The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 651, points! Keep them for the New Year regardless?

The smoke outside the city of Nuer cleared, and Tamu Khan and his ambition stopped in front of the gate of Nuer.

The entire city of Nuer suffered heavy casualties. According to incomplete statistics, more than 10,000 soldiers were killed in this battle. For Nuer’s population of more than 300,000, this was also a huge loss. The entire city Almost every family had casualties, and the temple of the goddess of mercy, Thalia, became the busiest place. At one time, the hospital beds were placed two blocks outside the temple.

The citizens of Nuer who did not participate in the war almost consciously participated in this rescue. They donated money and people and supplies. Sometimes some even gave up their homes. The number of casualties is shocking. What will happen after the war? Restoring production and rebuilding the Wesen Territory has become a mess.

However, these have little to do with Ryan and others.

Because the army of knights led by Ryan and Kalad embarked on the return journey after a short rest. They will take a boat in Nuer, follow the Wesen River to the Reik River, and then follow the Reik River to Marienburg. out to the sea, and finally by sea to Bordello and Mousillon.

Logically speaking, Ryan and others should not leave so hastily because the knight army needs to rest. However, Sulia insists. The female knight believes that it is already early winter. If they do not seize the time to leave Nuer and return to Mousilon, this army will be extremely vulnerable. There is a possibility that they will be forced to stay in Nuer for the Winter Curtain Festival. With the oceans and rivers frozen, they will have to wait until next spring if they want to leave.

After hearing this, Emilia immediately said yes, yes, it just so happens that you can stay here for another Winter Veil Festival before leaving. Sister Sulia, please rest assured, I will make good arrangements for you here!

After saying these words, Sulia insisted on leaving. For this reason, the female knight frequently blew the whistle on Ryan when they were getting along in private, meaning that since everything was over and Nuer was safe again, we were already Having done my duty, it's time to go.

Ryan knew that Sulia no longer wanted to stay in Nuer. This aspect did have her selfishness as a duchess and the reason that this was not her territory, but Sulia was also thinking about Ryan.

In this world, a lord's control over the territory is inversely proportional to the time he leaves the territory.

He has indeed stayed in the empire for too long. The original plan was to leave in May, but now it is already October. Everything he originally planned has been completed, and he should indeed leave.

Emilia was very reluctant to let go of this, but the Imperial Baroness also knew that Ryan had indeed stayed here for a long time. She no longer tried to persuade him to stay, but took advantage of the remaining time to pester Ryan again. After confirming a certain After these things, they happily arranged a ship to send Ryan and others away.

The knights from Britannia received honors and generous material rewards, and at the same time received the eternal gratitude of the Nuer people. When they left, all the people in the city came to the dock to see them off. After receiving their sincere gratitude, the Noor City Council also bought generous gifts for the Brittanian knights, and the Imperial Dame made a promise in public that if one day Britannia needs Noor's help, Noor will be obliged to lend a helping hand.

The Reik River was not very cold at the end of October. On the entire wide river, a fleet of dozens of boats slowly sailed along the river. Compared with the rapid current of the Wesson River, the Rui River was very cold. The flow of the Ke River appears to be more gentle.

The centerpiece of the entire fleet is naturally the large sailing ship that Ryan and others are on. This large sailing ship is a passenger ship. The inside is just like a small palace. It is gorgeously decorated with various fine woods and is paved with Tilly. There are imported carpets, bright magic lights are installed in the corridors, and there are also chefs.

In the master bedroom, Ryan and his wife Sulia were sitting opposite each other. Devon Hill was crawling around on the floor. The little guy didn't understand that much. He lost a playmate (little Frederic). Gram) was not very happy, the one and a half year old boy was being played with by Sylvia.

Olika was wearing a white nightgown and was sleeping soundly on a soft bed not far away. Due to the excessive use of magic power last time, the dark elf had been very sleepy recently. At this time, her face had a thick blush and A faint smile of happiness, sleeping soundly.

Ryan picked up the tea cup and took a careful sip of black tea. He said to Sulia: "My lady, are you satisfied with this trip to the empire?"

