The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 387, desperate situation

On the streets of Helmgart, a group of people was moving slowly. The remaining militiamen and the musketeers who had escaped from the military camp were moving with vigilance, squeezing the civilians in the middle.

"Destroyed, all destroyed." Sulia walked at the front, the female knight's long golden hair flying in the city of Helmgart in January, and the whole city was burning.

The female knight is still full of energy, but this cannot change the state of the entire army. Fatigue, panic, fear of the future, and the motivational effect of Veronica's spell have disappeared.

Most of the civilians lost their families and property, the soldiers also lost their comrades, and human morale was low.

This group of survivors walked along Mullan Street towards the city wall. No rat army was seen on the road for the time being. Sulia ordered the most elite Mackensen Musketeers to stay behind, while she led the militia troops to explore the way in front.

"Veronica, are you okay?" This is the first time Sulia has encountered such a serious situation. The female knight is very familiar with palace politics. She is a little unsure about leading an army alone in the wild with unknown military conditions. She said to Veronica: "Sorry, I don't know much about wizards. I mean, how are you doing?"

"I'm okay, I still have about half of my mana reserve." Veronica shook her head. The witch's face didn't look as good as she said: "I want to say, Mrs. Sulia, our situation is not good. , the four of us want to fight out of Helmgart, and now more than 300 people want to fight out of Helmgart, these are two different concepts."

"I know, and we don't know the scale of the rat people." Sulia frowned, and she looked up at the tall city wall of Helmgart in the distance: "But we can't give up extending help to those in trouble. Help."

There were still sounds of gunfire and artillery on the city walls, indicating that the defenders were still resisting.

"I wonder what's going on with Trovik? Something happened to our little Princess Gloria. The female elder Aurora might get angry. Trovik is her only daughter." Veronica There was a hint of ridicule in her tone, she was holding her staff, and the gray streets and houses of Helmgart were now like a muddy pond.

This muddy puddle is half green venom and half red fire.

"Miss Teresa and the two Rick Guards should be able to take care of themselves. The question now is, how do we get to the Church of Justice?" Sulia felt that Veronica's answer was wrong, so the female knight had to emphasize again: " I know that you and Ryan often go out on adventures together, and your field and adaptability must be richer than mine."

"Rumble~" As if in response to Sulia's words, Helmgart was shocked again.

In full view of everyone, half a block shook in front of everyone. A terrible landslide occurred in this city built on the mountainside. Half a block slid directly down the mountain, and more than two dozen houses fell into the abyss. They waited for several seconds. After a few minutes, the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground came from the mountains.

The heavy sound made everyone tremble.

Veronica sighed lightly, she walked to Sulia's side and whispered: "The problem now is that it is not how we decide to get to the Church of Justice, but which road to take so that we can reach the Church of Justice as soon as possible. , our group’s goal is too big, madam, look at these humans, they are about to lose their courage, we are not Ryan, Ryan is a living myth as long as he stands there, these people will not be afraid, but you and me It's different. Maybe in the eyes of these refugees and soldiers, I am a witch and not worthy of trust. Abel is a demon hunter who kills his own people more diligently than his enemies. You are also a delicate daughter of a great noble. They There is a deep lack of trust in us, and only behind those walls can they regain some confidence."

Only then did Sulia realize how bad the situation was. The female knight observed the situation in the nearby streets and then said, "Then shouldn't we have let Ryan move separately from us just now?"

"Lian is right to separate from us. He is too strong and difficult to use with us. Moreover, Ryan can attract the main force of the rat men. It is right for him to disperse with us." Veronica whispered: "We can only rely on ourselves!"

"Captain Huber, if we want to reach the Church of Justice, what are the roads we can take?" Sulia then turned to the imperial captain Huber for help. The imperial captain's face was hastily bandaged and he heard the female knight After asking, he thought for a moment and said: "There are still two more."

"The first one is the military camp, where you can reach the city wall through the archer garrison, but now that the military camp has collapsed, this one is definitely not possible."

"The second is the end of Moulins Avenue, which leads to the city gate through Franz Square. The stairs inside the city gate can reach the city wall."

"The third article is... the Earl's Castle. The Earl's Castle is connected to the city wall, but currently the Earl's Castle..."

Huber raised his head, the count's castle was burning, and no one knew what the situation was.

"No matter what, we have to pass through the city wall to reach the Church of Justice."

