The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 844, The Emperor’s Personal Visit (Part 1)

Imperial calendar year 2513, June.

The midsummer sun shines on the land of Zeon Territory, and the temperature begins to get hotter. The Kingdom of Britannia Knights ushered in its best year this year. The dividends from the Eight Peaks Mountain Expedition were enjoyed by everyone from the nobles to the serfs. At the same time, the opening of a large number of factories in the industrial belt along the Musilon River has enabled many people to find well-paid jobs. The results of rapid industrialization are quite impressive, and Ryan now relies on victory to maintain absolute control over the Knight Kingdom.

Now there are two industrial belts formed in the whole of Britannia, namely the industrial belt along the Chinon River and the industrial belt along the Mousilon River. The largest Mousilon gun factory has officially started construction. As expected, Chief Engineer Urban is as good as him. The promise was ordinary, and it took him just over a month to produce the legendary Hellstorm rocket launcher. The empire was surprised by this, but Nuer's chief engineer Maybach knew the other party's identity and did not question it.

In the second month after his arrival in Britannia, Chief Engineer Urban did two amazing things.

First, he improved the Hellstorm rocket launcher. Urban redesigned the internal structure of the rocket launcher and obtained a new black artillery formula (kindly sponsored by the great alchemist Belshazer-Gelt). Combining the two, Urban innovated the Hellstorm rocket launcher and enhanced its lethality. Urban named this new rocket launcher the Yaori rocket launcher.

The Sun Rocket Launcher is twice as powerful as an ordinary Imperial Hellstorm Rocket Launcher, and if it uses the explosive gunpowder made by Veronica's Dawn Wizard Tower, the power is three times that of an ordinary Hellstorm Rocket Launcher.

Of course, the cost is equally staggering. The Yaori rocket launcher inherited the low accuracy of the Hellstorm rocket launcher. Moreover, due to the special black powder and updated launch structure, the cost of the shells and the production and maintenance expenses of the war machine have also increased significantly.

Even so, Chief Engineer Urban's achievements were still strongly recognized by Ryan, and both Beria and Urban received commendations and substantial rewards for this matter.

In the second case, the maid assigned to Urban was found to be pregnant the next month, and Urban clamored to send him another one.

This request was not too much, and Ryan agreed.

The outstanding achievements of the second workshop naturally aroused the sense of crisis in Dugan Tiehan, the chief engineer of the first workshop. The dwarf engineer was also forced to start trying technological innovations. Dwarves have always been like this. If there is no sense of threat, they can A weapon is used for hundreds of years until it is completely useless.

“If something isn’t broken, don’t fix it.”

————Dwarf Great Engineer Girard Kunst

The gun factory continued to operate for the time being, and Ryan immediately dealt with the second matter, which was Sanguinius's awakening. Sanguinius's consciousness briefly awakened on the deck of the Enterprise that day, but when the three original bodies tried to negotiate with Sanguinius, While Gillis was talking, the consciousness of the Blood Angels' Primarch fell into a deep sleep again. Llane and Fulgrim worked together to try to awaken Sanguinius's consciousness but failed. According to Orica, Sanguinius was still affected by Chaos. Due to the erosion of the curse of the four gods, he will temporarily wake up, just because of the changes in the wind of magic - as we all know, the wind of magic is unstable. When it is the strongest, the chaos demon can appear directly in the mortal world. When it is the weakest, The entire chaos demon army can be turned into ashes in an instant.

The same is true for Sanguinius. Whether he is conscious or not depends on his willpower and the size of the magic wind.

It was helpless, but there was nothing I could do about it. Ryan only felt that he was happy for nothing. Fulgrim and Angron were both disappointed by this, but this was already a good start.

Asuryan still needs the mantra scroll that seals the fire of heaven. Ryan sat behind his desk and then thought that the king's face was always serious. He has not yet figured out a good way to steal the mantra scroll. If It is impossible to rob them head-on. Even if they can be robbed, not only will the friendship between Britannia and the high elves come to an end, but the Order Defense Alliance that Teclis and Lilith have spent countless efforts to establish It will also fall apart.

