The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 357, the precedent of serf promotion

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Bertrand! Everyone in the bar opened their eyes wide.

This famous archery master is well-known in the Earl of Glamorgan. Since he surrendered to Earl Lane, he has made many achievements and meritorious service on the battlefield, especially in the war to exterminate the beastmen. Bertrand often became The winner of the battlefield - his archery skills are so powerful. When the battle situation is tense, Bertrand can always kill the enemy leader by sniping, allowing the human army to win the final victory.

After the surrender, Bertrand was promoted by Ryan one after another, from the platoon leader of the archers to the commander of the archer company, and then to the deputy battalion commander of the Chalon Forest Patrol Battalion, with an annual salary of thirty gold crowns. Bertrand relied on his His strength is respected by everyone in the territory, and even some knight masters occasionally chat with him.

Therefore, Bertrand gradually got the nickname "Green Arrow" Bertrand, which means that he always likes to wear green cloaks and tights and his precise shooting skills can rival those of wood elves.

"Okay, I'll be here soon, what else do you want?" Maddie, the proprietress, nodded quickly, she smiled flatteringly, almost bending down: "It's really impressive that a big shot like you can come to this small store. "

"Ha~ What's the point? I'm used to it." Bertrand, who had two long mustaches, threw out a silver coin and landed on the bar. The landlady's hand speed was comparable to that of the strongest wanderer, and a silver coin fell on the bar. Wiping his hands across the table, it was as if nothing had ever appeared on the greasy bar.

There were whispers in the bar until a drunkard spoke up.

"Bertrand! Are you going to be promoted to a knight?"

"Bertrand! After you are promoted to knight, will you still remember us mud-legged people?"

"Can you buy me a drink? Bertrand, I have no money."

Bertrand laughed heartily in the face of everyone's repeated questions: "Haha~ It's not that easy. What do you think a knight is? Do you think that the lady in the lake will make an oracle and everyone will have the opportunity to become a knight?" Really? Wake up, there are only three places a year! You should think about whether your performance can catch the eye of Earl Lane!"

"I didn't say we could, we just thought you had a chance!" said a drunkard with a long beard and slovenly clothes. He was a little angry: "I said, you buy me a beer, and I don't want anything else. .”

"Hey, you old guy, you only care about your almost empty wine glass!" Bertrand cursed a few times and then sat next to Raymond.

The landlady immediately came over and poured Bertrand a glass of imperial stout so full that it almost overflowed.

Raymond was a little unhappy that his limelight was stolen by Bertrand, but he really had nothing to compare with Bertrand. Although the young man was inevitably young and energetic, he also knew that he was just a soldier of the count now. Not even having the status of a free citizen, the young man could only keep his head down and drink.

He always drank wine very quickly. Raymond found that before he knew it, the large wooden beer glass, which could hold hundreds of milliliters, had reached the bottom. The count's halberdier held the glass and then put it down. .

The landlady immediately noticed something strange about Raymond. She walked up to the young man with a smile and said, "Guest, do you want a refill?"

"Well..." Raymond was suddenly in a dilemma. He had planned to drink a large glass of imperial stout, but if he drank a second glass, it would mean spending another eighty copper coins. Although the Halberdier My salary is good, but I can’t spend money like this.

Raymond, who grew up in a poor family and managed to escape with his old mother and younger brother, knew the principle of saving. However, the good face of the young man made him reluctant to part with it. The landlady meant that you should either refill your cup or prepare to leave. It is common sense not to linger on alcohol after drinking it.

Many drinkers snickered secretly. After all, this count's soldier was still too young and naive. For drinkers, if they wanted to hang on, one-third to one-fourth of the bottom of the glass would not move. common sense.

Just when Raymond was wondering whether to take out another silver coin to refill the glass, Bertrand took out another silver coin. He pointed at Raymond beside him: "Marty, give this little brother a refill!"

"Is it Imperial Stout too?" Mattie became interested now. The landlady didn't care who paid, she would pour the wine if someone paid.

"Okay, Imperial Stout, too."

Raymond's wine glass was also filled. Young people always have the illusion that the refill is fuller than the first glass.

