The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 356, Knight Promotion Order (Second update!)

PS: Let me complain here. Many people like to use Slaanesh memes in many chapters recently, but they don’t know what Slaanesh is. The teachings of Slaanesh are to pursue mental stimulation and indulge in all thoughts to obtain enough spiritual enjoyment. Slaanesh = lust as many people think. This understanding is very superficial and boring.

It has just been two weeks since the wedding ceremony of the Lady of the Lake winner, Earl of Glamorgan Lion Malcador, and the citizens of the entire kingdom have not yet come out of the festive atmosphere of this century’s wedding. Within two weeks, next From the serfs in the most remote villages in the kingdom to the Knight King's palace in Kurona, everyone was discussing Ryan's wedding.

Before this wave of heat had passed, another oracle came out from the Fairy Cathedral in the Lake, which completely shocked the entire Kingdom of Britannia. The Holy Grail Knights gathered in small groups, holding golden fleur-de-lis flags, and marched across the lake. The oracles of the fairies were brought to mortals.

"Lady's Oracle, darkness is invading, the barbarians in the north are looking at the wolves with eagle eyes, they are extremely vicious, the greenskins in the east are raging without restraint, and their sins are endless, the undead corrupt the earth, steal the land, surrounded by enemies, in order to save the people from water and fire, and defend the enemy at the gate of the country In addition, the Dukes of Britannia are specifically allowed to select brave, pious and steadfast people and award them with the title of knight."

——Morgiana, the Lake Witch

This oracle from the Lake Fairy was like a hot pot of boiling oil, completely igniting the entire kingdom. From serfs, freedmen to knights and nobles with titles, it set off a huge sensation. Under the night, countless serfs They gathered together and discussed crazily that there were serfs who could be promoted to knights? This is simply a miracle!

Many serfs cried bitterly. They did not expect that the lady would pay so much attention to lowly people like them, and would be willing to specially allow lowly people to be promoted to the ranks of knights. After work, people gathered in shabby taverns, drinking cheap and sour wine. Barley wine, eating toast, loudly discussing who has the opportunity to be promoted to become a knight, especially sergeants and rangers. As the professional soldiers and low-level officers who have spent the longest time with the knight, they have become popular. Well, every day they were surrounded by serfs wherever they went, and everyone was asking, how to become a knight? Do I still have a chance?

Facing the oracle of the Lake Fairy, the great nobles of Britannia were uncharacteristically silent. Even if some nobles objected, they only made gestures, and most of them did not express their opinions. When they heard that there were only three quotas for a year, At that time, many big nobles, especially the conservative dukes, just told Morgiana that maybe one or two a year would be more reasonable.

The important reason why the Dukes did not object fiercely was that the Chaos invasion from the north at the beginning of the year caused heavy losses to the northern part of the kingdom. Many principalities were even unable to fully recruit knights, and there was also a serious shortage of serf infantry regiments, sergeants, and rangers.

Ryan seized this perfect opportunity and asked the fairy in the lake to throw out this oracle. No nobles would strongly object, because the smart nobles all knew that this oracle was very beneficial to their recruitment and motivation of the serfs. Motivation, and the possibility of three quotas per year to shake the aristocratic rule is not there.

The goddess's oracle came from the Earl of Glamorgan, so the discussion was the most lively in this place.

Time has entered early winter, and the countland has begun to be shrouded in ice and snow. This year's winter has come a few days earlier than before. When the sun's rays are shrouded by dark clouds, when the winter wheat is covered by white snow, when the trees wither and their bare branches stretch feebly toward the sky, when The village fell into depression and silence. When people always wrapped up their clothes and huddled around the fire to warm themselves up at night, even the serfs would know that winter was coming.

Zeon towns and the like have more vitality than other places. Even in the middle of winter, you can see many residents walking on the streets. The streets are paved with stone slabs. Pedestrians come and go, but most of them are in a hurry because there are no people. Willing to stay out in this damn weather for a long time.

There are many small vendors selling goods on the street. They are all strictly restricted to a small space in front of the street shops and are not allowed to occupy the pedestrian aisles. However, these small vendors can always squeeze into the middle of the road cunningly and sell their products. Once a patrol team passes by their own small commodities, they quickly return to the "safety line". The daily "fighting" between the vendors and the guards has become a routine in the town, and the residents have become accustomed to it.

The largest commodity purchasing and trading center in the town is the "Oliver Chamber of Commerce" located not far from the Earl's Castle. Oliver, a merchant from the empire, presides over the sale of a variety of commodities. There is an endless stream of merchants from all over the place who come to trade here every day.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the afterglow of the setting sun slowly set behind the Oracle Mountains. It was the end of another day. Raymond, an escaped slave from the Principality of Lyonnais, was wearing a pair of leather clothes of high value, especially the outer layer. The comfortable bearskin coat showed that he was someone with status. This regular halberd soldier of the Halberd Battalion was walking alone through the streets. There were a lot of snowflakes on his brown hair.

This escaped slave from Lyonnais is now an official soldier of the Halberd Battalion. He has just experienced very hard training today, which is even harder than when he served the knight in Lyonnais.

But the treatment here was much better. At least he had plenty of food. At noon, he also tasted a bowl of thick corn broth. Everyone had a portion of the broth, and there was a big bone for each person in the soup. Raymond He gnawed all the meat off the bones, licked the surface of the bones, and sucked out the marrow.

Exhaling a breath of cold air, the young halberdier held a few silver coins in his arms. He hesitated for a while, gave up walking towards the downtown area, and instead moved to a less crowded area in the town.

