The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1255, look at this face, can you be the emperor of the empire?

As the industrial heart of the empire, Nuer has been in the midst of a very morbid prosperity in recent years.

The whole city is going into a morbid frenzy.

As the pearl of the empire, the first city of the empire and the place where many emperors’ courts were established in history, Nuer has the right to be proud of itself. As an academic center and industrial center, Nuer has always maintained its unique location advantages. The Er River and the Ivey River converged here and entered the Reikland. Wealth, materials and people from all over the empire and even the entire old world poured into this city, achieving Nuer's unique status. Historically, only the imperial capital Brunswick Gram was able to match it in power, wealth and industrial strength.

Due to its location on flat ground, Nur cannot be closed off as easily as Middenheim. Therefore, the city's walls have been continuously fortified and reinforced over the long history of the empire. Until now, they are tens of meters high, and every wall can be seen. With row after row of dark artillery aimed at the outside of the city, the proud Nuer people are always ready to defend their city.

As a military factory that supplies more than 70% of the imperial military industry, Nuer's coffers are always full. Countless forges, steel companies, and gun workshops make money by selling arms to other provinces and autonomous cities. For example, the cannons produced by the Krupp Steel Company are of superior quality. They not only have a long range, great power, but also have a long service life. Another example is the exquisite long-rod firecrackers produced by the Noor Military Factory, which are only the only ones in the empire. There is a Hawker long rifle that can compete with it, but the output of the two sides is not at the same level. Hawker is a small manual workshop, while Noor is a factory production line.

Regardless of the subsequent Braunschweig Arms Factory, the Mousilon Arms Factory or the newly opened Feidol Arms Factory in Solland by Gelt, its level and technology are still far behind Nuer. There is no place in the old world. Except for dwarves, dwarves can produce such sophisticated equipment or firearms. However, the weapons and equipment produced by dwarves are barely adequate. Only a few of them will flow into the human world, so there is basically no competition. On the contrary, Nuer's firearms often Bought by the dwarves - the dwarf musketeers often complained that they were not enough, but used them as backup weapons.

Since Countess Emilia returned to Nuer, Nuer's economy is getting better and better. Industrial products are sold as far away as Lustria, and the market in Britannia has been officially opened. The entire industry of Nuer is growing every day. Production was running at full capacity, but it could never meet demand, especially after 2522 in the Imperial Calendar, when war broke out everywhere in the old world. The more critical the situation, the more military industry was needed. With the treasury bursting many times, countless military orders It has far exceeded the scope of Nuer's production. More than 95% of the military factories continue to operate 24 hours a day. Whether it is day or night, the flames and thick smoke in the factory area never stop for a day.

Military orders have been scheduled for 38 months.

The precarious state of the old world has also caused a huge shock in Nuer. For the Nuer people, the last time they faced a powerful enemy was the invasion of Tamu Khan more than ten years ago, but now they never care. The noble ladies of the current affairs all know that the empire is now facing a terrible crisis.

There is no other reason. Since 2523, the empire has faced too many problems.

On the northern border, the violent Chaos army ravaged the northern lands, barely resisted by the golden fortress.

In the east of the empire, large numbers of undead armies emerged from Sylvania and walked within the empire.

In the Black Forest, tens of thousands of beastmen are constantly pouring out of the forest, killing people and burning villages wherever they see them.

The plague is spreading everywhere, and there is no cure except Gaert's talismanic water.

It is said that in Solland and Sol Fortress in the south, the Solland army is still dealing with attacks by a kind of rat-like beasts and greenskins.

Even on the relatively safe roads, robbers composed of bandits, greenskins, beastmen, and ogres are everywhere.

It seemed that except for Nuer, no place was truly safe. The city's population quickly increased from 3 to 400,000 to 7 to 800,000. Nobles and refugees fled from outside the city and from the north of the empire. They also became frightened birds, fearing that the world would not be in chaos, talking nonsense everywhere about how terrifying those Chaos Barbarians were. Armor suddenly grew on their bodies on the battlefield, and there were Chaos Giants as tall as ten people, which intensified everyone's fear.

