When entering the thick fog, Ryan had an illusion. There seemed to be life in these fogs, and they were identifying the visitors.

As always, when Ryan walked along the long suspended corridor in the castle towards the interior of the valley, he who was favored by the goddess immediately felt a cold divine power sweeping over his body.

Ryan knew what it was, so he let his guard down.

The fog dissipated, and Ryan kept walking. After the Baron entered the fog, the fog poured out of the forest again,

What you see is a lush forest. The season in Britannia has arrived in autumn, but the forest in the valley is full of life. Under the reflection of the moonlight and thick fog, this small valley is surrounded by a forest. A quiet atmosphere.

The valley behind the castle only covers an area of ​​one or two hectares. In Ryan's original memory, the valley was a flat land with nothing.

But now, in addition to being surrounded by dense forests, a clear pool of water has appeared next to the fairy's tower in the lake. Some herbs are planted next to the pool. The light is very weak, and Ryan can't see what those herbs are. .

Because he had been attracted by the figure next to the pool.

A beautiful figure was standing next to the pool, waiting for her. She had a sweet smile on her alluring face, and her long golden hair fell straight to her ankles like a waterfall. Today, the fairy in the lake was wearing narcissus lilies. The charming chiffon dress has two long ribbons hanging from the back of her sleeves. The goddess has a wide variety of gold and silver jewelry hanging on her body. There is a hint of blame in her green eyes. A pair of naked Wearing simple elf sandals on her slender feet, she exposed her cute toes painted with red cardamom nail polish.

"You are a little late, my champion." The Lake Fairy slowly walked towards Ryan, her hands were bare and still stained with some soil. The goddess's body exuded a soft light, and her whispers were in Ryan's ears. The edge sounded.

"You appeared later than I expected, my lady." The Lake Fairy's tower was right in front of her. Ryan walked up to the Lake Fairy and smiled: "I hope this tower will satisfy you."

"Oh! Of course! I'm very satisfied!" The Lake Fairy spun lightly in front of Ryan, the hem of her long dress and long golden hair swaying in the wind, like blooming iris flowers.

The lady is in a good mood.

After a complete circle, the Lake Fairy stopped: "You did a good job, my champion. You defeated the Great Demon Nurgle and protected this kingdom once again."

"This is my duty, madam." Ryan shook his head disapprovingly: "Fighting Chaos is everyone's duty."

"Indeed, I appeared a little late." The fairy in the lake also shook her head and smiled bitterly: "As you know, my champion, I first borrowed your power to launch a flood to attack Mu Silon, and then before I could recover, I I encountered Nurgle's attack again, and I used all my strength to fight against Nurgle, so in the next few months, I could only stay in my kingdom of God to recuperate."

"It's a tragic battle. It's unimaginable that the Great Demon of Nurgle, which has been weakened by the Holy Grail Knight and the White Wolf Elector, actually made us pay such a heavy price." Ryan was originally following the Fairy of the Lake. But she held his arm and walked beside the small pool one by one.

Everything is quiet, the moonlight is shining, the noisy holidays are gone, and all that is left is peace and a touch of joy.

The semicircular moon is reflected in the small pool. You can see the swimming fish in the crystal clear water. The power of the fairy in the lake is flowing in the valley, and everything is full of vitality.

There was a bit of silence between the two of them. The fairy in the lake smiled sweetly and had picturesque features. She took Ryan's arm, and her fullness pressed against Ryan's arm: "What's wrong? My champion? Today is my birthday, why do you Looks a little uninterested?"

"It's nothing. I'm also very happy for Madam's birthday..." Ryan shook his head and swept away some distracting thoughts from his mind. He suddenly smiled and said: "My Madam, can you answer me a question?"

"Say." Ryan's words made the fairy in the lake frown slightly, and the strong floral fragrance on her body was intoxicating.

