The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 862, Battle at sea: Bordeleau’s song (Part 2) (Please subscribe for the second update!)

PS: Thanks again to the book friend "People Under the Wutong" for the two hundred thousand rewards. This is considered to be the complete update, thank you.

Once in Brittany, there was a plump singer who was best at opera. She was once famous throughout the old world. No matter where she went, everyone rushed to see her performances. For more than ten years, she performed operas The songs she sang made her the most popular star in the entertainment industry. The Dukes and even the King of Brittany invited her to perform. She once sang in the glass hall of Belion for three consecutive days.

In the end, this female singer attracted the attention of the high elves. In order to establish a good relationship with the high elves, the Knight King sent a fleet to escort her to Ulthuan to perform.

However, this fleet never reached its destination. It encountered a terrible storm and was eventually buried in the deep sea.

Originally, the story should have ended here, but things always develop in the worst direction. The destroyed ship was gradually attracted into the maelstrom of the Burial Ship Cemetery, where the female singer was resurrected. She became an undead, a ghost who is neither dead nor alive. Her original memory and past enthusiasm have been blurred. All that is left is obsession and resentment. She resents the Brittanians because if it were not for the King of Knights, She would not sink to the bottom of the sea, her heart was full of obsession, and she always remembered that she owed the high elf a performance.

Even if she is dead! High elves must also prick up their ears and listen to her singing!

Therefore, when Count Noctilus came to her and proposed an alliance, the songstress immediately agreed. She would rise from the abyss and let Ulthuan sink for the whole world to hear. Her death song.

The singer of the sea, Lady Cellostar the Terrorfin, and her fleet of Drowned Ones, join the battlefield.

This fleet has a total of twenty-three warships, including eight medium-sized gunboats, six wolf ships (capital ships equipped with many medium-sized artillery), and five warg ships (equipped with small artillery, mainly used to defend giant ships and responsible for melee gang jumping) and four battleships.

Among them, the largest is Lady Cellostar's flagship "Lamprey", which carries two zombie pirate sailor legions, five zombie pirate archer legions, one siren banshee undead legion and one zombie demon legion, as well as ten Five Caron cannons.

Meanwhile, the undead paladin, Robert Bartelmy, a once great paladin from Bordero, has been forcibly resurrected and pledged his allegiance to Lady Cerosta, even though he doesn't like music at all, but now he His will has been twisted by his absolute hatred of the living and the drive of undead magic: "Madam, we are ready!"

"Very well, it's time for those high elves, Brittanian knights and the whole world to listen to the beautiful song of me, Celesta - the Fin of Terror." The Sea Singer rotated his mellow body and stayed in place After turning in a circle, her body seemed very cumbersome even as a spirit body. However, as she opened the Bordeleau fan in her hand, the first high note burst out from her throat, and the entire "Drowner" fleet Immediately sweep towards the human elf fleet!

The fleet appeared to the southwest of the Enterprise. Ryan and the others were facing a pincer offensive at this time. In the northern section, the ghost battleship "Shadow Ghost" led by Waghurst continued to advance after briefly stopping. The artillery fire roared from the battleship's hull. Although the accuracy was not very good and the high-precision giant ship moved extremely fast, at least two or three artillery salvos from the close range could hit the Phoenix giant in each round. On the hull of the ship, on the deck, Teclis had ordered the phoenix on the giant ship to dispatch. The phoenix, which was more than three meters long and had wings spread of nearly five meters, drew a blazing fire from the air, and launched a low-altitude attack. A dozen ghost pirates on the ghost battleship burned up and disappeared into the air.

Immediately afterwards, Teclis summoned a swarm of crows to prevent the undead jump gang from continuing to approach. The Eagle Claw Ballista continued to fire, and hundreds of crossbow bolts flew through the air, each of which accurately hit the target.

But the number of high elves is still too small, and the phoenix is ​​not a dragon after all.

Faced with the siege of three battleships, the Phoenix giant ship was still struggling to hold on.

On the other side, the situation of Ryan and others is not necessarily so good.

