62 – Rampage

“Haa… Haa…”

As I endured the pain of a splitting headache, I realized that the sun had already set. When I came to my senses, it was the time when the brightness of noon and the tranquility of dusk blended together.

I had failed to conduct a proper patrol and had reached the end of the hunting festival.

I hoped that no serious incident had occurred. Now, all I could do was return to the base and observe the awards ceremony. As I walked back along the same path, I fell into deep thought.

“What was that thing, anyway…?”

The pearl-like beads of the Pope’s divine power are a characteristic unique to him. No one else can sense it, and I’m no exception.

If his divine power had flowed into me while sealing my baptismal name, I could understand. But then, what was the reason behind the crack in the divine power I saw?

I pondered deeply, but ultimately couldn’t find the answer and returned to my starting point.

“You’re late, aren’t you?”


Elpisia spoke with her usual emotionless face. But the one facing me was different from usual. It was as if Elpisia, who was always unchanging like a hunting dog, had become somehow more beautiful.

Perhaps that was why. I had attempted an experiment that would have been impossible this morning.

“Just for a moment… just for a moment, excuse me.”

“… Yes?”

I didn’t bother explaining and pulled Elpisia into a tight embrace. As I did, the warmth of her body filled my arms, and her unique rose fragrance wafted through her crimson hair, creating a faint, intangible flower.

“It feels somehow familiar.”

I felt like it was only natural to be embracing Elpisia. Of course, it was just an illusion, but the strange, lingering sensation remained by my side.

Just then, I sensed that Elpisia’s power had completely disappeared. Perhaps I had lost control and crushed her. A belated worry flooded my mind.


I called out her name, but Elpisia didn’t respond with her usual sharp retort. She only let out a faint, stifled groan.

“Ah… oo…”

Everything turned red.

From her crimson hair fluttering in the gentle breeze to her ruby-like eyes trembling like a seismic wave. And her porcelain-like face, which had been pure white, was now engulfed in a fiery red glow, giving off a strange, unfamiliar impression – as if the unfamiliar and familiar coexisted…

“Elpisia… I…”

I was about to say something.

The hunting competition had finally come to an end, and it was time to award the outstanding performers. So, I had to close my mouth and move to my seat, accompanied by my wife, who kept her silence until the end.

As we arrived at the awards ceremony, Tina came running towards us, holding Eco’s hand.

“Daddy, Mommy! What are you doing?”

“Tina found the two of you. She really wants to watch the awards ceremony…”

It seemed that Tina had played at the hunting grounds for a while and then returned with the Duke. Eco also seemed to have spent some comfortable time beside him.

I asked Eco.

“Eco, do you want to ride the dragon too?”

“Uh, no. I won’t be able to see well even if I ride it.”

“Well, let’s just…”

I half-forced Eco onto my shoulder. Then, I looked around, and Eco let out a surprised cry.


“How’s that? Better?”

“It’s… um…”

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“Is it fun?”


Eco nodded quietly.

“… Yes.”

Well, what’s the big deal? Kids are interested in the awards ceremony, and as long as they’re having fun, that’s all that matters.

Meanwhile, with Eco on my shoulder, Tina’s gaze naturally turned to Elpisia.

“Mommy, I want to ride the dragon too.”

“… Ah.”

Her face had completely calmed down, and she let out a sigh as she gazed at Tina.

As expected, Elpisia’s training was not just for show, and she could easily lift the eleven-year-old girl, who was as small as a seven-year-old, with one hand. When they both took a stance, Tina’s competitive spirit was ignited.

“Ah, Eko is taller than me.”

The response came from Elpisia, who was not at all bothered.

“… Sorry, I’m short.”

“Huh, that’s not what I meant! Mom!”

Tina vehemently denied it.

In reality, Elpisia’s height was quite exceptional. Even without heels, she could match the height of average men. It was just that Harute was only slightly taller than her.

‘Is it just the award ceremony and the night party that’s left?’

At the award ceremony, three people took the top honors. The Emperor called out the names in order of their ranking.

“Third place, Raynerus Artearia.”


