The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 843, Eternal Drakenfels

"Around 1800 in the Imperial Calendar, the Immortal Drakenfels led an army of the undead and almost slaughtered half of the Principality of Palaon. He was just trying to collect enough blood tax." Luo Jia looked at him without hesitation. The forbidden book that Chuisheijie obtained from the Cathedral of Justice in Brunswick, the capital of the empire: "According to the book, people under the rule of vampires need to pay three kinds of taxes, bone tax, blood tax and head tax."

"Is this Immortal a necromancer?" The emperor looked at Luojia. Luojia learned a lot from the village residents. Originally, the information about the Immortal Drakenfels was top secret, but before the empire, Ost After defeating Drakenfels, Prince Oswald, the special elector, told everyone about the Eternal One, so Luojia obtained very detailed information: "It is said that he can Drive the Chaos Daemons and Undead armies at the same time.”

"I have fallen for you," the Emperor said coldly.

"About 2470 in the Imperial Calendar, Prince Oswald of the Ostland decided to form a team to personally eliminate the Eternal Drakkenfels in the Eternal Dragon Rock." Luo Jia took out a scroll and browsed The message above: "He quickly found a few good players, a Brittanian knight... not the Holy Grail, two dwarf rangers, a thief... and a female vampire, a dancer and several unrelated characters, That’s how we set off.”

"A worm may shake a tree, but courage is commendable." The emperor nodded slightly. What he was most interested in was the Eternal One: "The Eternal One is not so easy to defeat. If you want to completely kill the Eternal One, you can only... go on, Luo Chia.”

"Prince Oswald and his team paid a huge price, but he miraculously defeated Drakenfels...but he felt that he had indeed destroyed the body of the immortal. In an instant, the world shook, and the old world Hundreds of undead and demonic creatures disguised as humans revealed their true identities, many dark corners of the castle protected by magic appeared, and the prince and his followers were considered heroes throughout the empire."

"..." The emperor did not speak. Luojia guessed that the emperor had guessed the outcome and simply said: "But the prince did not actually defeat the immortal, he only destroyed the body of the immortal. In fact, he has been The Eternal is possessed, and Drakkenfels is dead, but he has not disappeared, just as we all know that the Necrons are also completely dead."

"The prince has been famous in the old world for twenty-five years with his great feats. He was hailed as a hero of mankind. After twenty-five years, he began to get tired of it, or the immortals began to get tired of it. He decided to play a big game. , in the year 2495 of the Imperial Calendar, he started his plan, he wanted to gather all the top officials of the entire empire, including the electors and all high-ranking nobles, and then kill them all!"

"This plan took several years to prepare."

"Finally, the success failed and the plan was about to be realized. The prayer of the prince's soul finally attracted the attention of the gods of the old world. It is said that at that moment the gods appeared, and Prince Oswald seized the opportunity to commit suicide and avoid the empire. The scene was torn apart, the Koenigswald family of the Elector of Oster was extinct, and the Imperial Governor Luitpold appointed Valmir von Zhukov, Grand Master of the Bull Knights, as the new Oster Territory. Elector, the Zhukov family has become the new elector family." Luo Jia put down the scroll: "As far as the current information is concerned, this is it."

"There is no doubt about it, another figure like Or-Persson. The difference is that Or-Persson always relies on his strange psychic abilities and ability to transcend time and space to find a way out for the future of mankind, and this immortal , most likely he threw himself into Chaos and used psychic energy to do evil for his own power and desire, but like all immortals, he is also very powerful, powerful enough to take advantage of Chaos Demons." The Emperor made a judgment: "He It existed in this world before the Iron Man Rebellion, and at that time, our civilization was as bright as the stars."

"Golden Age? Iron Man Rebellion? Father, can you tell me about that era? Aren't you a witness of the Golden Age?" Luo Jia was obviously very interested in this.

