The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 863, Great Sea Battle: Building a Bridge of Glory

The appearance of the dark elves shocked everyone who was fighting. The first reaction of Ryan and others was that this was absolutely impossible. How could the dark elves join forces with the undead pirates?

However, when the second reaction of the King of Knights came to his mind, Ryan immediately realized that nothing was impossible.

What is the relationship between the Dark Elves and the Chaos Barbarians? is the enemy.

What is the relationship between dark elves and greenskins, ratmen, and beastmen? is the enemy.

What is the relationship between dark elves, undead, and lizardmen? Also an enemy.

And what about human dwarves? Also an enemy.

But what is the relationship between dark elves and high elves? It was a blood feud, a mortal feud that would never end! Orica said that in the distant and cold Nagaros, Druchi's largest talent market, Karl-Kalonde, where anyone can become a slave, work as a hard worker, and be sold as a commodity or servant. , but only the high elves could not do it. The high elves were captured by the dark elves, and were tortured and sacrificed alive to the bloody-handed god Kane with extremely cruel methods.

So the question is, as an elf god, why does Kane like to kill high elves so much?

The reason is very simple. Kane believes that only a large number of conflicts can achieve true peace, and the way to true peace is - he kills all the elves and gods except himself. Kane believes that only killing can bring peace to the world. Regarding the meaning of life, the Bloody Hand God has always allowed his followers to do anything, as long as it does not violate several of his basic teachings.

Kain, by the way, is deeply in love with Lilith.

Therefore, perhaps for the human elves and dwarves, in order to protect civilization and the world, they can temporarily put aside their past conflicts and old grudges and fight side by side, but for the dark elves, in order to eliminate the high elves, they can The undead can form an alliance with Chaos or the Greenskins. The hatred between the two races takes priority in everything.

The dark elf fleet appeared in the northeast of the human high elf fleet. Now it seems that three forces are surrounding them. While Ryan is still judging the situation, the huge hell sea dragon has launched an attack.

Dark Elf General Allen-Hydrablood controls this huge Hell Sea Dragon. He holds a spear soaked in dark magic and uses mysterious language to command the Hell Sea Dragon to attack the high elves. Hell Sea Dragon It is not a docile and easy-to-tame super ferocious beast, so the dark elf's control method is not polite. If the Hell Sea Dragon is obedient, it will be fine. If not, the spear with dark magic will pierce the Hell Sea Dragon. Within the body, the severe pain and explosive magic power will cause the Hell Sea Dragon to suffer extremely.

The appearance of this giant beast has made the coalition army even worse, but it will take some time for the dark elves to join this naval battle, because the Doom Looting Tower is bound to the body of the Hell Sea Dragon. Ryan is still deciding what to do. Ollie Ka appeared next to him with a staff: "Master! Go and protect Teclis immediately!"

"Olica." Ryan frowned: "Hai Long seems to be heading towards Fulgen."

"No, Master, this is Druchi's usual tactics, Kane's decapitation tactics." Orica said seriously to Ryan: "This kind of tactics is to charge the army straight into the enemy's position, and then suddenly attack the two wings when they get close. Disperse a small number of troops, attract the enemy to pursue, and then concentrate all the troops to directly attack the opponent's commander, master, the dark elves have only one goal, and that is."

"Understood!" Ryan understood immediately. He hesitated and immediately shouted to Fulgen: "Brother, go support the high elves! Protect Teclis!"

"Okay." Fulgrim didn't say much. He immediately motioned for his Phoenix Guards to follow: "Phoenix Guards, follow me!"

"Sulia, Bertrand, Davout, follow me." The expression on Ryan's face quickly changed from hesitation to determination: "Where are my old guards?"

"The Old Guard will always follow His Majesty!" the Old Guards shouted.

"Okay!" Ryan released his anger: "Soldiers, follow your king, put down your worries, put down your fears, and follow my pace!"

