The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1546: Old thief

The muscles on Miss Sun's face twitched, and her face turned red after brushing, and she quickly lowered her head and started sucking up a Coke in panic.

Li Zedao, who was in the line, also rubbed his somewhat stiff face, feeling a little grateful. Fortunately, he was not with her in the line, otherwise he would have to follow ashamed.

Isn't this chick too big heart?


Knowing that Su Meng was in a bad mood, after a simple meal, Sun Lingfeiqiang took Su Meng to go shopping and relax, while Li Zedao turned into an extremely qualified flower guardian, dangling after the second girl to help carry things.

During this period, he received a call from Sun Jundong. Sun Jundong said on the phone that Yang Ze’s matter had been resolved, and he would never have a chance to jump around. As for the so-called Director Cai, he almost frightened his courage. He didn't dare to have any thoughts he shouldn't have, and even some of his things would be picked up, and his career would come to an end.

Li Zedao didn't ask about the specific situation, he just needed to get the result.

After strolling around the street for an entire afternoon, the second daughter’s harvest was not small. Of course, for Su Meng, the harvest is more of the mood. The depression, sadness, pain and disappointment in his heart have long since disappeared without a trace. In other words, in just one afternoon, she has already walked out of her broken love.

This makes Su Meng a little confused. According to reason, it is not so easy to get out of this kind of injury. Why does it take ten days and a half of depression to recover a little? But in just one afternoon, he recovered, because the previous relationship was not unforgettable at all and there was nothing worthy of nostalgia? Or is he not in love with Yang Ze as much as he thought? Or maybe he is a heartless or ignorant person? Or is it because of the company and comfort of Sun Lingfei and Li Zedao that the healing effect is too good?

Su Meng couldn't tell.

But one discovery made Su Meng feel shocked, that is, she always inexplicably wanted to put her eyes on the dangling Li Zedao who followed behind. That feeling was curiosity at first, then appreciation, and then...Su Moe didn't dare to think about it, and quickly cut off that terrible, absurd, impossible, and impossible thought.

When the sky gradually darkened, Sun Lingfei and Su Meng finished shopping and walked out of the big mall, planning to put the purchased things back in the car, and then find a place to eat.

Su Meng said that he would like to have a big meal, and first thank Sun Lingfei and Li Zedao for their help, comfort and company.

At this moment, walking in front and Sun Lingfei suddenly released the hand holding Su Meng, like an angry tigress, he jumped on the spot and rushed directly forward.

"Ah, Feifei, what are you doing?" Su Meng was slightly taken aback.

At the same time, Li Zedao, who was holding a lot of things in each hand, moved his heart and squinted his eyes to look forward.

A dozen meters ahead, a middle-aged woman carrying a bag was stopped by an old man. The old man seemed to be asking the middle-aged woman for directions. The middle-aged woman raised her hand and pointed forward, then the old man looked Somewhat at a loss, as if not understanding.

This scene is of course normal. What's abnormal is that behind the middle-aged woman, another young man in green clothes appeared there. Taking advantage of the middle-aged woman’s ability to guide the way, he used some kind of extremely sharp blade. Unknowingly, he cut open the middle-aged woman's bag, and used a clip to clip out the exposed wallet little by little.

The man who was skilled in his movements, his expression even had a slight sneer, one can imagine that he is definitely an old hand, and I don't know how many times he has done similar things.

"Be careful, they are thieves!" At the moment when the green-clothed man was about to clip out the entire wallet, Sun Lingfei who was running away screamed abruptly.

This sudden shout of anger made the young man in the green clothes feel guilty, his hands shook, and finally the purse he had picked out without knowing it fell back.

And I was working hard to help the middle-aged woman in front of me who didn't know how to speak Mandarin, even the ears were not easy to use. After hearing this voice, she seemed to understand something, and she subconsciously turned her head and clamped it. He took the bag, and at the same time clamped the tweezers in the hands of the man in green clothes, and shouted in panic, "You...what are you doing?"

The man in the green clothes darkened, wondering why you don't know what Lao Tzu is doing? Damn, it was destroyed when it was about to succeed, **** it! He didn't speak at the moment, didn't even need the tweezers, and didn't have the idea of ​​continuing to hit the wallet of the middle-aged woman.

Robbery and stealing are completely different concepts. He is a professional pickpocket with ideals, aspirations and professional ethics. He doesn't know how to use it, but that doesn't mean he won't hurt people. Just like now , He turned around and looked at the woman who dared to ruin her own good deeds, her face was rather unkind.