"The first half is quite satisfying, but as for the second half..." Sulia tasted black tea elegantly. Today, the Duchess was wearing a Nur snowflake classic slanted shoulder skirt, with a white fox fur waistcoat outside. Under the skirt, she had a slender big Her long legs are wrapped in black pantyhose and she wears a pair of suede high-heeled boots. Her long bright golden hair falls down her shoulders and is only fixed with a white hairband. There is a touching smile on her delicate and beautiful face. As noble and elegant as a sacred and inviolable iris, quite palace-like, and at the same time with a strong sense of motherhood. After hearing Ryan's words, Sulia changed her pair of black stockings to a sitting position, as if smiling. She looked at her husband with a non-smile: "Are you feeling good?"

"No one expected such a thing to happen." Ryan was a little helpless. He shrugged: "Since we have encountered a problem, we must solve it. Tamu Khan's power has been consumed a lot during the expedition, otherwise we will have to Facing more difficult tests.”

"You know that's not what I'm talking about, Ryan." Lidya Su took a sip of black tea.

Ryan closed his eyes and nodded: "Do you think she has changed?"

Lidya Su did not answer directly, she just put down the teacup: "You have changed too."

"People will change, my lady." Ryan just sighed: "You know, Emilia is now the Empire Baroness Emmanuel. She is now one of the most powerful people in the Empire, and she is also the Empire The most powerful woman, if she stays in that kind of environment for a long time, her temper will easily become arrogant and self-centered. Noor is her territory and everyone supports her. It is normal for her to be a little petty. of."

"Yeah." Sulia accepted this statement. The female knight looked at her son Devon Hill jumping around with a lance puppet, and felt warm in her heart. Yes, the best Emilia can do is like this. It's just that it is absolutely impossible for her to seize the position of her wife.

It can only be said that this trip to the empire has worsened the relationship between the two people. If the relationship between Sulia and Amelia was in the nineties before, it has now cooled down to sixty.

"Speaking of it, Nur's rumors, especially those female nobles and female citizens who are about to get married, are all envious of me." Sulia talked about the second thing, she smiled slyly: "Now they all want Find someone like you, Ryan, and forget about other conditions. It is said that the thing that female nobles and female citizens envy me the most is that I make all the decisions in the family, because you are alone, Ryan."

"Oh, to put it bluntly, I'm afraid of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law." Ryan smiled disapprovingly.

As we all know, Ryan has no parents.

Of course, this is actually wrong. Essentially, Ryan's parents are not around, but Sulia not only has both parents, but they can also support her. This is the most enviable thing for the entire Nuer female nobles and female citizens.

Sulia is not troubled by this aspect. The female knight can always use her own ideas to raise children at home. The husband and wife discuss all major and minor matters privately, but it will not be so easy for a normal aristocratic family. The intricate network of aristocratic genealogy and bloodline Living together with two or more people who are not familiar with each other and who look up but not look down, it is very easy for conflicts to arise and accumulate in daily life.

The world will be better, but the fundamental problem remains the same.

"Yes, I attended many tea parties in Nuer, and many noble ladies and ladies complained to me privately, saying that they were bullied and tortured at home." Sulia said with interest: "I heard a lot of The story is a bit scary when you think about it carefully.”

"What are you afraid of?" Ryan complained directly: "It sounds like I bullied you."

"Pfft~ I didn't say that, you have always been very good to me, very good." Sulia shook her head, and the female knight became interested. She stood up, walked to sit next to Ryan, and took her husband's hand. Leaning on his shoulder, a little shy and a little expectant: "But what if there is? Ryan, my husband, if I have a conflict with your biological mother, who will you help?"

Ryan's face immediately turned green.

coming! The most difficult question for a man to answer, should you choose me or your mother?

When the husband pondered for a moment, he could only reply helplessly: "The core of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is essentially the struggle for control of family resources. Generally speaking, for the entire family, the husband as the head of the family has the title and real power, that is, When it comes to managing money and people, the mother-in-law as a mother wants to control her son, and the daughter-in-law as a wife wants to control her husband. Their purposes are the same, Sulia, you won’t encounter this problem.”

Lidya Su sighed softly. It was true that she would not encounter such a problem. Moreover, the living habits of this world are different. Generally speaking, it is not easy for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to live together after marriage. The number of meetings Not many. She only met Ryan's biological father once and Ryan's adoptive parents once. During the meeting with the Emperor, Sulia had a conversation with the Emperor, and the Emperor also clearly recognized Su Leah's status as wife is enough.

Lidya Su fell into silence, and Ryan hugged his wife's slender waist and fell into random thoughts.

