The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 77, Ocean Church

PS. Thanks to book friend Riyue Yungui for the one hundred thousand reward and book friend Iron Armor Is Still Here - Horn for the ten thousand reward, okay~

It is often debated which is the most spectacular temple in the Old World?

Is it the White Wolf Temple located on the cliff of White Wolf City, occupying the entire mountain and cliff, symbolizing the eternal fire of the White Wolf?

Is it the Church of Justice Cathedral located in Brunswick, where several generations of emperors of the Human Empire are buried, with a hall tens of meters high that can overlook the entire capital city of the empire?

Is it the Cathedral of the Lady of the Lake, located in the Principality of Carcassonne in Brittany, with an 80-meter-high statue of the Lady of the Lake and the Knights of the Holy Grail stationed there?

Or is it the temple of the dwarf god Granny located on the Eternal Peak, which requires climbing thousands of steps to reach?

However, no matter how it is discussed, the Poseidon Cathedral in Marienburg will definitely be included. In this largest and most prosperous port in the old world, the Poseidon Temple has a golden mermaid statue that is more than 60 meters high and holds a trident. Intimidating everyone, telling the gods that this is the territory of the sea god Mannann.

The Knights of Poseidon, with scimitars at their waists and tridents in hand, guard the spectacular temple. The reliefs on the walls of the temple tell the story of Poseidon's great cause. Mannann bestowed upon mankind navigation skills, taught him fishing, and bestowed upon mankind Poseidon's compass and Poseidon's sign, helping humanity thrive.

"Unlike normal knights, Poseidon knights fight in a different way than normal knights. They use tridents instead of lances, and scimitars instead of one-handed knight swords." Ryan and Veronica came to Ocean Church , standing outside the temple and looking at the busy priests and Poseidon knights.

"Poseidon knights often fight at sea~" Veronica expressed her understanding: "Both the scimitar and the trident are suitable for use in naval battles."

"The Poseidon Knights are not weak in combat on land. The Poseidon Knights who are responsible for guarding the Poseidon Temple are only three companies of the Knights. Most of the Poseidon Knights are led by Baudry, Duke of Bordeaux of Britannia. Led by C-de Bordero, he is also the grand leader of the Poseidon Knights." Ryan explained in the witch's ear, and then went to the Poseidon Temple with her.

It's November, and although the weather in Marienburg is not as cold as in Nord, the believers who come to pray and the merchants and captains who come to the church to do business have already put on thick clothes. The guards and priests all wore navy blue robes, so it was easy to tell which ones were members of the church and which ones were believers and businessmen.

Just when Ryan appeared at the door of the Poseidon Temple, the Poseidon Knight stepped forward: "Hello! Are you Mr. Ryan? It's a great honor to meet you."

"Hello." Ryan stretched out his hand to shake hands with the Poseidon knight. Ryan's appearance immediately attracted several Poseidon knights to watch. These knights came over to shake hands with Ryan enthusiastically, especially some knights who cheered loudly. The shouting hero appeared, attracting a large number of people to watch, and the noise and cheers were endless.

Idol, Veronica looked at her partner with wonderful eyes. His huge reputation was also her capital, as long as she held on to him.

The reason is simple, because Marcus, the first Duke of Bordeaux, was once the grand leader of the Poseidon Knights. Now that Ryan has completed the same legendary deeds as Marcus, the Poseidon Knights certainly have a good impression of him.

"I came here to talk about..." Ryan explained a little bit about himself.

"No problem, I'll take you to the Archbishop!" The captain of the Poseidon Knights who made the decision patted his chest, his tanned skin reflecting the healthy brilliance: "This way, Mr. Lane, please!"

Ryan reached out behind him, and the Gloria Witch immediately took the man's arm with her little hand wrapped in a black lace glove, and walked toward the church together.

The Ocean Church opened its main door to welcome Ryan's arrival. A regional bishop came out to greet him in person. Countless civilians and believers cheered around Ryan's figure. Until the main door of the temple was closed in everyone's eyes, the noise outside continued for a while. Just stopped.

The temple is resplendent, with a dome made of colored glass reflecting colorful light. There are pools everywhere, and the whispers of believers can be heard everywhere. There are many waterfalls pouring down from above on the top of the temple, but the source cannot be found. Seawater pools It keeps flowing, forming a wonderful cycle.

