The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 650, Troll Kingdom

Kislev, a country in the ice and snow, is the northernmost country in the human order and civilization of the old world.

It is shrouded in wind and snow all year round. The way people distinguish the seasons is to see whether the wind and snow outside are heavier or lighter. The days here are very short and sometimes very long. Mrs. Keesler and the Ugor people who live here always have to be there. During the day, we race against time to carry out daily activities, because when the day passes and night falls, no one dares to stay in the wild. Even those priests of Esun who have been blessed by the bear god Esun or those invincible winged cavalry, as long as they have a choice, These hardened warriors also choose to stay behind the walls of their towns.

The desolation of the land has left the entire Kislev with no place to farm except for a few pieces of land blessed and cast by the ice witch. Fishing and hunting are the main sources of food here, and high-calorie food has become Mrs. Kisler’s favorite. , the permanent shortage of supplies makes it difficult for people in the entire country to have enough to eat even after working hard all year round, not to mention the endless threats from the wild.

Many people think, how could anyone want to come to a place like this?

However, on the contrary, Kislev may have the largest number of mercenaries besides Tyrell.

Because merchants from foreign lands and nobles coming and going have always needed a large number of manpower to ensure their safety.

However, there is something even more attractive here in Kislev.

A place of lawlessness and wealth.

Here, countless death row prisoners can find a place of their own. The imperial pursuers will give up chasing these prisoners after reaching the Kislev border. This allows many criminals who do not want to go to the gallows to find a place to stay and long for Mercenaries and bounty hunters of wealth and glory came to this country in the ice and snow one after another. They were very interested in the locations of the tombs of Chaos warlords and the ancient dwarf fortresses.

At the same time, only the true brave will try to cross the Linsk River and enter the kingdom of trolls. This land is even more terrifying than the extremely dangerous Kislev. Here, countless evil creatures are twisted by chaos. And the northern barbarians who are constantly moving south are haunting this land. The adventurers and mercenaries who are not good at it will disappear on the vast ice field in just a few days. Even if they do not encounter a battle, the waste from the north will disappear. The wind of chaos blowing in the face will also be mixed with the whispers and curses of the Chaos Evil God, which is enough to drive a normal person crazy in just a few months or even a few weeks.

However, adventure in Troll Country is incredibly rewarding.

The Troll Kingdom is dotted with the tombs of Chaos Champions and ancient human warriors. Countless buried gold and silver treasures are waiting for their new owners. Many abandoned dwarf temples still contain vibranium and mithril, as well as those that are so ancient that they are almost Forgotten runes, there are inexhaustible large amounts of minerals, gold, silver and gems, including those extremely precious magic gems. Some lucky people will even find a piece made of mysterious runes. weapons or armor! That is a priceless treasure!

Therefore, when people talk about their adventures in the Troll Kingdom, they always use a tone of envy and admiration. According to the reliable investigation conclusions sent by Tsarina Katalin and announced, the adventurers who returned from the Troll Kingdom , 90% of them made a fortune or received even more generous returns!

90% probability! And it’s an amazingly high rate of return!

This is the troll country north of Kislev, a blessed land for opportunists and adventurers!

On this day that is about to enter winter, the Troll Kingdom welcomed two returning adventurers very close to the Linsk River. These two adventurers obviously have extremely high status, otherwise they would not let Kislev Four hussars were sent to meet them at the Linsk River.

But what they were waiting for was a loud noise.

"Boom!" A giant that was more than ten meters tall fell to the ground with a crash. There was still a bit of unwillingness before death on the giant's face.

A 1.6-meter-long frost sword was inserted into his forehead, killing him with one blow.

Several winged cavalry looked at each other, a giant died like this? !

The biting north wind came oncoming, mixed with wind and snow, blowing on the face of the leading hussar. This hussar general was named Kukov. He and his hussar troops belonged to the port city of Ehrengrad, which was The only three places in the Kingdom of Kislev that can be called cities.

The other three wing cavalry were a little anxious. After all, they were here to greet the visitor after receiving orders. If something unexpected happened to the other party, they would definitely have to shoulder a huge responsibility.

"Calm down!" General Krukov frowned. This soldier had a beautiful mustache and tried his best to look into the distance.

As a general of the Hussars, Krukov once went to the empire to serve the electors as a mercenary. What he hated most was the endless black forests of the empire, where the sky was always covered by tree shadows and dark. Kislev's vision was always wider. Although this made Kukov feel insignificant, he still insisted not to interfere.