"Why did you invite me to drink this drink?" Raymond did not drink first like many drunkards. He frowned: "I think I don't know you...or you don't know me, Mr. Bertrand."

"You know me...I also know you. You are the one from the north and entered the Count's Halberd Camp." Bertrand made a gesture.

The meaning of the gesture is obvious, runaway slave.

Britannia knew that many serfs had become runaway slaves and came to the south. King Richard of Knights had originally intended to send people to check the situation. However, with the invasion of Chaos and the loss of 100,000 lives, the kingdom's attention was focused on resisting the barbarian invasion. .

After Ryan killed Egil and repelled the barbarians, the northern dukes could only pinch their noses and suffer the loss, because the best time to investigate had passed, and there was no way to investigate again after the civilians suffered heavy casualties. Many Things have become confusing.

"So?" Raymond's voice was filled with displeasure.

"I have seen your training, I have seen your courage, I don't know what is supporting you, but I want to toast you." Bertrand continued.

Now Raymond understood.

He had experienced the most severe test when he entered the Halberd Camp.

These halberd recruits were signaled to put on armor, hold halberds, and line up in formation. After they lined up, a dozen fully armed knights-errant launched an unexpected charge towards these recruits.

At that time, most of the recruits were so frightened that they turned around and ran away. Only two people in the entire row stood at the end. One of them was Raymond. The knights reined in their horses and stopped when they were still two meters away from these recruits.

Relying on this, Raymond finally succeeded in becoming a full-time employee.

"Well, thank you, Mr. Bertrand, and I wish you good health." Raymond raised his glass.

"Congratulations!" Bertrand also picked up the wine glass.

After a few more sips of dark beer, the atmosphere became more and more heated. The landlady brought some barbecue and snacks to go with the wine. The men became familiar with each other easily. Everyone chatted loudly about which potential players had the chance to be promoted to knights, Earl. Who is most favored.

After discussing for a while, the topic came to the story of the only five serfs in Britannia's history who were promoted to nobles in thousands of years.

Everyone is most interested in this. Most of the serfs can't count, but they can roughly know that the chance of being promoted to a knight has increased a lot!

From five in a thousand years to three in a year, this is a qualitative leap!

"Bertrand, do you know the story of the five serfs? We only know the story of the Duchess of Camis!" Some drunkards shouted loudly. They drank low-quality barley wine and kept asking Bertrand: " I know you are well-informed and literate, can you tell me? What did they rely on to be named nobles by His Majesty the King?"

"Well, this is actually not a secret. Since you want to hear it, let me tell you." Bertrand attaches great importance to literacy. After surrendering to Lane, he asked Lane many times to send someone to teach him how to read. After more than a year of supplementary training and a little basic foundation, Bertrand was considered to have a high level of education among the serfs.

"Talk and talk!" The drunkards were excited. It was great to hear the story without the bard.

"Who should I start with... let's start with Hubard." Bertrand picked up the big wooden cup: "The first one I want to talk about is Hubard, because Hubard's story is the simplest."

"Hubard is an ordinary serf who has been farming for generations. He has no strength. He is just lucky."

"Just like every other day, one day he went into the forest to try his luck to see what food he could get, and happened to save a duke's daughter who was favored by the lady. The duke's daughter was besieged by beastmen and died. One night, Hubbard relied on his experience and risked his life to save the duke's daughter-in-law and took her out of the forest. Because of his great achievements, the king made him a knight."

"Oh, my God! This Mr. Hubbard is such a lucky dog!" A serf complained: "Why don't I have such good luck... Let's talk about it, Bertrand, what will happen to Hubbard next?" Are you ready?"

"Hubard's luck ended here. He died on the battlefield on the fifty-second day he became a noble. He was unable to survive the first battle of his knight career. This is most likely because he was too weak. "

"Hey hey hey~" The bar was full of gloating laughter. The serfs were not knights. They had not received solid military training, and the outcome of being rashly knighted and entering the battlefield was already doomed.

"What about the second one?"