The astonishing power of the ironclads and the gang fighting led by Ryan and Fulgrim personally defeated the onslaught of the undead fleet, but they immediately discovered that the drowned fleet was firing at their fleet group.

The first wave of shots did not hit any of them, and only blasted a series of water columns on the ocean near the two ironclad ships. Ryan immediately signaled the Old Guards to return to the Enterprise. The King of Knights shouted to the oncoming Sulia. : "Lidya Su, how is the situation?"

"There is no problem with the Enterprise. The enemy's artillery fire cannot penetrate our armor." Sulia came up with the sword of Lyonnais in her hand and wearing a full set of vibranium plate armor blessed by the God Emperor. Her heroic figure was unblemished. There was a trace of blood, only the sword of Lyonnais burning with golden flames in her hand was shining brightly. The Queen of Knights had previously killed six undead pirates and a zombie who tried to join the gang: "But the situation on the Landuin is not the same. Excellent, Lord Mountbatten and General Oudinot request our support."

"Ask Juan to take the Knights of the Sun to support him, and where are our helicopters?" Amidst the hail of bullets and the roar of artillery, Lane kept giving orders: "Send helicopters to support the Landuin, and pay attention. The movement of Arabi’s Burning Scimitar!”

The next second, the destructive power of the elemental spirits swept across the battlefield, it was the Golden Mage! He summoned the elemental lords, and the figures of the sea elemental lords appeared from the sea. They released vicious screams, spit out large amounts of seawater from their mouths, and swept away the undead pirates. The wind elemental elves moved towards the burning bend violently and excitedly. The sails of the Knife blew, causing the giant ship to quickly leave the battlefield. Immediately afterwards, the fire elemental lords appeared from the strong wind. They breathed flames and engulfed the ships of the undead fleet.

"Paratrooper No. 1 Jed-The Honest, ready!!!" The dwarf's rotor helicopter started, the brimstone minigun was spitting flames, supporting the Landuin, and the Mousilon Coldstream Guards were fighting the undead pirates above. In battle, they are famous for their tenacity and tenacity, and they will never let Landuin's name be tarnished!

As spirits, the Siren Banshees are almost invulnerable. Neither muskets nor weapons can cause enough damage to these undead, but they did not show off their power for long. The Knights of the Sun led by Juan Carlos Sunwatcher rushed to the battlefield. , they boarded the deck of the Landuin with the help of a few planks of wood. The weapons in their hands that were blessed by the priest of the goddess of war were burning with blazing flames and the sacred power of Myrmidia. The Siren Banshee was here. In front of the group of Yanyang Knights, they turned into ashes.

"Full right rudder!" Ryan shouted: "All ironclad ships, full right rudder! Full speed!"

The two ironclad ships deflected at full speed, and more than one sailor or soldier was thrown off the ship. The soldiers were staggering. In contrast, the undead pirates who had just boarded the Enterprise and Saint Sophia were also thrown off the deck. The rest were immediately slaughtered by the people led by Ryan and Fulgan.

The speed of the ironclad ship was not fast. During the slow turn of the triple main gun and the hull, the Enterprise turned sharply to the right. A gun from the Drowning Fleet hit the side of the hull. The giant ship trembled slightly, but only for a moment. A shallow mark was left on the hull.

On the side of the Enterprise is a row of dwarf cannons. The nineteen cannons range from eight-pounders to twelve-pounders. Of course, the cannons produced by the dwarves are better than the undead pirates in terms of rate of fire and power. The artillery is more than capable.

"Broadside, fire!" Little Thor Green ordered loudly, and the dwarf cannons fired collectively during simple corrections. Although only one of the nineteen cannons hit the enemy, the small undead gunship was also heavily damaged. A big hole was blown out of the bow of the ship, and an undead pirate's leg was blown away.

