The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 473, Blight Swamp

"Times have changed, my lord."

When the gun workshop in Lane's territory was finally completed, the Earl held a long-barreled firearm produced in the workshop and stroked the dark barrel and wooden butt. Lane sighed: "The age of firearms It is imperative that we form a new force, and firearms are a powerful weapon against the beastmen and greenskins."

His great butler Katzenberg, tax collector Gasparton and Devon Baron Hex, Captain of the Ugor Archers Mikoyan Ivanovich Govorov and the sorceress Theresa were there. Stand by his side.

The dwarf gun workshop has been completely built, and what Ryan is holding is the most standard long-barreled musket.

The method of making this kind of fire gun is very simple. It consists of an ignition device, a fuse, a barrel and a butt. The long-barreled fire gun is powerful, easy to use, simple, rough and effective.

This will be the standard equipment for Lane's future musketeers.

"My Earl, are you planning to form a musketry team?" Baron Devon Hex was wearing a kite helmet, and the scars on his face looked hideous.

"Why not?" Ryan skillfully manipulated the long-barreled firecracker, cleaned it, loaded it, ignited it, and then pulled the trigger.

"Boom!" The long-barreled musket fired a lead shot and hit the mound three meters away from the target.

"Pfft~" The sorceress couldn't help laughing, covering her mouth and laughing.

Ryan's old face turned a little red. He pretended that nothing happened, but changed the subject unnaturally: "You know, I'm not very good at using this... Ivan, have all the pensions been paid?"

"All have been distributed, my Earl." The tall Captain Ugor said loudly: "Thank you Earl for your generosity."

"You fight and we pay. This is just a business. You help me fight against the enemy. I pay enough remuneration and pension. It's fair." Ryan changed the subject: "By the way, I heard that you Keith Loew is also equipped with all firearms?"

"Yes, in order to equip all our troops with firearms, the Tsarist family almost went bankrupt." Ivan smiled bitterly after hearing this: "In order to import firearms from the empire and recruit engineers, the previous Tsar almost emptied the entire treasury, and several large The family also paid an extremely heavy price, but the Kislev army in the south has indeed been equipped with firearms on a large scale. Firearms are extremely lethal to greenskins and chaotic evil creatures, at least much more powerful than bows and arrows. In exchange, Up to now, the Tsarist family still owes the imperial family a huge sum of money, and it will probably take more than eighty years to pay it off."

"Look, since Mrs. Keesler has chosen to empty out every gold coin in the treasury, why can't we form a musketeer team?" Ryan said with a smile, holding a musket in his hand.

Hux once studied at the Imperial College for a period of time. The newly appointed Baron knew the power of firearms. Seeing Ryan's firm attitude, he nodded dullly: "Of course I know the power of gunpowder, Earl, but I'm worried You're going to get serious backlash for doing that."

"There has never been such a precedent, Earl." Chief Butler Katzenberg also raised objections: "Giving firearms to serfs? This is crazy."

Someone objected. As Ryan expected, the Earl himself signaled everyone to come outside the gun workshop. He played with the long-barreled gun in his hand. Ryan's face was very determined. He said to Katzenberg: "But I think , now is the best time."

"The best time?" Katzenberg asked doubtfully.

Ryan explained his idea to everyone.

At the beginning, Ryan did not have the conditions to spend several thousand gold crowns to build a gun workshop. The production cost of a musket was eight gold crowns, so it would cost about one thousand gold crowns to form a musketeer team with a hundred muskets (the production cost was not high). Probably all finished products), plus the training ammunition and taking into account the bombing and scrapping, he would have to prepare at least 1,300 gold crowns.

Later, just as Katzenberg was worried, due to the rebellion of the northern serfs, it would be difficult for the nobles to put this kind of murder weapon into the hands of the serfs. If Lane dared to risk forming a serf army while the serf rebellion continued, Musketeers, he will face denunciation from the nobles of the entire kingdom.

That wasn't the right time either.

But after the Siege of Montfort, the Battle of the Blackstone Stronghold, and the Battle of the Abbey of La Maisonelle, Lane believed that the time was ripe to form a corps of musketeers.

After several wars, at least the knights in the southern part of the kingdom have fully experienced the power of firearms. The knights are not really stupid. After they witness it with their own eyes, their opposition will be much smaller, at least they will no longer be angry because of their opposition. be opposed to.

As for the knights King Richard, Duke of Montfort, Fourcade, Duke of Palavon, and others who were most fiercely opposed to Ryan, they also lost their opposition. Richard has delegated military and political power to Law, Duke of Connet. Well, after Ryan and Francois formed an army of chivalry to eliminate Kemmler's threat once and for all, if Richard came out to oppose again, it would most likely result in a collective counterattack by all the Dukes affected by Kemmler.