Every adventurer who can escape from the land of trolls is an amazing warrior! Warriors always have dignity, and they will definitely not like anyone to interfere.

Two figures gradually appeared in the dense wind and snow.

The first figure is about 1.8 meters tall. He wears a bearskin hat on his head. There are many colorful feathers on the hat. A Mithril full-body plate armor protects his body. The Oster collar The family crest with a red bull and an iron cross engraved in the middle of the black and white shield illustrates his identity. He wears a giant bull cloak behind him, and hangs two short fire blunderbuss and a sharp steel sword on his waist. , carrying the shield behind his back.

Even though he was wearing such thick clothes, the visitor still breathed air-conditioning in the extremely cold environment. He said quite arrogantly and proudly: "It's really cold weather, damn, I thought the winter in Wolfen was already cold enough, but After entering the Troll Kingdom, I realized just how low the temperature here is, what do you think, mentor?"

"Oh? Really? I think that in this place, I can feel the warmth of my hometown." The second person emerged from the snow and wind: "It's great. It would be better if it was colder, just Like Asaheim.”

The instructor is very tall, at least 2.6 meters tall. His long golden hair is tied into a sky-high braid. The long hair on both sides is also tied into many small braids and then hung around his left shoulder. He only wears a The rather worn-out full-body plate armor, with wolf fangs and wolf skulls strung with ropes hanging on his chest, made his appearance look like that of the most ferocious northern barbarians, possessing an unruly wildness and aloofness. His nose is like a wolf, and his eyes are like a lesson. His cloak is also made of a whole wolf skin, with a pattern of a giant wolf galloping among the stars carved on it: "Stay alert, Oleg." , dangers are everywhere, you can’t relax before you get home!”

"Yes! Mentor, but I think I must admit that I have missed my wife in Wolfenburg and the fine wine in the cellar!" Oleg von Zhukov subconsciously expressed his approval, and then He said in a teasing tone: "Follow your teachings!"

"Hahahaha~" The instructor let out a rough laugh. His voice sounded as rough and malicious as a wolf, but it exuded endless pleasure and heroism: "That's right! There is nothing more warm than women and wine. A fireplace can soothe a warrior’s soul even more!”

"Hahahahaha~" The master and the apprentice laughed nonchalantly in the wilderness. The mentor reached out and held the frost blade inserted into the giant's face. He spat, kicked the giant away, and put it away. Raise the long sword.

The four winged cavalry were relieved, and General Krukov clapped his horse and stepped forward: "Hello, His Excellency Baron Oleg, and His Excellency Wolfen Wolfen, we have received your signal and are here to greet you!"

"?" The instructor paused, and he yelled at his disciple quite dissatisfied: "What's going on?! Oleg, didn't I tell you that the Moka Trial can only be completed by you alone?" !”

"I did do it alone! Mentor, I just sent the message to my father after completing the Moka trial and asked him to send someone to pick us up!" Oleg quickly defended: "This is my father's will, I He is his eldest son and first heir! Do you know how much effort it took me to get my father to agree that I would follow you to participate in this trial!"

"...You listen to your father so much?" The instructor's anger came and went quickly. Just a moment ago, his beard and hair were flying in anger, but he immediately became friendly again, reached out and patted Oleg on the shoulder, and smiled: "Hey, Yes, it is right to listen to my father. It seems that our meeting was not accidental, and I also listen to my father's words."

Oleg breathed a sigh of relief. His mentor was indeed a bit moody, but fortunately he was born with the boldness of a northern man and was not too difficult to get along with.

The four wing cavalry and the two masters and apprentices joined together and walked towards the south together. They took the time to cross the Linsk River. The instructor could clearly feel that after successfully crossing the Linsk River, everyone felt relieved. tone.

Is the north side of the river so dangerous in these people's minds? The instructor smiled nonchalantly, revealing the sharp fangs in his mouth.

Also, the humans in this world are still very tenacious, the Ugor people, Mrs. Keesler, and the Imperial people, for this reason alone, they are worthy of admiration.

After a group of people crossed the river, it was getting late, and the biting north wind was blowing on everyone. Even the strongest hussars were shivering with cold. They took out the map and carefully identified the direction. Then proceed along a wilderness road covered with snow.

