The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 78, Jialan’s factional struggle

On the edge of the Roof Mountains of the World, Sky Castle.

This is the edge of the world, with white snow and awe-inspiring cold winds constantly blowing from the mountain tops. The huge towering castle and several wizard towers shining with arcane light are connected to each other, forming the headquarters of the Gloria Council. Here It is already the edge of the world, and its location is already about two thousand meters above the horizon. The way up the mountain is full of all kinds of ferocious beasts and dead ends. Only those with perseverance can reach it. The mountains are full of magic circles set up by witches. and mysterious locks to keep out unwanted guests.

The Sky Castle is located at the junction of the Nord Kingdom, the Empire and the Dwarf Kingdom. It is in a semi-independent and privileged geographical location. A large number of witches and sorceresses stay here to delve into the arcane ways.

One of the wizard towers in the huge castle, first floor, side hall.

The teleportation light illuminated the entire cold and damp room, and the sorceress descended into her mother's wizard tower.

Immediately, two witch apprentices came in: "Miss, are you back?"

"Well, I'm back. Where is mother?" Teresa's attitude was surprisingly good. The two young apprentices looked at me and I looked at you, both of them felt a little flattered. You must know that my young lady is usually indifferent at best. Say "Hmm".

"The madam is waiting for you on the top floor, but she told you that you don't have to go see her right away. The madam said that we should first wash away the fatigue of the journey for the young lady." The two young apprentices whispered.

"Okay." Theresa walked toward the upper floor of the wizard tower, surrounded by her young apprentices.

The wizard tower has multiple functions such as research, residence, practice, and combat for a spell caster. Therefore, the first floor of the wizard tower is filled with various mechanisms and magic circles, as well as a large number of battle golems, all the way down the long spiral staircase. After reaching the fifth floor, the sorceress returned to the living area.

When they came to the bathroom, the apprentice had already heated hot water for the sorceress. Teresa took a bath comfortably, then put on her favorite purple robe and loose wide-leg pants, put on her slippers, and knocked on the door of her mother's room. Door: "Mother?"

"Teresa? Come in!" A mature female voice came from the room. After Theresa heard it, she opened the door of the room.

The bedroom belonging to the elders of the Gloria Council can no longer be described as magnificent. The carpet on the floor is made of the best white bear fur. All the furniture in the room is made of the highest quality walnut wood. The goose-yellow magic lamp In contrast to the goose feather snow outside the glazed window, the elder of the Gloria Council and the Holy Witch Aurora Trovik is sitting on a giant white wolf leather sofa chair, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and the corners of her eyes. He looked at his daughter with a smile.

Teresa remembered that the white wolf skin that made this sofa chair was a gift from Ryan. Thinking of Ryan, the sorceress's heart throbbed. She knew that it was really not the right time for her to come back. The sorceress looked at her mother, Somewhat aggrieved: "Mother?"

In appearance, Aurora and Teresa really look alike. She is like a large, mature Teresa. Her whole temperament is like a ripe fruit, exuding an alluring charm. Breathing, the female elder of Congressman Jialan was wearing a white nightgown, only revealing her calves in flesh-colored stockings: "Daughter, are you back?"

"Why did the parliament summon me back at this time? Mother? Don't you know that Ryan and I's mission has just reached a critical moment?" Theresa sat across from Aurora and said softly: "I asked Emily and the others , things don’t seem to be that urgent!”

"The matter is not too urgent, but that is what our Speaker meant. She thinks that the effect of your partnership with Ryan is not good, so you should come back." Ou Ruo twitched the corner of her mouth: "It's not that I don't want to do it for you. Speak, my daughter, your performance is indeed not good enough."

"But..." Theresa was still waiting to defend, but Aurora raised her hand to indicate that she should listen to her first: "Theresa, let me ask you, what did you do during this journey?"

"The Church of the White Wolf described in detail that Ryan single-handedly killed the Doomsday Bull on the top of Mount Skavel...or the four-armed bull demon Tavus. He suffered serious injuries and narrowly escaped death. At that time, I My daughter, where are you?"

"The Holy Sisters, the official Empire, and the White Wolf Church also described in detail that during the defense of Miljödenhaven, Ryan killed the Chaos Champion 'Crushing Bear' through a great championship duel under extremely unfavorable circumstances. Birig, one person fought back thousands of barbarian armies. At that time, my daughter, where were you?"

