The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 472, Sipping the Holy Grail

There is an extremely ancient legend in Britannia. Shortly after Arthur, the first king of knights, passed away due to illness, a green knight appeared in the mountains and forests of Britannia.

He has always been silent, and except for rare special circumstances, he almost never said anything, but his power is far beyond ordinary people's imagination. He is the guardian of the Knight Kingdom of Britannia and a well-known presence in the entire kingdom. .

He appears among the mountains and forests, walks under the shade of ancient trees, moves in the clear water of the lake, appears in the waterfall, and fights the evil things that defile the sacred place of the lake.

There is no doubt that the Green Knight's main enemy is the Beastmen. In thousands of years of war, the Green Knight has most likely killed tens of thousands of Beastmen on his own, which has earned him a reputation among the Beastmen. The title of "Soul Killer".

He is the champion personally entrusted by the Fairy of the Lake, a demigod walking in the world, the only being in the entire Britannia who has power above the Holy Realm.

The green light shone on the dim woodland, and Kalad swallowed his saliva. First he felt joy from the bottom of his heart, and then he became serious as if facing a powerful enemy.

The divine sword Durandal was held tightly in his hand, waiting for the Green Knight's reaction.

For the expedition knights, the appearance of the Green Knight represents an important symbol of the expedition.

That's when Kalad's Holy Grail expedition is about to face an important test.

The Green Knight will challenge the Expeditionary Knight to test his martial arts and piety. This duel is a true championship showdown. The Expeditionary Knight must use all his abilities, otherwise he will be killed if he loses. Danger.

This is not nonsense. Some ignorant people often raise their own questions in the tavern when bards or even Holy Grail Knights tell them, that is, why the Green Knight with the strength of a demigod would attack an expeditionary knight who is generally at the legendary level. ?

The only reasonable explanation is that the Green Knight never uses all his strength, and it is difficult for weapons to cause damage to the Green Knight. Swords and arrows penetrate the Green Knight's body, just like flying through the morning mist, and can't cut anything. No matter how seriously injured the Green Knight was, he would never die. There was once an expeditionary knight who directly beheaded the Green Knight with his powerful bravery, but the Green Knight just calmly picked up his head with his hands and left.

The figure of the Green Knight was ethereal, his emerald eyes hidden in his helmet. Looking at Kalad, the Green Knight spoke: "Knight who travels far, accept my test."

"Please." Kalad nodded calmly, it was time to fight.

The King of Green Eyes rides on a war horse that can no longer be called a living thing. This war horse spits out green smoke, and its figure is looming in the illusion. Just like the Green Knight himself, the opponent is in the illusion. , except for the Sword of Pain in his hand, Kalad even doubted whether the other party really existed.

The chill in his heart permeated the expedition knight's heart and lungs, and Kalad gradually realized that just staring at such a mysterious thing brought terrible pressure to him.

The Green Knight obviously did not intend to give Kalad a chance to breathe. When he noticed that the opponent was already mounted and ready to fight, the Green Knight immediately drove his mount and launched a charge.

So fast! It's so fast! Just as Kalad forced himself to return his attention, the Green-Eyed King's charge was already close at hand. His forward steps were like a phantom, penetrating all obstacles, and his ethereal figure allowed branches to scrape against his armor. In the blink of an eye, he was closing in on Kalad.

"Come!" Kalad recited the holy words of the Lake Fairy in his heart. He held the divine sword that Jules left for him with both hands. Golden flames burned on the divine sword, urging the war horses, and the sharp blade Drawing an arc in the air, the challenge sound from his mouth sounded a strange melody. Infinite anger surrounded Kalad's will, and the fierce arc of Durandal's sword pointed directly at the Green Knight's head.

The Green Knight faced Kalad's challenge without saying a word, and the green sword of pain in his hand struck at Kalad with the power of splitting the sky and the earth.

"Cang~" The fierce sparks from the sword clash made Kalad almost unable to open his eyes. The Green Knight's blow was enough to kill him several times. The Expedition Knight cleverly used his own power to block the Green Knight's blow. Attacking, the figures of both sides passed each other.

This is the first round.

"Come again!" The expedition knight narrowed his eyes. He felt the strength of the other party. Kalad roared almost as if he was trying to show off his strength: "Use all your abilities! King of Green Eyes!"

"..." The Green Knight turned a deaf ear to Kalad's words. The Green-Eyed King simply turned his horse's head, faced Kalad again, and launched a charge.

