The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 399, Return

PS: Let me complain here. Previously, G and W were trying to reproduce chess pieces. I was very excited and went to the official store to order three chess pieces for more than a thousand dollars. They were Lionheart King Raun, Lake Fairy Morgiana and Rui. Marshal Heilberg, after three little plastic men spent six weeks traveling across the ocean to receive the goods, I found a big hammer man to help me make the goods. He has known me for many years and gave me a discount and a friendly price. In the end, because The weather was cold and the color was slow, and it took a lot of time. I bought the chess pieces in early October, harvested them in November, and then sent them to the boss for OEM. As a result, it’s almost the Chinese New Year and I still haven’t finished it. It hurts. I’ll try it later. If I touch the plastic villain with a hammer, I will be a fool.

Old World, Brittania, border of the Duchy of Montfort and the Duchy of Bastogne.

An exquisite carriage was moving slowly in the wild.

There was a heater burning in the carriage, and thick blankets and quilts covered the interior of the carriage. The carriage was swaying slightly with the movement. The sky was dark outside, and it looked like it was snowing again.

Theresa Trovik, the sorceress of the Gloria Council, woke up from her sleep: "Hmm~"

After Teresa woke up, she found herself lying on the soft quilt. She wanted to struggle subconsciously, but the pain in her shoulder and right arm made her groan softly.

The sorceress immediately recalled a series of things she had experienced before, and her face immediately turned red. She quickly covered herself with a quilt, her cold face was full of shame and joy, as if she was reminiscing about something. .

However, there were others in the carriage.

"Are you awake?" Veronica, who was leaning on the other side of the carriage, was wearing a Gloria Flame tube top dress and a white fox fur coat. Her long dark brown hair fell down her shoulders, and she was also covered with The quilt, the witch of Gloria was still a little pale, but she still put down the book in her hand and said with a smile: "Dreams come true, our little princess of Gloria! Tell me, how do you feel?"

Teresa thought how unlucky it was that this man was here.

She simply said nothing and covered her head with the quilt.

"Why, you still don't want to say it?" Veronica continued to sneer: "Are you still thinking about the aftertaste? It's been several days!"

"What else can we do?" Teresa finally decided to speak. She first wanted to lift the quilt and fight back, but then the sorceress found that the injury on her shoulder was still not optimistic. She lamented and could only lie down as if resigned to her fate: " I imagined many scenarios, but I never thought my first time with Ryan would be like this."

"What about the process? Don't change the subject. I asked you how you felt? I didn't ask you that." There was a hint of sourness on Veronica's sweet face: "Isn't it very comfortable?"

"It's... not bad." The sorceress whispered: "It's just that there are injuries on his body... He has some concerns, so he is very gentle..."

"That's it, you can just find time later and ask Ryan to give you a few more rounds." Veronica said nonchalantly: "He has returned to the territory now, so he should have more time, especially since you are injured. It’s somewhat privileged.”

"So... what about you? How was your first time with Ryan?" Theresa took the opportunity to raise the topic, and the sorceress chose to lie down and asked.

"That was all many years ago. What else could it be? The poor witch couldn't find a gift to congratulate her partner on becoming a knight of the kingdom, so she took out a ribbon, tied a bow on herself, and tied herself Give it to him." Veronica reached out and wiped it on her dark brown shawl hair, and sure enough, there was a pink bow on it.

Only then did Teresa remember her impression that Veronica always liked to tie a bow in her hair. It turned out that there was such a story.

The sorceress's silver eyes were shining with light. She was really envious of Veronica now. She and Ryan had the longest and longest relationship.

After spending time with Ryan, the sorceress knew that on the surface, Ryan seemed humorous and considerate, and seemed to be a good man.

But it is very difficult to truly get into his heart. Veronica is his first woman. From their daily interactions, she can feel that Ryan treats Veronica differently than he treats herself.

"I know what you are thinking. As I said, we are now two patients on the same hospital bed. I have no intention of arguing with you about who comes first. What I want to tell you is that we two female courtiers , this amount is enough, what do you think?" Veronica pulled her long hair behind her ears, revealing her pearl earrings.

Teresa nodded silently. This was what she wanted, two female courtiers who were casters. This number was enough. No more outsiders could and should not join.

There seemed to be a tacit agreement.

"What about him?" Teresa asked next.

