knowledge. Did she hear that a god-level engine with a horsepower of 1,500 would actually appear? !

This is good stuff! Once we get one and bring it to Noor, and let Maybach and the others understand the principles, wouldn't they be able to create something that spans the entire era? !

I, Noor, must share this good thing! Thinking of this, the Imperial Baroness didn't care about anything. She jumped on Ryan, with her hands and feet hanging on her, and said softly: "Ryan, give me one too!"

"What are you doing? You are already a mother of three children and you want to do another one?" Ryan maliciously asked Amelia to find a comfortable position in his arms and touched his little maid. The slender long legs wrapped in ultra-thin jacquard polka-dot fluorescent pantyhose, gently pinching her delicate and petite silk feet, made Ryan feel excited again.

"Ryan!" Before Amelia could say anything, Lidya Su said displeasedly: "I don't object to you doing something, but wait until the banquet is over first. Also, last time, Xier Trovi I haven’t settled the matter with you yet!”

"I was wrong, madam!" Ryan really felt guilty about Sulia in this matter, and could only lower his head: "I was forced too, the situation has changed."

"Oh? Really?" Sulia looked like a smile but not a smile. The Queen of Knights just pressed a little and had no intention of getting serious with Ryan: "This accounts for at most half of the reason. I understand you. As long as you don't want to, they can't coerce you. your."

"Hehehehe~" Ryan laughed awkwardly and scratched his head.

Sulia also stopped. She still had to save face for Ryan in front of Emilia. Although Emilia must have noticed it, the Knight Queen leaned on Ryan's shoulder again: "That thing about the sun engine, it must be It’s not about burning coal or wood, right?”

Can you burn 1,500 horsepower by burning coal or wood? Nur's steam tank has long been in the sky.

"Yes." Ryan nodded, and the King of Knights said to Emilia with a serious face: "This is what I want to say, Emilia, the solar engine requires spiritual energy or magical wind."

"Oh~ It doesn't matter, there is Frederick!" Emilia didn't care.

My son is for sale!

"Just him? You are a small horse and a cart! Emilia! How can you sell your son like this!" Ryan was amused. The King of Knights hugged his little maid and smiled: "Only Frederick. Psychic energy is simply not enough to fill that big hole. When the time comes, you will most likely need me to recharge it, or even worse, the five Gray Knight recruits, or Veronica, if possible."

"Speaking of which, Veronica, including Theresa and Aurora, have rarely helped you since the establishment of the Gloria Council, right?" Sulia thought of other things, and the Queen of Knights said softly: " So much of the budget is spent every year. I know they are your female courtiers, but don’t make them too comfortable? Money is not easy to come by."

"Nur was not built overnight, Sister Sulia." Emilia spoke for Veronica and Theresa instead, and the little maid changed her sitting posture: "The wizard's guild was created from scratch. It’s a huge expense. Noor’s Black Lady has been dispatched no more than ten times in the past few decades. Doesn’t a large chunk of the city council’s budget still have to be cut off every year? But she has saved Noor more than once at critical moments.”

"Well... that's right." Lidya Su glanced at Amelia.

Sure enough, come and go, this little maid is my biggest opponent!

Ryan was thinking.

Veronica, Teresa and Aurora have eaten up a lot of the financial budget for reconstruction, and are temporarily unable to exert their combat effectiveness. This is on the one hand, and on the other hand it is also related to the escalation of Ryan's battle.

To put it simply, Veronica and the others will not be dispatched unless Ryan is dispatched. If they are dispatched, it will often involve dozens of legion-level battles and a large number of powerful saints. The role that Veronica and the others can play begins to change. Teresa and Aurora, who have limited resources, don't like to go out and are not strong enough, have even faded out of the main battle sequence.

Teresa and Aurora also do intelligence work, so they can just stay at home, but Veronica can't let her just take money and do nothing, so the Light Demon Rider must be assembled on the land cruiser.

Ryan firmly believes that this will be the key to victory in the subsequent series of wars.

Now, only the engine problem remains to be solved.

After waiting for about an hour, Fulgrim's psychic transmission arrived.

"Brother, in principle, Lord Mazda Moody agrees to your request, but there is a condition in exchange." Fulgrim's voice came from the subspace: "The eldest sons of the ancient saints ask you and your knights to At the right time, the army crossed the sea to attack Conquata, the ancient holy ruins city of Obion, where a large number of Chaos Demons and Barbarians are entrenched."

"What's the purpose?" Ryan asked doubtfully.

"Venerable Crocker plans to use the Ancient Sage's Stonehenge in Conquata to summon an ancient giant lizard when the stars align in their proper positions. It is the first batch of jungle elves hatched by the Ancient Sage and is also the most powerful thing left by the Ancient Sage to this world. One of the guardians, a demigod, once defeated five Chaos Demon Legions by himself."

"Its name is Wanderer-Nakai!"

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