Lidya Su lowered her head and thought, she was a little undecided.

Going through the city gate seems to be less risky, but if you encounter a large force of ratmen, you will have to fight hard. Going to the Earl's castle seems risky, but if the castle has fallen, then the large army of ratmen may have been transferred. If you are lucky, , may not require too fierce a battle.

"Let's go through the city gate!" Before Sulia could say anything, Veronica took the initiative and said that Witch of Gloria was very determined on this matter.

"Okay, after walking along Moulin Avenue, you will find Franzplatz. Follow the stairs behind the statue in the square and walk two blocks at night to reach the city gate." Huber hesitated, obviously he also knew the pros and cons. , so he was hesitant. Seeing that Veronica was so determined to walk through the city gate, the Imperial Captain let out a sigh of relief: "In this case, let's walk towards Franz Square."

"Everyone, be careful! Try to be quiet and don't speak loudly!" Veronica ordered. The Witch of Gloria said to the team of more than 200 people: "I am thinking about everyone! If you want to survive, , please do as I tell you!”

At this time, a young musketeer raised his hand: "Of course we will obey your orders, witch, but can you tell us why we have to walk from the square to the city gate? If we go around to the Earl's Castle, we might It can be avoided..."

"Yes, we may be able to avoid the large army of rat men, but is this useful? The city is full of rat men. We can avoid it for a while, but can we avoid it all the way? Even if we avoid it all the way, will we arrive at the Church of Justice? Why don’t we face the siege of the rat people? How much more time will it take to detour to the Earl’s castle? Will our chance of being hit by the rat tide be smaller? When we encounter a problem, we must find a way to solve it instead of escaping from it! Don’t you Have your superiors always taught you this?" Veronica raised her eyebrows, the Witch of Gloria spoke sharply and went straight to the core of the problem.

When Veronica said this, the refugees and soldiers were a little frustrated, but they had to admit that Veronica was right. Many people just wanted to avoid the rat tide and didn't even consider whether the rat people were just innocent. Will the survivors be spared during the plundering of the land?

The soldiers moved slowly along the street. Along the way, they could occasionally see some low-level slave rats and clan rats searching for food and trophies. The remaining soldiers had naturally been baptized by blood and fire, and they quickly took these fallen soldiers. The single rat people were killed on the spot, leaving no one alive.

When they reached the end of Mullan Street, the crowd stopped temporarily. They found an abandoned bakery with some food and water in it. Veronica immediately ordered everyone to eat something and rest on the spot.

On the top of a collapsed house, Sulia, Veronica, Huber and Amber stood together to discuss what to do next. Not far away was Franz Square.

"Hey~ha~hey~ha~skaven! Yesyes!"

A whole squad of Stormvermin patrols are moving along Franzplatz. They are shouting slogans and patrolling the square. The square is full of human corpses that have been hanged and eaten into bones. On one side of the square, there is a green mouth. A large clock made of warpstone.

"What should we do now?" Imperial Captain Huber frowned: "If we want to pass through the square, we must deal with this group of ratmen. They seem to be the elite ratmen."

"Storm rats, the elite troops of the Skaven, are equivalent to the knights of Britannia." Veronica whispered, and the Gloriosa Witch signaled everyone to calm down while she was thinking of a solution.

"We must eliminate the group of storm rats as soon as possible, otherwise they will definitely ring the bell and attract more rat tides. The morale of the soldiers and civilians has dropped to the bottom, and they will easily collapse under the impact of the rat tide." The female knight shook her head. Although Sulia was excellent with swordsmanship, she was a knight after all.

"I have a grenade made by a dwarf here." Demon hunter Abel spoke. He took out a grenade from his arms: "Just one grenade may not kill the entire patrol."

"The sound of the grenade is too loud, and it will definitely attract the attention of the rat tide." Veronica objected: "I can also directly destroy the patrol team by summoning meteors, but the noise is too big!"

"No, the grenades made by the dwarves are not that loud. At least the noise we make here must be smaller than the noise on the city wall." Huber whispered: "Do we have any other options?"

At this time, several people present nodded, and there was really no other way.

Five minutes later, more than thirty musketeers found their positions and hidden positions. They raised their muskets and aimed at the Storm Rat patrol in the square.

