The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 226, The Fairy Tower in the Lake is Built

"So, the wood elves need more ores, iron tools, food and wood? Well... and amber." Ryan listened to the wood elves' requests, and then summarized all their requirements.

"Yes, we need more amber and ore, but the most important thing is food and iron." Woodland Lord Delina was very anxious when she saw that Ryan would not let go. She quickly emphasized: "The price is negotiable."

Delina told Ryan that the famous Shadowboil war beast group appeared again in the Athel Loren forest this winter, and the beastman war group led by the notorious Sanctuary beast king "Shadowboil" Morgul gathered. He joined an army of thousands of beastmen and tried to approach the Oak of Time again, which is also known as the World Tree in the human mouth.

The Eislays fought an arduous war with the beastmen, and some forest lands were reduced to ashes due to repeated changes of hands. The fierce tug-of-war made the wood elves suffer. In the cold winter, the tree elves and tree elves fell into a deep sleep. The Wang couple also walked into the fire and died. This was when the forest was at its weakest, and the wood elves could only rely on themselves.

The large amount of resources obtained from the trade with Ryan and the finely crafted armor produced by the dwarves have been of great use. Although the wood elves are very reluctant to admit it, even the wood elf armor produced by the Vaal Anvil is far inferior to that produced by the dwarves. The finely crafted armor and various rune weapons are very useful, and the uninterrupted food trade ensures that no wood elves starve to death due to lack of food during this winter, preserving some vitality for the wood elves who are fighting hard.

Eventually, the ice and snow melted, and all things were reborn. The king of the forest, Orion, was finally reborn from the oak of time. When he discovered the tragedy of the forest, Orion blew the horn of the hunting god Kunos.

The wild hunt begins!

After paying a heavy price, the Shadowboil war beast herd was defeated. Shadowboil Morgul was defeated by the famous wood elf hero, the woodland lord Araloth-the Valiant, and escaped injured.

The war is over, leaving behind a large area of ​​corrupted forest, countless corpses of beastmen and souls of wood elves. Even Orion, the king of the forest, has to admit that trade with humans is useful and necessary, otherwise Islay It may take twenty or thirty years to recover from this war.

The woodland lord Delina came with the goodwill of the forest king Orlane. She hopes to continue to expand the construction of the trading post in Lane's territory in order to obtain more urgently needed resources.

Ryan thought to himself that the wood elves are a group of guys who don't care about farming. They pay attention to harmonious coexistence with nature. No wonder they always encounter problems such as food shortage and lack of wood. There is almost no ore in the forest, and they are completely dependent on imports from Ryan.

After coughing, Ryan smiled and said: "Your Excellency Delina, it's not that I don't want to help you, but you have also seen that the output of our workshop is also limited, and the orders have been queued up until winter. As for the food, I will discuss it with the Duke. Think of a way, I have a lot of ore here, which can meet your needs."

"Can't we increase production?" Delina took a deep breath, and the woodland lord said in a consultative tone: "I understand your difficulties, but the forest really needs enough exquisite armor and weapons made by dwarves. The Val's Anvil Woodland Quilt The herds of shadow evil beasts have been seriously damaged, and all the mineral veins in the forest have been exhausted hundreds of years ago, and there is also a shortage of food. Compatriots in many areas are starving, and many places have to ration food regularly."

"It takes time to expand production. Friends of the forest, let's do our best." Ryan nodded continuously: "We have always cooperated very happily. Please tell His Majesty the King of the Forest to please give us more time."

"Please rest assured, Lord Ryan, our king also asked me to tell you that you are the only trading partner of Eslay outside the forest. Those greedy and cunning knights have been completely eliminated by us. What they say about Eslay I can’t believe every word.” Delina raised her head proudly.

The woodland lord brought hundreds of troops from the forest this time. They left with dozens of carts of dwarf products, grain and ore that they had recently ordered, leaving behind a large amount of wood elf wine, magic jewelry, exquisite handicrafts, Precious wood elf medicines and pottery were robbed by a large number of merchants from nearby principalities and even southern countries and empires as soon as they were put on the shelves.

"It's no wonder that Duke Casfan of Palavon is jealous of me." Ryan complained to his butler Katzenberg on the way back: "Just the trade with the wood elves can bring me a lot of money in a year." Taxes amount to thousands of gold crowns, of which the wood elves’ medicine is even more priceless.”