"I heard that the wood elf lord Araloth - the Hero, the wood elf hero who defeated the 'Shadow Evil' Morgul this time, once saved an elf goddess when he was young, that is the goddess of dreams and luck. Lilith, I would like to ask madam, is that you?" Ryan asked with a half-smile: "It is said that because Lilith was rescued, she asked Aralos to do this and that, and made an agreement?"

The Lake Fairy frowned. She subconsciously wanted to refute the news, but as her green eyes turned, the Lake Fairy said playfully: "Are you jealous?"

"Jealousy is normal, my lady." Ryan squinted his eyes, and the two people stopped in front of the pool. The Lake Fairy sat on the swing, and Ryan stood behind her: "As far as I know, I He is your divinely chosen champion, and Araloth is the divinely chosen champion of the Wood Elf Queen Alaire."

The Lake Fairy sat on the swing. She felt Ryan's hand holding her shoulder. The goddess's long skirt gently swept from the ground. She seemed to be thinking about something: "Yes, I did at that time. Saved by Araloth.”

After saying that, the Lake Fairy seemed to recall something bad. She reached out and took Ryan's big hand. With a wave of the goddess's finger, a wooden chair appeared next to the swing: "My champion, sit down and talk."

Ryan sat down as he was told. The valley was surrounded by mist, and everything was so quiet. The fairy in the lake under the moon completely showed her beauty to people: "That was hundreds of years ago...at that time On a whim, I descended into the forests of Athel Loren."

"That's a really dangerous move." Ryan understood something.

"Yes, my arrival was quickly noticed by Slaanesh, and it sent a great demon to attack me. As you know, my champion, in terms of close combat, I am not your opponent. The attack of the great demon of Slaanesh I was soon in danger." The fairy in the lake recalled the past, with some memories on her face: "At this moment, young Alalos passed by here, he forgot the danger, and before me With his help, he drove out the great demon Slaanesh.”

"...At this time, I discovered that Aralos has the blood of a god, and he has the potential to become a god. This may be beneficial to my future plans, so I told him my plan, a new world, a world full of dawn. and a new world of hope. I hope that he can build this new world with my support as the creator." The fairy in the lake hesitated for a while, but decided to tell the truth to Ryan: "This has been my plan all along, a new world."

"Because of the invasion of Chaos again?" Ryan immediately thought of something, and he said softly: "My lady, you also understand."

"Yes, I understand that when the Eternal Chosen marches south again, mortals may not be able to resist the attack of Chaos, so I tried to create a new world to ensure that after this world is destroyed, we still have a place to go." Lake The fairy told Ryan her plan: "You will support me, right? My champion?"

"If you really plan to do this, then I can only tell you, my lady, I am very disappointed in you." To the surprise of the Lake Fairy, Ryan let go of her hand and stepped back with a sneer.

"No! My champion! Listen to me!" The Lake Fairy grabbed Ryan's arm anxiously, with some impatience in her voice: "Listen to what I have to say about Arallos first."

"...Okay." Ryan's arm was held firmly by the Lake Fairy, and he was also interested in Alaros's affairs.

"I gave Araloth three gifts. First, I told him my prophecy that he would become a hero of the wood elves in the future, which he did. Second, I would adopt his daughter as my daughter. To help me realize my plan, third, my plan is that when the new world is established, Araloth will become the new Phoenix Lord-Asuryan." The fairy in the lake continued, with the goddess's face There was regret in the text: "But he refused. Although I didn't tell him directly about the third gift, he refused my request to build a new world with me."

"Because madam, your new world cannot exist outside of this world." Ryan sneered, his face losing patience: "It's like a castle, my lady, you built a room in the castle, and there is no room in it." Yes, you built this room, so it belongs to you, but when the castle collapses, will your room be safe?"

"Okay! I can do it..." "No, you can't do it."

Ryan's decisive answer stunned the Lake Fairy. She suddenly said in a trembling voice: "You...you know?"

"Yes, I know." Ryan spread his hands and shook his head: "My existence proves everything. What I want to tell you is that your plan cannot succeed."