"A long time ago, full of memories. At that time, I once thought that human beings would go to the road of dominating the universe and subjugating all things. I was a bystander at the time." The emperor's tone rarely contained some emotion: " Have you seen the 'Great Game' between the four gods of chaos in the chaotic space of the Eye of Terror, right? Endless war?"

"Yes, the ultra-high-intensity war lasted for ten thousand years. The number of chaos demons under the four gods is always endless, tens of billions, or even more. Every day, several demon worlds are destroyed in the war, but more Demons will always emerge from the realm of the Four Gods." Luo Jia nodded.

"The war during the Iron Man rebellion was more terrifying than the great game between the four gods in the realm of chaos." The emperor closed his eyes: "The war between the Iron Man and the Gods is indescribable, incomprehensible, and incomprehensible. It is very difficult to understand. It’s hard to describe in words, you just need to know that a Titan from the Golden Age is enough to beat you into a sieve, or trample you to death.”

"What about the Spirit Empire? I heard that the Spirit Empire is even more powerful than our golden age?" Luo Jia was very interested.

"The Eldar Empire was indeed more powerful at the time, more powerful than humans, but they had fallen into the quagmire of hedonism at that time. However, it is undeniable that if the Eldar Empire had not participated in the Iron Man Rebellion in the end, they would have helped for the purpose of self-protection. Just as the Eldar Death Army intends to awaken Guilliman for the purpose of self-preservation, humans have even greater troubles." The Emperor said casually: "Jena, the God of Death, is the last hope of the Eldar. Helpless, the fate of mankind is now tied to the Death Army. At least until we solve the problem of Chaos, the Death Army is the force we want to win over. The power of the Eldar Death God Jena can directly harm Slaanesh himself."

"But the Spirit Race is not reliable. They are a group of treacherous guys. The Death Army always only acts according to the content of their predictions." Luo Jia emphasized: "They are not reliable allies!"

"You still don't understand? Prophecy can be manipulated, Luojia." The emperor said coldly: "The peace treaty between me and Jena is still valid for the time being. Before the problem of chaos is solved, compared to Jena, the God of Death, the God of Laughter Xi Legao is a waste, he will only take the most conservative actions carefully when there is a way out."

"Well, after all, we are the only ones left in the galaxy." Luo Jia shook his head: "Oh, there are also those ribs of the Necrons, a group of eternally hungry bugs, and mushrooms that cannot be killed no matter what."

The two people had crossed the mountains after chatting for a few words, and now they were close to the border between the Empire and Britannia.

Right in front of them, the gloomy and terrifying appearance of the Eternal Dragon Rock Castle, the typical Gothic architectural style, and the many terrifying broken sculptures appeared in front of the Word Bearers Primarch and the Lord of Mankind.

However, this place is not a peaceful place. It is even a little too lively.

Just at the door of Eternal Dragon Rock, a three-party war is going on.

The formerly abandoned imperial military camps located at the gate of the castle are now occupied by beastmen. Large groups of horned beasts, large horned beasts and ferocious minotaurs are facing the enemy under the orders of a beast king and a giant horned bull. The inferior horned beasts Occupying a powerful terrain, he unleashed a hail of arrows on the enemy who was charging towards him.

On the other side, an astonishing number of Skaven rats are attacking the beastmen's camp with all their strength. They are numerous but chaotic, and the plague trebuchets desperately pour out huge bombs soaked in the disease.

"Pestilon! Pestilen!" A whole team of plague monks charged towards the beastmen while howling crazily. Their bodies were covered with festering pustules, and the pus flowing out of each pustule could kill the beastmen in an instant. The body was covered with red spots, turning into puddles of pus in pain and corruption.

If no other forces join in, it will only be a matter of time before the Beastmen stronghold is reduced to ruins by the Skaven attack, which is very ferocious.