Ryan saved Fourcade's life and even cooperated with him at the trading post. He had no objection, and he also temporarily hired many imperial free militia groups to defend his castle.

Casfan must also thank Ryan for his contribution. If he hadn't blocked Kemmler, the Principality of Palavon might have faced the blade of the undead army.

"I have no intention of giving this weapon to the serfs." Ryan held the barrel of the gun with both hands and continued: "I intend to order recruits to be recruited from all freedmen families to form a freedmen musketeers."

Katzenberg breathed a sigh of relief. The freedmen were those who were promoted after showing loyalty in the war. It was more reassuring to give firearms to them than to the serfs. The steward thought for a moment and continued: "If so , the resistance we have to face will be much smaller, but it means a lot of additional expenses, Earl, setting up a new standing army is a big expense."

"It will be worth the money." Ryan certainly knows the power of firearms. Which is better, muskets or crossbows? This is a topic that the dwarves have spent two thousand years debating. Ryan dare not say that musketeers are definitely better than longbowmen and crossbowmen. , but there must be.

"In addition to this standard long-barreled fire musket, the gun workshop can also produce standard dwarf hand muskets, dwarf shotguns with a very slow firing rate, and the most useful repeating hand muskets, which are used by the Imperial Herald Cavalry. The kind of handgun that can fire several bullets in a row." Ryan then introduced: "Especially the highest quality dwarf precision rune four-shot handgun, with mercury bullets, brother Angron said it is a good choice after using it!"

"Oh! That must be a big killer weapon, Ryan, I think I need one~" The sorceress Theresa's eyes lit up after hearing this, and she said into Ryan's ear: "Give me one, okay? ?”

"Two hundred gold crowns~Sheng Hui." Ryan laughed loudly. Seeing the earl's smile, everyone also laughed happily. The sorceress gave Ryan a hygienic eye and placed it on the table unreasonably. He took the finished product directly, then moved his long legs and disappeared outside the workshop.

Her wizard tower is almost completed, and she has been busy checking the completion of the project recently. Today, the sorceress just happened to pass by and take a look.

It is said that her mother Aurora is preparing to organize a large delegation of witches to visit Ryan's territory, but there is currently no news that the delegation has completed the assembly or is ready to set off. If so, the sorceress will definitely tell Ryan as soon as possible , so Ryan is not in a hurry.

Speaking of which, Brother Angron has been in the south for a long time, and Ryan's mind was thinking of Angron again.


Old World, Tyrell, swamp west of Miragliano, where the legendary city "Titus" disappeared.

A tall hippogryph is soaring in the sky, the hippogryph is loaded with cargo, and the World Eater Primarch is overlooking this muddy swamp.

Known as the Blight Swamp, this swamp is located just west of Miragliano. This swamp has always been synonymous with mystery. All attempts to establish villages and colonies in this swamp have failed because of all migrations. The people and their buildings will completely disappear.

That's right, it completely disappeared. The entire village completely disappeared, leaving nothing behind.

According to Tyrell legend, there once was the most glorious civilization in this swamp, Titus, where dwarves and humans formed a powerful nation and continued to prosper. They planned to build a high tower to display their Power and glory and gratitude to the gods.

The strange thing is that it took hundreds of years for the tower to be completed, until a man in a robe brought his own design - adding a big bell to the top of the tower. A week later, the tower was completed. Finally built.

The bells rang thirteen times in Titus, and the entire city embarked on a path of destruction. All humans and dwarves were drowned by the rat tide, and there were no survivors. Titus disappeared into history. It became a forbidden and deserted place.

After Angron finished shopping for goods in Milagliano, he ignored the careful advice of the halflings and Tilean merchants and insisted on flying here to take a look.

At first, the World Eater Primarch was bored by the endless swamps. The bright green swamps were like abscesses on the earth, which was disgusting. There were all kinds of strange animals walking on this swamp, and their The filthy and bizarre shapes even made Angron feel slightly uncomfortable, especially the animal with a rat head, a snake body and a deer tail, which almost made Angron order the hippogryph to go down and cut it in half.

But he was no longer the madman who acted on anger and hatred. He motioned to the hippogryph to continue flying.

"Are you tired?" After flying for another forty minutes, Angron found that the wings of his hippogryph mount Nukelia began to show some signs of fatigue. He had no choice but to order the hippogryph to land, and the hippogryph landed. Behind a hillside that is still large enough for people to stand, there are several half-dead trees.

"Take a rest, Nukelia, and then we continue to set off." Angron tied the hippogryph's reins to the tree. He gently stroked the feathers on the hippogryph's neck, and the hippogryph screamed happily a few times. The creature, now Angron's loyal mount, opened its mouth to taste the dried meat and water.

