The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 845, The Emperor’s Personal Visit (Part 2)

Lily Island was full of birdsong and flowers, and in the open space between Chalon Forest, the Emperor was personally instructing the Imperial Princess he had enthroned in swordsmanship.

Sulia's swordsmanship foundation and talent are very outstanding, especially since she has a large amount of spiritual energy poured into her body by Ryan and the divine power of the Lake Fairy. However, the female knight has never known how to use it, and she has always lacked an excellent swordsmanship instructor.

And the fact that her strength is stuck at the legendary peak is also related to the fact that Ryan is busy with battles and leaves too many internal affairs to her.

The emperor held a two-handed sword with a length of 1.8 meters. This two-handed sword held in his hand like a dagger. He took the trouble to guide Sulia one move after another. Demonstrating everywhere, he designed a swordsmanship tailor-made for Sulia, and the female knight's entry under his guidance can be described as terrifying.

Within a few days, Sulia successfully broke through the barrier of the Holy Realm.

The Emperor taught Surya three unique skills.

The first is how to use Ryan's psychic power and the power of Sulia's body plate armor given by the Emperor God. This is a unique skill called arrow-cutting by the high elves. Sulia can do it in a short period of time (about Concentrate within five seconds to block or deflect all attacks whose power does not exceed the demigod level. This unique skill is named "Shadow Block".

The second is how to accurately attack the enemy's vulnerable and vital parts. Each attack Sulia makes in a continuous battle against a single target will be more powerful and more lethal than the previous attack. This stunt is named It is the "Dielang Sword".

Third, it is a unique skill that the emperor created specifically for Sulia.

This sword skill was named "Dance of the Void" by the Emperor. Surya will consume the psychic power that Ryan has stored in her body, shuttle between the real world and the subspace, and dodge between enemies. Launching an attack, each blow is more precise. In this process, Sulia is almost invincible. With the current strength of the female knight at the beginning of the holy realm, she can slash three swords and pass through the golden double-headed eagle wedding ring. , the emperor's blessing and the bonus of a full set of vibranium plate armor and a full set of diamond jewelry, Sulia can kill six swords, and according to the emperor's estimation, when Sulia reaches the peak of the holy realm, Dance of the Void should be able to kill at most Eighteen swords were drawn.

If the damage of the Eighteen Swords is fully maxed out, it will be enough to instantly banish an ordinary Chaos Demon in the mortal world.

Of course, this move will use up almost all the psychic power stored in the spiritual patterns on Sulia's body, and then she will need Ryan to charge her for a long time until the spiritual energy in the spiritual patterns is recharged.

Surya's talent was perfectly demonstrated under the Emperor's personal guidance. She quickly started to get started. However, Emilia tried her best and only learned the first two moves. She could never master the third move. The Emperor The emperor did not force it.

Humans with sufficient talents have seen more than ordinary people in the emperor's tens of thousands of years of life. Sulia is just a very inconspicuous one among them. The Lord of Humanity has always remained indifferent and seldom speaks, but when Sulia The Emperor would always respond with a slight nod when Ya called him his adoptive father.

Emilia's talent is somewhat different from Surya's top talent. She also enjoys the guidance. The little maid's rune teeth are actually more powerful than the sword of Lyonnais in Surya's hand. Power, she originally had some intention of competing with Lidya Su, but in the end she could only pout her mouth and tease her son and daughter.

Angron obviously didn't like seeing his father, but he also knew that the emperor's guidance to Surya and Emilia only had benefits and no harm, so he didn't stop him. He just sat aside and watched, while Luojia was Chatting with him, the two of them gnashed their teeth at what Guilliman had done. They all said bad things, especially Lorgar, who wished that Fulgrim would overthrow Guilliman in the next second.

Fulgrim, on the other hand, elegantly taught little Devonshire and Frederic how to use the sword. It can be seen that the Primarch of the Emperor's Children is much more useful in teaching children to learn the sword than Angron. , and his charm soon impressed little Devon Hill and little Frederick. The two children called "Uncle Fulgrim" and circled around Fulgrim.

After a while, Ryan and Orica arrived.

"Father." "Father."

"Yes." The emperor hummed coldly. He first signaled Ryan and Orica to wait for a while, and continued to instruct the female knight and the little maid in swordsmanship. Seeing this, Ryan had no choice but to pull Orica to sit aside.