Katzenberg put his hands behind his back, straightened his back, half a step behind Ryan, with sincerity and admiration on his face: "Wood Elf, isolated from the world, absolutely isolated, my baron, it is your glory and prestige that make me proud." These wood elves came out of the forest and traded with us."

"The most important thing is strength, Katzenberg." Ryan chuckled: "Do you think the wood elves didn't want to increase trade before? Obviously, they also learned about my defeat of the Great Demon Nurgle. It is the capital to measure whether we can further cooperate and increase trade volume. I first gained their trust, which is very important, and then I can show my strength, which is also important."

"That's true, but I think this is still related to the Baron's personal charm. As far as I know, His Excellency Francois also tried to contact the wood elves, but Pointy Ears arbitrarily refused the trade. They He firmly stated that the forest is rich in products and self-sufficient, and there is no need to trade with the Duke." Katzenberg still said very seriously: "So I still think that the Baron is special, and both dwarves and elves are willing to contact the Baron. "

"Let's arrange the things that the wood elves need as soon as possible. As for food, I remember that Winford has a lot of it. It shouldn't be difficult to trade some from Mr. Francois. It's time for the dwarf's workshop to expand production. Also, about The high tower in the castle..." The midsummer sun was very strong, and Katzenberg soon became sweaty. However, Lane, wearing a full baron uniform, showed no sign of being heated. He ordered things one by one, and the baron His high energy surprised his men.

"Miss Veronica's wizard tower is still laying the foundation, and only the first floor has been built..." Katzenberg took out his pamphlet and said continuously.

"That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the high tower built in the valley behind the castle." Ryan shook his head. In midsummer, the air was filled with heat, and his lungs felt dry after just a few breaths.

"That tower? I'm sorry, my baron, because you have never named the tower." Only then did Katzenberg realize what Ryan was talking about: "That tower can be completed in three months at most, but... May I say a word, my baron?"

"Say." Ryan turned around and the two of them found a place under the shade of a tree. Almost all the serfs along the way greeted the baron with an extremely enthusiastic attitude.

"We have spent a lot of manpower, material resources and energy building this tower, baron, you are not a spellcaster, why do you want to build such a tower without an owner?" Katzenberg will I took the opportunity to ask questions that I had always been puzzled about.

"The tower will have an owner, dear Katzenberg." The expression on Ryan's face did not change. "All you have to do is build the tower. After that, the benefits it will bring to us will definitely be worth it." value."

"I understand, so the tower is not prepared for Miss Theresa?" Katzenberg nodded to show that he understood.

"That's right, it's not for Theresa." Ryan stretched out his hand and gently stroked the bark of the big tree: "You just have to know what's going on."

The benefits that the Lady of the Lake's tower can bring to Ryan's territory are absolutely worth every penny. If nothing else, as far as Ryan knows, the High Elves' White Tower of Hoth in Ulthuan can bring many benefits to the High Elves. The benefits are numerous and incredibly powerful.

The crops near the White Tower of Hos can ripen 6-10 times a year.

Cheating! There is no justice! This was what the fairy in the lake told Ryan, and Ryan was confused at the time.

Katzenberg took the order and left, leaving Ryan alone in the shade of a tree. He was thinking about what to do in the future. After several years of hard work, he was granted the title of baron. If he wanted to be promoted to earl, he was making two decisions. After his first great achievement, he was still close to becoming a count.

There is still a long way to go, and no Primarch has ever faced so many threats at a young age. Greenskins, Chaos, and the Undead. He cannot be compared to Barbarian, because he is the guardian of order, and bloody conquest can Pleasing Khorne and Tzeentch consumes precious mortal power.


Time passed quickly in the management of the territory. At the beginning of October, the tower was finally completed.

The tower built of pure white boulders has a total of six floors and is about 25 meters high. Under Ryan's decoration, which strictly followed the design plan of the Fairy in the Lake regardless of cost, the most expensive materials and various luxurious decorations were used inside the tower. Decorated with furniture, the tower was built in a small valley behind Lane Castle. The tower can only be reached through a corridor extending from the castle wall. Since the tower was built, this valley has undergone some kind of mutation, with a large number of woods. Covering this area, thick fog rises from the valley, making it difficult for ordinary people to see the whole picture.

Ryan classified this area as a restricted area, prohibiting anyone from entering. In fact, ordinary people cannot enter this place. They will lose their way in the thick fog. After turning around, they will find some unwelcome visitors when they return to the same place. It will disappear forever.