What's worse is that as food production continues to decrease, Wesenland is unable to supply Nuer's huge food expenditure.

The herd effect makes everyone feel breathless and oppressive.

Is the end coming?

At the critical moment, the Imperial Baroness Emilia came out to solve the problem. The Baroness herself went to Britannia to negotiate with the Sun King Ryan. Not only did she finalize a large number of military industry orders, but she also obtained a guarantee of food supply from the other side of the mountain. The two sides successfully reached an agreement - Nuer can get the highest priority food supply from Britannia and also has the power to negotiate. At the same time, Nuer also promised that Britannia's military supplies will be given priority under certain circumstances. goods, and the price is more reasonable.

Since the agreement was reached, a steady stream of food has arrived in Nuer from beyond the Gray Mountains, via Axbite Pass and the Gray Lady's Road.

What is hilarious is that in the past, when agricultural products were exchanged for industrial products, agriculture was often the party that was exploited and squeezed. But the current situation is that Nour is the weaker party in the bargaining, because as long as Brittany If there is a trade embargo and a food embargo, Nuer will most likely be forced to implement a food supply system and reduce production capacity.

So Nuer secretly sighed internally.

"The Baroness is still reliable."

"The matter between the Baroness and the Sun King seems to be on the right track."

"Isn't that right? Look at our Baron, he is so good because of his good breed."

There were still some dissatisfied voices within Nuer before, but after Emilia successfully reached the food agreement, the city was full of voices singing praises, and the people's heartfelt gratitude and praise were poured out to the Imperial Lady without hesitation.

Because Emilia was pregnant, she didn't have much energy to deal with internal affairs. Noor's power actually fell into the hands of Baron Frederic. Generally speaking, Frederick handled the internal affairs and then used it to criticize her mother. After Milia reads it once, she will sign as long as she feels there are no problems.

So Frederick is really, really grateful to the little Queen Alisala. Ever since Alisala came to him, everything has gotten better. The little Queen's domestic and diplomatic skills are simply outstanding, and It can be described as extraordinary. With her guidance, in just one year, Frederick has been able to handle all problems with ease.

Of course, the little queen knew that the reason everything went so smoothly was because there were people behind Emilia and Frey.

Don’t the Nuer people want food and orders anymore?

More importantly, thanks to Alishara's efforts, the Skaven underground city under Nuer has been revealed, but no one believes it now.

In April 2524 of the Imperial Calendar, the weather was very cold, as cold as ice. Since the beginning of the End, the climate in the old world has become colder and colder, and more and more abnormal.

In the black tower in the northern city of Nuer, Frederick is working.

Fifteen days ago, the Baron had just defeated a green-skin tribe "Skull Crusher" in Wurttemberg, south of Nuer, together with the coalition forces of Gelt's Thor. The green-skin corpses almost piled up into a mountain, and in During the battle, Geert simply handed over his army to Commander Frederick, and the Sol Territory did not reject this baron at all. Obviously, it is only a matter of time before the re-merger of the Wesen Territory and the Sol Territory will occur in the future. question.

He was immersed in last month's production report and the report on the Marienburg incident. Through the sunshine outside the window, the 20-year-old Frederick's increasingly handsome and magnanimous face had gradually faded away from youthfulness. From the first battle to the present, he is already a general who has experienced as many as 186 battles, large and small. From being unfamiliar to getting started, from beginner to proficient, the Nuer military watched the Baron's growth with satisfaction.

At this time, Frederick was reviewing Surya's defense of Kurona. The Baron concentrated on reviewing the entire battle. His sudden change of tactics against Surya and his sudden instigation of a large wave of troops and massacres He was envious and admired the way coins boosted the morale of veterans. After reviewing the whole process, Frederick wrote down his experience in his notebook.