"Time and time again, the parliament has been hearing that Ryan has achieved feats one after another alone. This rising star is now a famous human hero across the continent. But my daughter, where are you? You are really Ryan's Partner? Why didn’t I hear your name once?”

Aurora's words made Teresa flush with shame and embarrassment, and she couldn't say anything to defend herself.

"Besides, I think your temper and character must have caused him a lot of trouble along the way, right? Let me think about it again, he must be tolerant of you because of my affection, right?" Ou Ruola said lightly, but her eyes were still full of smiles: "How many of my guesses were correct?"

Teresa lowered her head, her little hands tangled together uncomfortably: "Everything, my mother, I have caused him a lot of trouble along the way. I can feel that he suppressed his dissatisfaction with me many times. , his attitude towards me was even worse than before, but I always regarded myself as his benefactor and powerful spellcaster partner, giving him looks all day long... Until later, he couldn't help but scold me directly, I just realized what I had done was wrong.”

"But his impression of you can't come back." Aurora's words made Theresa's heart drop to the bottom, but the female elder of the Gloria Council still said bluntly: "You like him, right?"

"Mother!!!" Teresa yelled subconsciously.

Aurora sighed softly: "Daughter, you look like a young girl in love... It's normal. Everyone likes good men, especially Ryan who is a little too good to make my daughter obsessed. There’s nothing surprising about him, but my daughter, this doesn’t mean you have no opponents, you have to know that Veronica is Ryan’s partner.”

"What?!" Teresa raised her head suddenly, and then the sorceress immediately recalled a series of Ryan's performances: "No wonder, no wonder he won't let go of his partner's affairs no matter what, no wonder he..."

"And Veronica is Margarita's!" Aurora said this with a hint of ridicule in her tone: "If it weren't for Ryan's protection, would Veronica be where she is today?"

"So...this recall is the Speaker's intention?" Teresa pushed up her glasses: "Yes, Ryan is someone that the Speaker and the others must fight for! And Veronica herself is Ryan's partner... …”

"And that little guy Veronica is very likely to have that kind of relationship with Ryan. She usually keeps a clean mind and doesn't even look at men. She has only had sex with Ryan, and she is no longer perfect... But that's not important." Aurora shook her head. Her long black hair, which was as deep as her daughter's, shimmered and swayed slightly: "What's important is, my daughter, you have to know how to reflect. Are you taking advantage of everything? Why did you fail to do anything when you had the advantage? Why did you end up like this for the opportunity I fought for for you? You have squandered all the goodwill Ryan had accumulated towards our mother and daughter."

The room fell into silence, with only the crackling sound of the special magic fire in the fireplace, and the sound of the cold wind and white snow outside the window knocking on the window.

"It's my fault, mother, please give me another chance!" Theresa gritted her teeth and admitted her mistake: "I will definitely do better than Veronica!"

"No!" Teresa's request was flatly rejected by Aurora: "You know your problem, but if you are allowed to contact Ryan again, the final result will not change. You have left him Now that you have made a bad impression, are you going to contact him again? Can you change the habits you have developed since childhood? No, you will only continue to make the relationship stalemate and eventually be eliminated. After a while, the time is The best remedy, time will dilute the bad impression you left on Ryan."

Theresa was anxious: "But that woman Veronica is staying with Ryan now..."

"Ha~ Don't worry about this. Veronica can't stay with Ryan for long. She must complete the task as soon as possible to prove that she is better than you." Aurora stretched out her hand to push up her gold-rimmed glasses, Jialan The female elder's eyes were full of majesty and domineering: "I can still make her get out, but Margarita has just transferred her to Ryan. I definitely can't transfer her immediately, but as long as the mission is over, I have a lot of options to send a mission to recall her. Veronica must return to the council to return her life. The only thing I worry about is that if I do this, Ryan may be even more dissatisfied with us in Gloria... But for you, I can't care much now. "

"Mother...I'm sorry." Theresa walked gently to Aurora's side.

