The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1254, next step strategy

"Actually, you don't need to play any kind of economic war or financial war with those businessmen in Marienburg. My champion, what time is it now? Economic war is a method of play within the rules. What we need now is as soon as possible. In fact, You can definitely discuss it with Karl Franz, seize Marienburg, add two to one to make five, and divide all the supplies in the entire city."

"My dear, you are still used to being careful not to make mistakes, and you pay too much attention to the process and the pursuit of perfection."

In the bedroom of the Palace of Kurona, the Lake Fairy is sitting on the main seat and leaning lazily on the main seat. The goddess's brilliant golden hair hangs straight to the ground. Today she is wearing a transparent palace dress with twilight edelweiss, lamps and stamens. , the slender jade legs are wrapped in black plaid rhinestone ultra-thin fluorescent pantyhose, and the silk feet are covered with milky white fish-mouth high heels. The goddess's sacred and inviolable face has a third part of anger, but more of it is doting. Love, she has a strong aura, not only has the sacred aura that belongs to the goddess alone, but also has an alluring charm.

She is beautiful in the sky, with curved eyebrows, eyes like water, and as calm as jade. She is unattainable. Now she is the most powerful goddess in the world.

The Lady of the Lake has not appeared for a long time recently.

There is a reason for this.

The goddess wanted to work with Ryan and Angron to deal with the Seed of Destruction, but neither Ryan nor Angron agreed. The Fairy of the Lake is not a god who is good at fighting. Her spells are ineffective against the Seed of Destruction. Not only will she not be able to defeat the Seed of Destruction, but As her true form, she comes to the mortal world and is very likely to be targeted by the Seed of Destruction. It is very likely that Ryan and Angron will need to devote their energy to protect her during the battle.

So what is the fairy in the lake doing during this time?

It’s also very simple. The Fairy of the Lake has recently begun to frequently interfere with the fate of the high elves and dark elves. Under the guidance of the goddess, Teclis learned about the destined fate of the world. At the same time, Lilith revealed to the Witch King Malekith The truth of the world - Malekith is the destined Phoenix King, the true orthodox Phoenix King.

The Witch-King Malekith, who was still resisting in Naggaroth, was both ecstatic and confused.

The answer given by the Fairy in the Lake is obviously something that Malekith is willing to hear and believe. For thousands of years, Malekith has always believed that he is indeed the Phoenix King to whom he is destined, and he has emphasized it over and over again. As we all know, the more... Emphasizing the need to be "confident" is actually a sign of being less confident. Now that Lilith, the goddess of the moon in heaven, has personally told Malekith that "you are the orthodox Phoenix King", how could Malekith not be happy? Crazy reason?

After ecstasy comes confusion.

Malekith doubted Lilith's true purpose, but Lilith just told him that from the beginning, Malekith was the chosen one favored by Asuryan.

"You've narrowly escaped death countless times and you've been able to recover no matter how serious your injuries were. Do you think it's just your strength?"

"You were banished to the Realm of Chaos during the Battle of Fenur Plains, and traveled for decades wearing the Crown of Slaanesh, but you were not affected by corruption at all. Is it really because you are determined?"

"For thousands of years, you have relied on the black membrane method from the realm of chaos to extend your life, while other dark elves can only rely on the power of Kane's blood pool. Malekith, wake up, you are Asuryan Only the Heavenly God who is the Lord of the Phoenix has this level of anti-corruption ability. Orthodox Phoenix King, you don’t really think you have this kind of strength, do you?”

Malekith was silent. The Witch King had always doubted everything, and Lilith's evidence left him speechless.

"But, why not Kane?"

"Kane doesn't like you, and has never liked you. You claim that you are Kane's incarnation all day long, but it is just a way to unite Nagaros." Lilith's voice was ruthless: "Just like you have been telling me Like everyone else, you are used to lies, you are used to deception. If a person stays in a pig pen for too long, he will gradually assimilate, and you will soon become the director of the pig farm, the Witch King."