Finally, just as the sun was about to set, the group arrived at a small Kislev village. This village was built not far from a coniferous forest by a small river that had been frozen. It was composed of a large The wall made of logs made everyone feel a sense of belonging. The village was close to a small hill, with neatly arranged and crowded houses inside, and a large central house with a pointed roof, which was painted red.

It was already getting late, and the village gate had been tightly closed. Just above the gate, Mrs. Keesler with a fierce look was using a long bow and spear to prepare for these uninvited guests. However, as the group approached, Wing The iconic wings of the cavalry made them put down their hostility, and a Mrs. Keesler above the village gate shouted to them: "Privert?"

General Krukov also shouted: "Zdrasteve!"

Both sides shouted a few more Kislev words, and the defenders nodded. Both Oleg and his mentor heard the sound of the door creaking open and the sound of the back door panel being removed. The door slowly opened towards Open the door and push away the pile of thick snow in front of the door.

"Let's spend the night here tonight, Mr. Oleg, Mr. Wolf." General Krukov said: "The wind and snow outside are really too heavy. It is too dangerous to be in the wild. All rational people understand this. It’s time for us to hide behind walls.”

"Maybe." The instructor disagreed, but he didn't object.

Not long after everyone entered the village, the village door was slammed shut. In Kislev, plunderers from Norsk or Kurgan are simply common to the people here, and worse things often appear here. Humanity is always ready to fight.

The sheds and barns were covered with snow, and the ground in the village was frozen extremely hard, with shallow ruts on it. General Krukov told the master and apprentice that they needed to enter the central house and face the village. The "boyer" pays his respects, and the boyer then provides them with free food and a place to rest.

These were Kislev's rules, and Mrs. Kisler's character, pragmatic, serious, tenacious, and unlikeable.

Obviously, the mentor rejected this proposal. He took out the heads of five Chaos Champions: "Is this enough? If you have so many Boyers in your mouth, he will be able to gain my respect!"

General Krukov and Oleg both knew the temper of Mr. Wild Wolf. They were both admired and helpless, so they could only go in with these heads.

After more than ten minutes, the door of the central hall opened, and Boye from the village came out to greet the visitors enthusiastically. He was a burly man with long braided hair, an ax on his waist, and a thick beard. , shook the hands of the tutor and Oleg very enthusiastically, talked non-stop, and then led everyone through the door.

There was a rush of heat, and sumptuous food was prepared in the hall, including big ribs, red cabbage soup, and delicious barbecue. Two stoves were simmering broth, and the crackling flames reflected the walls of the entire hall. It turned into a goose yellow color.

The men and women of Kislev welcomed the visitors with great hospitality, dancing, some playing harps and lutes, and singing stories of human heroes and female czarinas.

The tutor and Oleg sat on one side of the long table. The waiter handed over a large glass of koumiss, and then a large glass of Kislev vodka. The tutor grabbed the vodka and drank it all in one gulp. , the hot liquid flowed anxiously through his mouth and esophagus, making him scream in pleasure.

"Hoo~" Oleg also drank a full cup in a learned manner, and was immediately so spicy that he couldn't speak. Despite this, the elector's legitimate son finally felt the warmth from human beings and his homeland. He coughed a few times. Voice: "After spending more than a year in the Troll Country, I almost forgot the feeling of losing home. I almost thought that every place in the world was the same as the Troll Country, with only desolation, snow, weeds and endless fields. Sky."

"More than a year?" The instructor sneered. He immediately filled himself with a large glass of vodka, then picked up a half-cooked pig leg and started to chew on it: "It's only been more than a year, and you think it's hard?"

"What's wrong, mentor, isn't this hard enough?" Oleg shouted dissatisfied as he got drunker.

"...If I said that I single-handedly slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Chaos Demons in the subspace, and it took me countless thousands of years to get here, would you believe it?" A look appeared on the mentor's face. He had a look of reminiscence, and then disappeared, chewing the pork leg with big mouthfuls, tasting the deliciousness of the original food.

"Mentor! I know you are very powerful, very powerful, but you are exaggerating!" Oleg lowered his head to deal with a piece of mutton chops, and his face was full of black lines: "I don't believe it!"

"Hey, I don't believe it either." The instructor didn't take it seriously and burst into laughter. Everyone thought he was making a bad joke.

Yeah, a bad joke.

A bad joke my father played on me.

updated! Please vote for me on the first day of this month!

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