"Fire the signal flare!"

As soon as Liu Yu's command fell, the soldiers who had been prepared immediately lit the fuse.


A flying monkey rose into the sky.


The exploding fireworks scattered, bursting into a bright red flower in the sky.

"What is that...?"

The naval commander just saw everything that happened in the sky.

His heart skipped a beat, as if he was hit by a huge stone.

It became difficult to breathe.

The artillery on both sides of the strait immediately loaded gunpowder and ammunition after seeing the signal flare.

The cannons were fired in a short time.

Bang! ! !

The deafening sound gathered together, as if to blow up the entire strait.

On both sides of the strait, thousands of cannons fired at the same time.

The smoke gathered together, spread, and enveloped the entire strait.


Dense shells flew towards the French fleet.

The Navy Commander looked up at the sky, and the shells were like dense raindrops, flying towards the fleet in a black mass.

"It's over."

His arms drooped weakly, and the Navy Commander looked ashen.

He couldn't understand how those Orientals could have advanced cannons.

They were not the great Napoleon.

How did they make such advanced weapons?

Not to mention the huge gun barrel, there was also the mysterious black gunpowder.

How could they have made it without the guidance of Napoleon?

The ratio of those things alone could not be figured out over time.


The shells fell on the ships, causing huge damage immediately.

The shells carried kinetic energy and penetrated the hull.

They made huge holes one after another.

The seawater immediately poured into the hull.

Many French ships were shaky and began to sink.


The seawater that kept pouring into the cabin terrified the French soldiers.

They scrambled to get out of the cabin.

People squeezed and pushed each other.

They all wanted to squeeze through the narrow stairs that were only one person wide and escape.

Once the squeeze occurred, everyone wanted to escape as soon as possible, and a stampede occurred.

Although the people who were squeezed to the ground screamed loudly, no one listened and no one cared.

One foot stepped on the fallen people one by one, just hoping to escape as soon as possible.

Until the fallen people could no longer make any sound.

The seawater poured into the cabin at a rapid speed, and many French sailors did not squeeze out.

In extreme fear, they watched the seawater rise continuously.

It covered their shoulders, necks, chins, and finally submerged the remaining space.




The drowned French sailors died with their eyes wide open.

After the first round of bombardment, the Tang Dynasty artillery moved quickly and reloaded.

In a short period of time, the second round of bombardment sounded.

"How is it possible?!"

The French commander originally wanted to take advantage of the gap between the cannon bombardment to see if he could organize a retreat.

But the distance between the two bombardments was too close.

So close that he couldn't imagine how the enemies could reload so quickly.

Twice as fast as the French!

The huge shock was even greater than that brought by the flying shells.

The French commander was completely desperate.

Bang bang bang! !

Rounds of bombardment continued to blast in the strait.

The French fleet was like a target, with no power to fight back at all.

After several rounds, the French army had almost no intact ships.

Only the last few ships in the team found that things were not going well and hurriedly retreated, barely getting a glimmer of hope.

They didn't care about anything else and retreated to the mouth of the strait.

The French soldiers, who were already scared to death, rowed the boats at this moment, using all their strength.

Without the officers' mandatory orders, let alone the officers waving whips in their hands, the soldiers rowed hard like crazy.

The slogans were shouted many times faster than before.

The frightened ships wanted to escape from this hellish place as soon as possible.

When they followed Napoleon to sweep across Europe and sail out to the sea to open up, they never thought that there would be such a miserable day of failure.

It's simply unimaginable.

The enemy in the East is too powerful!

The panicked French ships were fleeing and suddenly found that they were blocked by a fleet.

"Where is this navy from?"

Several captains asked soul-like questions at the same time.

But no one on the ship could answer.

Bang, bang, bang!

Before they could come to their senses, the ship blocking their way fired first.

The French ships that did not turn sideways had no power to fight back.

They were hit by dense shells on the spot.

The enemy's cannons were so accurate that the French army could not tell which side they were.Belief.

Even they were well-trained, but they couldn't do it at this level.

It was clear how terrifying the fleet was.

After several rounds of artillery fire, no French ship could stand.

They began to sink one after another.

The Tang sailors were already prepared.

Biting their daggers, they jumped into the sea, shouting to surrender while stabbing those who were still struggling.

The sea was dyed red with blood.

Groups of sharks came for the smell of blood.

On the scarlet sea, half-exposed shark fins circled around the bodies of the French soldiers.

Under the water, sharks were reveling, biting the bodies of the French soldiers.

The originally scarlet sea gradually turned dark red.

Sun Ce jumped off the warship and returned to the original medium-sized fishing boat.

"Let's go! Clean up the battlefield!"

He led his fleet past the big ship and entered the range of the strait that was bombarded.

On the sea, many French soldiers were floating on the broken planks of the ship.

They were captured alive by the Tang Navy led by Sun Ce.

The French soldiers were trembling and pulled onto the ship by the Tang army. They looked at the strong soldiers on the deck and were terrified.

Sitting on the deck, the French soldiers were surrounded by a circle of big men with oriental faces.

It seemed that they would be ravaged by the other side at any time.

The French soldiers did not even dare to raise their heads.

They were afraid of being severely beaten by those soldiers with oriental faces.

"White skin, yellow hair."

Sun Ce snorted coldly, "Damn Western barbarians!"

"Tie them up and send them to His Majesty."

The Tang army captured many prisoners alive and sent them all to the shore.

Liu Yu had already prepared various translators for various caravans in the temporary military camp.

After some inquiries, two of the dozen translators who were proficient in the language of the Western Regions were able to talk to the prisoners.

The Tang generals gathered in a circle, holding their weapons, staring at the translator and questioning the captives.

"Your Majesty." After asking, the translator replied respectfully.

"They are from Europe and call themselves French."

"Their emperor is called Napoleon. He is not tall, but he is very good at marching and fighting. He has unified Europe."

Liu Yu's frown relaxed a little, "Napoleon..."

He stroked his chin and lowered his head in thought.

Although the other party's reputation was very loud, it made Liu Yu feel at ease.

He was not a person who surpassed the technological era he originally lived in.

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