The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 400, Francois’ second lesson

When the group of people came to the ancient tomb zone of Kuileu behind them, two hundred knights led by Francois were already waiting here.

This is a large low-lying basin, which is covered with a large number of stone buildings. Judging from the patterns and markings on these stone buildings, there is no doubt that this place was once the abandoned building ruins of the high elves, even after thousands of years. At that time, the buildings of the high elves still bloomed with moving art, but most of the buildings and towers collapsed, and the walls were covered with vines.

Mixed in the middle of the high elf buildings are tombs, large groups of tombs. These tombs are surrounded by various skulls. Many stone chamber tombs have open doors, and the inside is full of cobwebs and dust. The wealth inside has long been taken away by greenskins and humans. Looted.

There are hundreds of such stone chamber tombs in the entire basin. Under the blowing cold wind of winter, the glory of mankind seems to be in the past, and the future of the world is filled with countless corpses and endless desolation.

The entire knight army passed by this ancient tomb belt. Francois, wearing a full set of mithril blue and white plate armor, a Holy Grail cloak on his back, and a unicorn sword hanging on his waist, squinted his eyes and looked at it with a heavy expression. Looking at this area of ​​ancient tombs, I remained silent for a long time.

"The things left by the high elves are obviously not as strong as those made by the dwarves." Belegar looked at the tombs and the decaying scenery. He felt very sad. The King of the Eight Peaks Mountain thought of the fallen Eight Peaks Mountain, where his ancestors were also buried. shrines and ancestral temples.

Belegar was never willing to show weakness, so he had to speak harshly.

"This place looks like a settlement? The original humans used the towns left behind when the high elves retreated from the old world, but why did it become a group of graves?" Ryan felt the desolation and bleakness of the entire area, and also There were animals that were still extremely hostile to the outside world. Unexpectedly, Francois signaled the knights not to attack. He just sighed and let the army pass quickly.

"These animals are not enemies. They are all witnesses and defenders of the original Principality of Kuileu. Ryan, Sulia, Yuli, and Jerrod. You must have heard that there were dozens of animals in total back then. The Breton tribe crossed the Gray Mountains and settled in Britannia, but when Arthur established the Kingdom of Knights, there were only fourteen principalities left, right?" Francois looked at the gloomy sky and said to everyone.

"I'd like to hear the details." Sulia whispered. She and Julius both knew the whole story. Francois wanted to tell Ryan more stories, and the female knight helped understandingly.

"It was about a thousand years ago that the Bretons crossed the Gray Mountains. In the next two hundred years, the small tribes were destroyed or annexed. Sixteen Breton tribes were divided into Brittany. There are sixteen principalities, except for the Duke of Artois and the Principality of Aquitaine, which you are familiar with, both of which were destroyed due to the vampire incident. Before the founding of the first knight king Arthur, there were actually two principalities. The history of these two principalities has been Buried in dust, few people know about it today.”

"That is the Principality of Kuileu and the Principality of Granboyle."

Francois raised his hand and pointed to all the buildings and tombs in the low-lying land: "This is the original site of the Principality of Kuileu."

"..." Everyone was speechless.

"Hundreds of years after arriving in Britannia, these tribes that produced the best riders in the old world fought for a long time with the greenskins and beastmen and the Estalians and Tyrells in the south. Then, A huge greenskin invasion came about a thousand years ago, and the whole of Britannia fell into a huge crisis. The greenskins ran rampant on the land of Britannia, destroying everything, burning down villages, and destroying everything. Everything I saw." Francois continued: "It was at that time that both the Principality of Cuilleu and the Principality of Grandboyle faced the attack of the greenskin wave. Both principalities gathered all the knights to resist. , the have seen it now."

"At that time, the whole of Britannia was ablaze with the war between humans and greenskins and beastmen. However, all the principalities were fighting on their own. The empire on the other side of the mountain was in decline and refused to fight for the people on this side of the mountain. The Bretons provided support. At that time, it was my ancestors, the Duke of Winford and the Duke of Belian, who came to support with large armies. However, they saw the outcome of the complete destruction of the Principality of Cuilleu, so the two ancestors decided to use A duel between champions will determine who owns the land of this principality." Francois had an elegant smile on his face.

"Obviously, the Duke of Winford won." The result was not difficult to guess. This land now belongs to the Principality of Winford. Ryan followed his father-in-law's words and said, "Then what?"