There was some twitching on the beautiful face of the fairy in the lake, and she sighed: "I understand, I understand, my champion, your appearance proves everything, maybe, even if you can leave here, so what? Outside the world, maybe It’s not the quiet and peaceful place you imagined.”

"The answer is correct." Ryan withdrew and the God's Chosen Champion's eyes flickered a little. He said softly: "My lady, people outside want to come in, and people inside want to go out. Being outside is much more dangerous than being inside. "

"...When we get along in private, call me Lilith, my champion." The Lake Fairy stood up again, and she stretched out her hands to hug Ryan's arm: "Even so, I still believe that building a glorious and bright The new world is possible because of your appearance. You are the best gift that subspace has given me. If Aralos has the potential to become a god, then you are essentially the same as a god. You just haven’t grown up yet. stand up."

Ryan was silent, and the two of them walked along the pool. The cold autumn air and the dampness brought by the fog made people feel refreshed. The fairy in the lake rested her head on Ryan's shoulder: "Today is my birthday, but I feel like I’ve told you too many things that have nothing to do with birthdays. Believe me, Ryan, I have no intention of testing you, but when the plan I’ve been planning for hundreds of years turns out to be in vain, I can’t help but feel a little sad.”

Ryan thought to himself, you know it too, and which birthday is this yours?

"Ryan! You must be thinking of something very rude, right?" The Lake Fairy felt it immediately, and she twisted Ryan's arm viciously.

The goddess's attack was not casual. Ryan could feel a bruise on his arm. He bared his teeth and shouted: "Madam, please don't do this, or I will fight back."

"Oh, it's just a mark. What does that mean compared to what you did to Morgiana?" Lilith, the fairy in the lake, the goddess of Elf Dream and Luck, joked: "You think I have no idea?"

Ryan was a little embarrassed. He knew he couldn't hide it from the Fairy of the Lake, but it was still a bit uncomfortable to be singled out. He tried to explain: "I am fighting against the curse of the undead."

"Yes, you are protecting Morgiana, but you also tampered with Morgiana... Forget it, I allow it, come with me, Ryan."

The two people walked into the Tower of the Fairy in the Lake. The floor was completely covered with white and gold-patterned carpets. Various furnishings and furniture from the Kingdom of the Fairy in the Lake decorated the interior of the tower. The Fairy in the Lake did not like the splendid decorations. Her arrangement is more simple and elegant, with a fresh breath.

Arriving at the restaurant, Ryan was struck by the dome and circular decoration style composed of white, blue, and gold lines by the high elves. It was a perfect sense of harmony and smoothness. The magic lamp illuminated the interior of the restaurant, and the tables were placed. After ordering the pastries, the Lake Fairy motioned to Ryan to sit opposite her: "Try the pastries I made by myself. Today is my birthday, so you don't have to be so restrained."

After tasting a few pieces of pastries, Ryan had no intention of joking anymore. The amount of information he received during today's meeting with the Lake Fairy was quite large. He took a few bites and continued to the next topic: "My lady, Musilon's Vampire There are strange movements, we have detected many conspiracy of vampires, and the Archbishop of Mercy is also missing."

The fairy in the lake adjusted her skirt. She simply took off her sandals and floated barefoot in the air: "I know about this. Nagash, the Lord of the Dead, has been planning his own rebirth. This matter has something to do with him. , but I don’t understand the specific details. Morgiana has already told me the matter, and I am still thinking about the causes and consequences. Since the new world is no longer possible, my attitude towards Nagash will also change."

"Madam, what was your original plan for Nagash?" Ryan asked doubtfully.

"My original plan was... to resurrect Nagash!" The Lake Fairy said calmly: "Also, didn't I tell you that in private, call me Lilith!"



In fact, the Lake Girl has always had a plan, that is, to create a new world by herself. If the current world cannot withstand the invasion of Chaos, she will run away with the new world, and the facts prove... The building collapsed, and the newly-built single in the building Will the apartment be safe?

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