Since the day the tower was built, the serfs of Baron Jean have been pleasantly surprised to find that the crops in the fields are growing well, and the output has increased by nearly 50%. Both the river water and the well water have become clearer. Divine power lingers in Baron Jean, and the goddess's whispers resound in people's hearts.

Many knights and Holy Grail pilgrims began to come to the Baron of Jean, seeking the guidance of the Lake Fairy.

The lady was generous. Although only a small number of people got a reply, they were still overjoyed. Expeditionary knights began to appear in the baron, which made the baron spend a lot of time and energy to receive them.

In early October, Lily's Day, which is the birthday of the Fairy of the Lake, a grand celebration was held in the baron to celebrate the glory and faith that the Fairy of the Lake brought to the Knight Kingdom. Ryan announced that the warehouse would be opened to release grain. Take out the old grain inside and let the serfs have a good meal: "Cheer, my subjects, this is given to you by the lady!"

"Thank you, madam! Praise the madam!" The serfs queued up to receive food benefits amid the roar of the mountains and tsunami. Among them, there was enough brown bread. With household registration, each person could also receive a piece of cookie, a glass of cider or malt wine, and a piece of barbecue.

The life of the serfs is getting better and better, and at the same time, Ryan constantly emphasizes that everything is given by the lady.

The baron's piety and generosity won the almost fanatical love of the serfs. The court musicians and bards invited from Winford played the lyre and sang the story of Ryan. The glory of the Holy Grail attracted the serfs and the knights who longed to make achievements. They were intoxicated.

In the dark ages, Lane's territory became a pure land.

The celebration of the Fairy of the Lake's birthday went from morning to afternoon, and then into the evening. The grandeur in the town made the lord very happy. At this time, a big businessman brought better news.

It is Hadrian, the president of the Luigi Chamber of Commerce. This big merchant from the southern country has completely shifted his business focus to the territories of Marienburg and Lane. Investing in the construction of dwarf workshops has also made him a lot of money. , and more importantly, the mineral veins in Hadrian's hands have a direct outlet. The internalization of transactions not only allows big businessmen to greatly reduce costs, but the cooperation with Ryan also allows his products to sell easily.

"Happy holidays, my Baron, I have transported this year's mithril here by sea, and His Excellency the Duke of Bordeaux is very friendly to us." Hadrian wore a brand new silk dress and smiled at Ryan.

"Okay, thank you for making the trip in person, Mr. Hadrian." Ryan shook hands with his partner: "How is your recent business?"

"Not very good, my baron." Who knew that Hadrian looked at the carnival crowd and shook his head with a wry smile: "Whether it is Axebit Pass or Palaon, they are imposing tariffs on goods from the empire. The two dukes He must be so poor that he knows how to bully us poor businessmen all day long and take away our meager profits."

"It is very normal for the tariffs at these two passes to be high. The Principality of Montfort and the Principality of Palavon are both small in area and have barren land. Most of their income depends on tariffs." Ryan stood in the air outside the castle , looking at the noisy town, the baron suddenly said with malice: "It must be uncomfortable for the two Dukes to be constantly collected by Mr. Schulz for debts, right?"

"Hehehe~" Hadrian smiled unscrupulously: "It's not a good feeling, at least as far as I know, since I learned that Duke Montfort and Duke Palavon have a bad relationship with Lord Ryan, Lord Schultz Sanctions were imposed on them, and now Marienburg’s caravans conduct more trade by sea with the Principality of Connet and the Principality of Bordeaux, rather than by land.”

"The less they take the overland route, the lower their income will be. The lower the income, the more tariffs will be added. The more tariffs will be imposed, the more merchants in Marienburg will be less likely to take the overland route. This is a vicious circle." Baron Ryan nodded. I am also thinking about the consequences of this in my heart. If it continues, the biggest possibility is war.

Marienburg is covered by the empire. Although Ryan does not want to see human civil war, sometimes it is necessary to show off his muscles.

"Ryan~my champion." The Baron was still thinking about the cause and effect, and suddenly the voice of the fairy in the lake came to his heart: "Come to me, come to my tower~"

"My lady?"

"Yes, my champion, Ryan, today is my birthday, come quickly, come to my tower~" The soft voice of the fairy in the lake continued to whisper in Ryan's heart: "My champion, come quickly."

The protagonist's territory finally has its first landmark building. Seeing as the Lake Girl's Tower is so awesome, why not give it a counting vote!

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