The green figure turned into a meteor and rolled over. Just as imagined, the Green Knight ignored any terrain restrictions. His movement was not affected by the branches of the forest and the muddy ground at all. His movements were like a destroyed phantom. Only The Sword of Pain in his hand exuded an astonishing killing intent, and the Green Eyed King had no emotion in his eyes.

Kalad wasn't sure what the reason was. Was it because he had lost all human emotions in thousands of years of war? Or is the other person not a human being in the first place?

The Expeditionary Knight didn't know, what he knew was that if he didn't cheer up, he might be killed. The Green Knight was never merciful when facing the Expeditionary Knight.

I won't lose! Along with fear came a strong fighting spirit, and Kalad clenched the divine sword in his hand.

Durandal has witnessed the glory and end of Ules, and now this sword will also witness his.

fighting! ! !

Kalad shouted angrily, and he only felt the flame of anger igniting in his chest. The lady's knight will never admit defeat! no way!

"Cang!" Durandal and the Blade of Pain clashed again. The blade in the Green Knight's hand rotated back and forth. In one round, Kalad faced six fierce attacks from the Green Knight. The edge of the Blade of Pain exuded an all-devouring cold light.

"Uh! Uh!" Kalad hurriedly resisted the Green Knight's attack. He flipped the blade. The flames burning on Durandal's blade forced the Green Knight to withdraw the Blade of Pain. The war horses staggered, and the second This round ends.

Turning the horse's head, Kalad held his sword tightly with both hands: "Come again!"

"..." The Green Knight said nothing.

The battle begins again.

In the forest of Arden, in the mist of the Green Knight, a great championship showdown begins.

Kalad's figure is like an angry lion. He proudly displays his power and challenges the Green Knight who occupies the throne of the Lion King.

The Green Knight's fighting method is that of a lion king who dominates the herd. He enjoys the championship showdown from challengers with ease. The green-eyed king never says a word, and his power flows endlessly like an eternal waterfall. Every time With his swings, the Green Eyed King's power was a bit stronger than before.

The collision between the Blade of Pain and Durandal is endless. The strength of the Expedition Knight Kalad is even three points stronger than the ordinary Holy Grail Knight. As a strong man at the peak of the legend, Kalad has gained countless gains in his two years of experience. Having long since integrated his riding skills, swordsmanship, and spirit into one, he has kept pace with the Green Knight's growing power amid endless martial arts training and the blessings of the goddess.

A crazy tug-of-war began.

Just in the mist, the brave expedition knight and the legendary Green Knight began a never-ending battle.

The battle between the divine soldiers was played in the forest. It seemed that only the Expedition Knight and the Green Knight were left in the sky and the earth. The fierce battle seemed to have returned to the time when Britannia was founded. The twelve first-generation Holy Grail Knights fought for What it's like to protect this country and fight against endless enemies.

This is a championship match destined not to belong to mortals.

Time has lost its meaning, the sky has lost its color, everything has lost its existence, and all that remains are the figures of Kalad and the Green Knight fighting.

The sun rises and sets, from the crisp morning, the morning when the sun rises, to the afterglow of sunset and night, to the cool morning, the championship showdown continues.

Kalad's horse could no longer hold up. The Expeditionary Knight chose to fight on foot, and the Green Knight was obviously seeking a fair duel. The horse fight turned into a foot fight. Under the understanding far beyond ordinary people, one round, two rounds, Three rounds...

Fifty rounds...

One hundred rounds...

Two hundred rounds...

When the championship showdown reached the 500th round, two days and one night had passed.

Kalad's body was covered in scars, and even the dwarf's plate armor engraved with runes could not withstand the Green Knight's attack. Although he was covered in blood, Kalad was full of energy and never tired. The expedition knight silently recited the names of Jules and Anara, His scarred body and tortured heart never gave in to the enemy.

This was an oath he swore to Jules' body, and he would keep it until he became a Knight of the Holy Grail...or until he died.

Contrary to his imagination, the Green Knight stood in front of him but did not raise the Blade of Pain. A trace of recognition and regret seemed to flash in the eyes of the Green-Eyed King for a moment. Kalad didn't understand why, but He immediately caught his breath and continued fighting.

Durandal was still as sharp as ever after two days and one night of hard fighting. The Expeditionary Knight instinctively slashed Durandal towards the Green-Eyed King. The Green Knight dodged, and he stretched out a spear directly in front of Kalad's surprised gaze. One hand grasped his neck, and the expedition knight was lifted up on the spot. The green phantom used its other hand without emotion and hit Kalad hard on the chest.

The Expeditionary Knight felt that his ribs were broken on the spot. He endured the pain in his internal organs and used the Excalibur to pierce the Green Knight's shoulder.