As soon as the name of the Second Prince was called, a low murmur erupted from the surroundings. The once-awkward Second Prince, who was covered in scars, had changed so much that he was almost unrecognizable, and had even taken third place in the hunting competition. This incredible transformation was truly remarkable.

“This is… like finding a diamond in the rough from the Chancellor’s family.”

“That’s right. Weight loss is important, but to change that much…”

“Our daughter is right. Why didn’t we propose to him earlier? He’s still grumbling about it.”

“That’s what I said. It’s ridiculous to ignore one’s own words and force things to happen… Why did he have to be so stubborn?”

The conversation flowed with the father’s subtle complaints.

It was clear that Raynerus had changed significantly. With his complex about his appearance gone, he seemed to have gained confidence. As a result, people had a strange illusion that he had transformed into a different person.

Even the Chancellor’s daughter, who was watching him, no longer showed any signs of disgust in her eyes.

The next name the Emperor called was quite unexpected.

“Second place, Glen.”


I asked unconsciously. I had believed that Glen would take first place, but second place was unexpected. And it seemed that many people agreed with my thoughts.

“I saw it myself, he caught a bear that was five times his size. But to say that’s second place…?”

“That’s the direct disciple of the Duke of Lumine… But to say that’s second place means there was a more ferocious beast roaming around the hunting grounds?”

“I don’t know what happened, but if I had encountered it, I would have been dead for sure. The Duke must have released something during the festival…!”

Everyone’s backs were covered in goosebumps. It was a miracle that there were no serious casualties.

The participants’ doubts and expectations mixed together, and the Emperor’s declaration followed quickly.

“First place, Lupehit Artearia.”


This time, no one dared to speak out of turn. It seemed like they were verifying the truth of what they had heard. And I was no exception.

The silence continued until someone broke the ice.

“… So, Your Highness, the First Prince?”

“It seems so.”

“… Why?”

One could bring a servant to assist in hunting, and it was also allowed to use them to drive the prey. However, the hunting itself had to be done with one’s own abilities.

So, it was even harder to accept.

(Note: I’ve preserved the line breaks as requested.)

“Is there anyone who has encountered the 1st Prince here?”

“I haven’t seen him.”

“Me neither.”

“I haven’t even caught a glimpse.”

The participants sensed something strange. Even if the hunting ground was vast, the space was limited. Therefore, it was normal for at least one participant to encounter the 1st Prince, but no one had directly seen him.

“Can’t we all just be quiet for a moment!”

The 1st Prince, Lupehite, shouted from the stage. In an instant, the silence dominated the atmosphere.

“If you have eyes, look… my prey…!!!”

The 1st Prince stuttered, and even after finishing his sentence, he continued to ramble on like a madman. The Emperor also found it strange and furrowed his brow.

However, the Emperor couldn’t confirm the 1st Prince as the 1st place without evidence, so it was reasonable to assume it was plausible.

In reality, several men brought the 1st Prince’s prey from the other side.

It was a wheeled, mobile iron cage, covered with a white cloth that concealed its contents.

The carriers stopped in their tracks and removed the white cloth. Immediately, a mixture of gasps and exclamations erupted from all directions.

“What…?! Is that not a bear?”

“It’s definitely smaller than a bear, but much more ferocious.”

“It’s smaller than a bear, but almost at the same level.”

As the crowd gasped in amazement, Echo, who was sitting on horseback, asked me.

“Director, is it true? Did the 1st Prince catch something bigger than Glen’s bear?”


I couldn’t respond to Echo’s question with a yes or no. The situation was too chaotic.

Honestly, I thought I had gone mad. So, I turned to Elphisia and sought confirmation one last time.

“… Harlte.”

But Elphisia shared the same bewilderment as me. Just by looking at her eyes, I knew. It was clear that only we were sane.


I shouted out loud, unable to believe what I was seeing.

“Everyone… what are you looking at…!!!”

The interior of the cage, which had been publicly revealed.

There was no ferocious bear, not even a small cat. Only a cold, empty space filled the transparent cage.

The people cheered, filling the space with an undeniable void.

“This is… exposed.”

A dark voice rang out at that moment.


The blood splattered on the stage, and the Emperor’s head flew into the air.

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