"Brother, are you here?" Angron stretched out his big hand and patted his side: "Sit down, father still needs some time."

"Okay." Ryan pulled Orica and sat on a big tree stump. His son, Devon Hill, ran over: "Dad! Dad! Grandpa is so awesome! Uncle is so awesome too!"

"Hahahaha! He's better than dad, right?" Ryan reached out and picked up his son, put him on his lap, and kissed little Devon Hill on the face. The king laughed: "Son, what have you learned? ?”

"I learned so many things! So many things!" Little Devon Hill waved his little fist.

"That's good." Ryan said a few words to his son, then sat with his son in his arms, listening to the conversation between Fulgrim, Angron and Luojia. Luojia was fanatical, Angron was enthusiastic, Fulgrim was Elegant, but without exception, they all planned how to overthrow Guilliman's rule and oust him from his position as Supreme Commander and Imperial Regent. Lorgar and Angron both supported Fulgrim.

Ryan thought to himself that these three guys were all staunch anti-Guilliman factions.

"I will play a song for everyone!" Fulgrim felt the firm support from Luojia and Angron and was in a good mood. He took out the famous ancient holy instrument "Ukulele" obtained from Lustria and played Playing a beautiful Lustrian ditty and singing a lost famous song "Greetings to the Stars", right behind Fulgrim, his maid Carona improvised accompaniment.

"His music is still electronic music." Ryan felt a sense of déjà vu, and he almost wanted to ask the regent's wife to sing.

"Your Majesty, His Excellency Guilliman has emergency communications." After Fulgrim played two songs, the Emperor's Imperial Guard, the "Black Gloves" stationed deep in the Shalon Forest, came out of the forest and said to the Emperor.

The Emperor stopped. He nodded to Surya, who was wearing full equipment, sweating profusely, panting, and almost unable to stand up. He indicated that he should rest for a while, and then the Lord of Mankind did not turn around. , just indicating that the Imperial Guards could report the situation.

"Your Majesty, High Lord Admiral Spyre led his 7th Gothic Navy Fleet to defeat and destroy the Tyranid Leviathan Fleet's Hive Mind at the Menshiro Trench in the Bliskarona System. Mothership - the ancient ship!" The Emperor's Advocate reported: "A great victory, the Leviathan swarm fleet was temporarily driven back into the void."

"Very good. Although this only bought the Empire two generations of time at most, Speyer's actions are beneficial to Guilliman's expedition." The Emperor nodded: "I will send an order to Celestine to express my commendation. What’s next?”

"The treacherous Eldar prophet Eldrad Uthvi made a suggestion to Lord Guilliman. The pirate prince Ilir of Iyanden hopes to temporarily ally with Guilliman's expedition fleet to deal with the conflict between our two races. Enemy." The Forbidden Army reported the second thing.

"Until the end of the Indomitable Crusade, yes, but remember to inform Guilliman not to turn your back to those aliens at any time." The Emperor then ordered: "I know very well what the Eldar are thinking. are taking advantage of us, and we are taking advantage of them.”

"There is a third thing... Inani, the chosen one of the Eldar Death God Jena? Evelynn? Or is it Elayne?" The Imperial Army then reported: "She asked His Majesty to help them through His Excellency Guilliman. , they hope...oh, how blasphemous this is! They hope that His Majesty will help them to go to the palace of Slaanesh and steal the last Sword of the Crone."

Emperor: "…………"

Ryan and others: "…………"

"Isn't Xi Lego very good at stealing? Let them go find the God of Laughter~steal~." Fulgan was angry first. He put down his ukulele and came to the emperor's imperial army: "What the incarnation of the god of death?" Aren’t you good at stealing? Go and steal it yourself~ Ah! Are they asking my father to risk his life to do an impossible thing? I’ve been to the Palace of Slaanesh, I know what’s inside!”

"This is the Eldar!" The Emperor's Forbidden Army also said angrily.

"Okay, let's do this for now, Ryan, come here with me." The emperor was still cold, and his mouth was full of majesty: "I have something to tell you."

"Yes." Ryan stood up quickly and followed the emperor towards the depths of the woods.

After only walking about a hundred meters, the emperor stopped and said, "Ryan."

"Yes, father." Ryan stood respectfully.