The psychic storm surged, and the power of the void poured into Ryan's body. The King of Knights was surrounded by flames and lightning. He turned over and mounted the griffon Imperius. Behind him, Sulia also turned over and mounted his own. Pegasus, a large gryphon spread its wings and left the deck, leaving a rainbow wherever it passed, and Sulia followed closely.

The Old Guards looked at Ryan's actions in disbelief. They didn't understand why their king would choose to leave them, but Ryan didn't let them wonder for too long. The psychic vortex became brighter and brighter. Finally, the seawater rolled, and the wreckage fragments were Under the power of Ryan, he emerged from the sea, rose into the sky, and formed a road leading to the front.

Everyone was stunned by this miracle.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty crossed the rainbow and created a path for us!"

"Forward, Old Guards, follow your majesty!"

The Drowned Fleet soon discovered this army rushing towards them across the rainbow. The sky began to boil, and the ocean surface was twisted into a mass due to powerful psychic storms and whirlpools. The Old Guards followed them. The king charged, and the sound of military songs echoed throughout the battlefield.

“I like fried onions~this is a good onion~”

"I like fried onions, I like onions, I like onions~"

"Go forward, comrades, go forward, comrades!"

"Onward, onward, onward."

"King of Knights, King of Knights, he has come to listen to my beautiful singing!" Mrs. Celesta kept spinning in the air excitedly: "The real battle begins now, oh oh oh oh~~~"

The ocean trembled because of his arrival, and the seawater kept erupting into water columns due to the bombardment of artillery. The wild sky was full of flying arrows and bullets, and the air hissed and emitted because of these terrible war machines. There was a burning smell, dazzling lightning, light blue psychic energy, and platinum flames raging in the sky. Ryan personally charged at the forefront, aiming directly at Cerostar's flagship Lamprey. During the artillery battle, the Lamprey came very close to the Enterprise.

The ghost female singer saw the Old Guards wearing dark blue coats and half dwarf finely crafted rune plate armor forming a neat queue and heading towards her along the rainbow bridge built by Lane. She was not angry but happy. She knew that the King of Knights came to listen to her performance, and the King of Knights came to listen to her performance. Although it was not the same King of Knights, she didn't care.

The undead pirates swarmed forward, trying to use volleys of muskets to block the enemy group's advance, but the Old Guards were protected by Ryan, and their figures shone in the air, advancing fearlessly like the ancient heroes of mankind in ancient times, rushing towards the Sevengills On the Eel, the heroic swordsmen shouldered their giant swords and prepared to fight. The halberdiers had already found their next target, and the musketeers had already begun to fight back against the enemy. The mercury bullets and mercury bullets produced by the Nur Arsenal were The range of long-barreled fireguns is much greater than the ridiculous range of the undead pirate musketeers.

The undead army was overwhelmed by the Old Guards. The Deep Sea Guards and the Undead Pirates were helpless against the strict military formations of the Old Guards, and were quickly overwhelmed and dispersed.

The gryphon Imperius spread his wings, and the roar of the giant beast shook the soul fire in the eyes of the undead to tremble. Ryan held Thor's hammer and rode Imperius down directly from the air. He brought the fire from the lake with him. The wrath of the fairy, ready to inflict merciless judgment on the enemy.

Cellosta opened her Bordero fan, and she tried to summon a series of abyssal water to engulf the enemy. However, Ryan raised the war hammer, and the power of necromancy was no match for the power of Ryan's pure spiritual energy. The tsunami was evaporated, and the corrosive The fog was cleared, and no one could stop the King of Knights, the Queen, and the Old Guard from advancing.

Seeing the King of Knights getting closer, Mrs. Cellosta immediately cast a spell. In the whirlpool formed by the smelly sea water and undead magic, she led a whole team of cursed undead knights to fight against Ryan. They all died in the shipwreck. The knights are now all turned into spirits. They are arrayed in the air and advance in a large formation with lances. In the past, they were invincible.

"In the name of lady, I will grant you liberation!" Surya waved the sword of Lyonnais. Her whole body exuded endless brilliant light and sacred fire. Seeing these respectable knights, even if they died, they would still be alive. Driven by undead magic, the female knight could not stop her anger. She even rushed faster than her husband.