A non-stop rain of fire poured out from the two ironclad ships. The number of hits in the first three rounds of bombardment was mediocre. It made Ryan doubt that it was just luck that he killed an undead battleship in the first round of the three-gun cannon. But Starting from the fourth round, the power of the ironclads began to show. One after another, Waghurst's ghost fleet and later the drowned fleet began to have ships directly bombed and sunk. The remaining warships braved gunfire and charged into the ironclads. , but the effect was not good. The undead giant ship was hit one after another. Small and medium-sized warships would be in danger of sinking if they were hit by two or three shots. The damage caused by the undead's eight-pound carron cannon to the ironclad ship was limited to killing the soldiers on the deck. Or side guns.

Ryan stood on the deck holding Mjolnir alone. He hammered away the skeleton shells flying towards him, and then summoned a psychic storm to scorch the Siren Banshees. The Gray Knight genes The primarch summoned a psychic field and deflected most of the bullets and shells flying towards the deck: "Hold on! The enemy's artillery cannot harm our ironclads!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Sailors and soldiers burst out with shouts of victory. This is the power of the ironclad.

"Madam, we can't win if we continue like this." The Undead Paladin said coldly to Mrs. Cellosta: "Please allow me to personally lead a team of siren banshees and a team of deep sea guards to deal with the enemy."

"How sacred, how glorious, and how doomed knights, if they are unwilling to listen to my song, then they are destined to die in the tsunami!" Mrs. Celesta's strong and round spiritual body appeared in the air. Flying in the air, spinning back and forth, she kept making high notes one after another: "But now, we have won an opportunity ~ opportunity!!!"

"Rumble, rumble, rumble~~~" The fire was radiating, and countless corpses and wreckage were floating on the sea. Suddenly, something happened on the battlefield of the battle, and a huge semicircle suddenly rose up from the originally rough ocean surface.

A giant sea dragon emerged from the whirlpool. It was tens of meters long and seven or eight meters wide. Its huge body was twisting in the ocean, letting the waves and tsunamis roll around it. Its dark blue scales and The sharp giant claws shone brightly in the sun. It opened its bloody mouth and let out a roar that shook the sky and the sea: "Roar, woo, hoo!!!"

Then, it aimed at the high-precision Phoenix giant ship that was still fighting hard, and slammed its sharp claws hard, smashing a circle of guardrails on the side and a small part of the deck into pieces. The Lothern Sea Guard The Sword Saints of Heth fell into the sea one after another while screaming. Even Teclis could not stand upright and almost fell into the sea: "Hell Sea Dragon! Is this?!"

Then Hai Long turned around and swung his huge tail directly at the Saint Sophia. The extremely sturdy ironclad ship was shaken by this sweep, and the soldiers of the Ash Legion above also fell to the ground in pieces.

The vast sea water flowed down from the back of the giant sea dragon, forming a spectacular waterfall. Only then did everyone notice that there was a large black city with spikes hanging on the north side of the sea dragon.

"It's the Plunder Tower of Doom. This is the Druchi Navy." Orika, who was casting spells on the bridge, finally lost her luster.

The spire tower on the back of the scales was filled with deadly Reaper ballistas, which rained down hundreds of terrifying arrows on the human high elf fleet. Those hit by the crossbow arrows were either dead or maimed. Then, the gate of the spire tower opened, Black Ark Pirates and Black Ark Crossbowman Legions filed out of it one by one, killing the high elves and humans at the same time!

"Lord Kraken of Kalonde, the Vanguard appointed by the God-Blessed Evil Party Lockhea - the Corrupted Heart, the Dread Lord Alan - the blood of Hydra is here." A dark elf general came from the Hell Sea Dragon's Appearing on his back, he calmly swung his dagger: "According to our covenant with the undead pirates, today is the end of this group of cousins ​​and humans! All their blood is a gift to the God of Bloody Hands! "

"For the Witch King, for Nagaros, for Kane!"

"Forward, Druchi!!!"

To be honest, there are actually many unreasonable things about Warhammer. For example, gang fighting, boarding battles, corner battles, and the exchange of bombardments of giant ships and cannons are not things of the same era at all, but I will write about these no matter where I am. I can understand that this is John Bull's obsession with romance, so don't worry about rationality.

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