63 – Karma

Let’s rewind time, to the afternoon of New Year’s Day.

“This is a good story.”

A woman with a hidden face visited the 1st Prince Lupehite’s bedroom. Lupehite questioned her calmly, while being cautious.

“Who… are you?”

“I’m just a simple pharmacist. But I’m an extraordinary person who can help the 1st Prince.”

“That’s right.”

Even if Lupehit’s judgment was clouded, he wasn’t foolish enough to blindly believe the sudden appearance of a strange woman. Therefore, he raised his guard and interrogated the intruder.

“If you really want to help me, tell me how you got in here first.”

“As I said, I’m a skilled pharmacist. I can make a potion that temporarily makes the body transparent… If you give me time, I can make it.”

“Does such a thing… exist?”

“Why would I lie? If you’re suspicious, I’ll prove it with a demonstration.”

The woman removed her hood, revealing her true appearance. Lupehit’s eyes, filled with skepticism, gazed at her, but he found it difficult to control his lips as they parted in astonishment.

She was indeed a beauty worthy of the title “peerless beauty.” Her sharp features and lips that seemed to stimulate desire made even the famous Saint Ivia and Elpisia Lumine seem dull in comparison.

As she downed the liquid in the vial, Lupehit witnessed a bizarre phenomenon.

“Is, is this real…?”

The woman’s body began to fade away, filling the space with emptiness. Her beautiful appearance vanished in an instant, leaving Lupehit feeling bewildered.

About a minute later, the woman’s beauty was restored, radiating light once more.

“Do you believe me now?”

“A… I suppose… I believe.”

Normally, Lupehit would have been more skeptical. However, a beautiful appearance possessed a mysterious power. The more beautiful someone was, the more they could cloud people’s judgment.

Lupehit was no exception.

As he faced the persuasive demonstration, his doubts evaporated, leaving him entranced by her beauty.

“S, so? How will you help me? If things go well, I’ll grant you any position you desire!”

“Does that mean you’ll give me the queen’s throne if I want it?”

“T, that’s… rather…! No, wait… I promise. I’ll give you anything.”

Lupehit had no idea.

The woman’s potion was just ordinary water, and he had fallen prey to her charm.

Love could make people do anything for their loved one.

You could believe anything a loved one said, even if it was absurd. Similarly, a normal person could deeply believe in something absurd, like being transparent.

In reality, it was a realm of hypnosis.

The moment Lupehit fell for the woman – the Queen of Demons – he had already surrendered his mind.

“Your Highness, take this medicine.”

“What’s… this?”

“This will help you become even wiser and stronger, Your Highness.”

Charm was not omnipotent.

If one recognized the excessive contradictions, the charm could collapse at any moment. Moreover, once a charm was broken, it couldn’t be used again. Therefore, to maintain the charm, one needed to manipulate the other person.

For example, if one didn’t rely on medicine… they could make it impossible for the other person to make a correct judgment.

“And take this as well.”

“Is this different from the medicine you just gave me?”

“Yes, it is.”

She smiled with a pure, innocent expression.

“Just a single drop will do. Mix it with the food provided at the hunting party.”

“What will happen if I mix it?”

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“Everyone… will react as you desire, Your Highness.”

In reality, the woman intended to create an illusion. Because this potion also amplified the effects of the charm.

Thus, Lupehite manipulated people with drugs and realized his conspiracy…

The current situation, which declares the end of the hunting festival, has arrived.

Lupehite gazed at the bloodstained scene before him, refocusing his blurred vision. Then, he observed the surreal situation, which had lost its sense of reality.

What is the sticky, warm liquid covering me?

It’s blood. The blood that has gushed out from the neatly severed neck.

What is the floating, rounded object in the sky?

It’s a person’s head. The head of the man who ruled the empire with absolute power and was revered as the wisest king in history.

Then… what is the identity of the heavy object in my hand?

“Uh…? Ah… Ah…?”

The name of that crimson-colored object, which has been dyed red, is… clearly a sword.

By connecting these three elements, Lupehite drew a single conclusion.

“What have I… what have I done?”

I killed him.

I assassinated him.

I used this sword to behead the emperor, who ruled with absolute power.

But why?

This body, these arms, these hands, moved on their own like puppets on strings, committing regicide in this sacred place where people’s gazes are stern. Am I insane?

“What’s going on… what’s happening… I… I…!”


The sword I was holding fell, and my hands grasped my head, as if it was about to crack.