"And you are disgusting. You are the goddess of the moon who has found a human husband. You clearly want to use me." Malekith said coldly: "What is your purpose?"

"It has been two years since the end of time. Nagaros is in ruins. Do you need me to explain anything more?"

"What does that have to do with me? If those gods of chaos are coming, then let them come. I will be like my father, riding my dragon and using my sword to deal with these enemies. Fighting is my innate ability. Come to power."

"Yes, this is your power, but you will not be their opponent, never." Lilith smiled very sarcastically and sharply: "You can't defeat them, the only way is to return to Ulthuan , inherit your destined throne, only Asuryan's power can compete with the God of Chaos, and it is the only way to save this world."

"Is this your plan? To betray my closest relatives so that I can gain the power of Asuryan and become the King of Ulthuan?" Malekith understood. Lilith's words were so dazzling. After all, she was doing it for herself: "I See, only this method can save the fate of the world and allow you to avoid destruction, right?"

The high-spirited Moon Goddess suddenly fell silent, which made Malekith feel that he had found the truth. He planned to ask again, but Lilith had disappeared.

The Witch King made up his mind, and Malekith summoned all the fear lords and dark councilors of Nagaroth, officially announcing that he would completely abandon the land of Nagaroth, and lead all the Druzi on an expedition to Ulthuan to regain his destiny. The destined throne of the Phoenix King.

Thousands of ships carrying the Dark Elf army set off from Naggaroth and officially sailed to Ulthuan. Naggaroth was officially abandoned. Before leaving, Malekith ordered Naggarond to be burned to ashes.

Only the Witch Queen Morathi and the Witch Heliben refused to leave.

The Witch-King went to Grond in person to meet his mother. Morathi refused to assist his son, but sent a woman named Drosara to lead a part of the army. The witch Heliban also refused to leave Hal-Gonthy, and she swore that she would fight with him. The remaining Dark Elves resisted Chaos to the end.

The Elf Civil War has officially begun.

In the room, the Lake Fairy and Sulia sat on one side, Ryan sat opposite the goddess and queen, and Orika stood behind Ryan, listening to the Lake Fairy's description.

Now the whole world, except for the green skins, is probably engaged in a war against Chaos, but different forces show different combat effectiveness. For example, the high elves do not have any foreign aid and face the most powerful front of Chaos. , relying on his own army and the personal bravery of Regent Tyrion, he solved and expelled all the invading Chaos demons. For example, the lizards of Lustria and Fulgrim's army defeated the Skaven and the Chaos Vanguard.

Fulgrim has even raised a Phoenix Guard of seventy or eighty people. These people fight beside the original body and grow rapidly.

Here in the old world, although Britannia suffered a lot of losses, Ryan still defeated three waves of enemies and defended his homeland.

After Ryan himself comprehended the world of mind images and obtained the source of the Seed of Destruction, his combat effectiveness can already be ranked in the second echelon of the original body. With the blessing of the world of mind images, he is confident that he can compete with Zhuang Sen. .

Leman Russ is a little brother now! Ryan felt secretly happy as he thought of this.

Most of the dwarf castles in the Rooftop Mountains of the World are currently besieged by Skaven. Enemies are on all sides of Butcher's Keep. The Butcher King can't even send out a single soldier. The troops of Belegar in the Eight Peaks Mountains and the Three Badlands Guards are in conflict with Moss. The clans have fought dozens of wars, and High King Thorgrim has been trying to persuade the dwarves to concentrate their troops, but to no avail they can only retreat into seclusion. The dwarves have received requests for help from the empire more than once, but they are powerless.

As for the empire, Emperor Karl-Franz's golden fortress looks shaky and may collapse at any time. This time Ryan's raid on Marienburg brought a lot of blood back to the empire - Britannia looted Marienburg. About one-third of the supplies taken away will be transferred to Karl-Franz as an agreement that the empire will forget about this matter and acquiesce.

