The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1545: Playing with fire

Seeing Sun Lingfei and her boyfriend show affection and spreading dog food over there, Su Meng was full of envy, but at the same time he was happy but worried for this girlfriend.

Happily, she hadn't seen such a sweet smile on Sun Lingfei's face for a long time, and she could see that she was really sweet and very happy.

The worry is, if Wei Monkey sees this, he can't kill with a knife?

With this entanglement in my heart right now, should I remind Feifei that she should stop playing with fire?

"My boyfriend, Li Zedao." After spreading dog food with Li Zedao, Sun Lingfei officially introduced her boyfriend to her best girlfriends. "She is Su Meng, as I told you, my good girlfriend."

"Hello." Li Zedao nodded towards Su Meng.

"Well, hello." Su Meng, who was a little confused, responded quickly, "Just now, thank you, and Feifei. If you didn't come here, you wouldn't know what terrible things would happen."

Su Meng has reason to believe that in that situation, Yang Ze will not only slap himself, but he will even do something that will affect him for a lifetime.

Fortunately, Sun Lingfei and her boyfriend arrived in time.

Li Zedao smiled and nodded: "It's nothing, your business is Feifei's business, and Feifei's business is mine."

"That's, Xiao Su, you don't need to be polite with him, let alone with me." Sun Lingfei said that he gave Li Zedao an ambiguous look, and then looked at Su Meng who hated iron and steel and said, "Tell me. Say, why did the beast hit you? I told you that that guy is not a good bird. You spend money during your relationship. How many gifts did you prepare for him? Don’t take it. That set of excuses that stupid didn’t believe in came to fool me, and are you planning to save money to buy your wedding house? If you lied to a three-year-old, you just believed it stupidly."

Su Meng lamented sadly. She couldn't tell the cause of the incident. She shook her head and said, "Forget it, don't talk about him. Anyway, I will be a stranger with him in the future. There is no relationship at all. Everything before... As if it was another bite by a dog."

"How about one bite? It's several bites, that's a mad dog..."


Seeing Su Meng’s face so painful, Sun Lingfei hurriedly coaxed: "Okay, I was wrong, let’s not talk about him, let’s say something else... Are you hungry? Buy you some fries and saints you like. Go for it?"

Su Meng looked at Sun Lingfei and shook her head. How could she have an appetite? She was still a little worried and anxious in her heart. After more than a year of contact, she still knew Yang Ze somehow. This is a person with excellent face. Now being beaten like that in a cafe, her face is naturally lost. After being beaten up, and even his hand was broken, even if Wei Monkey came forward by then, he might not be able to swallow that bad breath, right?

Su Meng had to say that he would suddenly appear in front of him one day in the future, and then he would do something to him, right? For example, give yourself a knife and throw sulfuric acid on yourself? Die with yourself?

There were too many similar tragedies, so when I thought that Yang Ze might also be retaliated cruelly, my face turned pale and my body trembled a few times.

Sun Lingfei's straight-hearted character, naturally can't see Su Meng's fear at this time, but Li Zedao can see it all at once. Seeing Su Meng speaking out, he said with certainty: "Student Su, you don't need to worry about that. The scumbag will retaliate or be entangled in the future, even if he has that kind of mind, he won't have that kind of opportunity."

With that said, the corner of Li Zedao's mouth was already slightly tilted to an inexplicable range. His experience over the past year tells him that he must never be pity for the enemy or give them any chance of revenge. Therefore, Li Zedao is true this time. He planned to trample that scumbag to death, and he would never give him any chance to stand up.

"Ah...Okay, I see, thank you." Su Meng looked at Li Zedao and nodded slightly, wondering how the boy could see the worry in his heart.

Then quickly looked away, the breath that radiated from the boy made her heart beat faster.

"Go to hell, what kind of student Su? It's too far-fetched. It's called Xiaosu or Xiaosu sister." Sun Lingfei grabbed Su Meng's shoulder and gave Li Zedao a roll of eyes, "Xiaosu is my good sister, and it will be yours in the future. Sister, if anyone dares to bully her, you will beat him to death."

Li Zedao nodded dumbfoundingly, and Su Meng smiled, his mood has improved a lot.

At the moment, Sun Lingfei sent Li Zedao to line up to buy something to eat. At this time, it was near noon, and there were quite a few people who came to eat.

Su Meng glanced at Li Zedao who was lining up there, and felt that the opportunity had come, so she looked at Sun Lingfei and said, "Fei Fei..."