However, another army was fighting the other two parties at the same time. The greenskin tribe from the Gray Mountains-the Bonecrusher tribe launched an attack on the Skaven and Beastmen at the same time. Thousands of goblins and Thousands of green-skinned boys just rushed towards the Skaven and Beastmen. They didn't care who the other party was. They wanted to have a good time first, and then whoever stood up with a punch would have his turn to speak!

"Go up, Luojia." The emperor watched the situation coldly: "Deal with them."

"???" Luo Jia looked at his father in confusion: "Should I go? What about you?"

"Horus also asked me a similar question." The emperor said coldly: "You deal with the enemies outside the castle, and I deal with those inside the castle."

"You keep the easy ones to yourself and the difficult ones to me?" Luo Jia immediately said dissatisfied: "Very good, I already knew that you only have nineteen sons."

"It's twenty-one now!" The emperor had already mobilized his supreme power like a golden wave and began to prepare for teleportation.

"You don't like to fight side by side with me, so why did you call me here?" Luo Jia was very angry: "Besides, I am still missing one person!"

"Or we can change it and let you experience the mechanisms in the Eternal One's castle and the various evil spell seals deep underground, as well as a Chaos Demon who has revealed his true name and is imprisoned by the Eternal One and may be released at any time? "The Emperor's face was expressionless.

"Leave it to me! Father!" Luo Jia immediately said respectfully, "I will solve the problems outside for you."

The emperor didn't say another word, and with a flash of golden light, he disappeared from the scene, leaving Luo Jia alone.

The Word Bearers Primarch nodded, and the expression on his face became serious.

Many people think Luo Jia is a magic stick - even he thinks he is. Luo Jia often hangs out with Angron, but Luo Jia's character is completely different from Angron's. Angron is reckless and Luo Jia is reckless. Jia is prudent, Angron is emotional, Luojia is far-sighted and plans his goals carefully. He is a primarch who lives by faith. He can risk his life to save Angron, but he can also say "This is for your own good." "The attitude encouraged and even designed Angron to eventually ascend to become the Daemon Prince of Khorne.

Now, he spent ten thousand years to force the emperor to admit that it would be impossible without the state religion. Luo Jia's goal had been achieved. He squeezed the golden double-headed eagle scepter in his hand and carefully inspected the battle situation. He knew that he would not seek the emperor. The Emperor liked it... even hated it, but the Emperor had to use him now, and this was his chance.

And he came to the conclusion that he worshiped his father, the Lord of Mankind, the Emperor, even more fervently than before. He wanted to be the Emperor's scepter, he wanted to be, wanted to be the Emperor's tool, and he and Angron, who refused to serve the Emperor again, was different from Guilliman, who had doubts and wavers but still accepted the burden, was different from Jonson, who was full of weird ideas and dark thoughts, and who truly loved his father. Sanguinius is different, he is willing to be a tool, and is willing to kneel down and give everything.

The most desperate in the three-party battle is obviously the Skaven. This Skaven clan is equipped with mercenaries from the Plague Clan, namely the Plague Monk Legion and the Gas Throwing Legion. They attack the beasts almost at any cost. The human stronghold launched a fierce attack. Thousands of slave rats and clan rats, most of whom only had a knife and a spear, charged desperately towards the beastman stronghold.

The Beastmen have the advantage of the terrain. This Beastmen tribe is a veteran of mountain warfare. They have arranged the entire stronghold along the mountain path of the Eternal Dragon Rock Castle. The camp built with simple wood is not very strong, but it is tight. The ground took advantage of the terrain and was divided into many lines of defense.

The lines of defense and the rugged terrain ensure that the Beastmen will not be attacked from all directions when faced with the Skaven's rat tide attack. Under the command of the Beast King, they slowly retreat, shrink their defense, and rely on the terrain to provide strong resistance. Many traps have also been set. For example, once the Skaven break through a line of defense, the beastmen behind the defense line will swarm forward under the leadership of the Minotaur and repel the Skaven through chaos and hand-to-hand combat. To deal with the green skins, they will change their tactics, that is, to lure the enemy deep and ambush them to win.