After Archbishop Aldrich of the Church of the Sea learned of Ryan's intention, he immediately signaled his guards to get the file. The archbishop was a bit old, his hair was almost white, and his face was full of wrinkles. He signaled to Ryan and Veronica sat down: "Hero from Nord and witch from Gloria, please take a seat, don't be anxious."

"I'm very grateful that the Church of the Sea can help." Ryan and Veronica sat down in the reception, covered with various bottles. Aldrich, who was wearing a robe with the power of Poseidon, signaled the waiter to bring green tea and snacks. Divided into eight small boxes, all fruits, pastries, nut candies are available.

The financial resources of Ocean Church are evident.

"I rarely see green tea." Ryan didn't care. Since Aldrich asked the waiter to bring it out, enjoying it seriously is the greatest respect.

"If you like it, Mr. Lane, take two boxes with you when you leave. These are specialties from Cathay." Archbishop Aldrich's old face was full of smiles.

Cathay, a country in the east of the world, is full of mystery. However, even after crossing the Roof Mountains of the World, it is still very far away from this mysterious eastern country. Merchants have to pass through the Chaos Realm ruled by Chaos Dwarves and several ogre tribes. You have to pass through the Kurgan giant prairie. The existence of countless chiefs on this giant prairie makes this grassland always in war. The time when trade routes are blocked is calculated in hundreds of years. Only by sea transportation can there be a very small number of people every year. Fortunately, the ship came to Marienburg, and the tea from the East was worth more than gold.

"...Haha, I'm so embarrassed about this." Ryan smiled, neither saying yes nor no.

He kind of knew what Aldrich was trying to do.

The files were quickly retrieved, and the five Ocean Church scribes and Veronica began to check the files of the ships. There was no automatic retrieval function in this world, and the only way to check the records was to rely on manual search.

"Has the war had any impact on shipping?" Ryan began to inquire about the topic.

"There is basically no impact, because Nord is usually close to closing the port at this time." Aldrich nodded and said: "On the contrary, because of the war, a large amount of arms and supplies were transported to the front line, and the merchants made money."

Sure enough! Ryan pinched his chin and began to think.

To a certain extent, war stimulates economic development, expands production demand, and increases jobs. War is also one of the few ways of class mobility in the conservative aristocratic feudal system in the Middle Ages.

"By the way, it is said that Weimei Club often has big deals during this period?" Ryan asked another question: "Maybe it's some luxury goods?"

"Yes, their luxury goods trade has been very frequent recently, and the amounts are extremely large. Sometimes I really wonder where Weimei will get so much money." The archbishop said in an old voice.

"Found it, Ryan. We have found a total of five sailing records departing from Nord and arriving at Marienburg. Excluding two cargo ships and one large passenger ship that did not comply with the rules, there are only two that meet the conditions of the small passenger ship you mentioned. ." Veronica was quick with her hands and feet, and with the help of the clerk, the witch found the record.

"More than ten days have passed. We need to move faster. Thank you Archbishop Aldrich. Veronica and I will say goodbye first." When Ryan saw that the record had been found, he immediately told Aldrich Offered his farewell.

The archbishop noticed that the two people were a little anxious and did not try to stop him. He personally took out two boxes of tea and delivered them to Ryan. Then he said in Ryan's ear: "Mr. Ryan, I can see that you are very anxious, but after the matter is over, After that, if you have time, can you come here? We have something to ask you."

"When the matter is over, I will come here." Ryan nodded: "But I can't guarantee that I will agree."

"It doesn't matter, we have encountered a lot of trouble." The Archbishop of the Ocean Church took out a special gold coin engraved with the shape of a mermaid holding a trident: "Take this, I will see you at any time."


After coming out of the Ocean Church, Veronica held the navigation record in her hand: "Both passenger ships arrived about ten days ago, one day apart. One of the passenger ships got off three people and returned, and then the other passenger ship Then...all the people on the ship got off the ship and entered the city for activities. They have not returned yet, and it is impossible to determine how many guests were disembarked."

"Then I think the second passenger ship is more suspicious. What port did they dock at?" Ryan turned around and asked.

"Pier 6 and Pier 8." Veronica rummaged through the records as she walked.

"Then let's go to Pier 6 first."


While Ryan and Veronica were busy investigating, a war was also going on at the same time.

The northern border of Nord, the coast of the Sea of ​​Chaos.

The imperial army, led by their emperor Karl Franz, laid numerous ambushes along the coast. The clusters of forests along the coast provided excellent cover for the emperor's army. Dwarf engineers and human engineers were debugging cannons. Aim for the coastline.