"He is outside, together with Mrs. Surya, Marquis Julius and Sir Gerald." Veronica picked up the book again: "The Duke heard about Helmgart and quickly dispatched Ten knights and dozens of knights' retinues, led by His Excellency Julius and Sir Gerald, came to meet them. It is said that His Excellency Duke Francois is still waiting at the border with his people."

Sulia's family background and talents... the sorceress could only sigh in her heart.

"I remember that Julius is Lady Surya's brother, and Sir Gerold is..."

"It's the cousin of Duke Francois, who is also the cousin of Madam Surya." Veronica read an ancient high elf book, with some ridicule in her tone: "Don't think so much, especially Lovick, the genealogy of the Aintree family can be traced back to the founding knight King Arthur himself. This is a large family that has been passed down for thousands of years. Don’t think that your mother is a female elder of the Gloria Council and can be compared with Lady Surya. .”

"I didn't!" The sorceress was a little angry.

Veronica chuckled after hearing this, and she could conclude that that was what Teresa thought.

"Did he carve that for you?" Veronica continued to squeeze the sorceress.

"What was carved?"

"The spirit pattern on the lower abdomen."

"It's... it's a bit painful, but it's also a reassuring...comfortable feeling." The sorceress covered her face with the quilt, and was held in Ryan's arms with the spirit pattern branded on her lower abdomen. She may remember this scene for the rest of her life. Can't forget.

"That's good." Veronica also secretly put her hand on her belly.

Mine is mature enough to have a child.


Outside the carriage, the sky was clear and cold after a heavy snowfall. Above the wilderness of the Principality of Bastogne, the knights' vision was covered by the vast white snow scenery and rolling hills. In the distance, the snow scenery of the Ardennes Forest was very spectacular and gorgeous.

The knights of the Kingdom of Britannia, wearing gorgeous robes and silver plate armor, are marching in the wilderness. Their gorgeous decorations highlight the identity and status of the knights. The high Pegasus flag flutters in the cold wind. The kingdom knights of the Principality of Winford surrounded the dwarves' wagons and carriages, and then marched in the snowy field.

Ryan's brother-in-law Julius and cousin Sir Gerald were both present. Ryan and Surya were also riding pure-blooded elf war horses and were moving slowly. Belega, the king of the Eight Peaks Mountain, was sitting on a car with his legs stretched out. On the dwarf's truck, the goods were being counted, but his eyes always glanced at a few chatting knights from time to time.

He was eavesdropping on the knights' conversation.

"Ryan, your carriage seems to be quite lively." Sulia, a dashing female knight dressed in military uniform and wearing a marquise dress with a mink coat on the outside, said to Ryan with a smile.

"Them? Two patients, what else can they do? They just quarrel at best. I'm used to it. I would be surprised if they didn't quarrel." Ryan sighed softly, and he turned to Julius and Jero "I'm really shocked that you would meet us at Axbite Pass," De said.

Julius, Jerod and Ryan are already a family, and there is no need to use polite words and honorifics. Julius has a straight face. He looks at his sister's happy face and nods without leaving a trace. , and then said in a deep voice: "My father was very anxious when he found out about Helmgart. Not only did he send us to pick you up, he also led two hundred knights to personally pick up you and Sulia at the border of the principality. "

"Yeah, we didn't know how serious the matter was until we arrived at Montfort Castle. The entire Helmgart had been destroyed. Duke Fourcade was still leading the knights to fight the Skaven. The ax bit the pass. It's chaos. God knows how much of this trade route will be restored to its former size when everything is over." Jerrod touched his goatee, with a bit of pity on his serious face: "Folkard is still so stubborn, he Insisting on solving problems in one’s own territory.”

"The Axbite Pass is the lifeblood of Fourcade. He doesn't allow others to get involved." Ryan shook his head.

Duke Fourcade is famous for his stubbornness even in the kingdom. He hates all foreign races, including elves, including dwarves. Because of this, he is not satisfied with Ryan's acceptance of wood elves and dwarves who are blatantly active in his territory. The trade was very dissatisfied, and the Duke of Fourcade had repeatedly protested to the king about this matter, demanding that Lane be dealt with.

Richard had already suffered a loss when he ordered Ryan before. He knew in his heart that Ryan was supported by the Fairy of the Lake. The king was He Xini. After Fourcade mentioned it several times and saw that the king did not express his position, he also knew in his heart that Ryan was the Lady of the Lake. It was very difficult to deal with the God-chosen champion, especially after meeting several of Ryan's brothers at the wedding. He felt so embarrassed that he simply turned his back on him. When Ryan passed by the Ax Bit Pass, the Duke used the excuse of being busy with military affairs. No face was seen.