The Green Knight didn't seem to be hurt in any way. He calmly threw Kalad into the distance. When Kalad's body hit the water, he discovered that the place where the battle was taking place had turned into a lake, with the blessing of the fairy in the lake. , he stood on the crystal clear lake water, and the reflection of the lake water reflected the face of the expedition knight.

The strength in his body was gradually disappearing. Kalad understood that he was a mortal after all. Facing the powerful Green Knight, he could not win, even if he had the blessing of the Fairy of the Lake, even if he had a strong will and the legacy of Jules. , and he can't fight like this forever.

So what's the point of this challenge? His strength has long been far superior to many ordinary Holy Grail Knights! He shouldn't be the one who failed!

There must be something wrong, the expedition knight recalled Jules's teachings.

"Chivalry is not a spirit that guides us to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages."

"Some things are more precious than life."

"The Holy Grail gives me strength and longevity. I must also take my responsibility."

It was another round of confrontation, and Kalad was forced back again. The Green Knight seemed to have given up on using the Blade of Pain. He still looked at Kalad calmly, as if waiting for something.

"Humility, honesty, compassion, bravery, justice, sacrifice, honor, soul." Kalad silently recited the teachings of the fairy in the lake. The expedition knight focused on the divine sword in his hand, and then on the green sword opposite. On the knight.

When the wind passes, the lake moves; when the wind stops, the lake becomes quiet.

When the bright moonlight reflected from the sky on the lake, the expedition knight already understood everything.

"Plop." Kalad put down Durandal. With tears in the eyes of the expedition knight, he knelt down on one knee and handed over his life to the Green Knight for execution: "The knight's duty is to protect, not to destroy. My power, my My soul, my will will fight to protect the land given to us by the lady. Relying on my own bravery, abuse of force will only add more blood and hatred to the world, and my sword only exists for protection."

With that, Callard gave up on the championship showdown.

The Green Knight nodded slowly, mist filling the sky.

A beautiful song gradually sounded from the lake. It was an ancient elf song. The beautiful sound like the sound of nature rippled under the surface of the lake, and the white moonlight enveloped the entire lake.

In the radiance belonging to the gods, the graceful figure of the Lake Fairy appeared from under the water. She wore a golden flower crown on her head, and her silky blond hair hung straight down to her ankles. Her green eyes were shining brightly, and she was covered with flowers. Her silk dress of emeralds and iris petals was engraved with countless ancient texts, and her indescribable beauty appeared before the knights of the expedition.

"My lady!" Kalad knelt on his knees, and the bright golden light enveloped the expedition knight. The fairy in the lake smiled, and she looked at the knight kneeling in front of her. Her voice was like a clear spring in the mountains, refreshing. Heart of the Heart: "Calard de Garament, you have proven your valor and your virtue."

The expedition knight felt his heartbeat speed up, his face was burning, and with his head lowered, Kalad did not dare to look directly at the beauty of the goddess: "My lady...I..."

"The Holy Grail was not obtained by the knights." The Lake Fairy was still smiling, and her voice made the expedition knights feel ashamed: "It was obtained by the knights' own efforts. You have proven that you are qualified to obtain the Holy Grail. A brave man, no doubt."

"Now, this is your reward." The goddess's white jade-like hands held the golden Holy Grail, and the pure and shiny slurry rippled in the cup: "Don't forget, you are a knight who is committed to spreading the virtues of knights and the glory of justice. , therefore I give you the Holy Grail.”

"Thank you very much." When the gem-encrusted Holy Grail approached Kalad's dry lips, the expedition knight finally lowered his head and took a sip from the Holy Grail.

His body was forever changed.

After drinking the water of the Holy Grail, infinite power flooded Kalad's soul. His eyes were red, with a faint spiritual light emitting from them. His body's injuries were completely healed, and a golden glow flowed in his body.

His height became taller, and his appearance became younger. The weather on his face and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes disappeared under the power of the Holy Grail. At the same time, a terrifying aura erupted from his chest.

This expeditionary knight, who had suffered a lot, lost his mentor, and lost his family, officially entered the Holy Realm.

"Go back, go back to your territory... Kalad." The figure of the Lake Fairy slowly descended in the lake, and her long golden hair was gradually submerged by the lake: "Perform your duties, my Holy Grail Knight."

"I will." The newly promoted Holy Grail Knight knelt down again with piety.

The Green Knight also disappeared, leaving only Kalad's lonely figure on the calm lake.

The moon is full at the zenith.

"My lady, thank you!"

I don’t know if I can create that kind of sacred feeling when I write it (laughs). I’ve gone back and forth and deleted it many times. I hope you all like it.

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