The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1627: Will you hit me

On the fifth day, that is, the day before yesterday, Qi Xiaojuan, who was a little less angry, was finally soft-hearted, so he answered another call from Ming Hao. Ming Hao asked her to go to his hotel, said something to tell her, and apologized on the phone. He said that he was in a bad mood that day, and his temper was a little bit angry, so Qi Xiaojuan should not care.

Qi Xiaojuan also felt that her temper was a bit rushed that day. Ming Hao was so frightened and shocked, but she was not comforted, and there was a mistake. So after the phone call, Qi Xiaojuan came to the hotel to see Ming Hao.

At this time, Ming Hao didn’t seem to be too close to what he used to be. First, he sincerely apologized again and prayed for Qi Xiaojuan’s forgiveness. Seeing that Qi Xiaojuan still had a cold face, he even knelt down to her, saying that she was allowed to beat and scold Yes, just don't break up with him.

Qi Xiaojuan felt relieved when he saw him like this. After all, after dating him for more than a year, he still has feelings. She quickly pulled him up to show that all she said were angry words. How could she break up with him?

After obtaining Qi Xiaojuan's forgiveness, Ming Hao quickly asked Qi Xiaojuan to see if she could ask Zheng Wan'er to help him set up the line, so that he could get acquainted with her boyfriend so that he could better expand his business in the island country.

Ming Hao's family is in the clothing business. This time he came to the island country to see if he can open up the dj market. If Zheng Wan'er's boyfriend helped out, he would definitely get half the result.

After a while, Qi Xiaojuan finally understood that Ming Hao was not caring about her at all. The reason why he begged her for forgiveness like a grandson was because he wanted to contact Li Zedao through Zheng Wan'er through her again.

Qi Xiaojuan's violent temper suddenly rose. She felt that this man was too shameless. What did you say to them when they were trying to rescue you in the casino? Now that I don’t have any apologies at all, I still want to open up the dj market through others?

Therefore, Qi Xiaojuan refused. She felt very sorry for Zheng Wan'er and Li Zedao about the casino. How could she still have a face like Wan'er opening the mouth?

Seeing Qi Xiaojuan refused, Ming Hao's temper suddenly became irritable again, pointing to her and saying that he didn't care about his boyfriend's career at all. Qi Xiaojuan couldn't help but ridicule and counterattack. If you can calm down in the casino, I believe that Wan'er and her boyfriend, instead of staring at them with vicious eyes and talking viciously, will not let her fall into it now. To this embarrassing situation.

Minghao said in a nasty voice, what is embarrassment or not? Are you not good sisters? Can she not forgive you? Is she still human if she doesn't forgive you? Is it worthy to be your good sister? Besides, if she doesn't forgive you, won't you kneel down and beg her? Anyway, I must get on line with her boyfriend. With his help, I will be able to quickly open the dj market.

Qi Xiaojuan refused again, and then simply proposed to break up. She didn't want to have any contact with the man whose thoughts were disgusting, and then turned around and left.

Breaking up was like pouring a bucket of oil on Ming Hao, who was already on fire, causing Ming Hao to explode. First, he slapped Qi Xiaojuan's face fiercely, and then seemed crazy. He pressed Qi Xiaojuan tightly on the bed, and then frantically tore off her clothes. Feeling that Qi Xiaojuan's screaming sound was too noisy, she simply stuffed her clothes into her mouth.

At this time, Minghao had no humanity at all, and some only left beasts!

After venting his own sex, Ming Hao tied Qi Xiaojuan's hands and feet with a cloth strip, then picked up the leather whip and slammed her against her, using various vicious words to insult her and spit on her. Burned her chest with cigarette butts, and even put water on her body.

It wasn't until the phone he put there rang that he stopped the inhuman torture of Qi Xiaojuan.

After the phone call, Ming Hao kicked Qi Xiaojuan fiercely again, made a few insults, then dragged Qi Xiaojuan to the bed, and simply tore the sheets into strips, and then tied Qi Xiaojuan to the bed. On the head, I left the room now, not knowing what I was doing.

After that, Qi Xiaojuan struggled to break free, and finally got rid of the shackles on her body, then fled the hotel and returned to the single apartment rented by the company.

Qi Xiaojuan didn't dare to call the police, because she knew very well that not only was it useless, but it would also annoy Minghao that lunatic. God knows what he will do to herself when he catches the opportunity?

And after she escaped, she simply blocked Minghao's cell phone, and she refused and blocked any unfamiliar calls.