He remembered that in his previous life, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had always been an important or even fundamental reason for the breakdown of many family relationships. When he visited a community called Bihu, he could often see many daughters-in-law complaining on it, and he looked at some carefully. , you will feel the same way.

How could there be such a heartless, evil-doing, inhumane existence like my mother-in-law, who acts like a monster all day long!

But after walking around a lot, Ryan understood that a daughter-in-law is not born aggrieved and kind, and her mother-in-law is not born vicious and perverted.

It’s the mothers-in-law who don’t know how to post on Instagram and make up stories.

Ryan couldn't help laughing when he thought of this. He hugged his wife and said with a smile: "What's wrong, Lidya Su? Now you are not only my wife, but also a pastor and priest for others?"

"You know, Ryan, Nuer's afternoon tea party is always like this. The topic will sway to that aspect as we talk. There are many ladies and madams who always like to talk to me about their emotional problems..." Sulia said with lingering fear. : “They always like my advice.”

"Break up...oh no, I mean, we recommend divorce! We all recommend divorce!" Ryan said quite naturally: "Break up! Of course we have to break up! The long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain! Just break up! Don't break up and keep it for the New Year. ?”

"It will be like this from now on, Lidya Su, for all relationship issues, you will always recommend divorce. Divorce now, divorce immediately, and go to the church to go through the formalities immediately!" Ryan said carelessly: "If you do this many times, no one will take this Something’s bothering you!”

"Hahaha~" Sulia was amused by Ryan. She stretched out her little hand and hit Ryan's chest, and said angrily: "What are you suggesting? How can you divorce casually! As the lady's divinely chosen champion and A paragon of chivalry, I can’t believe you’d give that advice.”

It is indeed not that easy to get a divorce in this world, especially for nobles. Due to the close connection between land, family, family and region and people, what you need to do to get a divorce is not as simple as going to the church to get a divorce. Both parties need to reach a series of agreements. The multiple consequences of marriage and divorce make it extremely difficult to make a decision, and it can easily attract higher-level attention and even anger the gods who witnessed the marriage and blessed it.

Therefore, aristocratic divorce is extremely rare.

Ryan didn't want to discuss this topic any more, and Sulia didn't want to discuss it anymore. Both the couple were very satisfied and happy with their marriage, so they quickly moved away from the topic. Sulia glanced at the bed. Sleeping Orika: "Olica, is she okay?"

"It's okay, it just consumed too much magic power." Ryan shook his head: "Just let her rest for a while."

"Dad~Mom~" Devon Hill jumped up and down in the room: "I miss mother Lilith! Mom, when can mother Lilith play with me?"

"Haha~ When we get home, Mother Lilith will come to see you." Sulia picked up her son, and the family of three was enjoying themselves.

After feeding little Devon Hill something to eat, Sulia then asked: "By the way, why did you let that guy Black-hearted Repp follow you? I think he is really..."

"Rogue, scoundrel, scum?" Ryan crossed his arms, looking confident.

Lidya Su didn’t answer, her expression showed her thoughts.

One day after the Battle of Nuer, Black-Hearted Lepp took the initiative to come to the door and asked Lane to take him in. The mercenary baron expressed the hope that Lane would take him in based on his achievements in this war.

"Black-hearted Repp is certainly a very bad guy, but he is not unusable." Regarding his wife, Ryan felt that there was nothing to hide: "I plan to send him to the Border Prince Territory. The Border Prince Territory is a lawless place and Borderland, as long as Black Heart Lepp gets our support, there will be no problem in reopening a so-called 'princedom'."

"Do you plan to support him to continue to be a warlord in the Border Prince Territory?" Sulia immediately understood what Ryan meant: "Are you... planning to prepare for the expedition to the Eight Peaks Mountain?"

"Hmm~" Ryan nodded. Black-hearted Lepp is a person with very obvious advantages and disadvantages. This kind of person must know how to use it to bring out the greatest value.

"Then you have to give him a title." Sulia immediately suggested: "Only if he gets your title, he will have the motivation to give his life to you, to us, and to the kingdom."

"Block the account, I've thought about it a long time ago." Lidya Su's suggestion was very reasonable, and Ryan agreed.

"What ban?"

"How about... just calling it the Britannia Independent Regiment?"

Updated, please vote for the new week!

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