Amber took out the grenade and prepared to ignite it. Veronica released the fireball technique. Fireballs the size of a washbasin gathered in the palm of the Gloria Witch. Veronica told everyone: "Get ready, I will give the order, Amber Hey, you throw the grenade first, and I'll release the fireball. When the grenade is about to explode, all the musketeers will fire at once, and we must quickly destroy this entire group of Storm Rats!"

"Understood." People whispered.

"Three." The grenade fuse was lit.

"Two." Veronica pushed out the fireball technique, and the red fireball exuded scorching heat.

"One!" The musketeers all pulled the triggers.


"Hey~ha~hey~ha" This group of storm rats were patrolling, and a black dwarf grenade fell into the middle of their team.

"Boom!" The grenade exploded among the rats, causing limbs and arms to fly around. In an instant, five storm rats were killed on the spot.

"Fireball!" Veronica's fireball fell into the group of rats, and the blast of air swamped the rats. Eight more storm rats were burned to ashes by the fireball, and their armors were burned in the scorching air. melt.

"Enemy attack! Human sneak attack!" The remaining Storm Rats reacted, and they screamed: "No, no! Bell~ring, ringing the bell!"

"Ring the bell!" The remaining five storm rats immediately rushed towards the big clock on the other side of the square.

"Shoot! Shoot quickly! We must not let these rats ring the bell!" In desperation, Veronica shouted loudly: "Shoot quickly, soldiers!"

"Yes!" The Mackensen Musketeers fired in unison, and the white musket barrage instantly drowned the five Storm Rats.

The first storm rat was shot in the head and its head exploded. It reached out dully to touch its own head and found that it was missing.

The second storm rat was shot in the chest and died on the spot.

The third and fourth Storm Rats were swallowed up by the musket barrage, and their bodies automatically disintegrated in the air and turned into several broken pieces.

But the fifth storm rat nimbly hid behind its companions and avoided the volley of muskets. It screamed loudly and rushed towards the big bell: "yesyes! Ring, ring the bell! Big, big horns The rats will punish you little, little humans!”

"There's one left! Aim at it!" Imperial Captain Huber shouted at the musketeers. Most of the musketeers had finished firing the bullets in the barrels. The remaining few shots allowed the storm rat to dodge deftly. It gradually approached the big clock.

Five meters, four meters, three meters.

At this time, even Lidya Su's face showed an anxious expression.

"Bang!" Abel opened fire, and the demon hunter pulled the trigger, spitting out bullets from the firegun in his hand.

"Pa!" The Storm Rat was shot in the right leg and stumbled to the ground. Then a musket bullet hit its back and penetrated the armor. It fell two meters away from the big clock.

Was it successful? Almost all the survivors had their hearts in their throats!

"For, for the horned rat!" The storm rat was seriously injured. It relied on its last will to survive. It rolled its scarlet eyes, suddenly grabbed its halberd with force, and threw it towards the big clock!

"Boom~" The halberd hit the big bell, and the bell rang!

"Dong~dong~dong~" The bells in the square rang for less than three seconds. The entire Helmgart, burning with thick smoke, spread around the square. Bells rang in many places in the city one after another!

"Yes~yes..." The Storm Rat heard the bell, stretched out his legs, and fled on the spot.

Oops! Everyone's faces suddenly turned pale.

Countless chaotic footsteps and the squeaks of the rat people began to come from all directions!

"Get ready to fight! Get ready to fight!" Imperial Captain Huber shouted loudly. He clenched the sword in his hand: "Soldiers! Get ready to face the rat tide!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the ground was shaking. The wall of a house was directly destroyed by a huge monster. In the collapsed wall, a monster more than four meters high appeared in front of everyone. In addition to a huge rat head, its body Made up of twisted limbs of other creatures, with stitching marks all over its skin, this giant beast directly grabbed two civilians, tore them into pieces with its hands, and then devoured the delicious human flesh to its heart's content!

"It's the Rat Troll!" Veronica yelled, "Musketeer! Shoot!"

The rat troll took a few bullets, but it didn't feel any pain at all. On the contrary, this monster smashed the defense line built by humans with a single collision. The two soldiers were slapped and hit the wall of the house and fell to pieces. , refugees and militiamen fled in despair.

"The end is coming!" "We are finished!"

"Charlemagne, please save us!"

At the same time, the rat tide like a tsunami is approaching, and the waves formed by thousands of Skaven have surrounded this group of survivors!

The survivors are in dire straits!

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