"Twenty years after the fall of the Principality of Kuileu, the crisis faced by the Brittanians has become more and more serious. Greenskins are raging, northern barbarians are plundering, beastmen are attacking, and chaos has spread throughout the land of Britannia. At this time, many principalities have a few isolated cities left, and their population has been greatly reduced. Facing the enemy's attack, many dukes can only sit in isolated cities and watch the greenskins and beastmen destroy the villages and people."

"At this time, the Duke of Bastogne became famous in Britannia. He single-handedly killed the huge red fire dragon and became a renowned dragon-slaying champion in the kingdom. His name is..."

"Arthur." Jarrod spoke: "The great first-generation knight king, the king of the Brittanians themselves, the true Brittany, Arthur-le-Breton."

"Not bad." Francois looked at the misty sky and the vast white forest and snow fields, and continued: "The rise of Arthur gave people hope, but at that time Britannia was still divided. That's it. Another twenty-five years later, Britannia ushered in the largest invasion in history. The Principality of Grandboyle was razed to the ground by the greenskin attack. Under Arthur's call, Britannia The Nians united for the first time, and Sirruf from Lyonnasay and Landuin from Mousilon joined Arthur's 'Anti-Greenskin Alliance', 'Fighting for Britannia' The slogan sounded for the first time in this land... you all know what happened after that."

Everyone nodded, and then came Arthur's fierce battle with the green-skinned tribe but fell into despair, and met the fairy in the lake by the fairy lake. Then came the twelve most epic battles, the establishment and deployment of the "Brotherhood of Holy Grail Companions". The birth of the Kingdom of Retania.

The twelve Holy Grail Knights are the twelve dukes of the principalities, and their great deeds will be remembered and praised forever until the end of the world.

The young people all looked fascinated.

Ryan felt that Francois had something else to say, and he tried to continue asking: "So, we must unite and resist the invasion together, otherwise we will end up like the Principality of Kuileu, turning into ruins and tombs. Just for everyone to admire?"

"No, how could you not understand such a simple truth?" Francois smiled, and he reached out and patted Ryan on the shoulder: "Think again! Ryan."

"Uh..." Ryan could only continue to think: "It's fame and strength. Arthur's huge reputation accumulated by slaying dragons and the strong strength he showed gave the entire Brittanians the reason and belief to unite."

"It's still not accurate enough, Ryan, you can't figure this out." Francois was still laughing. The elegant Duke just looked at his son-in-law with a smile, and motioned to the anxious Sulia to be quiet: "Think about it. , why were Sirruf and Landuin the first to join? Why not Argilgal of Palaon? Why not Balduin of Belion? Why not Rumbard of Carcassonne? Why not Wen The then Duke of Ford, Arthur’s distant relative Redmond?”

"Because Sirluff, Duke of Lyonnaise, is the husband of Arthur's sister Rosalind, that is, Arthur's brother-in-law, and Landuin is the one who Arthur has fought alongside in countless battles. The relationship between these two people and Arthur The most familiar..." Ryan immediately caught something.

He began to understand.

The God-chosen champion of the Fairy in the Lake smiled, and Francois taught him another lesson: "No matter how great your strength is, it is useless if no one knows it. Even if there is a common enemy, the combination of childhood playmates and marriage The relationship brought about still played a decisive factor in the early days of Arthur's alliance."

"Very good." Francois smiled and stroked his beard repeatedly. He really liked his son-in-law more and more: "It's good if you understand."

What the father-in-law conveyed to Ryan can be summed up in two parts.

First, from the founding of Arthur to the present, the unwritten standard for promotion among nobles is still to select capable people among acquaintances, or to select acquaintances among capable people. Although this may not be fair, this set of standards has remained the same since the founding of the country for thousands of years. What works best, even in Lane's opinion, is the past life.

Second, for two unrelated people to trust each other, the easiest and most convenient way is to build a comradeship by fighting side by side many times in the war, or through family marriage.

Just like after François let Sulia and Ryan get married, not only did the Duke regard Ryan as one of his own, but Ryan also regarded Francois as a reliable elder and a firm ally. From the marriage of Ryan and Sulia, , the Earl of Glamorgan and the Duke of Winford and their family both prospered and suffered losses.

This is the power of marriage, this is how nobles form alliances through blood.

More importantly, the mutual benefit and trust brought about by this marriage are needed by both parties.