She now wants to leave DJ as soon as possible, leave this horrible place, where there will be her Minghao in the future, she wants to hide far away, and she doesn't want to see that abnormality anymore.


Looking at Qi Xiaojuan’s back that makes people feel numb at first sight, there are belts drawn out, and cigarette butts are hot, listening to her intermittently speaking out her own experience in a choked and horrified voice, Zheng Wan'er’s His eyes were red, and he was covering his small mouth to keep himself from crying.

Li Zedao mentally stated that this woman was starting to act again, but at the same time, his face was ugly to the extreme. He thought that Ming Hao was at most annoyed and angered at Qi Xiaojuan. He did not expect his methods to be so nasty and disgusting. Chills.

This is no longer an ordinary beating, it is humiliation, the kind of humiliation to death.

Fortunately, Qi Xiaojuan was a very extroverted girl before. If this is changed to a little more introverted, after suffering such humiliation, I am afraid that she will be mentally confused.

No wonder, in the hot weather, she was wearing loose long sleeves and long pants, naturally she didn't want others to see the shocking wounds all over her body.

"The waist was injured by a kick. After acupuncture, there is nothing serious about it." Li Zedao gently pierced the last silver needle in his hand into the acupuncture point on his back that made him unbearable. "As for the remaining skin injuries, I will call someone to send some ointment, and you will help her apply it well later."

"Yeah." Zheng Wan'er wiped her red eyes and nodded gently.

"Thanks...Thank you." Qi Xiaojuan buried her face deeply, choked, and said in a breath.

Li Zedao sighed softly without saying anything, got out of the car, leaned back on the body, took out a cigarette and lit a lighter, then took out the phone and gave it to He Xiaoyue, saying that he needed some medicine for trauma.

After all, Qingyun is a big gang, and the members of the gang do not rarely bleed. It's just that whoever gets injured is treated by themselves and rarely goes to the hospital.

Li Zedao knew that there was a very good wound medicine in Qingyun, which had a very good effect on trauma.

He Xiaoyue didn't say much on the phone. After asking the address, he said that he would be sent to him immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Li Zedao couldn't help but smile. He clearly felt that Sister Xiaoyue was becoming more and more resentful and perfunctory to herself. If this had happened before, she would have been shy to say a few more love words. , But this time, although the tone was still soft, Li Zedao couldn't feel the previous love.

Slightly raised his head and looked at the blue sky, Li Zedao slowly spit out a puff of smoke, as if trying to spit out all the sullen in his heart.

Although he can be said to be a peerless strong man, he has huge wealth that makes people enviable and jealous, possesses various skills, has a handsome and sunny appearance, and has many women, but Li Zedao has discovered inexplicably, his heart is empty. , Is lonely, or he is lost, he seems to be standing in a mist, he doesn't seem to know what he wants.

Before he came out of his mother's womb, he seemed to be a puppet manipulated by others, and he would walk just like how others manipulated him.

Until now, it seems that the role of puppet has not been completely freed.

And even with strong strength and financial resources, Li Zedao still finds that there are many things that he can't control at all. For example, he can't make all women feel comfortable, he can't make them mothers, he really wants to treat Su The door was killed but he couldn't do that, and even he couldn't control his own life now.

He is only twenty years old! But he has less than one year of life left!

"Leave, leave, I really can't delay you!" Li Zedao suddenly smiled at the sky, a bitter smile that was very self-deprecating.

With the sound of the door opening, Zheng Wan'er, with red eyes, got out of the car and looked at Li Zedao with choking. Li Zedao opened his arms to her. The latter did not hesitate and leaned his head gently on his chest.

This is the most intimate act Zheng Wan'er has made since this week, except for the previous kiss.

Of course, Li Zedao's heart is naturally full of vigilance. When he is with this woman, he is ready to defend and fight back at any time, otherwise an accidental person might not know how to die.

"Shall we help Xiaojuan breathe?" She said, her voice choked, and there was a hint of coldness in it. Obviously, Qi Xiaojuan's tragic situation completely stimulated her nerves.

"Of course, after the wound medicine is sent to you to apply the wound to her, we will find the scumbag." Li Zedao gently put his hand on her back and said, "It will definitely cost him a painful price. "

"Yeah." Zheng Wan'er nodded gently and asked, "Will you...will hit me in the future?"

"..." Li Zedao wanted to say, of course it would, and it's the kind of beating to death. If you want to kill me, I can't be foolish to let you kill, right?

She said in a sad tone: "Wan'er, I'm so hurt when you ask me such a question."

I'm so tired in my heart, when will this day of false affection be a big head?

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