Now, the most expensive land in Jean Town is the downtown area not far from the Earl's Castle - Avenue of Champions. It is covered with dense buildings. Many buildings are rented out to businessmen and nobles, and there are also many knights errant. Settling down there, the houses there are all made of stone tiles and oak structures, beautiful and strong. It is a place that many knights and businessmen flock to, and many sergeants also dream of buying a house there.

The further away from the city center, the newer and simpler the houses become. There are still many wooden houses, but it is said that expansion will continue soon. The town has been expanded twice, but it is still overcrowded. The third expansion There are endless rumors that construction may start after the Chinese New Year.

After walking through several streets, Raymond found himself in a row of double-storey houses. This kind of street has always been a representative of semi-residential and semi-commercial. There were very few pedestrians on the roadside and many houses had their doors closed. , only the firelight in the room and the black smoke from the chimney showed that someone lived here.

If it was this kind of street... Raymond looked around and found a house. A wooden sign was hung with a noose in front of the house. On the sign was an ugly caricature of a dog or a bear. Fortunately, There are words at the bottom.

"Bear Bar".

In the town of Jean, there is a bar on almost every street. This bar has three functions: hotel, restaurant and retail store. This bear bar looks ordinary, but human voices can be heard from inside. The door was ajar, maybe the shopkeeper was in pain so he opened the door to let the cold wind blow in or closed the door to reject the customers. In the end, he had to choose such a half-covered method, to refuse and welcome.

Raymond didn't care, there was beer and barbecue, that was enough.

"Boom~" The door was gently pushed open, and Raymond walked into the bar.

The wooden floor was covered with thick straw, and candles made of animal fat illuminated the dim interior of the bar. The long bar was a little greasy, and at least one waiter was vigorously scrubbing the bar table with a rag. Behind the bar, A landlady is pouring wine, and two rows of cabinets are filled with all kinds of alcohol, from the worst Britannia ale to imperial stout, Kislev vodka, mead and whiskey, poor quality from Winford Wine also occupies a corner - as we all know, Earl Lane's wife, Lady Surya, is the legitimate daughter of the Duke of Winford. In addition to being rich in high-quality wine, this principality is also rich in low-quality wine.

There seems to be no problem if high-quality wine is consumed by nobles and low-quality wine is consumed by lower-class commoners.

Inside the bar, the long bar was full of drinkers, with only one or two seats left. There were two wooden tables next to it, and a lot of people were sitting there. When Raymond opened the door, almost everyone was there. Focusing their attention on him, most of them were middle-aged men wearing black or brown cloaks and sloppy beards.

His bearskin coat, young appearance and young face seemed out of place in this bar, but just as Raymond firmly believed, this would not prevent him from having a drink here.

"They are the count's soldiers!"

"He is our count's halberdier!"

"I've heard about them. These soldiers of the Halberd Battalion are all heroes. They once faced off against the Chaos God-chosen warriors of the northern barbarians in the Battle of Leonese!"

"What a man! I, Duff, give you a drink!"

The drinkers and drunkards in the bar quickly recognized Raymond's identity from the badges and military uniforms on his body. In the Earl of Glamorgan, the Earl's soldiers were always respected and popular, and every serf longed for home. Send out a sergeant or ranger and let the whole family become freedmen.

This was Raymond's self-confidence, his self-confidence in his own identity. This sense of self-confidence made him intoxicated. It was the respect that he could not feel when he was a serf in Lyonnais.

"Welcome, Mr. Earl's Halberdier, what can I do for you?" The landlady was busy pouring wine and counting coins in her jar. When she saw Raymond walking straight towards the bar, the landlady quickly raised her head. , barely showing a smile.

"Beer." Raymond found a stool in front of the bar and sat down, and said directly.

"Local ale or something else?" The landlady seemed to be testing him.

"Imperial stout." Of course Raymond knew what the local ale was. It was drunk by the down-and-out serfs who didn't want to make progress and spent their days hanging out. It wasn't him who drank it. He was a soldier of the count.

"A cup or a small bucket?" The lady boss knew that this was a knowledgeable person, so she continued.

"A small barrel." Raymond stared at the beer barrel placed in the cupboard. This beer barrel may store seven or eight liters of beer. He didn't know how much water was mixed in it, but it shouldn't be too much - If a bar is heavily watered down, it won't have as many customers.

"Hmm?" The landlady looked less than thirty years old and not bad looking. She spread her hands.

Raymond handed over a silver coin.

The silver coin disappeared into the boss's sleeve in an instant. The boss ordered twenty copper coins and gave it to him. Then he took out a huge wooden beer glass, filled it with a large glass of dark brown liquid, and put it on Raymond's table. In front of him: "What else do you want, sir?"

"Let's do this for now." Raymond took the beer mug. This huge beer mug is what is called a "keg", which is about 650 ml. If it is a "cup" of beer, it is a mug, about a cup. One hundred fifty to two hundred milliliters.

The dark beer from the Empire has a strong aroma, and the surface of the beer is foamy. It is very comfortable to take a sip, at least it is much stronger than the local sour barley wine.

In one gulp, he drank a third of a large glass. Just as Raymond was about to say something, the door opened and the wind and snow rolled into the house. Raymond frowned and looked at the door subconsciously.

A figure wearing a green sergeant's cloak, chain mail and a gorgeous robe, with a big bow behind him, appeared at the door of the bar.

"Oh, hello, M. Bertrand! What brings you to my shop?"

"A glass of imperial stout first, Mattie."


Second update today! Please vote!

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