Ryan didn’t think there was anything strange. In this world, generally speaking, gods return to gods, and mortals return to mortals. Duke Boderick of Bordeaux claimed that he was the prince of Poseidon and a descendant of Poseidon. The nobles in the country did not like it. He still doesn't like him in both faiths. Even though he has several demigod brothers and a true god (?) father, some big nobles still don't like him.

All he needs to do is unite with the majority. It's impossible for everyone to like him.

And from another perspective, Duke Fourcade of Montfort may actually treat the serfs in his territory the best in the entire kingdom. This Duke not only established the almshouse system, but also cooperated with the Church of the Goddess of Mercy. He often does charity. Not only does he have a sanatorium for the Goddess of Mercy, but he also has the largest Church of Justice in the Kingdom of Britannia.

The Duke hates foreign races, but is particularly welcoming to humans. The largest number of Imperial people live in the Principality of Montfort.

"The relationship between Duke Fourcade, Duke Bohemond and his father is not good." Julius, who was wearing a mithril rune knight's plate armor and holding a unicorn gold-crested cross helmet in his hand, faced Lane said: "The territorial dispute between the Principality of Bastogne and the Principality of Montfort has never stopped since the founding of the country."

"Bastogne people are always arrogant, and the knights here are probably the most arrogant in the entire kingdom." Sir Gerald also said: "After all... this is the birthplace of the founding knight King Arthur."

"Yeah." Ryan nodded. Arthur, the founding knight king, was not from Curona. He was from Bastogne, and he was the lord of the Bastogne tribe at that time. He had slain a real dragon before he met the Fairy of the Lake. , so his family got the title of "Red Fire Dragon Family", and the Duke of Bastogne family was also called "Red Dragon Family".

Duke Berhemond is a direct descendant of Arthur. The red fire dragon armor made of dragon skin after Arthur slayed the dragon is still placed in Bastogne Castle.

Therefore, the knights of Bastogne look down on the knights of other principalities the most. They always shout that the will and glory of the previous king began here. The knights of this kingdom like to brag and show off their glorious history.

However, they do have something to boast about. The great noble lords of the Principality of Bastogne are almost all Holy Grail Knights. The virtue and strength of the Holy Grail Knights are unquestionable, and their lifespan is long, so the rule of this principality is relatively stable.

"Recently, after seeing the effect of your reforms, Duke Bohemond has also begun to plan to change the tithe to a fixed tax." Jerod continued: "Since the vast majority of the lords and nobles are Holy Grail knights, Therefore, compared to the gradual advancement of brother Francois, the Duke of Bastogne faced much less resistance to reform. The Knights of the Holy Grail did not have many opinions on whether it was a tithe or a fixed tax. Compared with governing the territory, , they prefer to pray in the Holy Grail Church for long periods of time.”

"Then we can't expect all the nobles in the kingdom to be Holy Grail Knights." Ryan complained: "That's too unrealistic."

Julius and Gerold were both a little envious of Ryan for being able to become a Holy Grail Knight at such a young age. Julius had already planned to start a Holy Grail expedition. Although Gerold was still older than Julius, Although he is still familiar with territorial affairs and accumulating experience, he is still far away from being able to carry out the Holy Grail expedition.

"By the way, Duke Hubald finally completed the Holy Grail Trial and returned to the Principality of Carcassonne. The Principality ended the history of joint governance by the Lake God Prophet and the Regent Earl, and returned to the rule of Duke Hubald." You Lius frowned and said: "It's unclear what Duke Hubbard's attitude is towards the current situation in the kingdom, but he is very interested in your goods, Ryan, and has sent people many times to propose the intention to import dwarf equipment and wood from your territory. Fairy medicine.”

"We'll talk about everything when I get back." Ryan nodded. Duke Hubbard's character was very harsh and cold. Being able to offer to trade with Ryan actually showed his attitude.

After marching for several days, everyone was approaching the Sharon Forest.

"Ahead is the Kuilau Tumulus Zone."

"That was the cemetery group of the Cuilleu tribe, one of the fourteen Brittany tribes before the founding of Britannia. My father was already waiting for us there with his army."

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