"The second man is called Vie, a native of Lyonnais. He is an illegitimate son, a pious young man who is accompanied by intense emotions and falls into hallucinations. He always claims that he has seen visions of ladies. The people in the village are dubious after hearing this. , decided to let him work as a caretaker in the Holy Grail Church in the village." Bertrand told the story of the second serf's promotion to the nobility: "One night, Veilleux was inspired by the lady, and he excitedly used the pile of piles in the chapel The first trebuchet in history was built with wood and fragments collected from other places... Yes, it is the counterweight trebuchet that our kingdom is now equipped with. When the northern barbarians went south to plunder, Veyer relied on The trebuchets threw boulders and sank many of the barbarian dragon ships, forcing the barbarians to retreat."

"After the war, Weyer was brought to the king by the knights. His design attracted the attention of the kingdom. The king rewarded him with five goats, three large fat pigs and an ox, a copper flower crown and a cup full of flowers. A big iron plate of gold and crown... It is said that this is more than all the wealth that Weiye can imagine. Her Highness the Lake God Witch promoted him to a noble. From then on, Weiye became a specialist in designing, repairing, manufacturing and improving for the kingdom. The craftsman of the trebuchet.”

"Hey, this is the hallucination of the lady, inspired by the lady. How can we ordinary people have such luck." The serfs complained again: "Mr. Bertrand, are you not talking nonsense?"

"The play is not nonsense, and the adaptation is not nonsense. How could I tell nonsense? I asked the knights for this, and they told me."

Well, another road has been cut off.

"The third person is Jacques, Baron Beaumarchais of the Duchy of Winford."

"Strictly speaking, Jacques is not an ordinary serf. His father is a senior sergeant and the warden of a baron. His mother is a famous seamstress who is best at sewing exquisite clothes for the lord. Therefore, Jacques has been growing up since he was a child. Just eat well, grow taller, and have the opportunity to train with the knights’ retinue.”

"Under these circumstances Jacques grew into a strong, handsome man and became a shepherd at a young age."

"Wow, another lucky guy." The drinkers in the bar nodded. Being a shepherd is not a lowly job. To become a shepherd, a serf must have a flock of sheep.

"This young shepherd was born with supernatural powers and was a well-known handsome man. Therefore, he also attracted the favor of the baron's daughter, Lady Isabel. It is said that this lady Isabel planned to marry him from that day on."

"Opportunities came as they came. One day, Jacques went out to herd sheep and was attacked by a group of greenskins. As a result, the young shepherd not only did not escape, but instead took out his weapon, shouted the name of the lady, and killed the group of greenskins. A clean one.”

"This incident alarmed the lady. The lady praised Jacques verbally. The serfs regarded Jacques as a hero of the principality. Miss Isabel took the opportunity to announce that she would make an exception and grant Jacques the title of knight errant. The king also agreed."

The serfs sighed again, thinking who could kill a group of greenskins alone?

"The story is not over here. Not long after, Isabel's father, the former Baron Beaumarchais, died in battle. Since the legitimate son of Baron Beaumarchais was only a knight errant (the heir of the Baron must have the title of knight of the kingdom, otherwise he cannot inherit the title), So Ms. Isabel issued a training mission, whoever can slay the dragon can become the new baron."

"Jacques and the baron's legitimate son Aghavan set out together. The two climbed over the mountains and found the dragon's lair. After a hard fight, Aghavan slashed the dragon's throat with his sword, and Jacques stabbed the dragon with his sword. heart."

"..." The serfs have nothing more to say. To become a knight, one must not only be able to slay a group of greenskins, but also be able to slay dragons?

"Both Jacques and Aghavan deeply admired each other's bravery. They both insisted that the other was the dragon slayer. After the dispute, they returned to the territory and asked Miss Isabel to judge. Miss Isabel decided who was the one who pierced the dragon's heart. On the grounds of Jacques, Jacques was declared the winner, and then Miss Isabel married herself to Jacques, and Jacques became Baron Beaumarchais."

Raymond was speechless. He felt like something was broken in his heart.

That thing is called a dream.

It is really difficult for a serf to become a knight master.

"Where's the last one? Bertrand?"

"Very good! It seems that you all understand the gap between you." Bertrand took a sip of imperial stout and began to tell the last story.

"So, are you ready? I'm going to tell you the story of the last serf who became a knight, and the most legendary story of all."

"That's Pawar's story."

"From serf to Holy Grail Knight."

I personally have slightly polished and modified many of the above stories.

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