If the other party came from a more advanced era and was the first to make an industrial revolution or other technological advances.

That would be a huge devastating blow to this time and space.

Now, knowing the true identity of the other party, Liu Yu was relieved.

No matter how powerful a person is, he is limited to his time.

He cannot transcend.

Coming from a more advanced era is his advantage.

Under Liu Yu's order, the Tang Navy completely cleaned up the battlefield.

Because the French army was too deep and arrogant, they had no defense.

All the ships in the fleet were sunk.

No officer or soldier could escape from the encirclement.

The special geographical conditions of naval warfare made it impossible for the French soldiers to escape after the ship sank.

Either they were shot on the deck by the Tang Navy, or they were eaten by sharks in the water.

Or they were drowned because they were not good at swimming.

Various ways of death dealt a heavy blow to the French soldiers.

Under Liu Yu's order, not many prisoners were retained.

Only a very small part was left for separate interrogation.

The others were all dealt with in the sea.

Wei Yan followed Liu Yu and killed the most vigorously.

He carried the divine arm crossbow made by Tang Hai and shot through the heads of the French soldiers who were barely surviving on the sea.

One arrow per one.

Shoot directly through.

The most vicious.

He was angry and silently prayed in his heart to avenge Liu Bei and Pang Tong.

Although he also wanted to imagine that the two were only captured and were still alive.

But as a man who was accustomed to war, he knew deeply that it would be impossible to survive.

If the death was painful enough, it would be a very lucky thing.

Whenever the enemy was immoral, he would torture people.

He prayed silently in his heart that such a situation would never happen.

Let the two comrades die happily.

This also saved the two from suffering some inhuman suffering.

After cleaning the battlefield for a long time, the Tang Navy finally completed everything.

Just like using the densest fishing net to sweep a circle, all the French soldiers in the sea were swept away.

The interrogation went very smoothly, and various information about the French army was interrogated.

The captives were interrogated by the Tang generals in a separated way, which easily broke their psychological defenses.

They rushed to tell all kinds of information they knew.

They prayed that the Tang soldiers would let them go.

They were willing to follow the Tang army to Tianzhu and attack their original master.

But they were rejected on the spot by Liu Yu.

There was no more interrogation value, Liu Yu called Wei Yan, "Wen Chang, you are responsible for dealing with these people."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Wei Yan knelt on one knee, and his heart was moved.

With a clang, Wei Yan drew his sword, and without any extra words, he rushed directly to the captives.

Without saying a word, he slashed with the sword in his hand.

The captives were terrified, but they had no ability to organize.

Unarmed, they were already frightened.

All of them were killed by Wei Yan.

Wei Yan, who killed dozens of people in a row, was covered in blood.

With the last swing of his sword, he knocked down a captive who turned and ran away.

Wei Yan threw away his sword and knelt on the ground with a plop.

He kowtowed three times in the northwest direction.

"My lord, military advisor, I will avenge you."

"This is the first wave."

"I swear, I will not return until I defeat France!"

"I will definitely kill all those damned Western barbarians in this life!"

The emotional words filled the wilderness.

All the Tang generals were moved.

Liu Yu came to Wei Yan's side, leaned down and helped him up.

"Don't worry."

"Killing all those damned Western barbarians is also the goal of our Tang Dynasty."

"Let's accomplish it together."

Wei Yan nodded vigorously, his eyes sparkling.

"The whole army will rest for three days!" Liu Yu issued an order loudly.

"Wait for follow-up actions."



Napoleon always paid attention to the war on the sea.

But since the navy was fully mobilized and launched the pursuit, there was no news of the army.

This made Napoleon feel bad.

Even if the pursuit was far away, it was not impossible to send news back to the front line every few days.

What happened to the navy?

Why is there no news until now?

In the lobby, Napoleon paced back and forth with his hands behind his back.

He frowned and wanted to get news from the navy as soon as possible.

"Your Majesty!"

A general hurried into the lobby, saluted slightly, and then reported anxiously.

"I don't know where an enemy army landed, and now it is fighting in various places in the south."

"When we learned the news, the other side had already captured several cities."

"Now the south of Tianzhu is in chaos.""Your Majesty, please make a decision early!"

Napoleon frowned even more.

There is a French navy chasing on the Bay of Bengal side, so the enemy cannot come from there.

And on the Arabian Sea side, which is the direction they are coming from, the enemies on that side have already been cleared out.

Even if there is resistance, it is just a few spots.

It is absolutely impossible to organize such a large-scale resistance.

Then... where did the enemy come from?

Which force do they belong to?

Napoleon rubbed his temples hard, his head was a mess.

How come the joy of sweeping across the European continent suddenly became different when he arrived in India?

Without further investigation, Napoleon knew that the most important thing now was to encircle and suppress those unknown enemy forces.

"Organize the army to go south immediately!" Napoleon issued an order after sorting out his emotions.

"This emperor will personally lead the expedition against the enemy!"

Under his order, all kinds of supplies and troops were assembled immediately.

Leaving 5,000 French soldiers to guard the city, Napoleon divided his troops into four groups and headed south.

He wanted to surround the area where the enemy was active.

Completely wipe out the enemy troops who dared to touch his tiger whiskers.


Malacca Strait.

The Tang army, which had rested, set out again.

Under Liu Yu's order, Zhou Yu led the team to sail far out to sea.

The goal was to attack the Red Sea and Djibouti.

Control the most critical entrance and exit from the Red Sea to the Arabian Sea.

Interrupt the French army's route on the sea.

Make it difficult for them to connect Europe and India easily.

Try to block all the enemy troops coming from Europe in India.

Djibouti is located on the north side of Somalia. Occupying it will control a very narrow strait.

Yemen is on the opposite shore.

Control two areas and set up cannons on both sides.

Even if the enemy has the ability to reach the sky, it cannot pass the ship from the sea.

Can only watch the connecting channel of the sea being controlled.

Before Zhou Yu went to the battle, Liu Yu secretly taught him something.

The enemy must have left behind a garrison in that place.

But the French army was now so arrogant that it was invincible.

As long as Zhou Yu found a suitable landing place and outflanked and detoured, he could easily deal with the French army.

Liu Yu led the main fleet and headed directly towards Tianzhu.

The information obtained from the interrogation of the prisoners showed that the fleet ambushed by the Tang Dynasty before was already the entire French naval force on the Tianzhu side.

The Tang Dynasty had completely controlled all the waters near Tianzhu at this moment.

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