The meat jerky was only halfway fed, and the World Eater Primarch instinctively felt alert. Almost instantly, he reached out and grasped a pair of axes behind his back: "Who is it!"


What answered him were six poisoned shurikens, flying towards Angron in six directions at the same time.

"Drink!" Angron dual-wielded the battle axes "Flemisher" and "Tearer". Blood-red air waves surrounded him. In a few movements, all six shurikens were knocked away by him.

His opponent also appeared in the mist.

These are three Skaven assassins wearing dark blue tights. They all wear turbans on their heads and leggings on their feet. They have warpstone poison blades on their tails and hands: "diedie!"

"Come on!" Angron clenched his battle ax with both hands, feeling that he was getting stronger.

"Shadow!" A rat assassin held a sigil in his hand, and a burst of thick smoke came out, and it disappeared into the air: "Bang~"

"Little trick!" Angron didn't take it seriously. He narrowed his eyes and waited for the opponent's attack.

"Fire!" Sure enough, three seconds later, the rat assassin appeared from behind Angron, slashing two green tracks with two warpstone blades, heading straight for Angron's throat and back of the head.

But Angron moved faster. He roared angrily. His strong body was more agile than the rat assassin. He turned around easily, and the Vibranium Battle Ax Ripper scraped a blood-red trace in the air.

There was a rain of blood in the sky, and the two warpstone blades and the rat assassin were torn into pieces by the serrated axe.

This move shocked the remaining two rat assassins, and one of them made a quick decision: "Washing the horse tower! Retreat!"

"Flash!" The two rat assassins immediately made a second seal, and with a flash of green light, they appeared five meters away, planning to escape.

"Don't even think about running away! Coward!" Angron grinned high. He raised the battle ax "Meater" with one hand and struck the soft ground with the axe. The World Eater's Primarch left His arm muscles swelled, and he pulled the meat cutter embedded in the ground back hard: "Come back!"

Blood-red air waves billowed out from the ground. In the cyclone formed by Angron's huge power, the two rat assassins lost their balance in the air. They desperately found that their bodies were actually lifted up by the cyclone and flew upside down. To that terrible human being!

"Death!" Angron held the Ripper behind his back and slashed with his battle ax. Blood suddenly appeared, and the heads and bodies of the remaining two Skaven assassins were separated directly.

The battle is over.

"It doesn't look like a very collectible trophy." Angron squatted down and inspected the two intact Skaven Assassin heads. This was his trophy. He originally wanted to take it away as a souvenir, but considering that the Horned Eagle Regarding the beast's weight, he finally gave up: "Forget it."

"Also, do you want to die too?" Angron looked at the other side of the hillside.

"I have no intention of being your enemy, strong man." A human wearing a solar helmet of Myrmidia, the goddess of war, a god-given mithril breastplate and a full body armor of gold scales walked from behind the tree with his hands raised. When he came out, he raised the firecracker in his hand to show that he had no ill intentions: "We are all fellow human beings, um... I mean, I am very happy to meet fellow human beings in this hellish place."

There is a faint aura on his body, his eyes are shining, the blood around his body is surging, and the space is collapsing. It is obvious that he is a strong man from the holy realm. He is obviously not old. I don't know why he appears here.

"If you were not human, you would have died long ago." Angron hesitated for a moment, then put down his battle ax: "This is not the place you should come to, young man, it is too dangerous for you."

"Perhaps you are right, but taking people's money and doing things for them is the creed of our bounty hunters." The visitor walked carefully not far from Angron, and he took the initiative to extend his hand: "Introduce yourself, My name is Brenner, a bounty hunter from Tyrell."

"Bounty hunter Brenner? Oh! I have heard your name. You are one of the three strongest Tilean mercenaries." Angron suddenly remembered something, and he frowned: "Why do you Will you appear here?"

"I received the commission." The bounty hunter Brenner had a row of daggers and sharp knives hanging on his chest, two firecrackers around his waist, a string of projectiles on his back, and a sword decorated with gems in his hand: "Deep in this swamp, there is an undead army fighting against the Skaven army. Prince Miragliano entrusted me with a large sum of money to investigate."

"Count Vampire versus Skaven?" Angron became interested.

"Yes." The bounty hunter obviously wanted to recruit Angron into the team: "I know you have the strength to gain a foothold in this land, so I won't say any more warnings. I want to ask if you are interested in seeing this game." War? We can investigate together. After the matter is completed, I will give you 30% of the commission. You have also seen how powerful the rat assassin is. It is too dangerous for me to investigate alone."

"Interesting." Angron thought for a while and smiled: "Let's go, take me to see it."


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