But currently, Ryan knows nothing about Ulthuan. Humans know very little about Ulthuan. All Ryan can know is some small fragments of what the fairy in the lake said. As for the Fire Island, he does not know the specific situation. .

This is very difficult to deal with. Ryan frowns when he thinks about this problem. He has discussed this matter with Fulgen many times and there is no good solution so far.

Fortunately, Lilith had told Ryan that Teclis had successfully persuaded the High Elf War Council to invite Ryan and the others to visit Ulthuan. Teclis had already set off by ship and was expected to arrive in Marienburg in July.

What to do specifically can only be said at that time.

Then comes the third thing.

Under the bright sunshine, in Ryan's office, the King of Knights sat behind the desk and looked at the documents. Olica stood behind Ryan, rubbing his shoulders with her hands. The afternoon sun made Ryan feel a little better. Relaxing, the king glanced at the grandfather clock from time to time, and then continued to read the documents pretending to be casual.

Orica always kept a smile. The dark elf was wearing a black and white maid outfit and a white silk scarf on her head as usual. The Sunfire Amulet was shining brightly on her chest. The soul of Sanguinius still slept here. A pair of delicate long legs are wrapped in white silk striped ultra-thin pantyhose, and a pair of silk feet are wearing black strappy high heels. The dark elf is obviously in a good mood. She not only helps Ryan rub his shoulders, but also blows in his ears from time to time. .

"Olica! Don't do this." Ryan quickly signaled Orika not to do this. The king smiled and said, "I know you have recently learned more powerful spells from the knowledge your father gave you."

"Master~ Now it seems that following the master is the wisest decision in my life." Olica leaned on Ryan's back with some attachment, and Ryan's back suddenly felt huge pressure, which made the King of Knights a little unable to concentrate. Spirit: "Master, who do you plan to take to Ulthuan?"

"You want to go with me?!" Ryan's eyes suddenly opened wide. The Knight King instinctively shook his head at first, but then he hesitated: "Bringing a dark elf to the land of Ulthuan is tantamount to provocation. ……But……"

"Master, I am the only one who can help you in Ulthuan." Orika said softly: "If you believe me, then take me there."

"I know you are thinking about me, Olika." Ryan reached out and held his dark elf maid on his lap, kissed her pink lips, and said hesitantly: "But It’s putting yourself in crisis.”

"The Witch King and Witch Queen have dozens of hidden stakes and five secret contact points in Osu'anbu, and I know most of them." Orika then weighed in: "Just give me a little space, and... Master, I understand Asul even better than they do about the way of thinking of the high elves, their political system, and their attitude towards the outside world. Furthermore, master, when you need help the most, I am the only one. "

"Okay, Orica." Ryan closed his eyes: "Don't worry, as long as I am here, no one from the high elves can hurt you."

Orica smiled when she saw this, and she secretly made a victory sign behind Ryan.

The plan goes through!

Ryan also noticed Orica's expression, and the king had nothing to say except hugging his personal maid a little tighter.

Because Olica is indeed unique to him in this matter. For Ryan's backyard, the dark elf can be said to be the only one who does not have his own position and completely takes Ryan's interests as his own interests. This is very important to Ryan's backyard. This is particularly crucial.

Yes, only Orica.

This visit to Ulthuan, in theory, Teclis, Lilith and Fulgrim will all go together. Their goals are roughly the same, but in fact, everyone has their own core interests. Ryan doesn't want to become the tool of Tigris and the Lake Fairy. Orica's existence is very important. From the perspective of some things, the gap between bystanders and authorities will be very big.