A deep blue light drew a magnificent curve on the ground. The series of processes proceeded without pause. As soon as the circle surrounding the hunting ground was completed, a mysterious ideogram was engraved on the ground.

Special-grade demon weapon – Eldorado, the dimensional barrier.

It was the treasure of the demon tribe that Lupehite had buried in the hunting ground, and it was originally a pair of objects.

Its effect was spatial transformation. The object, which formed a pair, would swap the spaces within the range of the demon barrier it drew.

In other words, the massive army that was waiting in the demon realm was now summoned to the hunting ground without distinction.

“Devour them.”

A cold, piercing voice echoed.

The deafening roar that followed was like thunder.

It was a scene of carnage.

People, terrified, pushed and trampled each other. The demon tribe and their beasts let out a roar, charging forward, and the hunting ground, which had been a festive scene until a moment ago, transformed into a hellish landscape in an instant.



A splitting headache struck again, pressing down on my skull. As I endured it, I saw a hallucination, as if the current situation was overlaid with a frame from a distant past.

“Harte! Snap out of it, Harte!!!”


“Elpisia… TINA!”

As Elpisia said, I had to gather my wits. I had to ignore the pain of my physical body and move.

“Ha… ha…”

I’m getting annoyed.

Anger is boiling over.

Without understanding what’s provoking my emotions like this, I took a step forward. But a rough hand stopped me.

“Your Highness!”


“Take the children and escape. This place is for me and the knights to handle.”


“You’re the only one who can protect the remaining people while escaping! So, go quickly!”


It was a harsh but correct statement. Moreover, in my current abnormal physical state, I might even become a burden.

So, I prioritized speed and jumped towards the platform where Yurian and Glen were.


“Are you okay?!”

“Kids, the detailed story is…”

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoed in my ears.

A stealthy figure approached, almost imperceptibly. I reflexively drew my sword to defend against the stranger’s attack.

Clang, clang…

“It’s still…”

The man who clashed swords with me was about to say something. However, time was of the essence. Therefore, I used all my strength to push forward with my swordsmanship, strongly swinging my sword to send the man flying far away.


“Your Majesty…!”

Someone called the man who had been sent flying “Your Majesty.”

Anyway, I grabbed Yurian and Glen and jumped away. Thanks to the lord and the knights working together, our escape was relatively smooth despite the chaos.

“Wow, Principal. Just now, you called him ‘Your Majesty’…!”

“It doesn’t matter. The lord will take care of it, so you guys focus on your safety first.”

My nerves were on edge, so my tone came out aggressive. Yurian sensed my unease with his unique intuition and nodded.

“This is a forest path. If we take a carriage, it’ll be a disaster. If the horses get excited, it’ll be hopeless.”

Even if we ran on our own, it would be a total defeat. Then, the only way to get the majority of people to safety was to use one method.

Divine power.

We had to borrow the power of miracles to protect people from the demonic invasion.

If that happened, the demonic side would also establish a justification for holy war.

Perhaps once the holy war began, we would have to kill all the demons until the Demon God’s descendants ceased to exist, forever.

It was a plausible scenario.

Last time, the demonic side had established an anti-world system using their holy maiden’s divine power. Therefore, the authority to end the holy war belonged to humans.

Back then, we had ended it by defeating the demonic holy maiden, but…

“If I become the trigger…?”

Would I seek revenge for the holy maiden? If I didn’t give up until I died, what would happen?

It’s ridiculous to even think about suicide.

If I died, someone would be sad.

It’s pitiful that I’ve come to know the warmth of a family.

“… Te.”

What am I supposed to do…



Elpisia’s cry dragged my consciousness back to reality. She grabbed my shoulders and conveyed her urgency.

“Do you know what I’m thinking? Don’t use your divine power. Never. You understand?”

“Elpisia… but… there are too many people… if we continue like this, we can’t protect everyone…”

This is different from the vampire incident. At least back then, we had a one-on-one formation, but now we’re being overwhelmed by sheer numbers. Moreover, I don’t see any strong demonic creatures like the vampires.

If I don’t use my divine power, people will die.

Despite this, Elpisia firmly opposes it.

“No way. Absolutely not. It’s better to use it for a trivial matter like a prank, but not now… Please back down. I’m begging you.”

“Elpisia, I…”

As chaos took over my mind.

I tried to persuade her somehow. In fact, I was also hesitant about using my divine power, but I was doing it subconsciously.

However, Elpisia cut me off forcefully.

“Don’t say that!!!”

She let out a genuine scream.

Perhaps, it was the first time since we met.