"Teresa, go to the Grand Secret Realm of Gloria for further training." Aurora held her daughter's hand: "Get rid of your bad habits, get rid of your arrogant temper and character, and then get in touch with Ryan, come on !Happiness always requires your own efforts to strive for it, rather than complaining and shirking responsibility. Remember, whether you can win Ryan's favor does not depend on Veronica, but how good you are. Remember, the Trovik family We need an excellent heir, and our mother and daughter also need an excellent foreign aid. The investment in Ryan has proven to be worth the money, and we have no reason not to continue."

"I understand, mother!" Teresa squeezed her mother's hand, and there seemed to be blazing fire in her eyes.

——The dividing line where a new storm has appeared——

Northern Nord, coast of the Sea of ​​Chaos.

The imperial army defeated thousands of barbarian troops with only a small loss of less than 500 people. Only a handful of barbarians fled by boat, and the rest were completely annihilated by the imperial army.

"We have won a great victory in this battle! My Majesty!" Imperial General Adelaide Carloberg walked to the emperor's side excitedly. The war was far easier and easier than imagined. Under the leadership of the emperor himself, Under the full attack of the Kremlin Guards, the barbarian army was driven into the sea to feed the fish. Several tribes will be removed from the history of the barbarians because the emperor ordered that no prisoners were needed.

The barbarian chief Aufsen who led the team was shot in the head by Karl Franz. The power of the hammer is so powerful that it can enhance the emperor's physical fitness and combat capabilities tenfold.

"This is all thanks to Geert. If it weren't for his magic, we wouldn't have won so easily." Karl Franz said calmly. The emperor not only considered the superficial significance of this victory, he had already thought of something more. many.

After this battle, a great victory can not only further increase the emperor's prestige, but also make the electors more convinced of the emperor. Karl Franz can foresee that if he asks the electors to send troops next The difficulties will be greatly reduced, and the emperor's voice will be greatly increased in the imperial court.

Karl Franz had already made a blacklist in his mind: all the nobles who refused to respond to the call in Reikland were already on the blacklist in the emperor's mind, and these nobles would have their territories confiscated and When held accountable, the emperor would take back the valuable lands of these disobedient subjects, retain some for his own use to enrich the treasury, and redistribute some to capable and loyal vassals.

After such a brilliant victory, the nobles would never question the emperor's noble actions, because the loyal nobles would only be rewarded rather than punished. In such an environment and conditions, who would care about those who are not? Life or death for loyalists? Other nobles only care about their fertile land.

After rearranging all the candidates for several important professions in his mind, Karl-Franz knew that he still had a long way to go in the future. To reunite a powerful country that was divided and independent, the emperor still had a long way to go. He faced many difficulties, but the emperor firmly believed that everything would be like today's victory, and a bright era for mankind would eventually come.

Just like more than a thousand years ago, Charlemagne led mankind to unify the entire continent.

The great alchemist, wearing a gold cloak and a gold mask on his face, approached with a golden staff: "A glorious victory, my lord."

"Yes, a brilliant victory, but it is far from enough. We cannot be complacent because of victory." The emperor nodded, and then shouted loudly: "Clean the battlefield quickly! My soldiers! Go home with victory and glory. La!"

"Victory! Glory! We wish you a happy Winter Veil in advance with this victory! My Majesty!" Rick's guards booed loudly, and Karl Franz also laughed, not taking it seriously: "Happy Winter Veil !My soldiers!”

After the emperor and the great alchemist walked away a little, Karl Franz took the opportunity to whisper to Geert: "I hope you can become the royal chief wizard, my great alchemist.

Galt's body trembled slightly. The great alchemist knew that the opportunity he had dreamed of had truly appeared in front of him, and the great alchemist responded very quickly: "I am willing to serve you, my majesty."

"very good!"

The two of them walked in silence for a long time before Galt expressed his thoughts to the emperor: "Please allow me to leave temporarily on the way back to the army. My Majesty, I need to purchase a batch of alchemy materials."

"Where will my great alchemist go to acquire these materials?" The emperor fully understood this, and the war was over, and there was really no need for Gelt to stay among the army.

"I'm going to Marienburg."

I found that a lot of people complained about my poor writing of sorceresses. In fact, I just wanted to describe a typical image of a female spellcaster in Western fantasy, but from the reader's perspective, it would indeed be offensive. I have been reflecting on it. Now, reflect on ING.

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