The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1628: Because she is a woman

"Ah... I'm not talking about your kind of person, I just... Seeing Xiaojuan like that, I feel it, don't think about it, of course I believe you are not that kind of person." Zheng Wan'er explained quickly.

Li Zedao pressed his jasmine-scented body tightly against him, and then his nose wrinkled slightly. He faintly smelled what he had smelled when he met Zheng Wan'er again on the street that night. There was a weird smell. The smell was very weak, almost absent. Once it was covered by the fragrance of jasmine, it disappeared even more.

If it weren't for Li Zedao's sense of smell, he was really in a very abnormal state, and he really couldn't smell it.

It’s just that this kind of smell Li Zedao is very unfamiliar to Li Zedao, it’s not unpleasant, and it doesn’t smell like any kind of flowers or trees, and it’s too bloody. In short, Li Zedao really wanted to There is no word that can perfectly describe such a taste.

"Don't be so nervous, just make a joke." Li Zedao said with a smile, and continued to act with this woman.

"I'm nervous when I care about it." Zheng Wan'er said softly, with a lot of shyness between her brows, but a restless heart in her heart. Oh, damn, why is this happening? This is too ridiculous, it is impossible.

Soon, a black Toyota Crown drove slowly over. After stopping, a middle-aged man got out of the car and ran towards Li Zedao with a bag in his hand.

Seeing someone coming, Zheng Wan'er quickly left Li Zedao's arms and stood quietly and obediently.

"Shao Li, Sister He asked me to bring you medicine." When he came to the front, the middle-aged man nodded slightly, said politely, and then passed the bag in his hand.

There are three large bottles of wound medicine in the bag. Even if you wipe a person's body up and down, it will be enough to apply more than a dozen times to treat Qi Xiaojuan's wounds.

Li Zedao reached out and took it, nodded and said, "Thank you for a trip."

"Shao Li is polite." The middle-aged man smiled and said quickly. He knew very clearly how much weight this little kid had in Sister He's heart, and also vaguely knew how terrifying the other party's methods were, so he didn't at all. Dare to neglect.

"Then don't bother Li Shao, I will go back first."

Watching the man enter the car and drove away, Li Zedao handed the wound medicine in her hand to Zheng Wan'er and said: "Acupuncture is almost done. I will pull the silver needle first, and then you will take Xiaojuan back to the apartment and help her wipe it off. The wound on the body, after all, it is not convenient in the car."

Zheng Wan'er nodded. The space in the car was indeed too small for the application of medicine.

At the moment, Li Zedao first pulled out the dozen silver needles stuck in Qi Xiaojuan's waist one by one, and asked, "Sister Xiaojuan, what do you think?"

Upon hearing this, Qi Xiaojuan gently moved her waist, which had not dared to move at all.

"Huh?" Her expression was already full of surprises, and she twisted even more, "Okay? The pain that felt like a tear in the slightest movement before disappeared, and even the whole body. The burning sensation caused by the scar has also eased a lot."

"You...really amazing." Qi Xiaojuan slightly raised her head to look at Li Zedao and exclaimed, "The waist really doesn't hurt anymore."

Aside, Zheng Wan'er also looked at Li Zedao with admiring eyes, and felt that this man was too powerful.

Li Zedao smiled and said, "Let Wan'er accompany you back to the apartment to apply the wound medicine. It will be no good if you are infected."

Qi Xiaojuan nodded gently, expressing emotional excitement, and her voice started to choke again: "Thank you."

"After applying the medicine, let's find the scumbag." Li Zedao's tone suddenly became cold. The animality of that guy completely stimulated Li Zedao, so Li Zedao didn't mind putting him on Qi Xiaojuan. That kind of torture ten times or even a hundred times to return the scum.

Qi Xiaojuan's face suddenly turned pale, and her body trembled slightly. It was conceivable that such an experience seemed to be a nightmare for her, and she really didn't want to see that devil again.

"Or... forget it." She said with a trembling voice.

"Sister Xiaojuan, it's useless to avoid, and if you hide for a while, can you escape for the rest of your life? I don't think that scumbag just let you go. Instead of that, it's better to solve the problem completely now. "Li Zedao said his views.

"That's right, Xiao Juan, even if you return to China, that guy will definitely find you after he returns. If he falls into his hands again, what will you do?" Zheng Wan'er was really worried.

Qi Xiaojuan's body trembled even more severely, and there was panic in her eyes.

After being silent for a while, her expression changed, her eyes became resentful, and her voice choked hoarsely: "I...I'm going to slap her to death with a whip, scald him to death with a hot head, and make him drink urine and shit. , I want to make him sicker than dead...oooooo..."