In fact, why not? Ryan went through it in his mind. Emilia is the Imperial Dame, Theresa has her own career and research, Veronica is now the Speaker, the Lake God Witch is the religious leader, and the Lake Fairy is the patron saint of the kingdom. They Although they gather around Ryan, everyone has their own core interests. Most of the time, the core interests are the same as Ryan, but sometimes they are different. This is very normal.

Take his wife Sulia as an example. As Ryan's wife and queen, of course Sulia is of the same mind as husband and wife, but the two of them do not always have the same interests. For example, when it comes to important positions, Sulia is more inclined to Let her "mother's family" or "lady's people" take charge, including the distribution of power in Ryan's territory. Naturally, Sulia directly sided with the fairy in the lake.

Ryan is strong, both in terms of personal ability, prestige, and political skills. Therefore, any important decision is always discussed and finally reached by the three people, but there is no doubt that both Sulia and Morgiana Have their own ideas.

Only Olika, only Olika has no thoughts of her own.

"I will go to Lily Island to see my father in an hour. Olika, please come with me." The two of them were a little warm for half an hour. The dark elf with a red face and disheveled clothes nodded. Olika She had to go back to the Pale Courtyard because she had something to do. Her potion was ready, and it was for Aurora and the others to drink.

It turned out that the isolation was completely necessary. With Ryan holding the quill in his hand, the King of Knights then thought about the matters of the Gloria Council.

After Aurora captured a Tzeentch demon among dozens of Gloria witches, all the Gloria witches had to be "brainwashed", that is, through sacred rituals and holy words, the evil spirits deep in their hearts were washed away. Darkness and corruption are common rituals to get rid of corruption in the old world. It is different from imagination. As long as the corruption of chaos is not too serious, there are usually some methods to solve the corruption. The evil god is very busy. Even if he is a believer, let alone a believer, the evil god Most of the time, they are too lazy to pay attention to the weak and miscellaneous fish.

Sure enough, during the brainwashing process, the Gloria Witch was proven to be corrupted by Chaos. Aurora's original hope that she would be released within ten days was in vain. Ryan went to see her. She had a single room in the monastery. , Aurora was in good spirits. She complained to Ryan many times and hoped to lift the quarantine as soon as possible. Teresa would go to deliver meals once a day and talk to Aurora for a while.

He didn't know much about how to do Ryan, and Morgiana and Orica didn't say much. It seemed that Ryan was just like the brainwashing in the production of the Gray Knight. He had also worried about whether this kind of brainwashing would wash Aurora. He became a fool, but after two or three visits, he found that Aurora was sane and had no other differences except for her strange walking posture. She still complained and secretly used her daughter to bargain with Ryan, so Ryan didn't take it seriously. He is too busy.

The King of Knights continued to look at the next document, which was sent by the Principality of Lyonnais. Duke Adehad hoped that the king could help Lyonnais also promote industrial reforms. At the same time, the Duke transferred three hundred people from the Arabi Expeditionary Force. The knights returned to Lyonnaisé to enrich the number of knights in Lyonnaisé. The principality gradually stabilized after many turmoils. In the Great Expedition to the Eight Peaks Mountains, the principality of Lyonnaisé sent all its elite troops. Although the losses were quite heavy, But it has also been very rewarding.

Ryan is determined to use the Principality of Lyonnais as a breakthrough point, but he cannot act too hastily at the moment.

At this moment, the sound of high heels hitting the ground came from outside the room. After hearing this, Ryan smiled slightly. He knew who was coming.

Wearing a clean white shirt and a small women's suit, a 20-centimeter hip-hugging skirt above the knees, slender and straight long black silk legs and black butterfly-patterned glasses, Teresa, who has a moving figure and a tall figure, is holding a big bag in her arms. Folding parchment appeared at the door. The sorceress had been working as a secretary for Ryan recently, helping him with paperwork.