Brother is very angry now, if you don't get out, be careful brother to make you look good!

Seeing that the man in the green clothes ignored herself, the middle-aged woman breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't have the courage to hold the other party accountable at all. Instead, she looked panicked and checked whether the contents of her bag were still there. Fortunately, it was just a zipper. He cut a hole and didn't lose anything, so he was even more relieved, and didn't wait to thank Sun Lingfei, turned around and glanced flusteredly at the old man who looked like he had changed his face, his face was so gloomy and terrifying. Leave quickly.

"Damn, dare to stare at this young lady?" Sun Lingfei was originally a hot-tempered lord, and now it doesn't matter if he sees the thief not running away, she even dared to stare at herself with such unkind eyes, and she felt even more upset in her heart. Impulse, head-on is a powerful and extremely standard side kick.

At this moment, Sun Lingfei's Taekwondo skills are undoubtedly revealed. No matter the angle, speed and strength of this foot, it has reached a very high level, and most people can't resist it at all.

At the same time, the man in the green clothes didn't even think about saying that this little girl dared to destroy her good deeds. She even dared to do it to herself? Even her speed is so fast and her strength is so great...

Therefore, by the time he reacted, he was already too late to dodge.

"Bang!" Sun Lingfei kicked the man's face heavily, and the powerful force knocked him to the ground at once, curled up, wailing, and even two more nostrils. There was a pillar of blood, and it looked so embarrassed and miserable.

Sun Lingfei landed steadily, disdainfully smiling, and had to kick the **** thief a few more feet.

At the same time, the face of the old man who asked for directions became more gloomy, his hand shook, and there was already a bright knife in his hand, and he shouted angrily: "Stop!"

Then slowly walked towards Sun Lingfei.

The speed is not fast, but the pace is extremely steady and heavy, and his face is heart-pounding in coordination, so this is more like a Jiangyang thief who emerged from somewhere, and not an ordinary old man at all.

Sun Lingfei was not frightened. She raised her eyebrows and swept the old man who was walking towards him holding the knife. She already kicked and kicked the green man's stomach directly, causing him to scream again and again, like a pig.

The old man saw that this little girl was so arrogant, his eyes were even sharper, thinking that the matter of the uncle can also be destroyed by you? Uncle's face is something you can draw Do you think your three-legged cat kung fu is enough to see in front of the uncle?

He didn't dare to kill in broad daylight, but he still had the courage to leave something on this little girl to let her know the evil consequences of nosy...If this little girl didn't know the height of the sky and didn't rush to run.

Yes, the old man actually doesn’t want to see blood. After all, stealing can’t be a stab in the street, and the impact is extremely bad. So he walked towards the other side slowly in order to give this little girl a chance to turn around and escape, as long as you I ran away, uncle, I won't care about you.

The spectators around saw that the old man was fierce and even the knives were exposed. They did not step forward to help Sun Lingfei, but scattered like a frightened flock of sheep, and some even closed their eyes. , He couldn't bear to see the tragedy happen.

What made the old man's face even more gloomy was that instead of running away, the little girl looked at herself with a sneer, and kept kicking the young man's feet one after another... It was to death. I despised it.

So the old man was completely annoyed, and that old face was full of terrifying evil spirits. He had already decided to leave a few traces on this little girl who knew nothing about the heights and heights, and made her realize that some calves are Can't be installed.

"Feifei, be careful, he has a knife..." Su Meng shouted anxiously, really worried and helpless for this best friend who often sees righteousness and courage. The person who was stolen will not be held accountable. You should just meet him. It’s right to close and leave, as for the rest to the police uncle.

"Don't worry, Feifei won't be in any danger with me." Li Zedao, who walked to her with her hands full of things, said.

Li Zedao had already seen that the old man was a cultivator. He guessed that the strength of this old man should be about the same as that of abnormality... Thinking of the abnormality, Li Zedao felt uncomfortable for a while.

Li Zedao could even see that the old man was actually trying to scare away Sun Lingfei who was in the way at first, but he didn't know that Sun Lingfei didn't run, but continued to kick people while staring at him with provocative eyes! Being here is tantamount to making the old man completely unable to step off the stage.

If the old man didn't take the knife, Sun Lingfei might still be able to fight the opponent with a few tricks, but now that old man has decided to make a ruthless hand, Sun Lingfei is really not his opponent, I am afraid that he will see blood as soon as he takes a shot.

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