Ryan's personal strength is strong, with the support of the Fairy in the Lake behind him, and it is shrouded in a veil of mystery. The Duke of Winford is a large noble family with a history of thousands of years. The Duke's family needs to absorb new blood like Ryan to develop and grow. At the same time, Francois, who was aware of the shortcomings of serfdom, also needed to use Lane's practice to observe how changes should be made.

Ryan's foundation in the kingdom is still shallow. The God-chosen champion of the Fairy of the Lake knows how to fight and is outstanding in martial arts, but he doesn't particularly understand the rules of the palace and the nobility. He also needs the help of the Duke of Winford family.

Therefore, the shrewd, wise and far-sighted François has long been interested in the talented and talented Lane as his son-in-law, and has closely integrated the interests of both parties. As a result, Lane has released a positive signal in response, until After Ryan was promoted to earl, although there were some very outstanding young knights from other large noble families in the kingdom, Francois had already identified Ryan, because the marriage between Ryan and Sulia was beneficial to Ryan, the duke family, and Su Leah also has a crush on Ryan.

Therefore, it can be seen from the expressions of son-in-law Ryan and daughter Sulia that this marriage is very happy.

Francois was also telling Ryan that not all marriages are boring, but your marriage with Sulia is not. You don't need to carry such a big burden on your heart, just enjoy your life as a couple.

Ryan's mind was spinning, and it took him a long time to think before he realized how much Francois was conveying from this story.

There was a lot of information. The earl and his wife looked at each other and then nodded to express their understanding.

Ryan wanted to say something more, but Francois motioned to Ryan to continue listening: "My story is not over yet."

"Okay." Ryan lowered his head and truly listened to his father-in-law's teachings as a son-in-law.

"Thirty years after the founding of the Kingdom of Knights, that is, the second year after the second generation of Knight King Lewis the Reckless took over the throne, and the sixth year after Arthur's death, Sirruf and Landuin had a fight. It is said that the reason for the championship duel is related to the affair between Sirruf’s wife, Arthur’s sister Rosalind and Landuin, and also related to the long-standing territorial dispute between the Principality of Lyonnais and the Principality of Mousilon.”

"In this duel, Landuin defeated Silruf and left a terrible scar on Silruf's face. The deep friendship that had fought side by side for decades was wiped out, and the duel ended. After that, the sad Landuin returned to Mousilon and secluded himself, never leaving his castle again. Forty-three years after the duel ended, Landuin was found dead in his sleep. This man who is still powerful The Grand Knight of the Holy Grail above Arthur, Duke Mousilon, was less than 150 years old when he died." Francois continued.

The Grand Knight of the Holy Grail has an extremely long lifespan. Another Grand Knight of the Holy Grail, Siruf, lived for nearly 350 years before dying in battle on the banks of the Sannes River.

Speaking of this story, several people sighed. Former human compatriots, close comrades in chivalry, and Holy Grail companions, Sirruf and Landuin fought side by side and participated in the twelve battles of the founding of the country, but in the end They turned against each other for some reasons, which made the knights regretful.

"...The enthusiasm brought by dreams will always cool down, but desires will never end. Even the Holy Grail Knights are the same. I think Lord Landuin must have been in pain when he defeated Silruf." Ryan whispered: " So he never left his castle again. He knew that the duel with Sirruf was not what he wanted, but he was not only a Holy Grail Knight, he was the Duke of Musilon! When Musilon's interests were threatened When his honor is violated, he must stand up and use all his strength to defeat Sirruf and end the dispute, otherwise this will be the greatest blasphemy against chivalry!”

"This is the second lesson I want to teach you, Ryan." Francois' sea-blue eyes stared at Ryan, and he said softly: "A group that is gathered purely with dreams and personal prestige cannot last long. To maintain harmony, only mature rules and regulations can ensure the operation of the kingdom's court. After that duel, the second-generation knight king Lewis, who was deeply warned, began to formally draft the first draft of the knight's code, established the prototype of chivalry and It was perfected and a complete system of noble enfeoffment and kingdom laws were established at the same time. Since then, no Holy Grail knights have dueled due to differences."

"Thank you for your teaching!" Ryan bowed deeply again, he was taught.

"Yes." Francois accepted Ryan's courtesy calmly. The Duke hesitated for a moment and finally said.

"Richard the Tiger is ready to abdicate. The person he wants to appoint as the king is Duke Lawn the Lion-Hearted. The king's abdication has been put on the agenda of the kingdom's court. Ryan... what are you going to do?"

In this chapter, I wrote some more in-depth content and the history of the Kingdom of Knights before its founding. I don’t know if you like it, hehe~

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