She burst into tears, and Qi Xiaojuan held her head gently and accompany her to tears.


Accompanied by Zheng Wan'er, Qi Xiaojuan returned to the bachelor's apartment, crying bitterly in the car as if it made her vent a lot of emotions. At this time, her mood has improved a lot, and she is not hiding it, in front of Zheng Wan'er. She took off all her clothes and asked Zheng Wan'er to apply some medicine.

After Zheng Wan'er saw it, she took a few breaths. It turned out that the scars on the back she saw before were really nothing. The most serious was that there were a few shocking scars on the chest, which were burned out by cigarette butts.

"That bastard, it's better to be a beast!" Zheng Waner's eyes were red again, she gritted her teeth and cursed, and asked distressedly, "It hurts, right? I'll be lighter when applying..."

Qi Xiaojuan shook her head: "It doesn't hurt." Her heart was ashamed, and the wound on her body was numb.

"How can it not hurt? I look at it and it hurts... Let's wipe it from the back first."

It took more than half an hour for Zheng Wan'er to finish applying the medicine. After counting down, Qi Xiaojuan actually had more than a hundred scars all over her body, which made Zheng Wan'er keep scolding that Minghao was a beast. It's not as good as having such a heavy hand and the method is so disgusting.

After that, the two went downstairs and walked out of the apartment. At this time, Li Zedao was leaning on the body and smoking a cigarette quietly. Seeing the two coming over, pinched out the cigarette butt, then flicked his finger, and the cigarette **** struck a very beautiful one. The amplitude, and finally entered a trash can not far away accurately.

"Do you often show this hand in front of girls?" Qi Xiaojuan asked with a smile. It can be seen that this woman has basically emerged from the nightmare.

Li Zedao smiled embarrassedly: "Occasionally, it mainly depends on whether the girl looks good in our family."

Qi Xiaojuan was happy, Zheng Waner smiled shyly, and gave Li Zedao a white look.

"Wan'er, you have to pay close attention to him, this kid is too eye-catching, be careful of others stealing from you." Qi Xiaojuan smiled.

After playing around for a few words, Li Zedao looked at Qi Xiaojuan and said, "Sister Xiaojuan, give me the phone number of that scumbag."

The smile on Qi Xiaojuan’s face instantly stiffened, and said, “Let’s fight, I just thought about it, after all, the relationship for more than a year is not fake, so if he has the meaning of repentance, and he won’t bother me anymore. , Then, forget it."

She knew very well that once she shot this shot, it shot a blood hole in the stomach, and asked the man who compensated the one billion island national currency to take the shot. Then Minghao would have to peel off his skin if he died. There is no possibility of standing up.

When Zheng Wan'er heard this, she became a little anxious, so how could she let the **** off so easily? But seeing Li Zedao shook his head at her and bit his lip, after all, he said nothing.

"I'm sorry, did I... let you down? I was..." Qi Xiaojuan looked at Li Zedao and tried to say something.

Li Zedao smiled and said: "Even if he does such an excessive thing to you, you still love him, right?"

Qi Xiaojuan did not deny that the heart was completely hurt, which does not mean that the previous love has completely disappeared. Therefore, Qi Xiaojuan still wants to give Minghao a chance.

And calm down and think about it, she was also wrong. After experiencing that terrible experience, she was even scared to pee her pants. At this time, his heart is undoubtedly extremely fragile, but she did not take care of his changes. The fragile and sensitive mind, instead blindly criticized and mocked, and even proposed to break up.

Obviously knowing that opening up the dj market is very important to him, but for facial reasons, she flatly refused, and once again proposed to break up.

For all these reasons, the originally graceful and humorous man has completely turned into a beast, so Qi Xiaojuan feels that things have turned into such a bad situation now that she has to pay at least half of the responsibility.

And, maybe, he regrets it now, because he can't get in touch with himself and he's anxious...Dangguo, he can't go back, but let him go this time.

"Then you give him a call and see what he says." Li Zedao looked at the woman and nodded and said, of course, what the result was, Li Zedao probably knew. This woman called, she would probably be used. The vicious words hurt once.

Sometimes women are so stupid, even if they are seriously injured, they can't help but find excuses for the other person.

"I'm sorry." Qi Xiaojuan said very apologetically, then walked aside, took out the phone, and pulled the well-known phone number from the blacklist, then took a few deep breaths and tried to stabilize his mind before calling.

Not far away, Zheng Wan'er looked at Qi Xiaojuan's back and asked without understanding: "That guy did such an excessive thing, why does Xiaojuan want to forgive him?"

"Because she is a woman." Li Zedao gave such an answer with a serious face.


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