The empire really did not have the energy to deal with these merchants, and was in urgent need of supplies. The emperor had no choice but to "traitor". Lane allocated about 1 million from the plundered supplies worth 4 million and sent them to the northern front line of the empire, encouraging the emperor to continue to persevere: "Roll up your sleeves and work hard!"

It’s still cool to borrow flowers and offer them to Buddha.

The familiar words popped up in Ryan's head again.

Then the war situation around the world can be summarized like this:

Tyrion: This proves that Azur is the best in the world!

Kuga: Because we are the eldest sons of the ancient saint!

Ryan: I will protect everything in Britannia.

Malekith: It is our duty to restore the glory of Druzi.

Karl Franz: Defending the Golden Fortress counts as victory.

"Last year's Skaven War, this year's Battle of Kuileu, and the Battle of Curona have overdrawn our Britannia's war potential." Ryan shook his head helplessly: "Logically speaking, we should at least It took three years to return to its original level, and Carcassonne and Belian were in ruins, and the surrounding area of ​​Curona was also affected.”

"We don't have so much time, Ryan." The Lake Fairy immediately shook her head: "The empire can still hold on, but it will definitely not last more than a year. After all, the Golden Fortress is Galt's invention. After he left, those wizards and priests I can maintain it, but I don’t know how to adjust and repair it.”

"So, we only have half a year, so we can recover as much as we can." Ryan nodded. Although the losses were huge, Britannia has now solved the external threat. Chaos definitely has no interest or energy to fight again after being defeated three times in a row. .

There was silence in the room, Brittania still had a weak foundation after all.

At this time, Morgiana, the Lake God Witch, walked in from the outside with black tea and pastries. Today, the Lake God Witch was wearing a gorgeous Kurona Pastoral Clear Sky cream dress, paired with ultra-thin glossy flesh-colored stockings and a milky white square button pointed toe. Wearing high heels and a laurel wreath on her head, after hearing Ryan's words, the Lake God Witch put down her things and said casually: "It's not that there are many Kislev veterans in Marienburg who can be recruited by this opportunity, as well as those Ace Where are the Thalia."

"No." Ryan shook his head repeatedly. He glanced at Morgiana and sighed: "It's not time yet."

Morgiana didn't understand, but the Lake God Witch had blind trust and admiration for Ryan. When she heard that Ryan disagreed, she gave up. Seeing that there was no one around Ryan, Morgiana put down the silver plate and sat next to Ryan. , leaning against him secretly.

Of course, Ryan knows that if he recruits a large number of Kislev veterans and Estalia troops now, he can indeed get a batch of immediate combat power, but the impact will be very bad, so bad that Ryan has to consider the consequences - as we all know, he spent It took so many years to finally open a path for advancement for civilians and serfs. Joining the army is almost the only path for advancement for those free serfs. With the recent series of wars, Britannia is bound to recruit and form new ones on a large scale. The army, the people at the bottom are already eager to try it, and even many free people have prepared their own weapons on a large scale, just waiting for the Midsummer Festival recruitment ceremony.

At this time, if Ryan recruits Kislev veterans on a large scale and forms a new Estalia army, what will these people think?

Are soldiers also outsourced? Everything can really be outsourced, right?

The only way to rise is to compete with foreigners?

Want to compete with Mrs. Keesler and the Estalians for a spot?

This will cause large-scale dissatisfaction. Freedmen and serfs are Ryan's base. Britannia currently has a very sufficient reserve of troops and cannot consider doing so for the time being. Let Juan form the Estalia militia and rebuild the third One Guards Lancer is already the limit.

Ryan remembered that in some countries in the previous life, some ethnic groups were given more points and Waiguoren enjoyed more expanded enrollment quotas and benefits, which had caused large-scale public dissatisfaction, especially in Japan (named and criticized), because Chinese students received more subsidies, and Japanese students They simply marched and posted curses in many places directly writing "This country is dead!".