The logic I had carefully constructed to persuade her was reduced to nothing in an instant. It wasn’t a situation where I could be swayed by emotions, but I couldn’t help it.

Elpisia cried.

Tears flowed down her usually fiery cheeks. It was an unrealistic sight that I never wanted to see in my life.

“What did I do wrong this time? Why do you have to make such a choice? Is it my fault? Did I have too much greed and cause this? Or is this also my karma…?”


“Please… listen to me… Harte. Prioritize yourself over others. Even family is not as important as you… That’s only natural…!”

I was shocked that Elpisia would say such a thing. The Elpisia I knew was always a saint who acted for others, and I couldn’t imagine her saying something so direct.

Just then, a noble who had been eavesdropping on our conversation approached us desperately.

“What’s going on? Divine power, you mean that incredible miracle? Please use it quickly. We have to save people’s lives…”

It was a reasonable conclusion, but Elpisia’s gaze was chillingly cold.

“Shut up.”


She drew the sword at my waist and pointed it at the noble who was begging for mercy.

“He, heek…”

“No one can force Harte to do anything. I’ve lost something because of that… I’ve seen something because of that… I can’t lose it again. Even if I have to cut off all the hands that reach out to take it, I won’t be an exception.”

Elpisia muttered meaningless words like a person who had lost their mind. Moreover, her focus seemed to be wavering like her spirit was being drained.

I grabbed Elpisia’s hand and lowered the sword. Then, I forced her to face me.

“Calm down, Elpisia.”

“… Harte. Let’s go. We have to move quickly. The knights will soon arrive…”



“It’s okay. Everything will be okay.”

I calmed her down without showing my own anxiety.

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“Yeah… it’ll be okay. It’s fine, don’t worry about it.”

At the same time, I revealed my divinity.

The golden light of harmony with the setting sun enveloped us, and I could move everyone in the hunting ground to the Luminel Duchy just by reciting the spell.


I held Elpecia tightly in my arms, almost screaming.

If only she would listen to me quietly for a moment. This worrying about me was enough to make me want to throw away my pride.

“Hey, listen. Elpecia. I’ve told a lot of lies… no, I often do.”


“We signed a very harsh contract, you know.”

I was certain it would be kept. I, who had decided to live a life of celibacy, had thought it impossible to have feelings for a woman.

That’s why I hated myself for having to say this.

“I don’t think I can keep that contract.”

“… Yeah?”

“Instead, I’ll pay the price of the handkerchief.”

I lightly kissed Elpecia’s lips, which had stiffened in surprise.

It was a short, fleeting kiss, like a butterfly’s touch.

So the soft sensation of our lips touching was brief, but the aftertaste my body remembered was long.

“… Do you think the sin of secretly committing adultery can be slowly atoned for?”

“Wait, wait…! HARTE!!!”


Before Elpecia could even finish speaking, the whole world turned golden. The all-powerful being had descended upon the world, saving those who were about to die.

And then, the divine light faded, and the world became quiet once more.

Someone had to defeat the demon tribe, so I remained.

“… I’ll take responsibility.”

There was no other way to express it.

That’s right, isn’t it?

The one who appeared as if they had been waiting, right after performing a miracle… was the agent of the gods.

The old man who had grabbed my back was an old demon tribe member. However, the divinity emanating from his very existence transcended the ravages of time.

“Are you the High Priest?”


The silence was equivalent to a confirmation.

The man who had been given the same role as the Pope in the demon tribe’s hierarchy had descended upon this place.

The Pope and the High Priest did not have baptismal names.

The head of the temple was a vessel for the gods.

Their names were the same as the gods’.

“You who have distorted causality, I will eliminate you and correct the providence.”

“… That’s difficult. I haven’t fulfilled my contract yet.”

It was no longer necessary to exchange any more words.

Boom, Tong, Boom.

The sound of a massive soap bubble bursting. A familiar sound echoed in my ears, and the divinity of the High Priest emerged.

His divinity was a crimson bubble.

The crimson light fluttered and mixed with golden particles, engaging in a fierce battle for dominance.

“Ha… uh…”

Suddenly, the strength in one of my knees gave out.

The headache worsened, and my perception of reality became distorted.

I saw the High Priest’s divinity for the first time today, yet I felt a strange sense of familiarity. Moreover, my memories were jumbled, making me feel like I was going insane.

“Hu… ah…”

As I lowered my head and opened my eyes, the memories that should have been forgotten flooded my mind.

They were memories of a lost future, filled with irreparable regrets.

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