However, Su Meng's heart began to struggle again. Sun Lingfei now looks like a happy girl in love, so Su Meng doesn't want to pour cold water on her head, but if she doesn't remind her, it will be enough. , What if I’m overplaying it, and Wei Monkey knows it?

Wei Monkey is much scarier than Yang Ze.

"What's wrong?" Sun Lingfei asked.

"That..." Su Meng bit and hesitated, "Feifei, I think you are playing with fire like this."

Sun Lingfei was taken aback: "Playing with fire? What is playing with fire?"

"It's just to be with Li Zedao." Su Meng felt that the emperor was not in a hurry, and the **** was in a hurry. "I told you that day. If you let Wei Monkey know about it, you said he could give up? So... You haven't gotten completely in it yet, so you can quickly divide it, stay away and stop playing."

It is undeniable that Li Zedao is very violent, but in the face of absolute rights and strength, that kind of violence is useless at all.

Sun Lingfei was stunned, and then "pouch!" He was happy, the two dimples on her cheeks were deeply charming: "Xiao Su, you are so cute."

"Sun Lingfei, are you still laughing? I'm so worried for you." Su Meng looked helpless.

"I'm with Li Zedao. What's the matter with Guan Wei Monkey? I didn't care about him with a dime... Let alone him, my stomach began to feel uncomfortable again." Sun Lingfei hurriedly drank ice-cola, then The disgusting feeling disappeared a little.


"Xiaosu, don't worry, Wei Monkey, in front of Ze Dao, dare not even breathe out the atmosphere, even do you know..." Thinking of the scene where Wei Fengsheng freaked out, Sun Lingfei couldn't help laughing. He got up, and then briefly explained Wei Fengsheng's reaction after meeting Li Zedao that day.

"Haha, Xiaosu, do you know? He actually peeed his pants, and said that he would be a dog of Zedao in the future...Don't, let him be a dog is really an insult to the dog." Sun Lingfei hummed.

Su Meng listened, with a stunned expression: "So... he has a big background? More terrifying than Wei Monkey?"

"What do you mean?" Sun Lingfei was proud, with inexplicable sweetness and pride on his face, "How can the man who can enter my Sun Lingfei's eyes be an ordinary person? Anyway, Wei Monkey is in front of him, not even a grandson... "

Then Lingfei Sun briefly talked about Li Zedao's situation, such as his background, how good he is, founded a large group, how caring he is... That Tiandao Foundation was founded by him, he is still a Exam machine, the college entrance examination scored 749 points...

Of course, I didn’t say that Li Zedao had many women. She was somewhat guilty about this. After all, this kind of thing did not happen in the ancient times of three wives and four concubines. This is an extremely absurd thing to others. .

Su Meng nodded with a slightly stunned expression. She really didn't expect that Li Zedao's backing would be so big, and she didn't expect to be so good. This is like a monster! More importantly, his appearance is very handsome and sunny, and he is charming when he smiles...

Su Meng was shocked, and quickly choked to death the inexplicable thoughts in her heart, then patted her chest and said, "I don't say it too soon, so I was so worried about you these days."

Seeing Su Meng patted her chest, Sun Lingfei's eyes lit up instantly, and her chest stood tall: "Xiao Su, let me see if I have changed."

"Change? What change?" Su Meng was taken aback, focusing not on Sun Lingfei's chest but on her face, and then thiefly said, "I see spring in your face."

"Xiao Su, did you deliberately? You are just beginning to spring." Sun Lingfei is so dissatisfied with Su Meng's squinting reaction. She is quite boobs, why can't she see it? ?

"Look at my breast...breast..." Sun Lingfei had to remind.

"Huh?" Su Meng's gaze fell on Sun Lingfei's chest, and then he said something that made Sun Lingfei very depressed to vomit blood: "Are you squeezing again? No, the squeezing is not so big. Follow my advice. Steamed buns?"

" it getting bigger, okay? It's getting bigger, don't believe it, touch it yourself." Sun Lingfei looked speechless, is she the kind of person who needs to squeeze? Is she the kind of person who needs steamed buns?

Not! Therefore, when she was talking furiously, she grabbed Su Meng's hand and pressed her chest. The expressions on her face were triumphant and exuberant, giving people the feeling of a serf turning over and singing: " Does it feel like a bun stuffed inside?"

"... Feifei, you... quietly." Su Meng, embarrassed, quickly retracted her hand and covered her face with the other hand. This is really embarrassing. It gave her a kind of The urge to escape.

Only then did Sun Lingfei realize that she was so excited just now, so most of the eyes of the shop were attracted here, and she naturally saw her holding Xiaosu's hand on her chest. One scene, so their eyes are so weird and hot...

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