It's not necessary now, not at all. At least we have to wait until the war has been going on for a long time, when the reserve force is showing signs of being exhausted, and when the people begin to feel war-weary, then we will consider this. At that time, the attitude of the civilians will change drastically, "Someone will go for us." Sacrificed." Ryan followed the trend again.

The Primarch of the Gray Knights found that his thoughts were getting closer and closer to Malcador the Bearer.

"Then what should we do next?" Sulia picked up the black tea, and the Sun Queen tasted the liquid in the tea cup elegantly and nobly: "Take a break?"

"Temporary rest." Ryan nodded, Angron fell into a deep sleep, and all four Emperor's Imperial Guards were killed in battle. He could not leave Britannia casually now, at least until he regained some of his strength.

"You guys are taking a break here. Orika and I are going to Ulthuan." The fairy in the lake nodded. The goddess stretched out a beautiful black silk foot. The small and delicate ankle shook slightly, and the silk foot was freed from the shackles of the high heels. Only the toes are still hanging on the milky-white fish-mouth high heels, rocking back and forth. The nails painted with green nail polish are stubbornly exposed under the hazy black stockings, and the rhinestones on the pantyhose are also rhinestones. While reflecting the bright light, Lilith had a "planned" expression on her face: "Let's arrange the elven civil war. I will capture Asuryan's divine origin, and then you and I will give birth to a new Asuryan. "

"I will also seize Kane." Orica walked out from behind Ryan, and the dark elf goddess smiled sweetly: "From now on, the two elf pantheons will be a civil war between the master's descendants!"

"How to do it specifically?" Ryan was interested in this.

"It requires an exquisite plan." The fairy in the lake nodded. Lilith looked confident. She put her hands on her hips, and the grandeur on her chest immediately shook violently like waves. The goddess looked very proud: "Olica and I have already planned it. Well, just wait and see the result. We haven’t said it yet, and even if we say it, it will be useless. You cannot participate in the elven civil war, otherwise you will be the public enemy of the three elves and all elven gods."

"Okay, then when will you set off?" Ryan nodded. He did not intend to and could not participate in the elf civil war.

"Three days later, and we will go to Nuer first." The Lake Fairy said with great interest: "Although Alisala is already a useless person, she is still of some use."

"Okay, have a nice trip." Ryan was about to say something, but the original Gray Knight felt his back sink, and two soft balls pressed directly on his back. Orika licked her tongue, looking impatient. : "It's not over yet, Master~ This time Lilith and I's plan is quite risky, so in order to ensure the success of things, we need spiritual energy, lots and lots of spiritual energy, all stored at once to cope with unexpected needs, Master , you will definitely fulfill Orika’s little wish, right?”

"Hahaha~" Lidya Su covered her mouth and snickered.

"..." Morgiana looked envious.

"Uh..." Ryan's face immediately turned green, and he quickly turned his attention to the fairy in the lake.

Lilith's face was slightly red, and the goddess nodded seriously: "Olica is right, Ryan, leave Britannia's affairs to Sulia for these three days, and don't do anything else. ”

You all regard me as a power bank, right? Ryan tried to resist, but was held tightly by Olika.

"Lilith and I are ready, Master." The fragrance of roses filled the air around Ryan, and Orika said with a bad smile: "Two elf goddesses accompany you together. This is the only one in the world, two needs. Once satisfied, the master will no longer be ignorant of blessings, come quickly."

"I don't...wuwuwu~" Olica turned Ryan around and pressed her chest, and the Lake Fairy also stood up.

"Come on, let's go inside!"

In this way, Lilith and Orica dragged away Ryan, who was still resisting.

On the same day, news came out from Kurona that Sun King Ryan would be in seclusion for three days to mourn and pray for the Brittanian soldiers who died in this battle.

The citizens sighed: The reasons behind this are heart-warming.

Three days later, two streams of light, one gold and one purple, flew towards Nuer.

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