The two armies collided in the air, and the undead knights dissipated like the morning mist.

Mrs. Celosta couldn't believe that her troops at the bottom of the box failed so easily, but she knew she had to be prepared, because the enemy was coming!

On the other side, the Hell Sea Dragon was wreaking havoc on the sea. Just as Orica expected, the dark elves sent two small boats to spread out to attract the enemy's attention, while the Hell Sea Dragon went straight to the high elves' Phoenix giant ship. This giant sea beast quickly entangled the Phoenix giant ship with its astonishing speed. At this time, the high elves were already demoralized due to being attacked from two sides. Under the fierce attack of the hell sea dragon, the entire Phoenix giant ship's hull creaked. The crackling sound was the sound of large-scale cracking of wood. The expressions of the high-level sailors who heard this sound changed drastically, but how could the dark elves let go of such a good opportunity? Thousands of hooks were thrown onto the Phoenix giant ship. On the deck, the dark elf army landed on the high elf giant ship.

But when they had just boarded the giant ship, the next second, a group of purple figures appeared on the deck. Their psychedelic figures quickly slaughtered the first wave of dark elves who boarded the deck.

The Primarch of the Emperor's Sons, Commander of the Ash Legion, and Purple Phoenix Fulgen stood proudly here. It cut off one of the claws of the Hell Sea Dragon with one sword. The giant beast let out a cry of pain, and its claws temporarily left the high elf. The deck of a giant ship.

The Dark Elves were quickly massacred. Their tactic of taking the enemy's commander directly was seen through. The Ash Legion and Brittanian troops were not mobilized. The Dark Elves General Allen-Hydrablood had to personally He led his Hydra guards to join the battlefield, but Fulgrim sneered: "Are you worthy of being called Hydra?"

"A superior sacrifice, I will dedicate your soul and flesh to Kane! For the God of Bloody Hands!" The dark elf general said violently and passionately, Kane's endless love for blood and the art of killing Desire drove his martial arts to become more sophisticated and superb. Behind him, the Dark Elf repeating crossbowmen raised their repeating crossbows and pulled the triggers towards Fulgan and the others.

"You are a low-grade thing. Your head is not worth a cent. I will throw it into the sea." Fulgan clenched the golden power sword Glory in his hand. Even in the storm of shells and bullets, the purple phoenix remained so elegant. , so handsome, he gave the Sword Master of Hoth and the Sea Guards of Lothern the illusion that in front of him, the elves seemed to be a more vulgar and backward race.

At the moment of the confrontation between the two sides, the purple phoenix's blade pierced the neck of the dark elf general under the mask. Allen-Hydrablood couldn't believe that he was defeated in one move. He let out a shrill scream, but this Unable to prevent his destruction, without the command of the dark elf general, the hell sea dragon has lost control and become more and more violent. It not only attacks the high elves, but also attacks the dark elves.

Similarly, Fulgrim's battle did not stop. The Purple Phoenix jumped up, drew the most beautiful parabola in the air, and rushed towards the Hell Sea Dragon. He wanted to fight this giant beast personally.

"Great spell, Eye of the Storm!" Teclis also prepared the next spell. The Supreme Mage held Lilith's staff tightly. The violent wind of magic gathered in the ghost fleet, forming a circle with a diameter of dozens of meters. Meters in the eye of the storm, all the ships in the entire ghost fleet immediately found themselves being sucked into a giant vortex hundreds of meters wide formed by the eye of the storm. And right in the center of the eye of the storm was a giant storm air mass, which was spinning at extremely high speeds. , the speed of the entire vortex became faster and faster, and chain lightning shot out randomly from the eye of the storm, smashing the two approaching undead battleships into pieces.

Without the command of the dark elf general, the dark elf army was quickly defeated. They were the last to arrive, but the first to withdraw from the battlefield.

Even the spirit body of the Shadow Ghost could not withstand such a terrifying spell. Undead Fleet Commander Waghurst knew that today's surprise attack had failed, and he ordered a retreat.