But it is still a matter of time before they are overwhelmed by the Skaven due to their numbers, and the crude camps and wooden walls of the beastmen are really no match for the plague trebuchets.

As for the green skins, Luo Jia looked at them for a long time and just felt that the green skins were just having fun and had no tactics to speak of. However, the cunning Goblin warlord did not send out wolf cavalry. Luo Jia immediately judged that the Goblin warlord had pinned his hopes on the last resort. Use the Wolf Cavalry to finish off your opponents, and you can flexibly mobilize your troops if the battle situation is unfavorable.

The fighting styles of these three races are very obvious. The Skaven rely on high technology and miscellaneous fish.

Beastmen know best how to use terrain advantages and disrupt battles to win in chaos.

As for the greenskins, they seemed to be disorganized because what they valued was not victory, but a good fight. However, the cunning goblins still retained their reserves and could rush out at any time to end the battle...or escape immediately.

Interesting, Luo Jia understood. The Primarch of the Word Bearers began to recite the incantation. He tightened his grip on his scepter. Golden psychic power surrounded Luo Jia's body, and an invisible force field enveloped the entire battlefield.

The battlefield in the three-party war instantly became extremely violent. Whether it was Skaven, Beastmen or Greenskins, they instantly fell into a state called extreme fanaticism. They almost lost the ability to think. After the echo of subspace swept across the entire battlefield, the three armies immediately launched a general attack.

"Waaaagh! To fuck Brother Mao!"

"For the Horned Rat! Yesyes!"

"...kill...chop! Eat...meat!!!"

During the melee, all three parties suffered heavy losses. The Beastmen's Minotaur troops finally dispatched. Those monster troops more than four meters tall held two battle axes, killing and devouring slave rats and clan rats, and members of the green-skinned tribe. The wolf cavalry attacked the Skaven army from the flank, and the green boys armed with machetes fought against the plague monks.

Luo Jia waited for about twenty minutes. He felt that the time was almost up. The Word Bearers Primarch took a deep breath of air, and the golden light around him flashed back and forth. The next second, Luo Jia's body rushed out like an arrow from a string.

"I am the decree of the God Emperor!"

"I will destroy all uncleanness!!!"

A golden network of light descended on the battlefield, and Luo Jia's destructive psychic frenzy arrived.

Two hours later, Lorgar and the Emperor met within the Dragon Rock of the Eternal.

The entire castle was filled with the burnt corpses of dark creatures. The Emperor, with platinum flames burning in his fists, stood in front of a sealed bookcase, stepping on the burnt head of a Chaos Demon and looking at it. According to the above record, Luojia was covered in minced meat and blood, and the smashed head of the Skaven warlord hung on his golden double-headed eagle scepter: "What did you find, father?"

Lorgar noticed that the Chaos Daemon was really dead. It had been scorched by the power of the Emperor and could not return to the warp.

"The books have been moved away by humans, but the module is still there. This is the entropy engine." The emperor held a technical module in his hand: "Sure enough, Drakenfels is an immortal who came to this world in the golden age. This It is a war machine from the Golden Age, something that has been lost for 20,000 years. No wonder the Skaven and Beastmen outside want to fight for the heritage in the castle... This time our harvest is unimaginably rich."

"What is it for?" Luo Jia was very interested.

"Used to pull... or ignite an entire planet." The Emperor took out a mechanical glasses device and hung it on his right eye, scanning and identifying the blurred STC module: "Higher efficiency than cyclone torpedoes By more than an order of magnitude, I suspect that Archmagos Belisarius Cawl will be very pleased with this gift, and that Speyer will use this against Abaddon's vengeful spirit."

"Your newly appointed Admiral, High Lord of Cadian?"

"Give you three hours, Lorgar, let us turn the entire castle upside down and look for everything of value! Then, together, we will purify the castle. The chief female courtier of Llane needs a new assembly headquarters."


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