After casually eating some bread and hot milk, the emperor exhaled a breath of cold air: "It's so cold in Nord in November. I really miss the bacon and omelette breakfast in the palace."

"Hahaha, Your Majesty, although we can't have bacon and omelette breakfast, we can treat these damn barbarians to eat cannons and spears!" The morale of Rick's guards is high, and the imperial army is recharging its energy here, waiting for work.

"Very good! Soldiers, let us teach these damn barbarians an unforgettable lesson!" Karl Franz nodded. There was still about an hour before the barbarian landing time predicted by the Star Mage, and his soldiers had already Made all preparations.

After several days of fierce fighting by the Nord navy, despite heavy losses, the leader of the barbarians, Ulfric Wanderer, returned without success. However, several tribes still broke through the naval blockade and prepared to land.

"My Majesty, can you allow me to tell you something?" The great alchemist Belshazer-Gelt walked out from behind the emperor with his staff. Since he went to see what happened in Mjordenhaven that day, Gai Erte's whole person seemed to be a little different. He was more loyal to the empire and more concerned about the emperor's affairs. More importantly, his magic power improved by leaps and bounds. The emperor not only witnessed his sudden advancement during the march. , and for the first time, the great alchemist took off his mask in private in front of the emperor, letting the emperor understand that he was a human being, not some other creature.

Galt's explanation for this was that he had an adventure about the ancient saints and learned more magic. The emperor was sincerely happy for his great alchemist's adventure: "Gelt, what do you want to say?"

"Wait until the barbarians come ashore, I will use magic to coordinate the army's actions. When I raise the black flag in the forest, I will summon golden retrievers and metal storms to help the imperial army defeat the enemy. When I raise the red flag, My Majesty, please lead your army to charge immediately."

"Why? What have you prepared?"

"This is a spell I carefully prepared, an eight-ring magic. Within ten minutes, all the weapons, shields and armor of the barbarian army will turn into a ball of clay. Please seize this opportunity, my majesty."

"Okay! I believe you!"

Within an hour, a large group of barbarian ships appeared on the coastline. They began to land on the shoals of the coastline, preparing to bring blood and death to the Southerners and bring wealth and glory back to the north.

As soon as the largest barbarian ship docked, the imperial army "warmly" welcomed the guests from afar. Several cannons made loud noises. The barbarian ship was shattered by the cannon's starboard side. The ship began to sink. The barbarian chieftain Shouting: "Abandon ship! Get ashore quickly, get ashore quickly!!! We are ambushed!"

The artillery roared, crossbows and muskets fired together. The empire's spear legion, swordsman legion and halberd legion were all in formation. The imperial army was waiting for work. The barbarians had just climbed out of the water and were hit hard again. The world roared down. Metal fragments fell like raindrops on the barbarian military formation, causing them huge casualties. Several golden retrievers with a height of five to six meters ran rampant in the barbarian military formation.

When all the barbarians landed on the shore, only more than 8,000 barbarian soldiers from the original 12,000-strong barbarian army rushed to the coast, formed a shield formation and rushed towards the imperial army to start a fierce battle. The imperial army was well-trained, well-formed, well-equipped, and had high morale. They did not give the barbarians any opportunity to take advantage of them. The barbarians were beaten back and forth, leaving behind a large number of corpses and driven to the seaside.

Geert immediately raised a red flag.

Seeing this, the emperor raised the symbol of the human emperor, the hammer Gael Maraz: "Soldiers of the empire! Listen to me!"

"We traveled over mountains and ridges, and we spent a lot of time getting to this place, but when we think about what we are facing are barbarians, these greedy people of the evil god, I think I am willing to go any further!"

"Yes! Yes!" The soldiers of the empire responded loudly to the emperor's words.

"Now, let us drive these damn Norscans into the sea to feed the fish! Let us guard the sacred waters of the Empire!"

"Defend the country and protect the sea!"

"For Charlemagne! For the empire!" The emperor raised his hammer and led the Rick Guards to charge towards the barbarian army in person.

At the same time, the barbarians were horrified to find that their shields, weapons and armor had all turned into clay, and they had to face the Human Emperor and the Reik Guards led by him with bare hands.

"For the Empire!!!" The imperial troops responded frantically to their beloved emperor.

"go ahead!!!"

Updated! Please please please! All kinds of requests!

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