The terrifying ghost giant ships will not be affected by any terrain. They gradually withdrew from the battlefield, leaving behind a large number of warship wreckage.

At this point, all of Cerostar's allies have been driven from the battlefield.

The ghost female singer can't control so much. At this time, Ryan, Surya and the Old Guards have boarded the ship. Madam Cellostar's deep-sea guards and the Siren Banshee "Deep Sea Singer" guard are under the command of Cellostar. They are responsible for blocking the enemy, but this time they face the King of Knights and his Old Guards. Even so, they cannot avoid the coming outcome.

Amidst the flickering lightning and flames, Ryan was approaching. The undead paladin Robert Barthelmy came up to fight the king of knights. His whole body was wrapped in the light of ghosts. The undead spirit of a dead expedition knight tried to cause a little harm to Ryan. But Ryan just summoned a bolt of lightning and blasted the undead expedition knight into pieces. The Deep Sea Guard and the Siren Banshee launched a series of fierce attacks towards Ryan, and then they were swept away by Imperius' wings. The griffin spit out flakes of lightning from its mouth, and the undead continued to fall. The old guards rushed over, and Sulia rushed in front of Celosta. The ghost female singer felt that the enemy was powerful and had to personally He picked up the staff and started a duel with Queen Surya.

The abyssal spells stopped in the divine fire and golden light around Surya, but the female knight still needed to defeat Madam Cellostad through her own power, while Ryan faced the undead paladin.

"You are destined to be the next undead to be resurrected. You don't understand what hatred is at all! When your body is soaked with cold seawater and cold hatred, that's when you join us, King of Knights." Undead Paladin Said slowly.

"Your cursed soul will be purified, and you will return to the world with freedom." Ryan also said coldly.

The Undead Paladin didn't say much. He just raised his shield. On the shield was Bordeleau's Poseidon Trident emblem. The King of Knights and the Undead Paladin faced each other, and Ryan's first blow smashed Battle. Rice's shield, Ryan's movements were unparalleled, the psychic fire burned the cursed soul of the undead paladin, and the undead paladin's sword had to return the sword to defend before it could hit Ryan's body, and Ryan took advantage of the situation. After smashing Bartelmy's shoulder armor, the spirit erupted with a painful scream. His cursed soul was like being roasted on an iron plate under the power of Ryan's psychic power.

Ryan was not going to give him any chance. The King of Knights jumped off the gryphon and allowed Imperius to play freely. The two knights started a great championship showdown. Ryan held a hammer in one hand and a sword in the other. The King of Knights defeated him with just a few moves. Barthelmy was unable to lift his head from the fight and was exhausted from fighting.

The Old Guards were fortunate enough to witness this epic showdown. Ryan's ferocious offensive shattered the resistance on the Lamprey. His figure flashed repeatedly, and there were only cyan flames and pale light in the void wherever he passed. With bright blue light, he released invisible force fields, pressing Barthelmy until his knees became weak. Painful feelings swept through the undead paladin's body. It had never felt such a terrible torture in battle.

The undead paladin was already slow in action, his hands and feet were filled with lead. The Nemesis drew an arc. Barthelmy's hand holding the sword was chopped into two pieces. The undead paladin, who had no power to fight back, was pinched by the neck and raised up. , what met Ryan's cold and angry gaze: "It's over, enjoy your peace."

"No, it's not... that easy. Even you, King of Knights, can't even think of killing a... dead person. I... will live forever. I am immortal!" The Undead Paladin knew that he could not fight against what was before him. The King of Knights, but he is a ghost. He cannot die so easily. His body can be destroyed, but he will be recast and come back.

Ryan didn't speak anymore. The body of the King of Knights spun around, and the goddess of revenge drew a stream of light and poured it directly into the chest of the undead paladin. The next second, Barthelmy's cursed soul and body were swallowed by the spiritual vortex.

The Undead Paladin looked down at the blade of Nemesis and opened his mouth.

Then, he was completely engulfed by psychic fire.

"In front of my eyes, there is only darkness..."

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