The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 386, Ratmen attack! (Down)

PS: Thanks to the book friends "Metaphysics is a lie of Europeans", "Qianxun Qianying", "Crying Beans", "ndjlcyx", "Return only for the common people" and "Laughing Feifei", thank you very much!

Holding Mjolnir and wearing the Gray Knight's psychic power armor, Ryan charged in first. The warhammer in his hand smashed the heads of five or six clan rats in succession. Regardless of whether the opponent raised a shield or not, Ryan smashed them into pieces.

The morale of the rats was high one second, and then collapsed the next. They screamed and fled into the distance.

It's safe here for now.

"Sir Ryan!" Abel put away his gun: "What happened? Why did so many ratmen suddenly appear?"

"I don't know." Ryan shook his head repeatedly: "Abel, we need your power."

"But the people here?" The demon hunter looked at the survivors in the hotel hesitantly.

"Do you know where the Church of Justice is?" Ryan shouted towards the survivors.

"I know... I know." The survivors in the hotel whispered: "Your Excellency, Knight of the Holy Grail, please save us!"

"We have cleared the nearby neighborhoods, you all, retreat towards the Church of Justice!"


The survivors slowly retreated towards the high walls of Helmgart, where some defenders were still resisting.

Ahead is the Von Kensen residential area, and there are gunshots over there! Ryan immediately signaled everyone to rush towards the residential area behind. There was thick smoke everywhere in Helmgart.

The whole city is gradually collapsing. Cries for help and shouts of killing are endless. There are too many rat people. These rat tides are getting bigger and bigger and are submerging the entire city. Sporadic resistance can't stop the rat tide at all.

On the contrary, countless slave rats and clan rats rushed into human settlements under the command of Storm Assault Rats. Adults who were alone and exposed were eaten by the hungry rat people on the spot into lumps of fuzzy flesh and blood. The fangs devoured human flesh and blood, pulling out internal organs and intestines, enjoying a terrifying gluttonous feast.

Faced with those humans who blocked the door and hid behind the bunker, the Rat Man also had a way.

Gas rats throw poison gas bombs, fire rats use warpstone flamethrowers to spit out large amounts of flames, and hook rats and assassin rats. These rats enjoy the sight of humans screaming in despair. They may be burned by green flames. A ball of rotten flesh, or a body covered in sores caused by poisonous gas, turning into a ball of pus.

There were only a dozen survivors left in the hotel, and half of them had inhaled the poisonous gas, and their bodies were festering. Ryan felt that it was very difficult. These people had inhaled the poisonous gas of the rat men. It was obvious that time was running out, and they could not compete with healthy people. People stay together!

But if so then give them up! It is also inconsistent with the spirit of chivalry.

Should we take the huge risk of infecting all survivors with the plague, or should we abandon these people and completely ensure that no survivors will be infected with the plague?

Ryan was still hesitating, but Abel had already taken action. The demon hunter calmly pointed to the few survivors who had not inhaled the poisonous gas: "Follow us. As for you, stay where you are." Let’s wait for reinforcements.”

After saying that, the witcher raised his blunderbuss.

The atmosphere was very tense, and the dozen or so survivors who had finally been rescued from the hotel realized that what they were waiting for might not be salvation.

"Demon hunter! You are really the scum of the world, a man-eating devil!" An adult who had been resisting the rat-man attack with all his strength before said bitterly: "I thought you would protect us? It turns out that it was not the rats that brought us destruction. People, but you!”

There were already many red spots and sores on his face.

"Bang!" The handgun fired, and the man was killed on the spot. Demon hunter Abel calmly pointed the gun at the remaining survivors: "Who else has any objections?"

Eight survivors who had not inhaled the poisonous gas came out. The remaining people looked at Abel with hateful eyes and stayed where they were without speaking.

Abel didn't care, the demon hunter said to Ryan and his party: "Let's go quickly!"

The group of people quickly rushed to the Von Kenson residential area. Due to the previous battle between Lane and others, there were no ratmen on the road for the time being.

"It's not good for you to do this, Mr. Abel." Sulia hesitated for a long time, and then whispered to Abel: "You don't need to... shoot."

"We can't save everyone, Mrs. Sulia." Amber almost laughed after listening to the female knight's words. If Sulia's face wasn't so serious, he wouldn't even want to answer the question: "If it wasn't for time, If you allow them, I will tie them all to the stakes and burn them to death.”