"You know, Surya Kumani Antri Dwinford is my canonized imperial princess, your wife, and your queen." There was no emotion in the emperor's tone.

"Yes, I know." Ryan nodded.

"So, do you really regard her as your wife and queen, the princess I canonized?" The emperor continued to ask.



"Yes." Ryan said seriously: "I have always regarded her as my wife. I leave all matters within the palace, including internal affairs, to her. I also negotiate with her on any major matters. Including some personal matters, I will also consult her opinion."

"Her opinion?" The emperor's black eyes stared at Ryan: "I don't see that you have respected her opinion."

"I..." Ryan didn't understand. The Gray Knight Primarch raised his head, but saw no expression on the Emperor's face.

"She would rather be with you than deal with internal affairs." The emperor closed his eyes and said softly: "You have gradually grown up. I didn't want to remind you, but you don't seem to realize the problem."

"Please tell me, father." Ryan said quickly. When talking to the emperor, Ryan could always feel great pressure, and his face didn't look good.

"Sulya is not Malcador, she is your wife, not your prime minister!" The emperor opened his eyes: "Makado's power mostly comes from my gift. He is not good at fighting, but Su Leah is different, she is not a flower in the greenhouse, but you are using her as Malcador, you are copying my approach."

"Father, I'm just worried..." Ryan knew what the emperor meant: "Worried about her safety."

"What is there to worry about? Do you think I haven't thought about it? I gave the princess armor, jewelry and a wedding ring, not to let you rot in the warehouse." The emperor continued: "You think you are thinking about her, But you have harmed her, you simply regarded her as your palace minister, but before, she was still an excellent knight."

"Sulia is not Macado, and you are not me! You can't give her enough experience in terms of personal strength. She obviously has good talents, but she has not been able to use them for a long time, causing her strength to stagnate. You almost missed the opportunity to reach a higher level, and you left all the internal affairs to her, which is not good."

"Yes, I understand." Ryan already had sweat on his forehead, and he immediately admitted his mistake: "I kind of... wanted to protect her too much."

"I said, she is your wife and queen, a female knight, and the imperial princess I canonized!" The emperor repeated: "In terms of internal affairs, you are fortunate to have the decision-making power, which is barely acceptable. Qualified, but participation in war is too low.”

"...It's my fault." Ryan thought about it for a while and felt a little apologetic. Indeed, he had many thoughts. In major matters, especially wars, Ryan was very reluctant to involve Sulia in his heart. One was He is afraid that the female knight is in danger, and on the other hand, he is also a bit overconfident. He is a Primarch, and he is not afraid of any difficulties. He feels that he can deal with everything on his own.

"She told me that she wants to follow you to the territory of the high elves this time, but you will definitely not agree." The emperor continued: "She knows you very well, but she still wants to go."

"But... when we go to the high elves, we will definitely be humiliated." Ryan said subconsciously at first, but he immediately understood: "...I know, father, I will take Sulia with me! "

"Yeah." The emperor stopped. He knew that Ryan had a high IQ, and besides his own inheritance, he also had the inheritance of Malcador. He just wanted to point it out a little more: "Okay, you go back and save the Saint. Giles needs to be handled urgently, but don’t act too hastily. Discuss with Fulgrim more and achieve the goal carefully. Don’t turn the world into a second Eye of Terror. I have been undergoing implant surgery for Gray Knight recruits for the past few days. They will do well, and then they must go through a period of training before they can become qualified recruits. I have already ordered the Imperial Army to do this, so you can go to Ulthuan with confidence."

"Yes." Ryan nodded and walked away backwards.

"There's more." After Ryan retreated some distance, the emperor motioned to Ryan to wait.


"Don't abuse psychic powers, especially on women. Don't follow Ruth's example of killing a hundred people and killing a thousand people. He is a wolf who drinks blood from his hair. Are you the same?" The emperor looked at Ryan for a few seconds and then continued: "Don't make the same mistake I made in Asia Minor when I was young. Also, remember, don't delegate power to big and small things. In internal affairs, in addition to decision-making power, you must also know enough about what is going on. Learn from Guilliman. In some places, He is worth learning from all of you.”

"Yes!" Ryan said awkwardly, "I understand."

"Well, at the end of today, let's take Devon Hill and the others away. It's time for me to leave too."

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