"Sigvald was defeated by underestimating the enemy, by arrogance, by empiricism, and even more by unclear strategic goals. If he wanted to storm Kurona, Sigvald should quickly attack Kurona. , if you want to plunder and destroy Britannia’s effective forces, then you should engage in mobile warfare and actively avoid war.”

"Aunt Sulia's victory lies in adapting to circumstances, in self-confidence, in breaking rules and dogma. She held a fortified city but gave up defending it, which was unexpected by Chaos. She summoned the nobles and mobilized all the private armies, which was unexpected. She spent so much money and even To some extent, it goes against the usual strategy of chivalry, but the effect is extraordinary. At the same time, it concentrates superior forces to attack the enemy's weak points, all the cavalry strengthens the marching speed, takes the lead to boost morale, and Devin urgently mobilizes reinforcements..."

Frey frowned as he wrote this. Obviously he still had some opinions on Aunt Sulia and Devon Hill, the stinky brother. This sentence was only half written. He thought for a few seconds and simply started another line.

"Times have changed, and the combat conditions, the comparison of the enemy's and our strengths, and the goals that should be achieved have all changed. The objective conditions on which the old experience was based no longer exist, and the experience is naturally useless. If we cannot formulate combat goals and tactics realistically, we will inevitably suffer consequences. A miserable failure.”

After finishing writing, Frederick was finally satisfied. Baron Noor suddenly smelled a burst of fragrant wind, and then bursts of laughter like silver bells. A pair of small hands placed a silver plate full of food on the table. Then he covered Frederick's eyes, and a familiar voice sounded from behind: "It's tea time now, my Baron, take a rest."

"Ellie~" Frederick couldn't help but smile, and the baron in turn hugged the little queen gently: "You're back? Mother didn't give you a hard time, right?"

Alisara is indeed a treasure given to the Baron by Charlemagne. The little queen's appearance is the best among the high spirits, and she is naturally one of the best in the old world. What's more, she has a multifaceted temperament, is intelligent, and has superb wit and political skills. In diplomacy and diplomacy, he is surprisingly sophisticated and skillful.

A long-sleeved chiffon white shirt, a buttoned hip-hugging one-step skirt, a simple princess hair accessory, a simple brown leather belt tied around the waist, and the delicate and beautiful calves under the skirt are wrapped in white lace star Lycra pantyhose. With a pair of small pearl high heels, Alisala's temperament alternates between cute and rosy. Her innocent and lovely oval face and big, watery eyes make it hard not to be lovable.

The ever-changing Alisala quickly figured out Frederic's preferences. Frey had exactly the same hobbies as his father, and most liked maids, various professional attires, and matching stockings and high heels.

Isn't this simple? Alisara changes outfits all day long, including Lolita outfits, palace ladies, elf outfits, maid outfits, cheongsam dresses privately given by the fairy in the lake, or office shirts and hip skirts paired with various stockings. The little queen is really Frederick was fascinated.

However, although the little queen was well prepared, Frederick was still able to restrain himself. The Baron always remembered that it was Noelle who came to him first and became his maid. Now she is his fiancée. Frederick planned to make things happen. Let's talk about it after the wedding. He is not ready yet and doesn't like to make casual promises.

"No." Alisala shook her head. When she saw Frederick reaching out to take the cake, she suddenly stopped him: "You are not allowed to eat it! You must say a code word!"

"The code word... this, Ellie, can you not say it?" Frederick was a little embarrassed.

"If you don't tell me, you won't be fed!" Alisara stretched out her green-white fingers and pointed at Frey's face, snorting softly.

"Weird..." Frederick blushed.

"Speak quickly! After eating, there are still things to do." The little queen pressed forward step by step.

"Encounter in another world...enjoy the delicious food." Frederick could only say coquettishly. Seeing the baron's submission, Alisara's silver bell-like laughter sounded in the room.