"But..." Lidya Su still couldn't bear it.

"Mr. Abel did the right thing, Mrs. Sulia." The sweet-looking Veronica spoke. She held the purple Yundini staff, and her slim figure was hidden in the fiery red leather coat. Witch Lan said with some disappointment: "If it were His Excellency Duke Francois, he would do the same thing. We can't save everyone."

"Sulia, Abel did the right thing." Ryan also shook his head: "There are gunshots ahead!"

In the distance, a terrible battle was going on on Von-Kensen Street. About a hundred soldiers, leading more than a hundred militiamen, were fighting against the rat-man frenzy coming from all directions.

An imperial captain was commanding the battle. He suffered many injuries, and half of his face was covered with burn marks. This made him look extremely ferocious. The army was surrounded by rat tides from all directions. They were like an ocean. The isolated island inside is surrounded by waves caused by rat tides.

"Fire!!!" The cannon roared, and dozens of ratmen were torn into pieces by the cannon's cannons.

This only relieved the pressure for a while. The sword, shield and spear soldiers were resisting the rat men's attack with all their strength. These human soldiers used sword, shield and spear to barely resist the enemy's attack.

The Musketeers fired continuously to drive back the Skaven offensive, but the cunning Skaven sent out a large group of slave rats to feint to attack, with the clan rats and storm rats hiding behind.

This is the method of the Skaven. The cunning and cruel Skaven send huge numbers of slave rats to the front lines to consume the energy and ammunition reserves of the human army.

The slave rats are in chaos, fighting power, and have extremely low morale. The rat people have never expected them to accomplish any mission goals. But now these slave rats have been forced into a desperate situation. In front of them are the human army, and behind them are the clan rats and the storm. Swarm of Rats.

Fight, or die, these are the only two options for slave rats.

The human army was still resisting hard. They used wooden carts, market stalls, and horse-drawn carriages to form a fragile front. The soldiers fought bravely to kill the enemy. Each soldier had killed many rats, but the rats There were simply too many people, and the soldiers found in despair that even if they could fight one to twenty, they were still at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers.

"Captain Huber! The tactics of these rats on the other side are simply Breton tactics!" a soldier shouted.

"Shut up! If the knights of Britannia were on the other side, we would have been doomed a hundred times! No matter what, we can't retreat, there are innocent civilians behind me!" Imperial Captain Huber yelled angrily: "Hold on! There will be reinforcements!"

This unit is the Mackensen Musketeers. They were training normally in the military camp today. As a result, the Skaven directly used the dimensional cannon to force open the military camp door, and then the rat tide directly submerged the entire military camp. There was a huge crowd inside the military camp. Some of the soldiers were killed before they could respond.

Obviously, the Skaven have been prepared for a long time. Their goal is to destroy the entire Helmgart defense force when they come up.

The Skaven's plan was mostly successful. Only one imperial captain, Huber, led more than a hundred remaining soldiers to break out of the military camp. Knowing that the situation was over, Huber directly blew up the armory of the military camp in grief.

I would rather destroy them all than leave the Rat Man with a bullet!

"Reinforcements? Captain, where can we find reinforcements?" A musketeer shouted in despair. The barracks had been destroyed, and except for part of the garrison stationed on the city wall, Helmgart had no troops to mobilize.

"Earl! Your Excellency the Earl will come to support us!" The imperial captain's voice was very unconfident. His hand did not stop, and he killed seven or eight slave rats in a row with his sharp sword.

More slave rats climbed over the defense line, over the fallen wooden tables, and even over the carriage. They howled and approached, but were quickly killed. The Imperial Captain gritted his teeth until his gums bled.

The Rat Man did it on purpose! They're waiting for us to tire and run out of ammunition! If this continues, these remaining defenders will definitely be defeated!

As if in response to Huber's conversation, an explosion came from the count's castle on the mountain. Half of the outer wall of the castle collapsed, and rubble fell from high places, destroying many houses below the castle.

This situation brings a deeper sense of despair.

There will be no reinforcements.

Helmgart is finished.

"Dong~dong~dong~" the bell rang.

"Boom~boom~boom!" At this moment, the brick house next to it suddenly exploded, and a Holy Grail Knight wearing silver precision power armor came out from the side with several people!

"For the lady!!!" Thor's hammer smashed several clan rats into meat pies. No matter whether these clan rats used shields to block or not, the only outcome was that the shields were shattered!