Teresa has also been working hard recently. In order to keep her mother safe, the sorceress was forced to accept Orica's suggestion and change her outfit from leg-fitting trousers and robes to a shirt and hip-covering short skirt paired with a black ultra-high-definition skirt. Thin stockings and beautiful leg curves showed the cold temperament and hazy black style unique to the sorceress. Teresa even reluctantly accepted a small proposal from Veronica.

The effect is also very obvious. Recently, the sorceress often feels weak all over her body and has no strength in her legs.

"Teresa, how's it going? Is the transfer of this year's payment from the empire clear?" Ryan smiled maliciously and motioned for Theresa to come over to him.

"You, you, you, you promise me, I will go there!" Teresa was a little scared and asked Ryan to promise not to do bad things first. The sorceress had been Ryan's personal secretary for more than a month, and a lot of subtle things had happened in various senses. changes.

"I promise you, come here quickly." Ryan continued to stretch out his hand, and the sorceress came over with some restraint. As soon as she sat down, Ryan hugged her and she was so scared that she ran away: "No! Ryan, I beg you. , must you bully me to the point of being unable to walk?"

"Hahaha~ I'm a good person, how could I bully you?" Ryan let go of the sorceress's waist. The King of Knights laughed and let her sit next to him: "Okay, I'm going out soon, let's Get it done.”

"Okay." Teresa then started to report to Ryan one by one with lingering fear. She was really a little scared: "The transfer of the empire's funds has been made clear, but Emperor Karl-Franz expressed the hope that we can get it from us. While taking a loan..."

"In principle, yes, you have to contact the empire." Ryan nodded, and the Knight King thought for a while: "As for the quantity, it shouldn't be too big, as long as it can allow the empire to breathe."

"The second thing is that the Arabi Zunjin Arcane Master of the Ashes Legion..."

Ryan and Teresa discussed some recent important matters. As Ryan's recent personal secretary, the sorceress is still capable. It's just that she still has a habitual wizard's thinking when dealing with problems. Ryan has no intention of turning her into a sorceress. Cultivate administrative bureaucracy.

Ryan thought that he might really need a full-time secretary.

After dealing with a series of things, Ryan looked at the time and said, "Theresa, I'm going to Ulthuan in a few months. Do you want to go with me?"

"Going to Ulthuan?" Teresa was stunned for a few seconds. The sorceress thought for a while and said a little embarrassedly: "I'd better not go, Ryan. I am also responsible for MI7, and I also want to go to Ulthuan." I am responsible for the reconstruction of the sorceress gathering place, so it is not suitable to leave for a long time."

"Well, okay." Ryan didn't say anything on his face, but he thought that everyone had a shadow of the high elves. He had asked many people during this period, but very few were willing to go to Ulthuan.

To put it simply, when dealing with high elves, humiliation is essential. If you are a businessman who just wants to make money, then it is okay to be despised and laughed at. But this is an official visit for Ryan, and the high elves must play some tricks. They would even put on a show of arrogance and deliberately humiliate Ryan and Fulgrim. Ryan and Fulgrim also reached a consensus on this point. Saving Sanguinius is the most important thing at present, and other things are unimportant.

Because of this, none of Emilia, Veronica, Theresa and others wanted to go to Ulthuan with Ryan.

After finishing the matter, Ryan also knew that the time was almost up. He started to get up and prepare to go to Lily Island.

The Emperor, Lorgar, Fulgrim, and Angron were there to implant the five remaining Primaris Gray Knight recruits.

At the same time, Surya and Emilia, as well as little Devon Hill and little Frederick were also there. In addition to performing the implant surgery, the Emperor also condescended to teach the swordsmanship of the female knight and the Imperial Lady with Fulgan. , especially Sulia. The emperor directly named the imperial princess he canonized to receive his personal guidance. Sulia has been there for several days.

Hey, hey, why do I feel that my father is partial! Ryan thought about it, he likes his daughter-in-law but not his son!

Forget it, hurry up and get there.

Judging from Fulgrim's tone, the Emperor also had something to tell him.

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