This is so stupid. How did Alisala come up with this?

The two of them had something to eat, and Alisala took Frederic to the Elector's Palace in Nuer. There, the Imperial Countess Emmanuelle (Emilia), the Nuer military and A large group of Nuer nobles were already waiting.

During this time, the wood elf goddess Radelia, the mist lady, appeared in Nuer. She took a letter of introduction from the Sun King Ryan and specially looked at people's faces in Nuer. She was absolutely accurate and only needed to offer a generous sum of money. With gifts, she can give generous blessings and even some small magic items.

Emilia was very excited. Of course, the Imperial Baroness knew that the high-spirited Moon Goddess was the Lake Fairy Lilith, but she didn’t know the vest of Lilith, Lady Radelia of the Mist. The pregnant Imperial Countess immediately invited Lady Mist to the Elector's Palace and asked her to show Frederic's face.

Can my son be the emperor of the empire?

Emilia was never very confident.

When Frederick and Alisala appeared, everyone was already there. Dozens of generals, hundreds of nobles, and city councilors all looked at the baron. Many people were nervous.

Frederick's fiancée, Noelle, the Northern Eagle of the Goddess of War Church, is also there. The girl has finally recovered after being ill for several months. She is dressed very casually today, wearing a beret, a cardigan, and a dark blue pleated skirt. Wearing white stockings and black leather shoes, Noelle stared at Alisala for two seconds when she saw her fiancé and his maid, and then walked to Frederick. Alisala immediately backed away. Half a step means giving in.

At this time, Lady Radelia of the Mist is already here. From the outside, she is a goddess with dazzling long golden hair and an extremely hot figure. However, she wears a thick veil and cloak, with only a pair of eyes exposed. , so you can't get a glimpse of her beauty.

"Ms. Radelia, please look at this." Emilia said eagerly with her big belly: "This is my son Frederick, my and Ryan's son. How about, he can Be the emperor of the empire?"

"Let me take a look." A pleasant and somewhat familiar voice came from behind the veil.

The air in the room was very quiet, and Frederick only felt that the goddess opposite was looking at him teasingly.

The baron glanced at Noelle beside him unnaturally.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, this face is really good, I think it's interesting." Ladelia's voice sounded.

Frederick was already very handsome, and he also had a psychic bonus. He also inherited Ryan's face and Emilia's facial features. This result was not surprising, at least Frederick himself was not surprised. .

"Oh oh oh!" An exciting roar and the sound of clenched fists immediately came from the hall. Are we going to have another emperor in Nuer?

Noor has been waiting for more than 100 years!

"Really?" Regardless of Emilia's pregnancy, the Imperial Countess stood up directly with her face shining: "Please take a closer look, please!"

"Well, I've taken a good look at it." Ladelia looked at it for another five minutes, and even reached out to pinch Frey's face: "He should be able to become the emperor. This face has the look of a griffon. He was born to do it. The one who becomes the king, tsk tsk tsk, he is simply Charlemagne’s messenger sent to the world, destined to become the emperor!”

"Mei shake it!" Emilia roared ecstatically, and the Imperial Lady immediately waved, and several attendants immediately presented five boxes of luxurious gifts filled with gold and silver: "Thank you very much, thank you very much, La Ms. Delia, this is our thank you gift from Noor!”

"Wait, I haven't finished speaking yet." Radelia shook her head: "Although he has the appearance of a king, he still faces some challenges."

"What challenge?" Emilia's expression immediately turned vicious: "What are we, Nuer, afraid of? Send the steam tanks one by one, and send me all the challenges to the sky!"

"I can only observe the first challenge." Radelia's chuckle sounded: "This challenge is underground in Nuer. The mysterious triangular mark will bring destruction to Nuer. If it cannot be stopped, , then his path to becoming emperor is destined to be impossible to succeed."

"The challenge is in Nuer's, underground?"

The whole place was in an uproar.

I'm late, sorry.

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