"Thunder strike!" Ryan's warhammer fell heavily to the ground. All the ratmen in the east found themselves rising from the ground. Ryan's huge power knocked away all the ratmen who were close to him. , swinging the warhammer back and forth in his hand, no matter it was a clan rat, a slave rat or a storm rat, no rat man could get close to him. On the contrary, when he released the psychic storm on the street, the dense rat men could only stand on the street. Pieces of char are left behind.

Ryan's war hammer would kill him wherever it went. He killed hundreds of ratmen by himself.

"For the lady!" Sulia, who exuded countless radiances, shouted and joined the battlefield. The female knight held the Leonese sword burning with pure flames. All the rat men touched by those flames were evaporated on the spot.

"Kill! Human woman!" The Storm Rats immediately gathered towards the female knight. They held halberds and charged forward together.

"Madam, grant me victory!" Sulia didn't panic at all. She immediately dodged and the sword light of Lyonnaisi moved swiftly and turned into a ball of dazzling light and shadow. In the blink of an eye, five halberds were cut off directly. Su Lia forcefully chopped off the heads of two storm rats, and other clan rats crowded in one after another, preparing to launch a siege on Sulia.

The sharp sword in his hand was like a judgment, and Sulia's exquisite swordsmanship slashed along the Storm Rat's neck.

The disgusting heads were cut open by the sharp blade, and the storm rats were killed one by one by Sulia. Before the female knight could take a breath, Abel immediately shouted: "Mrs. Sulia! Be careful, it's the plague monk. !”

Sulia looked up and saw several plague monks wearing green robes, with pale skin, covered in pus, and covered with sores and pimples, rushing towards her, the daggers in their hands glowing green!

"Go!" A burning skull appeared in Veronica's palm. She sneered and waved her hand. The skull instantly turned into a huge flaming skull, spitting out flames and engulfing the plague monks. By the way, Directly burning all the ratmen on the street, Veronica released a magic again.

"Light of Conquest!"

The wind of light, Hexi, is surging. Veronica summoned the energy of glory to calm the depressed hearts of these remnants, and the energy of magic doubled their courage.

After releasing the magic, Veronica panted slightly. The Witch of Gloria had already released many spells in a row, and her mana reserves began to become thin.

This can't continue like this. Veronica's magic power is limited, but the number of ratmen is far beyond imagination!

"Kill! Kill! Kill these heretics! Purify the earth!" The demon hunter Abel fought bravely. He rushed to a plague monk and penetrated the plague monk's head with the thin sword in his hand: "Fight! For Charlemagne , for the empire!”

The appearance of a few people immediately turned the tide of the battle. As the Skaven troops were attacked from two sides, the leading Storm Rats and Plague Monks were wiped out by Ryan and others. Serious chaos began to appear in the Skaven army. They had attacked like a tide. Now it has collapsed like a tide.

The human army was finally able to take a breath, and Imperial Captain Huber came to Lane with relief: "Are you Lord Lane Malcador? I am Huber, the captain of the Helmgart Mackensen Musketeers, Thank you for saving us."

"You keep shouting that the Earl will come to support you. I am honored that I heard your request for help." Ryan said a cold joke: "I may have disappointed you. I am the Earl on the other side of the mountain."

"Please don't say that." Huber felt a burning pain on his face. Half of his face was burned by the Skaven's flamethrower and was only bandaged hastily. It looked very ferocious. The Imperial Captain bared his teeth and was in great pain. : "Thank you for coming to support us, we will always remember your kindness."

"Okay, without further ado, Captain Huber, what are you going to do next?" Sulia put the sword back to her waist and the female knight whispered.

"I don't know. The military camp is destroyed, and the Earl's Castle seems to have fallen. If possible, I want to protect some civilians from breaking out and go to nearby towns to ask for help." The Imperial Captain looked at the burning Helmgart and sighed softly. .

Ryan noticed that these troops were protecting some civilians, about a hundred people.

"In this way, Sulia, Veronica, Mr. Abel, and Captain Huber, you try your best to gather the defeated army and militia, and find those civilians who have not been infected with the plague, and go to the Church of Justice on the cliff. retreat."

"What about you? Ryan?" Sulia said in surprise.

"I will go alone towards the place where the rat men appear to attract their attention. Abel, help me point out the possible location of the rat man warlord, and I will solve it!"

"Let's split up!"

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